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Why does this game receive so much hate?


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Except wow actually did something about it more urgently. By urgent i ment more than once or twice a year
Metaphorically speaking ...


Vanilla WoW - release date November 23, 2004


***** Begin Dungeons *****

@ Launch :

- Blackfathom Deeps

- Scarlet Monastery

- Gnomeregan

- Uldaman

- Sunken Temple

- Razorfen Downs

- Stratholme

- Ragefire Chasm

- Deadmines

- Wailing Caverns

- Shadowfang Keep

- The Stockade

- Razorfen Kraul

- Scholomance

- Zul'Farrak

- Blackrock Depths

- Blackrock Spire


Patched In:

- @ 1 month Patch 1.2.0 ... Maraudon

- @ 4 months Patch 1.3.0 ... Dire Maul

***** End Dungeons *****


***** Begin Raids *****

@ Launch

- Onyxia's Lair


Patched In:

- @ 8 months Patch 1.6.0 ... Blackwing Lair

- @ 10 months Patch 1.7.0 ... Zul'Gurub

- @ 14 months Patch 1.9 ... Ahn'Qiraj (world event)

- @ 19 months Patch 1.11 ... Naxxramas

***** End Raids *****


***** Begin World Bosses *****

@ Launch

- None


Patched In:

- @ 4 months Patch 1.3.0 ... Azuregos & Lord Kazzak

- @ 11 months Patch 1.8.0 ... Emerald Dream Dragons (x4)

***** End World Bosses *****




Vanilla SWTOR - release date December 20, 2011


***** Begin Flashpoints *****

- Black Talon

- The Esseles

- Hammer Station

- Athiss

- Mandalorian Raiders

- Cademimu

- Boarding Party

- Taral V

- The Foundry

- Maelstrom Prison

- Colicoid War Game

- The Red Reaper

- Directive 7

- Battle of Ilum

- False Emperor

- Kaon Under Siege

- Lost Island

- Czerka Corporate Labs

- Czerka Core Meltdown

***** End Flashpoints *****


***** Begin Operations *****

- Explosive Conflict

- Karraga's Palace

- The Eternity Vault

- Terror From Beyond

- Scum and Villainy

***** End Operations *****


***** Begin World Bosses *****

- SD-0

- The Ancient One

- Bengal Morr

- Battle Droid R4-GL

- Trapjaw

- The First

- Subject Alpha

- Grandfather

- The Primal Destroyer

- Snowblind

- Ulgo Siegebreaker

- Gargath

- Dreadtooth

- Rogue Cartel Warbot

***** End World Bosses *****


For those of you scoring at home ...


Content comparison after 24 months* (and TOR is only to month 21):

Dungeons/Flashpoints: WoW - 19, SWTOR - 19

Heroic/Hard Mode Dungeons/Flashpoints: WoW - None, SWTOR - Lots

Raids/Operations: WoW - 5, SWTOR - 5

World Bosses: WoW - 6, SWTOR - 14.


There's the raw math. Final vanilla score: WoW 30, SWTOR 38+ (not including HMs) ... WoW loses. :)


* = WoW did not add any dungeon, raid or boss content for 5 months leading up to the release of The Burning Crusade.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I've been playing these types of games for 13 years, and I'm a 33 year old man who likes sandbox SWG PRE NGE type games. What you must realize is MMORPG gamers complain about everything. They are probably one of the biggest complainers out of all the gaming community's out there. Best thing too do is stay away from Official Forums as well, because most of the people here just want to complain for the sake of complaining. Then you have the trolls who don't even play the game anymore, but want to bash the game. Another great site for all these Elitists, and Trolls is mmorpg.com


In Beta on these forums People complained on the forums that there was no Open Space, now that's been in development and looks like it will be coming out sometime. Now they are complaining about something else. It just goes on and on and no matter how good things are people are always going to be whining.


SWTOR like every other game out there has it good points and bad points, but it's better than some of the other crap thats on the market right now, and I think the developers are trying their best. I could careless about EA or what people think of SWTOR, as long as you enjoy it thats all that matters. Don't get caught up in all the bs. Screw the Drama Queens. Just have fun. That's what gaming is all about.

Edited by trashyone
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GW2 got the dynamic world thing down perfectly, though it's story falls short being quite boring with a somewhat lame ending and no real player input. Combat also failed to innovate because it once again uses basic hot-key controls similar to WoW. The fact that it has no subscription cost and therefore can't afford to ever add meaningful content apart from holiday events definitely doesn't do it any favours either.



