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PvP What happened? Did your orbs drop off?


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So I did some PvP tonight on Begeren Colony to see how it is going. Wow I lost every single Warzone lmao. Now before the bashing sharks smell the blood in the water and attack, I am a firm believer that in Warzones, a player is only as good as his team. 1 player can't carry 7 others to victory. I seen a very huge lack of common sense tonight. So I want this thread to be a thread that both Veterans and New PvPers alike can come to for good wholesome PvP tips and Info.


Lets talk the different play styles for a minute. Dps (Damage dealer), Tank (Protector), & Healer (if you don't know what that word means...) If you're going to be a damage dealer in PvP Warzones, learn your preferred Skill Tree abilities. I Play a Vigilance Guardian. If done correctly, you should be a unstoppable damage machine. Unstoppable you say? yes Unremitting grants 4 secs of immunity to Stuns after Force Leap. Saber Throw, Force leap, do some damage then get out of the mess by Guardian Leaping to your Healers who should not be in the middle of a damage mess. Leap back in and do more damage. The more Leaps you do granting unremitting the less stuns you have to deal with (Which means no more complaining about getting stun locked) All in all, learn your class. If you need help ask the best damn Damage Dealer of you class if they can give you any pointers, ask them for the Tree build (if it makes sense then use it) Inspect their gear and see where you can tweak things in your own (that's what inspect player is for) Last but not least. Utilize your damage in the best way possible for the win. That means don't just say "Hey! I think I want to shoot this person." *Pew Pew* If you watch my PvP videos, sometimes you may see me stop and mark someone before I enter battle. Why did I mark them with the Blaster (or whatever mark that I marked them with)? Because If that player is left alive then our team won't overcome the opposing team (as easy or as smooth as it can go). Usually this Marked person is a healer. In Warzones, NEVER FIGHT A PLAYER THAT HAS NO HEALING ABILITIES WHILE THEIR HEALTH IS GOING BACK UP! Lets say your trying to cut down a tree. You get the AX and you start chopping away. For every 2 chops you hack at the tree the tree starts to recover some of what you just hacked off. It would drive you nuts trying to chop down the regenerating tree, Hell the tree might even chop you down before you chop it down. Makes no sense right? But that's what I see a lot of Damage Dealers doing, fighting someone and the healer is behind their target healing away (in plain sight). You're not going to dps through those heals man, I'm sorry. Really the target you were hitting didn't defeat you, you defeated your self.


Tanks in PvP If your on Guard Duty, of course call that you need a little help but most importantly, Endure. If you don't have to fight while waiting for back-up.... don't. You're job is to hold your ground, you can't do that if you're dead. Now If you are in battle, the only thing you should be thinking about is keeping people alive. You can switch your Guard during battle. If someone's health is dropping throw a guard on them to give the healers channeled heal that's taking forever to deliver time to get it delivered lol. Only do that swap action if the battle is going your way and won't put your healers in jeopardy if you drop the guard from them. Remember TAUNT TAUNT TAUNT! I can pop my Single Target Taunt TWICE in between my AOE Taunt, you can too. Probably a defining factor for a good Tank, SLOW! Guardians/Juggs in tank spec can spam AOE Slow UNLIMITED, I know Vanguard/Powertech has a slow too. You're teammate has a sent/mara dancing circles around him and he's going to die if he doesn't get this player to slowdown. SLOW THOSE LEGS! Yes Slow is universal for all class, spec, & situations. If you're not slowing people idk what your doing in PVP. If the opposing team is using speed against you, SLOW THOSE FEET! Set the flow of the Warzone where you want it to be, don't play their game, make them play yours. Operative/Scoundrel Healers can only roll so far while slowed and if the dps is doing what they are suppose to be doing, they will want to Scemper, and as soon as they do watch that energy level drop. Keep up the pressure and you'll them send them to the medbay. It takes patience and skill and AWARENESS of the situation. If you have AOE Slow, USE IT! help your team by making their target a little easier to kill (while helping to keep your own team alive). Protecting your team comes first Tanks, Slows come second. Tanks if there are 2 dps on the Healer your protecting. Stun 1, 1 at a time. While 1 is stunned taunt the other. Separate 1 by harpooning away from your healer or use your knockback (like force push) Protect the team Tanks.


Healers. Just heal... of course stun your attacker and move around (don't just stand there and get beat on, that's just stupid) less Damage on you means less additional damage on your Tank that's guarding you. if the situation allows you to do a little dps, by all means do it. But if your dps'n and someone dies :eek: HELLO! that's no good. The damage dealers should be doing there job well enough that you shouldn't have to do any additional dps. Throough a DoT out there every once in a while if you have a little room in battle for that, if not, if people all around you are all at 50% and dropping you need to be healing the best you can. If Dps Does their job, and Tanks do theirs, and you just heal... Everyone does ALL that they can do... then at the end of the Warzone win or lose. you're going to be pleased with your performance. Healers heal, that's all you need to focus on.


