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Dye Hard With a Vengeance


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That person isn't going to change anyone's mind, and all the rest of us can do is keep speaking out about it. I've seen some inane stuff here, but some people go way over the top.


I'm done bothering involving myself with this argument. Simple fact is, they have lost any further income from me through the cartel store. My sub is it and even that feels less assured today then merely a week ago. Anything I want that drops from the packs is as easily available in the auction house.


In the end, what will voice my disappoint the loudest will be me not giving Bioware any money going forward, so all these arguments and stupid forum wars have in the end hurt the company you are White Knighting, not helped them. Grats you won the ^&$%ing internet.


And yeah, I'm good for that promise.

Edited by SammuelSK
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Really simple, fluff is important to some. You see, whether we raid or not, some of us actually came to MMOs in the old days, when they were complex alternative, digital realities, complete with cities, real crafting, skill rather than level based toons. Indeed, we didn't even all have to bother with combat in those days. Some folks played for years as entertainers, merchants. So, being able to choose what our characters look like with a high degree of customization is actually intensely important to many of us. If it had not be a star wars game, honestly, I think a lot of us wouldn't have bothered once we saw what character design looked like.


And for those of us in beta, who offered lots of suggestions, we knew what to expect after Georg told us it was his game, not ours. But what irks so many about the new cartel approach is that while they are finally giving a tiny bit of the customization we have said for so long was so important to so many of us, they've done so in a way that tells us it's a money grab. So, yeah, they're a business, and out to make money. Understood. And I realize they're not interested in making a great game, only a profitable one. Our point as customers is that they have so prioritized the quick cash grab that many of us will not be putting more money into this game. If enough of us feel that way, the profit dries up. So, sure, try to get our money, but offer us some sustained value for it, and you'll end up getting more of it and for a longer period of time. Make us feel like Goerg did, and some of us will just dig out our old West End Games D6 Star Wars RPGs. Remember, now that we all have skype, we really don't need to live near our old gaming buddies to have a rocking good nerdtime anymore.

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You know how you can tell you have jumped the shark on a discussion? When you resort to name calling and ad hominem attacks on others rather then continue to discuss like an adult.

it might actually soak in to one or two cranially challenged players. :)

cranially challenged players. :)


You mean like that?


OT: Moving RBG sliders for a primary/secondary dye: $20

Writing 2 stories, VA, creating a brand new world, new armor, new weapons, new enemies: $10

Watching BioWare's profits dip due to fan outrage: priceless.

There are some things money can't buy. For everything else there's CartelCard. (sorry, couldn't resist)


Seriously, it's optional. I don't like it, so I'm not buying it. If you and everyone else who disagrees with the price does the same, BioWare will notice those items aren't selling (yet there is a demand for them) and will have to reassess. This is one of the few times voting with your wallet won't result in the "NO!"s being glossed over and ignored, so do it.

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Really simple, fluff is important to some. You see, whether we raid or not, some of us actually came to MMOs in the old days, when they were complex alternative, digital realities, complete with cities, real crafting, skill rather than level based toons. Indeed, we didn't even all have to bother with combat in those days. Some folks played for years as entertainers, merchants. So, being able to choose what our characters look like with a high degree of customization is actually intensely important to many of us. If it had not be a star wars game, honestly, I think a lot of us wouldn't have bothered once we saw what character design looked like.


And for those of us in beta, who offered lots of suggestions, we knew what to expect after Georg told us it was his game, not ours. But what irks so many about the new cartel approach is that while they are finally giving a tiny bit of the customization we have said for so long was so important to so many of us, they've done so in a way that tells us it's a money grab. So, yeah, they're a business, and out to make money. Understood. And I realize they're not interested in making a great game, only a profitable one. Our point as customers is that they have so prioritized the quick cash grab that many of us will not be putting more money into this game. If enough of us feel that way, the profit dries up. So, sure, try to get our money, but offer us some sustained value for it, and you'll end up getting more of it and for a longer period of time. Make us feel like Goerg did, and some of us will just dig out our old West End Games D6 Star Wars RPGs. Remember, now that we all have skype, we really don't need to live near our old gaming buddies to have a rocking good nerdtime anymore.


QFT x100.


Long live Intrepid!

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Really simple, fluff is important to some. You see, whether we raid or not, some of us actually came to MMOs in the old days, when they were complex alternative, digital realities, complete with cities, real crafting, skill rather than level based toons. Indeed, we didn't even all have to bother with combat in those days. Some folks played for years as entertainers, merchants. So, being able to choose what our characters look like with a high degree of customization is actually intensely important to many of us. If it had not be a star wars game, honestly, I think a lot of us wouldn't have bothered once we saw what character design looked like.


