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Do you agree with the "Redemption" petition?


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In all fairness, you're not reaching out to the PvP community so this poll is going to be one-sided.


I intentionally posted this poll on the same board that you posted the petition, so I am only following your lead. If you had posted the petition on the PvP board, I would have posted this thread there as well. That said, this is the general discussion board, and anyone can read and post here regardless of their preferred playstyle. I assume that is why you posted your petition here, but please correct me if I am wrong.

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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I intentionally posted this poll on the same board that you posted the petition, so I am only following your lead. If you had posted the petition on the PvP board, I would have posted this thread there as well. That said, this is the general discussion board, and anyone can read and post here regardless of their preferred playstyle. I assume that is why you posted your petition here, but please correct me if I am wrong.


So then change your mindset from "PvP community" to "General discussion". Otherwise, this thread is invalid. There are currently people posting on the PvP forums so you have no excuse not to post there either.


This just shows that you're trying to deliberately make my thread look bad.

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So then change your mindset from "PvP community" to "General discussion". Otherwise, this thread is invalid. There are currently people posting on the PvP forums so you have no excuse not to post there either.


This just shows that you're trying to deliberately make my thread look bad.


If you think this is a PvP centric issue, then why did you post it on this board instead of on the PvP board?

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If you think this is a PvP centric issue, then why did you post it on this board instead of on the PvP board?


Developers don't read the PvP forums and this is more than a PvP issue. However if you're trying to have a valid poll, then you need to include *Gasp* actual PvPers... because they are apart of this poll.

Edited by SithEBM
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Developers don't read the PvP forums and this is more than a PvP issue. However if you're trying to have a valid poll, then you need to include *Gasp* actual PvPers... because they are apart of this poll.


I'm sorry, but it sounds like you have a double standard. You say that the petition is more than just a PvP issue, and therefore belongs here on the general discussion board. And this thread is simply to determine how many people actually support that petition vs how many do not. So if the petition belongs here, then so does this thread. If you think this thread belongs elsewhere, then so does the petition.

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I'm sorry, but it sounds like you have a double standard. You say that the petition is more than just a PvP issue, and therefore belongs here on the general discussion board. And this thread is simply to determine how many people actually support that petition vs how many do not. So if the petition belongs here, then so does this thread. If you think this thread belongs elsewhere, then so does the petition.


The petition is also on the PvP forums so I suppose you should copy/paste your thread there.

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The petition is also on the PvP forums so I suppose you should copy/paste your thread there.


I actually just got finished making some changes to the wording of the OP to remove any references to PvP from my comments, and make it only about the petition itself. But feel free to post a link to this thread in the thread about the petition on the PvP forums if you would like :)

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I actually just got finished making some changes to the wording of the OP to remove any references to PvP from my comments, and make it only about the petition itself. But feel free to post a link to this thread in the thread about the petition on the PvP forums if you would like :)


Well to be fair, it's your thread so you should be the one to do it. Thank you for changing the wording though. :)

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Best to not argue over semantics. I truly do not believe Bioware is going to look at the petition and act on it because there are names on it. I expect Eric Musco to actually read the thread and he'll find the dissenting argument well presented on just the first page alone. It isn't necessary to create another thread to counter it.


Let us not create unnecessary drama in a forum filled with drama. lol

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Totally flawed, both the 'for' and 'against' posts have bias, and the fact your voting method presents a lower barrier to entry (couple of clicks vs name and email address) makes it even more useless.


The slightly better thing would have been for the original poster to setup 2 petitions on the same site, one as a 'sign for' and one as a 'sign again' his original points. That would have given a better idea of the ratios of people for and against - thought it would still have natural bias (are people who are happy with the game as likely to visit the forums as those unhappy with the game?...)

Edited by ZavienUK
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Very few people are actually against this petition. I think almost everyone will support at least one of its points.


The issue is that a bunch of unrelated issues, bug reports and outright wants was packaged together with "or else" ultimatum attached to it.


Actually, I think I'm probably against it in its entirety! For one thing, I find it too aggressive overall. I'm the last person to lecture people on not losing their cool on the forums, but I think something like this should be done calmly. BW can't/won't respond to threats. And secondly, it would have been nice for the creators to consult the community first and ask us what issues matter most to everyone. They didn't, which makes it rather a niche view IMHO.


So, let me see...


- Ranked warzones. I don't care. I'm not saying they aren't important to others, but my personal opinion is totally indifferent.


- PVP rewards - don't care, as above. I do play PVP, but I'm just as happy with the new changes as the current system.


- Rejoin Warzone after disconnect. I disagree. It's frustrating as hell, yes, but WZs move fast. If you're out, I'd rather get someone else in ASAP to replace you before we lose all our objectives. The comparison to PVE isn't valid - if someone disconnects from an Op, we wait for them. You can't pause a WZ.


- Refer a friend. Oh alright, I do actually agree that this needs to be sorted :)


- Sub benefits. I disagree, paying money for Collections or appearance designer doesn't bother me.


- Class balance/bugs. I don't have any problems with this. Obviously I'd like all bugs to be fixed, but they're working on them.


- PTS. Don't care.


- Lag. I don't like it, but I feel like it's one of those things you have to put up with. And I'm an APAC player!


- Forum moderation. Totally and utterly disagree. Who are these people the OP is saying are the mods favourites?? I have never had a warning, infraction or ban and it's not because I never criticise BW. I do, all the time, but I guess I am able to do it within the forum rules. Suggesting that BW have favourites is ridiculous. Why the hell would they care? They look at reported posts and see if they break the rules. They don't have favourites and they don't ban people just for criticising the game.


- Endgame. Totally disagree. Don't say you speak for the whole community. You don't.