Lets keep this thread going on a Positive track for a more healthy PvP community. Later maybe we can get into specs (and who uses them) and gear (staying within the competition) I look forward to positive responses, with cool tips & advice.

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In case you didn't realize, the community of PvPers in the forums are the ones who don't need your little guide for getting better. The players who are either the best or decent enough to know how to play are the only ones who see this thread.


Go whisper some noobs and take it elsewhere.

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In case you didn't realize, the community of PvPers in the forums are the ones who don't need your little guide for getting better. The players who are either the best or decent enough to know how to play are the only ones who see this thread.


Go whisper some noobs and take it elsewhere.


you are a true sith you know that? so angry lol you should really stop listening to that rock music man it's bad for you lol and fyi the only people that come to the forums are the same old players that cheer for the same people they've been cheer leading for since the game launched (with that said, you forgot your pom poms:D) This is one thread where favortism will not be found, no dick riding here man so your at the wrong amusement park. I'm trying to help others who need it, if you don't need it Zuhara... plain and simple Get the ****! off my thread.

Edited by RayGonJinn
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Some of the larger pvp oriented guilds should probably host some sort of open training for new players. There is a huge gap right now between experianced players and newer pvpers. I was in a match yesterday where a player on the other side was almost crying and asking how to quit the zone. We had actually bottled them up in their start box and they couldn't get off the endzone platform alive. That's no fun for anyone after a bit.


Republic side in particular needs help for showing the new pvpr's the ropes. Unless infamous is running the sub 55 brackets are only challenging in imp v imp at the moment. Theres some good players, but they don't play objectives.


I can count on one hand the number of times Nova has been killed this week, if that keeps up vets will get bord and new players frustrated and pvp will get less and less frequent for matches.

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best trick: level toons on the imp side. Did my weekly on my sorc in one day for past two weeks. Took the whole week to do it on my commando and gunslinger.


But sad reality aside, good initiative Ray, hope this helps some people. Might I suggest proposing mentors for each tree. The community can vote: Most suitable Mentor for Focus Guardian/Rage Jugg: Epsilon (for example) then we pamper, bribe or threaten these mentors to write guides, host events or make videos that can help new players. Note, I said best suitable mentor not best player. An egomaniac can be a really good player but he/she will make an awful mentor.


Best of luck.

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Some of the larger pvp oriented guilds should probably host some sort of open training for new players. There is a huge gap right now between experianced players and newer pvpers. I was in a match yesterday where a player on the other side was almost crying and asking how to quit the zone. We had actually bottled them up in their start box and they couldn't get off the endzone platform alive. That's no fun for anyone after a bit.


Republic side in particular needs help for showing the new pvpr's the ropes. Unless infamous is running the sub 55 brackets are only challenging in imp v imp at the moment. Theres some good players, but they don't play objectives.


I can count on one hand the number of times Nova has been killed this week, if that keeps up vets will get bord and new players frustrated and pvp will get less and less frequent for matches.


I agree but People like Zuhara up there don't under****instand that. I can only train and give advice on the classes & specs I've played. That another point of this thread. To get the Vets to give tips and lead the new pvp'er to these tips and advise. Some people like Zuhara like how messed up things are. Good Gear at less effort. He like to see the world burn but I got something for his *** if he accepts my duel challenge. Trying to stay on track here, ADVICE! people ADVICE! lol POST THEM!

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best trick: level toons on the imp side. Did my weekly on my sorc in one day for past two weeks. Took the whole week to do it on my commando and gunslinger.


But sad reality aside, good initiative Ray, hope this helps some people. Might I suggest proposing mentors for each tree. The community can vote: Most suitable Mentor for Focus Guardian/Rage Jugg: Epsilon (for example) then we pamper, bribe or threaten these mentors to write guides, host events or make videos that can help new players. Note, I said best suitable mentor not best player. An egomaniac can be a really good player but he/she will make an awful mentor.


Best of luck.


BAREE! lol remember that night me you and legionne had that win streak lmao not even the top imp pvp guild could stop us ;) Thanx for the TIP! keep them coming people.

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best advice. never go on the class forums or these forums. Flavor of the month comes and goes in users and devs eyes. Lots of people b*tch and complain about this class beats that class and my class sucks ect. Just play the class you like and dont listen to people on the forums. all the classes are amazing and in the right hands a "bad" class will stomp a "good class" if played right.


besides that, when you are in warzones don't call incoming when you are fighting or dead. thats not enough time. call incoming when you see the enemy has chosen to go to you instead of another node ect. that extra 5 secs can be enough for someone to come and stop a cap. with that said, make your general chat window bigger and closer to your eyes or practice looking at it more to see incoming calls.


