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oh. ( free rothc for subs )


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From their news page: "Rise of the Hutt Cartel free of charge as a newly added benefit to the Subscriber Rewards Program!"


So, basically we subs cried on the forumz for months that BW shows us no love and nothing and now they start to add bonus stuffz for us subs. That's what we wanted all along, didn't we? Well, this is a bonus most of us don't have much from, but hey, it is a start. And it shows that they actually acknowledged our complaints.


I think I paid 8 Euros for the pre-order. Yesterday I found 1 Euro on the street. That leaves 7 Euros. That's like nothing. I also like the title "The Risen" to be honest.


So, yeah, I don't mind, BW. Keep more rewards coming. :)

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If they want to get more subs, Bioware needs to make these digital "expansions" free to subscribers from now on.


That would be a significant incentive to subscribe, rather that what we have now. As it stands today, the only reason to subscribe is to not be bothered by the constant reminders of everything you can't have and don't get because You Are Not A Subscriber!

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From their news page: "Rise of the Hutt Cartel free of charge as a newly added benefit to the Subscriber Rewards Program!"


So, basically we subs cried on the forumz for months that BW shows us no love and nothing and now they start to add bonus stuffz for us subs. That's what we wanted all along, didn't we? Well, this is a bonus most of us don't have much from, but hey, it is a start. And it shows that they actually acknowledged our complaints.


I think I paid 8 Euros for the pre-order. Yesterday I found 1 Euro on the street. That leaves 7 Euros. That's like nothing. I also like the title "The Risen" to be honest.


So, yeah, I don't mind, BW. Keep more rewards coming. :)




I think you missed the MEMO where this should have been free for ALL. I bought the damn thing the same day pre-order was available. So I paid for a TITLE now?:rolleyes: Write it down ea : sell titles for 9 euros :). So now when the game is losing people, they give the expansion free as a token of goodwill. LMAO!

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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I'm not bothered by the fact they're given it away for free to new subscribers and compensating those who recently bought it with cartel coins.


However, what does bother me is how subscribers who bought it during it's release are being rewarded with a title. I mean, a freaking title. Of all the possible cool, and perhaps simple things they could come up with they pick the most uninspired, cheap, stupid and pathetic reward of all. It reeks of laziness and it shows absolutely no gratitude towards long term supporters of this game.


Exactly, I'd like a tauntaun pet. I lost it when I had to make a new account when I came back. Give me a special tauntaun pet instead of a frakking title that means absolutely nothing to me. I don't care about the coins, but a title, stupid Bioware, really stupid.

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If they want to get more subs, Bioware needs to make these digital "expansions" free to subscribers from now on.


That would be a significant incentive to subscribe, rather that what we have now. As it stands today, the only reason to subscribe is to not be bothered by the constant reminders of everything you can't have and don't get because You Are Not A Subscriber!


In today's model that is the point of a sub. You get access to things you can't have as free or preferred (or unlimited access). What you stated was like saying "the sun is hot".



I don't disagree that $10 digital expansions should be free for subs but it depends on what it is and what bioware plans to do with it. I also don't mind paying $10 if it means we keep seeing digital expansions. The $10 really doesn't matter to me. Would I pay $60 for a digital expansion with one planet? No. Its about getting value for the money I am willing to spend. I had no qualms with paying $10 for Makeb and I have no issues with paying my sub.

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so i came back two months ago and used a game time card - does that make me an active subscriber - cause i dont get a stipend at all. i've changed my payment plan to monthly - but the date is only for the 23rd of September.


will this mean i dont get anything - not even the lousy title?


Yes, you are a subscriber, and you should be getting your CCs. I also recently switched off of a 6 month subscription to 2 month gamecards, since they come out slightly cheaper per month. I've still been getting my CCs (albeit less, since I didn't realize until afterwards that the stipend is higher for a 6 month subscription). You should probably contact CS if you're not getting yours.



Not sure if anyone else noticed, but I did see they are putting times on things now. Since some people (I only saw one thread at the time) complained about their subscription just happening to not be active when the last subscriber reward went through, they placed an exact time of when they were counting people as subscribers. Smart move on their part, IMO.

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They probably would have been better off not offering anything and just making it free.


BY offering a title some of you have mistaken it for Bioware offering some kind of "I'm sorry" or compensation gesture and have completely take this the wrong way. Its a reward for jumping in a buying it when it was released. Now the folks that bought it within the last 30 days...they get some coins for compensation. I still think that sets a bad precedent but customer wise, they had to do something.


