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I'm sorry


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I'd like to apologize for the "naming and shaming" thread I created.


A recent message made me realize the terrible mistakes I have done.




Now if you will please post players you super duper enjoy having on your team.


Jediweapon for always going to the enemies pylon solo to delay for our team to get precious orbs.

Zhorrid for being "that" sorc...In a good way!

Those undergeared tanks who do their very best to protect their allies!


Take care my friends.

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I super duper enjoy having the following players on my team:


Brò - Because he tries reallllly hard but hes just too heavy and Babe has been carrying him on her shoulders for so long that her neck finally gave out and broke.:p


Bobleeswagger - Because he tried to name his toon something cool and epic failed but that's ok because its only the second worst hillbilly redneck name behind JMD.:p


Adorable - For breaking my queue every night with heals.;)


Xeous - Simply because I laugh hysterically every time I kill him although I don't know why.... and that's bad because I could fall off my chair...or something..:D


JMD - For the uncanny inability to spell even 3-4 letter common English words like "the" correctly.:eek:


Alba - Because he singlehandedly carries me to victory and makes it look like I know what I'm doing. :p


Andressa - Because when shes not on my team she rolls around like Sonic the hedgehog and makes it harder for me to tickle her. :D


Also, all those players that guard the off node and then Bro or TheChive kicks them in the face so hard that their keyboard freezes cause that's always fun.


....annnnnd the list goes on and on....

Edited by Babychka
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I super duper enjoy having the following players on my team:


Brò - Because he tries reallllly hard but hes just too heavy and Babe has been carrying him on her shoulders for so long that her neck finally gave out and broke.:p


Bobleeswagger - Because he tried to name his toon something cool and epic failed but that's ok because its only the second worst hillbilly redneck name behind JMD.:p


Adorable - For breaking my queue every night with heals.;)


Xeous - Simply because I laugh hysterically every time I kill him although I don't know why.... and that's bad because I could fall off my chair...or something..:D


JMD - For the uncanny inability to spell even 3-4 letter common English words like "the" correctly.:eek:



Awwwwwww man! I didnt make your list :(

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I like when Yuuzhan, Crackshot/Thechive and Aroted are on my teams, because when they aren't, they are relentless ******es. ;)



There are 7 other people on my team you can hit too. I promise.


Lol Dressa. I am only relentless because it is my life mission to tickle you and make you smile. I also give group hugs though so I know that the other people on your team are happy to see me as well. I promise.


Awwwwwww man! I didnt make your list :(


I'm sorry Alba. This has been corrected. I only didn't include you in the list initially because I didn't want to offend the future king of Scotland and be exiled forever. Please don't cut my head off and steal my power.:)

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I really enjoy listening to taunts and trolls from no name players who lucked out by landing on a team with 4m <revelation> or 6m <nemesis> against a bunch of pugs yet they think being anything other than utterly terrible is some sort of accomplishment and entitles them to mock their opponents.


pubs do it too. I just happened to have been maxing VG comms today.

Edited by foxmob
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I like when Yuuzhan, Crackshot/Thechive and Aroted are on my teams, because when they aren't, they are relentless ******es. ;)



There are 7 other people on my team you can hit too. I promise.


That's not true. I do attack other people, you're just not there to see it when it goes down :)


But Crack (see what I did there) is pretty much retired, so you'll be happy to know I'm playing my assassin. We can be on the same team all the time now!


<3 WB

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that's not true. I do attack other people, you're just not there to see it when it goes down :)


but crack (see what i did there) is pretty much retired, so you'll be happy to know i'm playing my assassin. We can be on the same team all the time now!


<3 wb


l m f a o


Chive you have my sense of humor my friend.

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I liked your other thread better. So im posting to that one.


I hate seeing other Sage/Sorcs on my team. When theres more then just me then all the Leaping Lanny Poffos have more targets then me to leap to. Only reason I still even play this game is for the Warrior/Knight vs Sage/Sorc skirmishes.

Oh and I really hate the people who think its ok to que up for warzones wearing Battlemaster, Champion & Centurion (Armoring, Mods & Enhancements) I guess I love seeing them on other team tho, That way I get to feel like I hits hard when I see 8k FiB...I'm Like thank you horribly geared Sorcerer for queuing up.


The Bastion / Jedi Covenant

Rellik / Syck'syyde

Jenna'syyde / Rázakel

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I really enjoy listening to taunts and trolls from no name players who lucked out by landing on a team with 4m <revelation> or 6m <nemesis> against a bunch of pugs yet they think being anything other than utterly terrible is some sort of accomplishment and entitles them to mock their opponents.


pubs do it too. I just happened to have been maxing VG comms today.


You class being grouped with nemesis as lucky? :p Although i understand they're mostly PvEers so ill stop being mean.


I don't really have any preferences to who's on my team. (As long as its no fail guild 4 man "premades). because damn! they can be heavy.

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Robinbjr - the little engine that could (spam cap/be a meat shield) :p


Serious answer?


Saerath - because his advice is always beneficial (stay on JC please!)

Evilgolden - best commando healer next to Aux

Grozny, Babe, Simple - silly sage healers

Vps and Vasek - great healers and they playcate me when i nerd rage in mumble :)

Ladywood and Bro - because they can actually guard switch and keep people alive.

Rippernine (and his plethera of alts) - because he knows his $h!t and will call you out for being dumb.

Thechive Amilea, Iike - because I will never win a 1v1 against them :(

The <RG> Commando Dps Train - because being on the receiving end sucks

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Lol Dressa. I am only relentless because it is my life mission to tickle you and make you smile. I also give group hugs though so I know that the other people on your team are happy to see me as well. I promise.




I'm sorry Alba. This has been corrected. I only didn't include you in the list initially because I didn't want to offend the future king of Scotland and be exiled forever. Please don't cut my head off and steal my power.:)


awwwww yeah <3

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The <RG> Commando Dps Train - because being on the receiving end sucks


:) and sorry at the same time.


And I'm glad this "RG Commando DPS train" was mentioned, never fun to go against Sylvand and Aranelde (sorry, cant bring myself to call him a pop tart). Good to be on their team though.

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