Uh...GW2 made 28 million in profit last quarter, and they add content biweekly. (Whether you are interested in said content or not is a different question).

Edited by Amera
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Uh...GW2 made 28 million in profit last quarter, and they add content biweekly. (Whether you are interested in said content or not is a different question).


On box or digital sales of the game. Lets see how much revenue it generates this year. Hint: It wont be more than SWTOR.

The 2 week content is pathetic, lets be honest. Basically a bunch of ridiculous 8 bit platformers and achievement events. Aka just a bunch or useless grind.


GW2 is a major failure. It pleased the press for doing some things different, but aside from the event system and the WvW, there is nothing in that game. It managed to be worse than the first game. It doesnt have the flexibility of class skills it used to have and its just a grind fest. Its actually funny that anet thought they had so many skill on GW1 that they thought it go out of hand to balance and then queued in GW2 with far too little. Well, they have their balance now, but not the fun game.

Edited by Nemmar
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Metaphorically speaking ...


Vanilla WoW - release date November 23, 2004


***** Begin Dungeons *****

@ Launch :

- Blackfathom Deeps

- Scarlet Monastery

- Gnomeregan

- Uldaman

- Sunken Temple

- Razorfen Downs

- Stratholme

- Ragefire Chasm

- Deadmines

- Wailing Caverns

- Shadowfang Keep

- The Stockade

- Razorfen Kraul

- Scholomance

- Zul'Farrak

- Blackrock Depths

- Blackrock Spire


Patched In:

- @ 1 month Patch 1.2.0 ... Maraudon

- @ 4 months Patch 1.3.0 ... Dire Maul

***** End Dungeons *****


***** Begin Raids *****

@ Launch

- Onyxia's Lair


Patched In:

- @ 8 months Patch 1.6.0 ... Blackwing Lair

- @ 10 months Patch 1.7.0 ... Zul'Gurub

- @ 14 months Patch 1.9 ... Ahn'Qiraj (world event)

- @ 19 months Patch 1.11 ... Naxxramas

***** End Raids *****


***** Begin World Bosses *****

@ Launch

- None


Patched In:

- @ 4 months Patch 1.3.0 ... Azuregos & Lord Kazzak

- @ 11 months Patch 1.8.0 ... Emerald Dream Dragons (x4)

***** End World Bosses *****




Vanilla SWTOR - release date December 20, 2011


***** Begin Flashpoints *****

- Black Talon

- The Esseles

- Hammer Station

- Athiss

- Mandalorian Raiders

- Cademimu

- Boarding Party

- Taral V

- The Foundry

- Maelstrom Prison

- Colicoid War Game

- The Red Reaper

- Directive 7

- Battle of Ilum

- False Emperor

- Kaon Under Siege

- Lost Island

- Czerka Corporate Labs

- Czerka Core Meltdown

***** End Flashpoints *****


***** Begin Operations *****

- Explosive Conflict

- Karraga's Palace

- The Eternity Vault

- Terror From Beyond

- Scum and Villainy

***** End Operations *****


***** Begin World Bosses *****

- SD-0

- The Ancient One

- Bengal Morr

- Battle Droid R4-GL

- Trapjaw

- The First

- Subject Alpha

- Grandfather

- The Primal Destroyer

- Snowblind

- Ulgo Siegebreaker

- Gargath

- Dreadtooth

- Rogue Cartel Warbot

***** End World Bosses *****


For those of you scoring at home ...


Content comparison after 24 months* (and TOR is only to month 21):

Dungeons/Flashpoints: WoW - 19, SWTOR - 19

Heroic/Hard Mode Dungeons/Flashpoints: WoW - None, SWTOR - Lots

Raids/Operations: WoW - 5, SWTOR - 5

World Bosses: WoW - 6, SWTOR - 14.


There's the raw math. Final score: WoW 30, SWTOR 38+ (not including HMs) ... WoW loses :)


* = WoW did not add any dungeon, raid or boss content for 5 months leading up to the release of The Burning Crusade.


I feel bad for you, because you will never get that time back, and in a couple of days none of these posts will matter.

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I feel bad for you, because you will never get that time back, and in a couple of days none of these posts will matter.
No reason to feel bad, though I appreciate the sentiment. Actually, I had already blogged this in January of 2012 because griefers (who are no longer here) were blindly bashing the game in similarly subtle fashion. Gotta love <Ctrl><c> + <Ctrl><v>. Copy & paste plus doing the math took like ... 3 minutes. Cheers! Edited by GalacticKegger
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Because it is popular to bash SWTOR it is this circle jerk mentality to join in the bashing, not constructive criticism but relentless trolling of the FB Page, the forums themselves, the twitch streams, any articles regarding SWTOR, they troll anything they can get their hands on and I have seen people actively admit to coming on SWTOR related media and trolling it, because they find it funny in their little hipster groups, I am sure they are the same people trolling GW2.


