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In the defense of money makers (or getters).


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^ totally in agreement. I'm my own worst critic as well. There's ALWAYS that voice in my head telling me i'm not good enough, or I'm doing _____ wrong, etc. etc. It nearly drove me to suicide when I worked a factory job. Got medicated and started therapy, and things got a lot better. I still criticize myself rather harshly, but I tend to not let it get to that point anymore.


Point being, criticism has all too often become destructive, rather than constructive. And that's a problem.


Edit : Didn't want to quote the last post for wall of text reasons, and i'm the first post on a new page. QQ.

Edited by Noodlegotagun
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Some do it because they're level-headed and have thought through the complaints and disagree with them, then offer well-reasoned arguments to show "the other side of the coin". Those are exceedingly rare.


The rest do it because they perceive that any attack on the game they (want to?) love is an attack on them personally and have to defend against that at all costs, the most frequent cost being paid is the absence of sound logic and empathy.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Some do it because they're level-headed and have thought through the complaints and disagree with them, then offer well-reasoned arguments to show "the other side of the coin". Those are exceedingly rare.


The rest do it because they perceive that any attack on the game they (want to?) love is an attack on them personally and have to defend against that at all costs, the most frequent cost being paid is the absence of sound logic and empathy.


The same can be said for either side of this or any other argument, on this or any other forum (or expanded further, the internet and humanity in general)

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Really? Who? Where is your proof? Support your claim or retract it.


You just did what they OP did.. made baseless accusations in an effort to marginalize a "small group" of fellow forum members. Why? What purpose does this serve for you?


I will note though.. that you gave yourself an escape hatch with clever use of the word "likely"


LOL, calm down. I will not retract my statement. I meant it,

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The problem stems from two groups.


Group 1: A few people who call anyone who defends the game in any way "white knights", "biodrones" or "idiots".

Group 2: A few people who call anyone who criticizes the game in any way "whiners", "haters" or "idiots".


When attacked in either of these ways, it tends to trigger an automatic defensive response in people, and the forums spiral down from there. Peoples reactions tend to get more strident when directly challenged, which in turn triggers even more aggressive responses in return.


It's no different here than other forums on the internet. Ultimately, the only difference is the topic.

Edited by Brewski
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That's ridiculous. Unlike the "paid" poster scandal we saw before many people who disagree with the way people present their entitlement here often have disagreements with the way the game is designed.


People like myself simply try to explain what the real world is like. Its like 90% of the forums has no idea how a business is run and can't understand for the life of them why company X would do Y. Nevermind the fact that these big evil companies employ a lot of good, hard working people and the only way to do that is to make a profit.


Its a free market and by being a better consumer you can get more of what you want instead of less.


I have no problem with the way you present anything Arkerus. We don't always agree, but you seem very level headed most of the time. The same can not be said for others.


I'm a huge proponent of the free market. I believe that things like CM are brilliant concepts for companies and I don't fault them one bit for capitalizing on peoples desires to spend $ - I also feel they can be disastrous for games though.

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Other baseless claims on the internet cannot be used to validate baseless claims and accusation on the internet. ;)


I'm talking about actual proof to substantiate an accusation.. not internet wind. I know you know the difference IH. :)

Asking someone to post the unpostable to substantiate the unsubstantiated. Your impropriety knows no bounds! :D


OP, these folks do it because, in their own way, they believe they are doing something good for a service they enjoy. A minority end up doing more harm than good (kind of like that kid in debate that no one wanted on their team because they get a little too overzealous and/or overbearing), but you can't fault them for that. In their hearts, they believe they are doing the right thing.


If folks would stop trying to "post to win," we could actually have some civil, decent conversations around here.

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Really? Who? Where is your proof? Support your claim or retract it.


You just did what they OP did.. made baseless accusations in an effort to marginalize a "small group" of fellow forum members. Why? What purpose does this serve for you?


I will note though.. that you gave yourself an escape hatch with clever use of the word "likely"


Companies actually do pay shills to post to their forums, acting as consumers, and defend them.


EA has been known to be one such company (too lazy to look up the link).


Does that mean there are paid shills here on this forum?


Maybe. Maybe not.


But if there are, they are not who people seem to think they are.

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And have a grasp of concepts like "random" "supply/demand" and how they apply to "luxury items" difference between WANT and NEED.


People should only post on the forums once they took a class in Mathematics, statistics, probability, basic economy, and a one huge session on logical fallacies.

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Companies actually do pay shills to post to their forums, acting as consumers, and defend them.


EA has been known to be one such company (too lazy to look up the link).


I've seen this insinuated, implied and even flat out stated, but never seen any "proof". If any exists, I would be interested in looking at it.


Until then, I have to consider this kind of thing tinfoil hat worthy. It's just to conspiracy minded for me.

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Not exactly. That such a service exists I never debated. You implied you have proof that EA has done this in game forums. That's what I'm looking for.


May I suggest you try Google? Information that one works to obtain tends to stick in one's cranium far longer than information that comes effortlessly.




Well if there are people being paid to promote a product, it is logical to think there are people being paid by competitors to bad mouth a product. So no need to debate, anyone that disagrees with you is one or the other. :p


Mind. Blown.

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May I suggest you try Google? Information that one works to obtain tends to stick in one's cranium far longer than information that comes effortlessly.






Mind. Blown.


An easy (and passive-aggressively insulting) diversion steering away from the question.


Can I suggest you not bother posting if you have nothing to add other than insults?

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Am I the only one entertained that a site which provides a service to write fake comments on forums, blogs, etc. would have a testimonials page?


That is comical lol

Not exactly. That such a service exists I never debated. You implied you have proof that EA has done this in game forums. That's what I'm looking for.


Meh, I wouldn't call EA out like that. I'm sure that if it's happened, it would be easy to Google. I thought you were questioning the existence of such services.

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Well if there are people being paid to promote a product, it is logical to think there are people being paid by competitors to bad mouth a product. So no need to debate, anyone that disagrees with you is one or the other. :p


The real question is would such a company take both contracts? You could be your own best debater, fueling an even bigger contract form both sides.

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An easy (and passive-aggressively insulting) diversion steering away from the question.


Can I suggest you not bother posting if you have nothing to add other than insults?


I'm not your Google service, bro. If you really want to know about where and how EA has been caught using shills on forums, it's not that difficult to find. Go ahead.


If you want to continue to deny from a position of self-imposed lack of knowledge, knock yourself out.


IDC one way or the other.

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That is comical lol



Meh, I wouldn't call EA out like that. I'm sure that if it's happened, it would be easy to Google. I thought you were questioning the existence of such services.


A fair enough misunderstanding on both sides. I withdraw the question.


And, yes, I too find it hilarious that they have testimonials. :p

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Well if there are people being paid to promote a product, it is logical to think there are people being paid by competitors to bad mouth a product. So no need to debate, anyone that disagrees with you is one or the other. :p

Back when I did game development, I always argued for an espionage line item to be added to budgets...


Oh wait, we had more important things to spend money on. Like hiring folks to post good feedback on forums and taking reviewers out to five star establishments in Vegas.


Further oh wait... We didn't have the money to do that either. Only the Electronic Arts and Microprose guys got that kind of budget. We Hasbro, SSI, and New World guys were lucky to get enough money in the budget to buy a plain hamburger meal at McDondalds when the press came to visit. We probably lost a tenth of a review point here or there because we made them cut the hamburger into quarters so that every reporter got a piece. :p

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