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The State Of PvP ( Warzones ) - Brackets Desperately Needed!


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one word : Twinks.


they are level 10, they have the.best gear money/crafting can provide, load of tor pvp experience and are waiting fir waves of newbs to stomp in the 10-19 bracket etc. With the current system and considering that people will get to know the game better no twinking will ruin the pvp. did you consider that this is the reason no brackets were implemented?


Twinks are possible in brackets, yes, but that's a small disadvantage compared to the MASSIVE disadvantage of bolstering to the acquisition of skill. There will be very very few twinks during the launch and growth period of an MMO.

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Twinks are possible in brackets, yes, but that's a small disadvantage compared to the MASSIVE disadvantage of bolstering to the acquisition of skill. There will be very very few twinks during the launch and growth period of an MMO.


Dunno if you have ever palyed wow but twinking used to be a national sport in many servers.

In any case though, there will come a day where noone will care about 50- pvp. The point of the game is to have a fun leveling experience with missioning, flashpoints etc., but the vast majority of the playerbase is interested in the endgame. When they will want to level up alts, they wont get into pvp since 50lvl pvp is their interest and they wont waste time for pointless lowbie pvp. Correct if im wrong

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It's fine, leave it be. Brackets are a terrible idea, long queues. Right now I can play with any of my guidies, good call bioware. If a level 10 gets whooped, so what - go level a bit, you can be competitive however, just not as competitive as someone higher - but you can still kill them..
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Getting killed or steamrolled by alot of higher level characters isn't fun. But I do enjoy when a higher level player chases me all over the huttball court trying to kill me and I take him/her away from the playing field. If someone is so determined to kill me chasing me all over the place, then I will gladly die while they are running after me. I "lol" spam them while they chase me too :)

Knowing how to pvp and dumb luck also help low level players. I took my level 11 sniper into huttball...set up 'shop' on the upper walkways and went to sniper heaven. Did the most damage and had the most kills. Dumb luck, i am sure because no came up and attacked me.

So I am not happy about being gawked by higher levels but those moments when all those level 40+ players fail to look "up", do make it fun.

I think all the pvp griping and crying will eventually get sorted out.

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Lack of brackets contributes to this game having some of the worst pvp released in a major game in many years. Even Age of Conan does it better than TOR, and that isnt saying much.


A few high levels and a little teamwork rolls battlegrounds all day long. Lame for high levels, frustrating for the people who dont want to race to the top, and bad for everyone in between.


We complained about this in almost every beta push, somehow it still hit market like this. Most of us not breathing through our mouths as we play are hoping for a major pvp patch, or possibly a GW2 beta invite since, lets face it, we're here because there isn't much else out there at the moment.

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I'll be honest, as a level 25 Sith Assassin, I have a pretty good chance of taking out much higher level toons as long as I get the drop on them. I've farmed up all the pvp gear plus some rep pieces, and the pvp saber and the little guy can be quite a handful, even for a 50.
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Lack of brackets contributes to this game having some of the worst pvp released in a major game in many years. Even Age of Conan does it better than TOR, and that isnt saying much.


A few high levels and a little teamwork rolls battlegrounds all day long. Lame for high levels, frustrating for the people who dont want to race to the top, and bad for everyone in between.


We complained about this in almost every beta push, somehow it still hit market like this. Most of us not breathing through our mouths as we play are hoping for a major pvp patch, or possibly a GW2 beta invite since, lets face it, we're here because there isn't much else out there at the moment.


Who is this we? Most people are playing the game and enjoying it.

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Brackets = longer warzone queues. No thanks.


id rather have longer warzone que's and know im not gonna get stuck against a snotty nosed child who thinks he has skills with his lvl 50 fully pvp geared by killing a low lvl player.




lvl 50's not only get lvl advantages they get

fully specced class's

full 50 gear no other player can get below 40

pvp stats expertise that reduces player damage im not sure but you can only get this at 50.

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I'd happily wait in a longer que, so that I don't get paired up with a level 10 player who hasn't even chosen his advanced class yet. This player has NO form of CC nor can he interrupt any spell cast by the enemy players. He also doesn't have the hutt ball on his tool bar.


Please add brackets. I'd rather wait a little longer and have a much more enjoyable experience playing with people in the same level range as I am.