It is the basest form of entertainment brought about by this entire community where as soon as you hear one thing is bad you'll join in, despite never playing it, it will continue on and on, you will see the posts about Andrayah, you will see the Tortanic gimmick, you will see 'nobody plays this game' 'dead game' comments everywhere.


It is the same pathetic keyboard warrioring you see across the internet, it is the same as the pathetic CoD tournaments where you see boys acting like enraged monkeys, it is what the gaming community has become, a hated filled self-destructive community with expectations so high for some games but hypocritically they will gladly play the day one DLC zombies maps that Activision will gladly spew out.


It is this community that has gone from well supportive mature people that created the modding communities to gamers so blindly invested in their entitlement that they throw genuine death threats at developers for not doing exactly what they tell them to.


It is the people on here that post clearly sarcastic trolling comments and then get angry when they claim the CS is rubbish for them and the devs aren't listening.


They call games dead, blame it on the devs when it was their own relentless negativity that put other players off and killed the games they claim should have followed their advice, it is absolute nihilism, that is what gaming is now.

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No reason to feel bad, though I appreciate the sentiment. Actually, I had already blogged this in January of 2012 because griefers (who are no longer here) were blindly bashing the game in similarly subtle fashion. Gotta love <Ctrl><c> + <Ctrl><v>. Copy & paste plus doing the math took like ... 3 minutes. Cheers!


Fine then, I take it back. I dont feel bad for you :p


It is the same pathetic keyboard warrioring you see across the internet, it is the same as the pathetic CoD tournaments where you see boys acting like enraged monkeys, it is what the gaming community has become, a hated filled self-destructive community with expectations so high for some games but hypocritically they will gladly play the day one DLC zombies maps that Activision will gladly spew out.


Although I generally agree with the overall point of your post, I would also like to point out the irony. The derogatory language you are using to describe these people is pretty much the same way they talk about the games they are raging against. Your post is essentially bashing other people for bashing, but it is still bashing :o

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Although I generally agree with the overall point of your post, I would also like to point out the irony. The derogatory language you are using to describe these people is pretty much the same way they talk about the games they are raging against. Your post is essentially bashing other people for bashing, but it is still bashing :o


They deserve nothing better.


Respect people, treat people, the way you expect to be respected and treated, I will never refer to these people in any neutral or positive light, they lost any and all respect from me, I remember back in 1999 playing Unreal Tournament, never any homophobic statements or slurs thrown over voice chat back then, play CoD and that is all you will hear.


I am angry any time I am reminded what the gaming community which I once loved, has turned into, I almost want to revert to table top games and PNP RPGs, because honestly I find it hard to enjoy almost anything with the way the community treats itself and the way they bite the hand that feeds them in the developers.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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They deserve nothing better.


Dont get me wrong, I completely understand your point. But they would say that the games they bash deserve nothing better. In other words, everyone thinks their bashing is justified. So if you want to bash other people for bashing games they dont like, thats completely fine with me :D

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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They deserve nothing better.


Respect people, treat people, the way you expect to be respected and treated, I will never refer to these people in any neutral or positive light, they lost any and all respect from me, I remember back in 1999 playing Unreal Tournament, never any homophobic statements or slurs thrown over voice chat back then, play CoD and that is all you will hear.


I am angry any time I am reminded what the gaming community which I once loved, has turned into, I almost want to revert to table top games and PNP RPGs, because honestly I find it hard to enjoy almost anything with the way the community treats itself and the way they bite the hand that feeds them in the developers.

I agree that society at large has become increasingly abusive and narcissistic. I think that's more of a societal issue than a gamer issue though, outside of gamers being included as a subset of society.


The bad news is that we appear to be degenerating into the sci-fi hell that some of our best authors and playwrights conceived in their works. It has become life imitating fiction courtesy of shoot first ask questions later who’s screwing who promiscuity disguised as prime time soap operas and sadistic reality TV shows that mindless zombies can't seem to get enough of and try to emulate. Within gaming communities, this manifests itself primarily in open forums.