Bioware should have just changed the price to free considering Makeb is old news now. Just change the price and move on. That way there isn't the appearance of remorse for charging subs. They want all players to have it. Its more a technical thing than anything else. Everyone needs to have it so they can build on it. If you bought it on day 1, you paid a little extra.


The amount of entitlement in this thread is near critical mass. Any more and you might as well ask Bioware to come paint your house or take your dog to the park.

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They probably would have been better off not offering anything and just making it free.


BY offering a title some of you have mistaken it for Bioware offering some kind of "I'm sorry" or compensation gesture and have completely take this the wrong way. Its a reward for jumping in a buying it when it was released. Now the folks that bought it within the last 30 days...they get some coins for compensation. I still think that sets a bad precedent but customer wise, they had to do something.


Bioware should have just changed the price to free considering Makeb is old news now. Just change the price and move on. That way there isn't the appearance of remorse for charging subs. They want all players to have it. Its more a technical thing than anything else. Everyone needs to have it so they can build on it. If you bought it on day 1, you paid a little extra.


The amount of entitlement in this thread is near critical mass. Any more and you might as well ask Bioware to come paint your house or take your dog to the park.


Yeah, you're probably right. Who am I to consider that when I pay 15 a month to expect a certain level of gratitude from the company of which I stand by?

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One could argue that at some point you might see pets given away for free, or companions that people worked for. Again, as others have said this is pretty standard fare, and the argument is just as weak now IMO as it was in the past in other games.


Prices drop. Early adopters get fleeced, late adopters save cash but have to wait. If you want it now it is going to cost you.


The phone I paid 700 dollars for is now being sold for 200 bucks because a new version is being released. The phone is only 8 months old. This is how things work. I could have waited, but chose to purchase this phone this time the moment it was released.

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I also like the title. Its pretty cool.


I am glad they are making it free. Especially if it brings in more players. Yes, I paid $9.99 for it but I also knew full well that eventually it would be free. Again, I am OK with that. And, I am looking forward to paying whatever for the next paid expansion knowing full well that eventually that too will be free to subscribers.


I can't believe how much of an Entitlement society we have all become.

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It has always been an entitlement society...at least for the last 1000 years or so. This is not something that just happened.




The internet.. the internet turbo-charged expressions of entitlement though. :)


Used to be you had to run barefoot in the snow for miles and miles to tell someone how you feel you got /smacked in the face. Now you can do it from your favorite chair in you warm cozy home. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Anyways, you realize no analogy will be perfect, otherwise it wouldn't be an analogy. Poking holes at unimportant details in an analogy doesn't undermine the point of the analogy used.




if icebergy, or pretty much anyone else talking about pants, had anything useful to add to a discussion about this game, they would have framed their comment in a manner related to this game. since they are unable to formulate well reasoned arguments that add to a discussion about this game, they talk about pants.


i'd like to hear more about entitlement and how people on this forum use that word to insult people instead of communicating like adults.

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Indeed always with the shining happy opinion$$$


Read the follow through in the thread. This was completely disproven, and even Arenatah acknowledged so.


Sorry to disappoint you once again. :D


Protip: the "cookies" in the catbox.. those are not for consumption. Chocking on one having to hack it back up is a wasted cycle in life. :p

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But back on topic while I'm not banned, F2P sales are likely better than the actual expansion sales. This makes sense since limiting your cash cow CC market to level 50 would be silly.. all the best pay gear is 55... so you'd exclude a chunk your market.


should there be a refrun going back 30 days ? or 10$ worth of CC or free specialty mounts .. 100% yes. But we will see what pans out. If there is enough forum rage it may happen.

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Read the follow through in the thread. This was completely disproven, and even Arenatah acknowledged so.


Sorry to disappoint you once again. :D


Protip: the "cookies" in the catbox.. those are not for consumption. Chocking on one having to hack it back up is a wasted cycle in life. :p


i'm not reading 17 pages to see you po$t 99.99% in defen$e of BW.. and throw the occasional "off bone" to cite as a pathetic example.

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Read the follow through in the thread. This was completely disproven, and even Arenatah acknowledged so.


Sorry to disappoint you once again. :D


Protip: the "cookies" in the catbox.. those are not for consumption. Chocking on one having to hack it back up is a wasted cycle in life. :p


What is this Chocking ?

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