Edited by Maxiim
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I'll be honest, as a level 25 Sith Assassin, I have a pretty good chance of taking out much higher level toons as long as I get the drop on them. I've farmed up all the pvp gear plus some rep pieces, and the pvp saber and the little guy can be quite a handful, even for a 50.


thats because imperial class's for some reason do 2x the damage republic class's do and they are suppose to be mirror class's but thats bull i can assure you that.

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I guess it should be pointed out again, because many people don't seem to get the hint, Bashing players because you have a better time of it, does not prove your point. It simply points out that you do not have clear and concise points to counter the already raised issues with PvP.


Saying, "Stop QQing" doesn't mean your opinion is law. In fact, it points out that your opinion is based on an already negative attitude.



On the topic at hand, to those who would say "Most people are enjoying it" there are more and more threads and posts talking about bracketing being a needed element to the warzone PvP. This in itself disproves that theory. Do a google search on "SWTOR Warzone Needs Brackets"


In reguards to the sith who are saying theres nothing wrong with it, I will say this. I with my level 29 sith can get top 3 for score and kills almost every round. However, I am spec'd into madness and lightning and do a ridic amount of damage that is not mirror'd directly on the republic side.


So saying one side is balanced, does not mean the other is. To you sith, I recommend you get the mirror class on the republic, get to level 10, and play some rounds. Id love to see screenshots of your scores...


It happens on the empire side as well, but less often. This could be a reflection of more players grinding up imp characters quicker, or more imps PvPing, ect.

Edited by AkihiroKytori
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I wholeheartedly bump this post.... although i must add, bracketing is certaintly a convenient solution to the problem that follows in WoW's footsteps, and could certaintly solve the problem


but perhaps Bioware would like to stick with their proprietary "stat bolstering system", atleast until the player base gets large enough to allow bracketing...... the bolstering system just needs some balancing and behind the scenes changes to make it more realistic.... because in it its current form, i certainly agree its insufficient

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I'd much prefer bracketing over stat bolstering. I've had the exact same experience as the OP. It's getting pretty noticeable now that more people are getting to 40+. I don't understand why we have server only war zones. They could get away with bracketing and low queue times if they'd form battle groups or something to queue multiple servers together. My huge issue with WoW was that the devs there didn't care about balance or fun in pvp below max level. I fear I'm going to have the same complaint with Bioware. Edited by Sideshot
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one word : Twinks.


they are level 10, they have the best gear money/crafting can provide, load of tor pvp experience and are waiting for waves of newbs to stomp in the 10-19 bracket etc. With the current system and considering that people will get to know the game better no twinking will ruin pvp. did you consider that this might be the reason no brackets were implemented?


Untill they level out from getting xps every match. No one wants to mega twink a lowbie just to do it again a week later.

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It's a load of garbage complaining about being a lower level up against higher levels, I started doing them on my BH yesterday as soon as I was lv10 & my first match I had 32 kills & 3 deaths and I was up against level 30+ players, so stop complaining it's the way you play not your level that counts. I have a screen shot btw of my stats at the end of the match if someone can point me in the direction I am happy to post it :)


Lol BH roll somthing else we gonna get nerfed bad soon yeah 32 kills how many of those where solo kills? u can autoshot someone and get counted in for the kill i also play a BH and i can tell u where op and will soon be nerfed i also rolled a few other toons just incase hehe

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Yeah... they should bracket the PvP into two brackets:


Bracket 1: People who should probably L2P, but instead are whining about needing brackets for PvP on the forums without realizing that they were inadvertently asking for 5x longer queues.


Bracket 2: People who possess even a basic level of skill in PvP and are fine with the bolstering system and instant queues.


Sounds good, yeah?

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Yeah... they should bracket the PvP into two brackets:


Bracket 1: People who should probably L2P, but instead are whining about needing brackets for PvP on the forums without realizing that they were inadvertently asking for 5x longer queues.


Bracket 2: People who possess even a basic level of skill in PvP and are fine with the bolstering system and instant queues.


Sounds good, yeah?


pvp in this game is not skilled pvp lol it's target and spam skill's more skills to spam the higher lvl u are im level 50 on my BH and i can say that aint no level 10 dont care what skill's u think u have aint solo killing me.