Mark healers, even if you are not quick at it and you die fumbling with raid icons, mark the healer if it isnt and tell your team that is the healer. and team, for the love of god kill the healer, guard or not, focus the raid icon. if you see someone marked a person that they just hate, unmark them and mark the right person.


if you want to get better at your class ask the great players in your guild and if they are being asses about it then google that class and watch vids. you learn lots of tips watching other players. what to do and what not to do.



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I play a healer more than 2/3 of the time. Marking is critical, focused fire on a healer forces them to expend resources to stay alive and diverts healing from group mates. To KILL a good healer you have to use interupts frequently and time your cc properly, dont use the cc early, save it untill the healer is under pressure and chain them together and you can drop them quickly.


Learn what the icons of their big heals look like, many healers will throw out a weak heal first to draw the interupt if they know there's a player using interupts.... There aren't nearly enough.


If there are two strong healers in the area manuver them out of mutual support range with throws . Otherwise you'll be pouring a bunch of damage into a healer who is healing herself in emergency mode and has another healer and hopefully a guard.


Despite the temptation never kill the tank first. You probably won't kill them with a good healer. Pulling a healer into the midst of your group for the sins and powertechs out there usually gets them out of mutual support range and some healers don't heal well while running back to support. Plus it really annoys us.

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To be honest the pvp on BC is so bad that sometimes is ridiuculous... if you ask me is like jail rape the first times is like " this is bad its horrible i dont like it " but after 4 or 6 " warzone" you realize that if you just take it and stay quiet it will end fast :c thats how i feel the pvp is right now


Either way the best adivices i can give to new pvpers are this:

1.- Learn your class , dont be afraid to try somehting new on your rotation and learn to use all your abilities im tired to see sentinels spaming slash for no reason


2.- Know who you are fighting all the classes have advantages and weakness that you can exploit


3.- Play what you like dont go for the FOTM go for what you like the most ( me personally go watchman couse i like it) if you are a good player you can make work a "weak" spec and youll have fun playing the spec that you like


4.-Dont get tunel vision going after a target and forgeting the real objective is a good way to lose the wz play objectivle its doesnt matter how much dmg you do or heals if you dont have the node or dont stop the cap you will lose


5.- Know your class each class is different learn how to use it and learn how to gear up for it im tired of seeing guardians stacking AIM and WILLPOWER im watching at you ardevall :p


6.- Dont take it too serious in pvp you win or lose its part of the game (still play to win dont go into a wz just for doing dumb stuff couse the people that wants to win will sen you to hell) just dont get mad and keep practicing listen to the players that are more experienced than you for advice and learn from them how to fight properly that way you learn and have fun ( thats the objective of the game after all)


Thats all i can give that is not watchman crappy teachings :C and forgive my stoopid english either way nice post ray and buenos dias :)

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I created this thread to help people with some basic strats in the different WZs, if people want I can create a couple of PVP guides from a sniper, operative or sorc point of view as they are the classes I am most familiar with, of course as I am nowhere near the best at these classes but I can give a few pointers.


I do agree that there is a wide gap between those who are familiar with how to play their classes, the objectives etc... and those that don't. Right now the balance is heavily in favor of the Imp side as even when not running premades you can usually count on a couple of PVP vets on the Imp side.

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My friend is okay at pvp, she's not great, she's not good, she's just okay.


Convinced her to move from imps to pubs because I told her over here she'd be a god. As long as you know how to put your shoes on the right feet, you're one step ahead of 99% of the pubs I've pvped with over here so far XD

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I think this thread is directed (and should be) towards Zuhara. That guy needs a guide on how to play some PvPs. As well, just remember that I am the one who created Zuhara's **** talking spree... It all started one night when we were doing an NM EC op and i joined zuhara on teamspeak or something.... I told him to stop being a ***** and worrying about the ToS, and realize there is no such thing and it is a made up set of "rules" that aren't enforced.


Thus started Zuhara's reign.


As soon as I unleashed the Zuhara, I, Mythical, no longer need to put down the idiots and "serious sally's" on our server, as it is done for me.


I am glad I now have some relief and can cool down my "legendary" status. Soon Zuhara will be as talked about as me and possibly become as legendary as well.

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I think this thread is directed (and should be) towards Zuhara. That guy needs a guide on how to play some PvPs. As well, just remember that I am the one who created Zuhara's **** talking spree... It all started one night when we were doing an NM EC op and i joined zuhara on teamspeak or something.... I told him to stop being a ***** and worrying about the ToS, and realize there is no such thing and it is a made up set of "rules" that aren't enforced.


Thus started Zuhara's reign.


As soon as I unleashed the Zuhara, I, Mythical, no longer need to put down the idiots and "serious sally's" on our server, as it is done for me.


I am glad I now have some relief and can cool down my "legendary" status. Soon Zuhara will be as talked about as me and possibly become as legendary as well.

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