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Do you agree with the "Redemption" petition?


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Troll much??


It's because of people like this that "troll" lost all meaning.


Just throw it around at every post they don't agree with.


This is not a troll thread, it's not even close. It doesn't remotely resemble a troll thread. Go look up what trolling is and then we'll talk.

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There is a difference between a petition and an election.

Petitions are signed and put forward for consideration.

Elections are voted upon.

A vote for the petition serves no purpose here, it should instead be a signatory of the petition.

A vote against serves no purpose, all that need be done is not to sign. Your disagreement has as much weight as someone else's indifference or indeed ignorance of the petition.

If a person wishes their disagreement to count for more than the indifferent or the ignorant then they should take the time to put forward a counter proposal and try to garner support for it.

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I don't agree much, because it (the Petition) is mainly about PvP. As soon as I saw the words "PvP2 standing at the top of the list, and PvE at the bottom, I knew that it was rather about PvP than about PvE.

That's why I don't agree much with it.

And yes, I'm actually that much detail-oriented. As an author, it's the details that count to me.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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sure, the game needs changes


but PVP is not the biggest problem.


they should focus on bugfixing and client performance first, then on consolidating the community by implementing crosserver, including warzones.


solo endgame really needs some love, too. it is basically non-existent, except for some CZ dailys. and you know, it takes a LOT of time to wait for GF-available content as a DPS.

Edited by elstaar
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It proves some people know how to reset their IP address :)


Has to be that.. because if it isn't, well then the "Redemption" PVPers are wrong from the OP in that thread to the few(very few) supporters.


So it HAS to by multiple votes by those dastardly PVE'ers. :rolleyes:

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Has to be that.. because if it isn't, well then the "Redemption" PVPers are wrong from the OP in that thread to the few(very few) supporters.


So it HAS to by multiple votes by those dastardly PVE'ers. :rolleyes:


I didn't accuse PvEers of anything, nor did I call anyone names, but I appreciate your reply.

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It proves some people know how to reset their IP address :)


That is certainly possible. In fact, I would say it is equally as likely as people signing fake names with junk email addresses to a petition. I'm not saying anyone actually did that, only that it is just as likely as what you suggested :)

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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Dear Lord please don't "fix" PvP in the main game!


Every time some game decides that they're going to "Fix" PvP across the board then the entire rest of the game gets borked into unplayability. Either separate it out completely once and for all or leave it as is because PvP and PvE are just two completely different types of games and need two completely different sets of rules in order to maintain their own version of "balance."


I mean, no offense to anyone, PvP's great and all but it just does not blend with PvE at all and if I wanted an MMO geared primarily for PvP, I'd be playing something else. Thanks.


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That is certainly possible. In fact, I would say it is equally as likely as people signing fake names with junk email addresses to a petition. I'm not saying anyone actually did that, only that it is just as likely as what you suggested :)


Well, in that case I believe you could always check the forum names/in-game names. So it isn't that likely.

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Actually, I think I'm probably against it in its entirety! For one thing, I find it too aggressive overall. I'm the last person to lecture people on not losing their cool on the forums, but I think something like this should be done calmly. BW can't/won't respond to threats. And secondly, it would have been nice for the creators to consult the community first and ask us what issues matter most to everyone. They didn't, which makes it rather a niche view IMHO.


So, let me see...


- Ranked warzones. I don't care. I'm not saying they aren't important to others, but my personal opinion is totally indifferent.


- PVP rewards - don't care, as above. I do play PVP, but I'm just as happy with the new changes as the current system.


- Rejoin Warzone after disconnect. I disagree. It's frustrating as hell, yes, but WZs move fast. If you're out, I'd rather get someone else in ASAP to replace you before we lose all our objectives. The comparison to PVE isn't valid - if someone disconnects from an Op, we wait for them. You can't pause a WZ.


- Refer a friend. Oh alright, I do actually agree that this needs to be sorted :)


- Sub benefits. I disagree, paying money for Collections or appearance designer doesn't bother me.


- Class balance/bugs. I don't have any problems with this. Obviously I'd like all bugs to be fixed, but they're working on them.


- PTS. Don't care.


- Lag. I don't like it, but I feel like it's one of those things you have to put up with. And I'm an APAC player!


- Forum moderation. Totally and utterly disagree. Who are these people the OP is saying are the mods favourites?? I have never had a warning, infraction or ban and it's not because I never criticise BW. I do, all the time, but I guess I am able to do it within the forum rules. Suggesting that BW have favourites is ridiculous. Why the hell would they care? They look at reported posts and see if they break the rules. They don't have favourites and they don't ban people just for criticising the game.


- Endgame. Totally disagree. Don't say you speak for the whole community. You don't.


So yeah, I guess I only disagree with 99%? As I said, these are my personal opinions. I am NOT saying "I don't care about PVP so it doesn't need to be fixed". I am just saying this petition doesn't represent my feelings on the game. There are other issues I care about much more which I would prefer were addressed first.


Seems like you just don't care about a lot of things in the game. Not that you disagree.

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I see. So you do not currently know whether all of the names on the petition are valid or not. Thanks for clarifying :)


Nope, and it's clear that you're 100% against this petition. This thread should be closed as the poll can be manipulated without any clear indication of what's real or not. You're also not reaching out to the PvP community(I am not going to do that for you).


The fact is that I welcome anybody to sign the petition, and if some "Maniac" decides to create fake accounts, I'm sure BioWare could sort it out.

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