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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

oh. ( free rothc for subs )


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Not the same thing. You don't pay a monthly fee to shop there.


Your monthly pays for access to the game without the restrictions of f2p. Up until now it had nothing to do with RotHC. Now BioWare is being nice enough to give the expansions to those who are subscribers, but have not purchased RotHC. Sounds like they are doing something nice for subscribers, yet we still crucify them because they are not doing something nice for ME.

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Your monthly pays for access to the game without the restrictions of f2p. Up until now it had nothing to do with RotHC. Now BioWare is being nice enough to give the expansions to those who are subscribers, but have not purchased RotHC. Sounds like they are doing something nice for subscribers, yet we still crucify them because they are not doing something nice for ME.


I think that sums it up nicely. :)

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Your monthly pays for access to the game without the restrictions of f2p. Up until now it had nothing to do with RotHC. Now BioWare is being nice enough to give the expansions to those who are subscribers, but have not purchased RotHC. Sounds like they are doing something nice for subscribers, yet we still crucify them because they are not doing something nice for ME.


Baby steps.


They've spent nearly two years doing everything they can to alienate their customers, quite masterfully in fact. That kind of record can't be changed overnight.

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if icebergy, or pretty much anyone else talking about pants, had anything useful to add to a discussion about this game, they would have framed their comment in a manner related to this game. since they are unable to formulate well reasoned arguments that add to a discussion about this game, they talk about pants.


i'd like to hear more about entitlement and how people on this forum use that word to insult people instead of communicating like adults.


Reading is not strong with this one. I said almost entirely the opposite of what you just did.


The pants analogy fits because prices change over time, and there's nothing you can do about it. Whether it's pants, movies, books, games, expansions, or the price of orange juice you don't get a refund just because it changed from when you bought it 6 months ago. Those asking for a forecast from the developers of when and how the price will change is equally stupid.

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Baby steps.


They've spent nearly two years doing everything they can to alienate their customers, quite masterfully in fact. That kind of record can't be changed overnight.

Been here since beta, so I have seen all the stupid mistakes, just don't think everything is a mistake.
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Reading is not strong with this one. I said almost entirely the opposite of what you just did.


The pants analogy fits because prices change over time, and there's nothing you can do about it. Whether it's pants, movies, books, games, expansions, or the price of orange juice you don't get a refund just because it changed from when you bought it 6 months ago. Those asking for a forecast from the developers of when and how the price will change is equally stupid.


maybe you should pay closer attention to what you said.


what i'm saying is, if you have a relevant point that has something to do with this game, you should state it in terms that have something to do with this game. instead of stating a point about this game, you're talking about pants. that suggests to me that either (a) you have a good thought, but you're unable to articulate it, so you're talking about pants instead of making your point, or (b), there is no point and you're talking about pants instead of talking about the game. possibly ©, you actually think pants has something to do with this game.


for example, if you want to talk about price fluctuations with swtor, that could be phrased as "price fluctuations with swtor." introducing pants into the conversation obfuscates what you're trying to communicate because, as you said, analogies fail.

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That has to be one of your worst deflections ever .. must have rolled a 1 ..


to re-deflect, with your own weird logic.


"i never stated i read all your post$"


Be happy that you are just too cute to put on my /ignore list (yet).


Stay cute.. to stay read and acknowledged. :D

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maybe you should pay closer attention to what you said.


what i'm saying is, if you have a relevant point that has something to do with this game, you should state it in terms that have something to do with this game. instead of stating a point about this game, you're talking about pants. that suggests to me that either (a) you have a good thought, but you're unable to articulate it, so you're talking about pants instead of making your point, or (b), there is no point and you're talking about pants instead of talking about the game. possibly ©, you actually think pants has something to do with this game.


for example, if you want to talk about price fluctuations with swtor, that could be phrased as "price fluctuations with swtor." introducing pants into the conversation obfuscates what you're trying to communicate because, as you said, analogies fail.


Just like Rome, analogies fail.


And pants, just like David Cronenberg movies, require a fly to be good.

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if icebergy, or pretty much anyone else talking about pants, had anything useful to add to a discussion about this game, they would have framed their comment in a manner related to this game. since they are unable to formulate well reasoned arguments that add to a discussion about this game, they talk about pants.


i'd like to hear more about entitlement and how people on this forum use that word to insult people instead of communicating like adults.


"I didn't understand and/or don't agree with the analogy so I'm going to pretend using analogies make people stupid so that I can pretend that I am above such petty arguments as having an argument and talk about how much smarter I am than everyone instead. Because that will obviously prove me right and them wrong."

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maybe you should pay closer attention to what you said.


what i'm saying is, if you have a relevant point that has something to do with this game, you should state it in terms that have something to do with this game. instead of stating a point about this game, you're talking about pants. that suggests to me that either (a) you have a good thought, but you're unable to articulate it, so you're talking about pants instead of making your point, or (b), there is no point and you're talking about pants instead of talking about the game. possibly ©, you actually think pants has something to do with this game.


for example, if you want to talk about price fluctuations with swtor, that could be phrased as "price fluctuations with swtor." introducing pants into the conversation obfuscates what you're trying to communicate because, as you said, analogies fail.


Still not getting it I guess. I never said analogies fail, I said they're imperfect. They can't be perfect because if there were no differences then the two items being compared would be the same, and therefore there would be no analogy. An analogy can not, by definition, exactly represent the things being compared. That does not mean they do not serve a purpose if used correctly.


Simply saying "there are price fluctuations" is stating the obvious. Clearly there are price fluctuations, as the $10 expansion just became free, in fact that's what people are arguing about. Creating an analogy to pants (or movies or whatever) draws a comparison between how other items have their price fluctuate as well. The analogy is used to point out that when a similar situation is done by someone else (a pants store) no one complains, but suddenly SWTOR and BioWare/EA is involved and it's a huge travesty.


The pants are just one item in a long list of possible examples of where this type of business practice is common and accepted, but god forbid BioWare follows suit.

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What I find even more disturbing is that unless I'm reading it wrong, it looks like players who already own it get a title. Players who don't already own it but get on and buy it before the 12 of Sept get the title AND get a bonus 1050 Cartel Coins.


I don't think I have forum-worthy words for that... but if I did, I don't think they'd be complimentary.


If it works like you say it may, then we have a huge problem here. I wouldn't mind a few extra cartel coins for pre-orderer's as well.

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Oh just stop now some of you are getting rediculous because you don't have the maturity to admit to you being wrong so you will post come backs forever instead of admit being wrong.


It is entitlement to think if bought something 6 friggin months ago....used it that whole time and now just because the company is deciding to give said item away with subscription you feel burned or entitled to additional enrichment. Welcome to real life...sometimes you don't get what you want...sometimes the answer is simply no.




Ps. Posting to forums with a tablet sucks

Edited by Shirx
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I work therefore I deserve a pay check every week. That's not entitlement bro.


You have an agreement to do a certain kind and volume of work for a certain amount of money, yes. My fiance does more work than most people in his office but gets paid half as much because he's contracted. He may think he deserves more, and maybe he does, but he's probably not going to get more than what he's contracted to get nor should he expect it, any bonuses are just that, bonuses.


There is nothing in the agreement with EA that entitles anyone to more CC's than what you get from your stipend.

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