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Imperial Trooper CE Armor?


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Appearance tabs, and gear that scales to class will take time, and shove such features down the development timeline.


For now, just toss up a light, medium, and heavy version of the same outfit on the appropriate social vendors and CE store. There's no reason why this couldn't be done with minimal time and resources.




I know some of you are claiming "It's social gear!" That's fine, but then it should be purely aesthetic for everyone. As it is right now, light armor wearers get to wear it as their actual armor set, which stinks for the rest of us.


Either way, I look forward to someday being a black stormtrooper armed with a lightsaber. :)

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Yes the armour scales up to heavy armour with the right mods in it.


No it doesn't. I own the armor (Imperial Trooper) and bought the mods. It remains "light" as opposed to "medium" or "heavy", with substantially reduced damage reduction.


Do you really think this thread would be three pages long if it were as simple as using mods?

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I know this is slightly necroing but I figured it's better to post in an old thread than create a new one.


So bump.


I love the CE armor look, but outside social gatherings it's almost worthless due to the armor type not scaling. When looking at my agent it's about 50% of the base value of medium armor, I'm wagering that if I compared it to my SW armor it'd be 33%.


This means, that outside SI characters, the armor is like wearing paper in combat. A total, complete and utter downgrade and, especially as a BH or SW tank, idiotic to wear.


Please either add a set of each armor type, or simply make the CE trooper armor scale to the type of armor your class/ac can wear.


Thank you.

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Tossing my support in here. Pleasepleaseplease make this armor scale, or provide medium and heavy variants.


I have a BH shieldtech that would love to tank in some of this stuff... but due to the armor penalty, it isn't viable.


Meanwhile, if an Inquisitor tank wanted to, they could do so with no penalty. *sadpanda*

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well maybe they will work something out with this stuff ..


I am not sure how the armor works with other classes but I thought it was the mods themselves that gave the armor it's stats .. what level and grade mods do you have in the armor and what level grade armor are you comparing it to?

Edited by bboudreaux
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There are two ways to look at this;


1. Its BW's way of saying sorry to the light armor wearers for the most ridiculous looking endgame gear we will have to wear.




2. Its BW's way of trolling the light armor wearers by giving them the ability to look how they want then snatching it out from under them in the endgame. Its like, "lookin good, lookin good, BAM! Big shoulder pads and a hat that looks like it has a set of bull horns in it."

Edited by Infinityplusone
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There are two ways to look at this;


1. Its BW's way of saying sorry to the light armor wearers for the most ridiculous looking endgame gear we will have to wear.




2. Its BW's way of trolling the light armor wearers by giving them the ability to look how they want then snatching it out from under them in the endgame. Its like, "lookin good, lookin good, BAM! Big shoulder pads and a hat that looks like it has a set of bull horns in it."


that stupid looking gear was a MAJOR influence in me NOT playing world of warcraft .. I have a hard time trying to stomach that garbage

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/no support


I don't want to see everyone wearing the same thing nor do I want the game design changed according to the the whims of the few.


It's the equivalent of social armor and it should remain that way.

Edited by Redrum
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I am not sure how the armor works with other classes but I thought it was the mods themselves that gave the armor it's stats .. what level and grade mods do you have in the armor and what level grade armor are you comparing it to?


Total armor is a function of armoring mods, plus some kind of multiplyer for "type".


For example, a level 2 armoring mod in Orange Heavy Armor will yield approximately 25 armor, while the same mod in Orange Light Armor gives 7.

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/no support


I don't want to see everyone wearing the same thing nor do I want the game design changed according to the the whims of the few.


It's the equivalent of social armor and it should remain that way.


So a Sith Inquisitor can tank (or do anything else) perfectly well in Trooper Armor (or any other social armor in the game) while every other class can't? Seems reasonable.


What you seem to misunderstand is, until endgame, social armor is 100% valid for Inquisitors/Consulars, and less than optimal for all other classes.

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This was in a way a fail from BioWare. Military armor like the Imperial Trooper set is great for Rolepaly of any kind, and it is CE exclusive. BAAAAAAD MOOOOOVEEEE! I know loads of people are mad about this, I am one. So I really hope that most if not ALL ARMOR SETS seen in the game, including the armor worn by NPCs, or by most, will be usable by any and every player.



Acually, not neccessarily that much. But I agree with most others here: make the Imperial Trooper Armour set and a few others SOCIAL ARMOURS. No level required, or will scale to your level on pickup... or something.

Edited by Balnazaar
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  • 3 weeks later...
easiest way to rectify this is to create an appearance tab in your character window and not require mods for the social outfits. This way, anyone can wear it and they can still wear their leveling gear as well. If you choose to show your regular gear then you don't equip anything into the appearance slot, and vice versa. Other games have done it this way and it seems to work out nicely.
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I support this as well - the armor should be available in all three types or have the ability to 'slot' an armor type (light/medium/heavy) so that you don't gimp yourself for taking advantage of the social gear system.


As a heavy armor using tank wearing this armor would be a massive hit and unacceptable.

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