So yeah, I guess I only disagree with 99%? As I said, these are my personal opinions. I am NOT saying "I don't care about PVP so it doesn't need to be fixed". I am just saying this petition doesn't represent my feelings on the game. There are other issues I care about much more which I would prefer were addressed first.

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Actually, I think I'm probably against it in its entirety!

Unless you would actually object to the suggestions being implemented, you're probably not.


- Rejoin Warzone after disconnect. I disagree. It's frustrating as hell, yes, but WZs move fast. If you're out, I'd rather get someone else in ASAP to replace you

It refers to RWZ. You can't get anyone into a RWZ after a disconnect. If they DC, you're down 1 player till the WZ ends.

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what does it matter..honestly.


Online petitions for MMO's (and most other things) never work. I believe BioWare even addressed such things.


problem is the % of players that actually go to the forums is VERY LOW.


MOST of those are people here because they are unhappy for one reason or another...those happy..are playing.


No petition can or will EVER give an accurate account of who is for/against anything.


So I neither agree nor disagree. The petition (any petition) is pointless.



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I agree with his post 100% and if u think its not represenative of the community then thats their fault for not posting. Or it could be the fact that no sane person would disagree with wanting pvp balanced and improved upon even if you dont do it. I dont want space combat but i dont rail about its removal i just want more important things adressed first
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I agree with his post 100% and if u think its not represenative of the community then thats their fault for not posting. Or it could be the fact that no sane person would disagree with wanting pvp balanced and improved upon even if you dont do it. I dont want space combat but i dont rail about its removal i just want more important things adressed first


1. forum goer's (again) are a miniscule amount of game players.

2. he doesn't, in fact, speak for the community.

3. more important things than space combat TO YOU. personally I'm more interested in the SSSP and space being revamped then I EVER will be in ANYTHING PvP related. So who are you to dictate what's "more important" than space any more then those more interested in things not-pvp saying pvp isn't important.

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- Rejoin Warzone after disconnect. I disagree. It's frustrating as hell, yes, but WZs move fast. If you're out, I'd rather get someone else in ASAP to replace you before we lose all our objectives. The comparison to PVE isn't valid - if someone disconnects from an Op, we wait for them. You can't pause a WZ.



That part of the post (rejoining) was 99% pertaining to ranked matches.

" Why doesn’t this work for at least Ranked WZs for PvP? Once one team loses a player due to a disconnect in their Ranked match, they automatically lose."


Ranked matches don't backfill. So if you lose someone, you're short a person for the rest of the game. It has cost teams matches - and rating...on numerous occasions. And as far as I know, ranked arenas will have the exact same issue.


I believe the original post is about to be edited to make it more clear that this is what's being referred to.

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1. forum goer's (again) are a miniscule amount of game players.

2. he doesn't, in fact, speak for the community.

3. more important things than space combat TO YOU. personally I'm more interested in the SSSP and space being revamped then I EVER will be in ANYTHING PvP related. So who are you to dictate what's "more important" than space any more then those more interested in things not-pvp saying pvp isn't important.


I can dictate whats important bcause anyone with a brain can see without balance nothing else matters. I never said pve wasnt important i said if he gets more replies supporting him its not because somehow ppl against it arent posting cthe majority of peole posting are pvers supporting his claim and pvpers that do support him are such a small comminty related to pvers. Its not one side of the fence or he other you can support

I never said pvp was more important than anything stop putting words in my mouth and obviously i should t need to preface everythhinv with it being my opinipn. Its obviously my opinion


If yu dont think overall balance is more important than a stitched on minigame then i really dont care what one would think because i live in reality. It affects everything else. Witjout balance everything suffers. And if u thought i ment pvp its your bad for assuming

Edited by mmjarec
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Or it could be the fact that no sane person would disagree with wanting pvp balanced and improved upon even if you dont do it.

True... I should make a petition that reads



Please make this game better!

I mean, who's gonna disagree?

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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I do not like being spoken for at all. So that part I disagree with and signed your poll accordingly.


But there are some things in the petition itself I do in fact agree with except for the moderation part so I choose to agree with it if it was edited and less hostile.

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I can dictate whats important bcause anyone with a brain can see without balance nothing else matters. I never said pve wasnt important i said if he gets more replies supporting him its not because somehow ppl against it arent posting cthe majority of peole posting are pvers supporting his claim and pvpers that do support him are such a small comminty related to pvers. Its not one side of the fence or he other you can support

I never said pvp was more important than anything stop putting words in my mouth and obviously i should t need to preface everythhinv with it being my opinipn. Its obviously my opinion


If yu dont think overall balance is more important than a stitched on minigame then i really dont care what one would think because i live in reality. It affects everything else. Witjout balance everything suffers. And if u thought i ment pvp its your bad for assuming


Oh for goodness sake. It is NOT stiched minigame it is a pure expansion on space and personally I am excited for it. Stop belittling everyone who feels differently than you. Also some people are actually happy. Oh and we are perfectly entitled to discuss the merits of that petition as much as he has the right to post it. You don't get to dictate how players feel.

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The PvP demands seem a bit entitled so i dont want to talk about them.


The subscriber apretiation also seems entitled and its not something i am bothered about.


What im bothered about is that i dont see commitment and transparancy from Bioware/EA. I've said it before and i will say it again. The best apretiation you can give to subscribers is to give them assured future support for the game they (we) are paying for. That is currently the biggest problem with this game. Its not the PvP, its not the annoying ability failure bug... it Bioware/EA not saying a freaking thing about the future, except whats gonna happen in 1 month's time. We need the development roadmap, we need for a development roadmap to actually exist and extent for a year.

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