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The scaling system with no brackets absolutely ruins warzones. It's just horrible. As for queue times, just implement cross realm warzones? Or, if that "ruins the server community" figure something else out... The scaling system just adds to how ridiculously instanced pvp feels in this game. Why am I, a level 50 who has been playing the game for a couple months, not 1-shotting this level 10 who has been playing for a day? Hell, why am I even playing against him, that makes no sense at all. For now, I'm just going to avoid war zones at all costs and enjoy the other AMAZING aspects of the game, but if they don't get fixed in the near future, I'm done with swtor, and honestly I bet a whole lot of other people are going to be done as well.
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Brackets = longer warzone queues. No thanks.


The ques are ~10 mins for empire on daragon trail (full almost all the time) but amazingly enough INSTANT on republic...your problem would not be bracketing, but faction imbalance i'm sure.


OP is correct, I originally went empire, was disappointed with the faction imbalance on the server so gave up my 33 BH and rerolled to republic 2 days after launch. I didn't think much of it at the time, but when I was empire we won probably 8/10 WZ's. But I get over to republic and I see what's happening. We have an average level of ~20-25 but empire has 4 level 50 SI's and a 46 SI. Now, this is obviously not coincidence to have 4 level 50's in the same one, but what chance did we stand? This is by no means enjoyable. And I kept seeing those 4 level 50's in WZ's for several hours.


Now, I will admit...I have killed level 25-30's while being level 12-15. But against a level 50? That's not fun.


If you don't want even more faction imbalance, it will have to be bracketed. Unfortunately, if one faction is overly dominant to the point WZ's are not enjoyable, you will get even longer q's as the smaller faction will not be signing up for WZ's. (Even if it's 5-10% of the faction not q'ing...it still creates longer q's for the larger faction)

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Tired of most of these selfish responses. Uber leet PVP bros think everything is cool because they can grind the entire game experience in WZs from level 10. Don't see problem because they are being funneled easy pickings.


Level 10s =/= 20 =/= 30, etc


Every ten levels there is a drastic change in what each class can do. 30+ is a completely different character than a 10-30. You have more abilties, more cooldowns, more talents that grant abilities, reduce cds, increase efficiency and effectiveness. Your gear increases dmg, heal, mitigation %s. Everything that logically comes with a higher level character is clearly represented in a WZ. Math doesn't lie, and coordinated teamwork only gets you so far, and that isn't very far when you get paired against another premade at a higher level than you.


Anyone who denies that this isn't the case is a liar, selfish and greedy.


PVP already favors pure ranged classes too much, you don't need more advantages to fuel your farming. Certain classes have completely unfair abilities in certain WZs (Grappling Hook in Huttball, Speed boosts in huttball, Knockbacks on bridges of Voidstar that can kill multiple people instantly, and more).


All of the above being said. It doesn't matter. Go level, stop queue'ing. Let the bros have their fun. They ruin every game with their bs bragging and arrogance. BW isn't going to fix this anytime soon, and it's not worth the headaches anymore complaining about it. I think its stupid and shortsighted, but it doesn't matter. If you don't like the current state of PVP you just have to deal with it or not queue. There are too many bugs with the PVE and basic functionality right now for them to focus on revamping PVP.

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Tired of most of these selfish responses. Uber leet PVP bros think everything is cool because they can grind the entire game experience in WZs from level 10. Don't see problem because they are being funneled easy pickings.


Level 10s =/= 20 =/= 30, etc


Every ten levels there is a drastic change in what each class can do. 30+ is a completely different character than a 10-30. You have more abilties, more cooldowns, more talents that grant abilities, reduce cds, increase efficiency and effectiveness. Your gear increases dmg, heal, mitigation %s. Everything that logically comes with a higher level character is clearly represented in a WZ. Math doesn't lie, and coordinated teamwork only gets you so far, and that isn't very far when you get paired against another premade at a higher level than you.


Anyone who denies that this isn't the case is a liar, selfish and greedy.


PVP already favors pure ranged classes too much, you don't need more advantages to fuel your farming. Certain classes have completely unfair abilities in certain WZs (Grappling Hook in Huttball, Speed boosts in huttball, Knockbacks on bridges of Voidstar that can kill multiple people instantly, and more).