Which is why I've always been a proponent of an active members-only forum. People who pay to abuse forum privileges and don't actively play the game (i.e. where back-end analytics show a genuine lack of character progression) would be limited to making 100 posts a month. Sadly, most of them do that in one day. Lost revenue from the 4 dozen subs who would likely quit after getting smoked out is simple addition by subtraction imho. Their combined $720 a month (48 x $15.00) is but a drop in the total revenue bucket. The Cartel Market alone probably makes that back every 15 minutes. Neither they nor their money would be missed.


The good news is that logging in and playing the game paints an entirely different picture. Ya, there will always be general chat fluff where kids get to act their age. Welcome to MMOs I guess. But by and large, inside the game features TOR's true supporters. The people who claim to "support" the game by repeatedly griefing it from their forum cheap seats (with the emphasis on cheap) can't smell what they're shoveling. As long as they keep their fertilizer here though, it's a win for the game's real community.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Geez. Do you people even know what "hypocrisy" means?


Post after post bashing the very players your game would not exist without.


A very real reason why ingame communities are so vile and poisonous today is because of the games you all praise.


The games are full of selfish narcissists because the games are tailor made for selfish narcissists, and the cash shop mentality of "why work for something you can buy?" fuels and amplifies it.


This is the end result of MMO's being turned into solo games where being a complete and total jerk will have no impact at all on your ability to play the game.

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I hate it cause the patetic game engine ruined any chance having fun in open world pvp.. and those pvp developers.. well.. i think they play to much pve..
I've been part of some epic open world PvP bloodbaths. All you gotta do is grow some virtual stones and go into the other factions areas, get yourself flagged by attacking the local forces then get after what comes to retaliate. It's easy to do and it works. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Or anyone that does post constrctive critisizm you dont agree with gets personally attacked so why bother
con·struc·tive /kənˈstrəktiv/ - adjective: constructive

1. serving to improve or advance; promoting improvement or development

2. helpful to someone instead of upsetting and negative


Now you're on our side? Welcome aboard!

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con·struc·tive /kənˈstrəktiv/ - adjective: constructive

1. serving to improve or advance; promoting improvement or development

2. helpful to someone instead of upsetting and negative


Now you're on our side? Welcome aboard!


Like I said earlier, there are fools on both extremes. That means that there are some morons who will throw a fit if anyone criticizes the game they love, even if it is constructive. Those are on the opposite end of the ones described in the post I was replying to(see link).

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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Like I said earlier, there are fools on both extremes. That means that there are some morons who will throw a fit if anyone criticizes the game they love, even if it is constructive. Those are on the opposite end of the ones described in the post I was replying to(see link).


It is, on occasion, quite hilarious.


On one side you have a lynch mob looking to rage against everything a game stands for and wanting to string up the devs.


On the other side you have a posse that will vehemently defend that game and it's devs to the death if need be.


In the middle you have us lazy popcorn munchers that can't be bothered to pick a side.


I'd love it if they got those first two groups and threw them in a field with some jelly and let them have at it.

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Refusal of the original dev staff to make changes demanded by the game's players, while occasionally directly insulting those players in public.

A lack of basic understanding of how players consume content, and how fast that content would be consumed by the playerbase.


The above are two of the things that stand out as warts on the game. Coming from City of Heroes, after the original development studio was bought out and most of the developers moved to the new dev studio, the game development had a degree of responsiveness that I've never seen in other games. The developers were strongly passionate about the game, and were devoted players of the game themselves, and even the in-game support staff went out of their way to be helpful. All of the interaction with the support and development staff at Bioware that I've seen suggests that it's made up of people who come in to work, put in their eight hours, and go home; it's just another job, and nothing to get fired up about.


6) Lackluster NPC designing: CLONES EVERYWHERE! I like the ambiance of certain places, but when you zoom in and see the same guy walking around the Senate Tower as a guard, it immensely cheapens the experience. There are continuity errors during voice over segments; new companions weren't made backwards compatible with the story (using HK doesn't net any affection from convo choices).


I've noticed that with characters that I've done outleveled content with; the generic determination seems to be that if you run content with a companion that you would not have unlocked had you run the content at the appropriate level for that content (i.e., running Black Talon/Esseles with anything but your first companion), you will not see any affection changes from your companion regardless of what conversation choices you make -- run Esseles with a Trooper and take M1-4X along, and you can take the slimiest, cruelest, most self-serving path through the conversation choices, and M1-4X won't care.