All of the above being said. It doesn't matter. Go level, stop queue'ing. Let the bros have their fun. They ruin every game with their bs bragging and arrogance. BW isn't going to fix this anytime soon, and it's not worth the headaches anymore complaining about it. I think its stupid and shortsighted, but it doesn't matter. If you don't like the current state of PVP you just have to deal with it or not queue. There are too many bugs with the PVE and basic functionality right now for them to focus on revamping PVP.



Dude... have you even LOOKED at an ability list? Ever? There is not a drastic difference in what each class can do every 10 levels. You're making that up. There are actually very few skills in this game right now, and really by the mid 20s you have everything you need. The difference in a level 26 Jedi Shadow, for example, and a level 50 Shadow, as far as PvP is concerned, is really only in 4 skills:


Spinning Strike (32) - useful attack, high damage to low health targets

Resilience (36) - basically a purge and a 3 second defensive buff

Spinning Kick (42) - low damage attack with 2 second knockdown

Battle Readiness (50) - 15 second buff to damage and healing from technique procs


So please explain to me how there is a drastic difference in the fundamental play style of a class every 10 levels. Seriously, I would love to hear your logic on that one. This stuff applies to every class... after the mid 20s, each class may get an additional attack to add to their rotation here and there, but people are only getting a few extra abilities, and most of them are very situational rather than core rotation abilities.


Don't get me wrong, I agree that a level 10 doesn't stand much of a chance against a level 50... but seriously, how long are you going to be level 10? You can get into the 20s, where your class is really opened up, in a matter of 2 days. From 25-50 is going to be where the core of your time is spent, so talk about what a level 25 can do against a 50 rather than what a level 10 can do against a 50.


Also, it has nothing to do with 1v1 ability. Warzones are not for dueling people, they are for objectives and winning as a team. A level 25 can absolutely be a highly contributing member of a team, even against level 50s. If you're going out on your own at level 25 and looking for level 50s to duel... you're doing it wrong.


I am in a similar situation as one of the above posters in that I have rerolled as a Republic character because of the faction imbalance. I was sick of the ridiculously long queues for the Empire and when they finally popped, it's almost always Huttball vs. other Empire players.


The reason Republic has generally lower levels right now is because a lot of other people have been doing that too. It's improved queues on the Empire side a little bit, but not drastically... but the natural consequence of that is that the Republic players are now going to be facing much higher level opposition. The good news is that it will even out in time.


But seriously though, you need to explain how exactly there is some sort of drastic change in the way each class plays every 10 levels... because I think that's pretty easy to disprove.


Those of you who are arguing so fervently for brackets should at least qualify your position with something other than personal experience of getting stomped by a higher level in a warzone.


I've stomped higher levels plenty of times... and often significantly higher than me, including 50s. I've also been stomped by much lower levels when I make mistakes or get caught in a bad situation, like over-extending on the map and getting outnumbered.


The way the PvP in this game is designed right now, it is all about player skill. You can say otherwise, but I challenge you to prove it.


The way you guys want this game to be is less dependent on skill, and more dependent on gear and levels.


If the developers WANTED PvP in this game to be gear/level based, they would not have implemented the bolstering system in the first place. They made that pretty clear from early on. The lure of this game for a lot of PvPers is that it is skill based. You're asking for them to change the fundamental functioning of the game as it pertains to PvP because you don't think it's fair that it's skill based?


Seriously... enough with this garbage.

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Blah, skills, blah, skill, blah no difference, blah.

Let me tell you from a DD perspective what the bolster system means.

LvL 50 tanks take ten times the damage with no heal whatsoever before they drop. LvL 50 meele takes four times the damage before they drop.

A lvl 50 heal/tank combo can outheal five or more low lvl chars, easy.

I do about 300k-400k damage per warzone, am lvl 40 and have full lvl 40 pvp set. Most of the time I am the only one capable of killing a lvl 50 in the whole warzone, sub lvl 20 tanks pop almost instant.

So do not tell me there is no difference. Those lvl 50 are not full epixx, yet. This is going to get very ridiculous very soon.


At least do it like in Warhammer ten level brackets with buff for the low lvl chars.

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