9) Communication: The recent class representative fiasco shows that there is a HUGE divide between teh playerbase and the development team with Eric Musco being unable to bridge the gap between them. It's not Eric's fault. The game devs take in excellent feed back, which includes math derived from the game, and they return with asinine answers like "Perception problems." I'm going to do the unconscionable and mention Gregg Street (Ghostcrawler), the beloved and hated Dev in gaming. He constantly speaks to the playerbase, and when someone brings something to his attention with actual mathematical figures, he will run them with his team and answer whether or not it will be possible to go forward with a new idea, fix, or what-have-you.


Unfortunately, the occasional member of the development team who is involved with the playerbase and actively wants to be able to take rational and reasoned discussion about game failings back to the rest of the development team to fix problems appears to be a rare bird at Bioware; too much of their customer interaction appears to be centered around creating the appearance that they've acknowledged a problem and are doing something about it, without actually having to devote the resources to actually address the problem.


10) Subscriber Appreciation. This is a free to play game. So when someone gives you their credit card, or continuously buys game cards, you bow and scrape to keep their business any way you can. Take away the cartel coins, and start really appreciating subs with unique and substantive rewards that ramp up with each and every month they play. First month, you get a title, second month, a unique pet, third month, a reusable item like a Jawagram, fourth month, a toy like a flash mob disco ball, fifth month a special reusable dye color that's BoL; sixth month, a special emote, seventh month; a special Master Gnost-Dural holotrainer; eighth month, reusable costume (like the czerka box); ninth month 30 second rocket boots; 10th month, a sub-title similar to the legacy level titles; 11th month; level 4 speeder speed, 12th month a speeder. Then it starts over on month one with another though out gift. Just giving cartel coins and the occasional swag is about the same as giving your spouse a gift card for their birthday.


City of Heroes did this, initially with their Veteran Rewards program, where players who reached milestones in subscription time would receive a reward for reaching that milestone -- it might be costume pieces, it might be a choice of a 'permatemp' power (a permanent version of a power you could get in game as a temporary power) -- and later through the 'Paragon Rewards' program, where subscribers got a reward token each month, and could spend them to unlock rewards from a tiered array of available rewards, so that a player could choose what order they'd receive particular rewards in each tier. Now, I will concede that CoH had a much easier time producing chrome for the rewards; because your appearance had nothing to do with your powers, costume pieces, entire costume sets, tailor tokens, or costume slots could be handed out the way Bioware passes out titles and pets -- anything that you give out to players that affects the way characters play has to be tested to make sure that it doesn't negatively affect the play of the game. For example, a tier-4 speeder velocity could be used to make jumps that are impossible with tier-3 speed, allowing players to get places that the devs hadn't originally allowed for, which can cause balance issues, so the devs would have to go back and look at maps where they built parts that were just a little too far to jump, and possibly have to re-do the maps where they find that players can short-circuit paths the devs built into the maps.


The concept of an ongoing series of 'veteran rewards' is a good one, and is something that I think could be beneficial to the game if implemented, but the mechanics of what gets released as rewards would take careful testing on the part of the devs for anything other than 'cosmetic' rewards.

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Like I said earlier, there are fools on both extremes. That means that there are some morons who will throw a fit if anyone criticizes the game they love, even if it is constructive. Those are on the opposite end of the ones described in the post I was replying to(see link).
Indeed there are. As a fan of this game and forum member since March of 2009, I've seen a lot of great constructive criticisms. The "morons" you speak of I too identified here (also see link) as Cyberthugs. I am on neither side of the fence with regard to debate, and am just as prone to report either side for malicious attacks. It's the ones who cross the line, then go all vendetta for getting caught, that could stand to be elsewhere. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I've been part of some epic open world PvP bloodbaths. All you gotta do is grow some virtual stones and go into the other factions areas, get yourself flagged by attacking the local forces then get after what comes to retaliate. It's easy to do and it works.


As long as you keep the epicness below more than a handful of ppl onscreen its doable but to me its not epic unless its more than ten peope which this engine is incapable of

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As long as you keep the epicness below more than a handful of ppl onscreen its doable but to me its not epic unless its more than ten peope which this engine is incapable of
Largest I was part of was around 60+ on the Republic side (Hoth). Frame rate was pretty painful after 40 vs 40 though. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Its not a free to play game its free to access but hardly able to play fully without paying because all the rescritions frustrates more people to quit than pay
Of course free is restricted, that's why it's free. Do you really believe that F2P players quitting because they refuse to pay for advanced subscriber-level content will somehow convince more of the F2P population to quit? The people who rant and walk out of a concert because there's a cover charge for the backstage passes they covet will have minimal effect on the people who are there enjoying the show. In fact, the most widespread effect would likely be the fans telling him/her to pipe down or get lost. Edited by GalacticKegger
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