And for those of us in beta, who offered lots of suggestions, we knew what to expect after Georg told us it was his game, not ours. But what irks so many about the new cartel approach is that while they are finally giving a tiny bit of the customization we have said for so long was so important to so many of us, they've done so in a way that tells us it's a money grab. So, yeah, they're a business, and out to make money. Understood. And I realize they're not interested in making a great game, only a profitable one. Our point as customers is that they have so prioritized the quick cash grab that many of us will not be putting more money into this game. If enough of us feel that way, the profit dries up. So, sure, try to get our money, but offer us some sustained value for it, and you'll end up getting more of it and for a longer period of time. Make us feel like Goerg did, and some of us will just dig out our old West End Games D6 Star Wars RPGs. Remember, now that we all have skype, we really don't need to live near our old gaming buddies to have a rocking good nerdtime anymore.


I have to agree with everything said. The beta thing is 100% true too.


You make me miss Starsider even more.

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Really simple, fluff is important to some. You see, whether we raid or not, some of us actually came to MMOs in the old days, when they were complex alternative, digital realities, complete with cities, real crafting, skill rather than level based toons. Indeed, we didn't even all have to bother with combat in those days. Some folks played for years as entertainers, merchants. So, being able to choose what our characters look like with a high degree of customization is actually intensely important to many of us. If it had not be a star wars game, honestly, I think a lot of us wouldn't have bothered once we saw what character design looked like.


And for those of us in beta, who offered lots of suggestions, we knew what to expect after Georg told us it was his game, not ours. But what irks so many about the new cartel approach is that while they are finally giving a tiny bit of the customization we have said for so long was so important to so many of us, they've done so in a way that tells us it's a money grab. So, yeah, they're a business, and out to make money. Understood. And I realize they're not interested in making a great game, only a profitable one. Our point as customers is that they have so prioritized the quick cash grab that many of us will not be putting more money into this game. If enough of us feel that way, the profit dries up. So, sure, try to get our money, but offer us some sustained value for it, and you'll end up getting more of it and for a longer period of time. Make us feel like Goerg did, and some of us will just dig out our old West End Games D6 Star Wars RPGs. Remember, now that we all have skype, we really don't need to live near our old gaming buddies to have a rocking good nerdtime anymore.

beautiful post!

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I love when there are existing threads floating around on a topic...on the first page of the forums even...but people think their opinion on the subject is so much more important than everyone else that it supposedly warrants its own thread, lol. Basically, half a page of text to say the black/black and white/white CM dyes are overpriced, ha. (And, as I posted in the main thread on this issue, I happen to agree that they are overpriced so my comments have nothing to do with whether I agree or disagree with the opinion expressed).
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Well said OP.



Personally I think EA/Bioware is being foolish by being greedy. As it stands, if they continue with their current pricing and its not placed in collections, they will make at most 40$ from me. I will buy the black for myself and Malavai. That's it.


However, if they were to charge less, I could more easily justify buying the dye to use on the other 21 toons I run on Shadowlands, not to mention all their little friends. I'm a freak for black. I think they'd actually end up making more off me, if they charged less...because when a thing is cheaper to buy, you don't think twice, you think 'meh it's just the price of a coffee, no worries...' And you tend to forget the small amounts paid for things. We all do it everyday...for our little vices, whatever they may be.


But when you have to start paying 20$ each for a thing...and if you want more than one, you're starting to talk about a family's grocery budget, or shoes for the kids...or gas for the vehicles. And my family is not going to be screwed over so that EA/Bioware can get dye money from me, because, I'll be thinking twice about it. I can be happy dying myself a change of clothes and my number one companion's too.


And the money would likely be spent over a longer period of time as well. It's something that's within reason around 480-600. And it also allows people to spend their coin savings on some of it as well, but to expect anyone to pop $20 or save for 4 mths...well...that's just sucky.

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However, if they were to charge less, I could more easily justify buying the dye to use on the other 21 toons I run on Shadowlands, not to mention all their little friends. I'm a freak for black. I think they'd actually end up making more off me, if they charged less...because when a thing is cheaper to buy, you don't think twice, you think 'meh it's just the price of a coffee, no worries...' And you tend to forget the small amounts paid for things. We all do it everyday...for our little vices, whatever they may be.


Pretty much.

Not to mention I can imagine they'd earn a lot more from people with limited budgets too.

5$ or so is far easier to justify than 20$ for a single use item.

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My biggest problem with this choice is this: they're setting a precedent for the future.


Whether you care about dye colors or not, Bioware is taking an item that many of people blew, often, over a hundred dollars to get in Dye Packs...and then added it to the GTN for $20. Part of the reason they couldn't sell for cheap is it would anger people (imagine the Verat mount popping on CM for $5 after you blew money on a hypercrate just to get it.).

Here's the issue though: If they take an item that was a reward for playing the lotto and then add it for up-right sale later, that means anything else is possibly game. Making a new mount to sell? Nah, just grab the old Ambassador Hoverchair or Korrealis Commander and slap a $20 price tag on it. It's a cheap way to make a buck, and I think it's offensive to those that blew lots of cash on lotto items like dye packs. Can they? Sure. They could create a hotdog, throw some Wookie legs on it, and toss a Jawa on riding side-saddle and slap it on the CM as a $45 mount. For those disparaging those upset, this debate isn't "can Bioware charge w/e they want?" or "Should their goal as a company to make money?" Yes, and yes. Those upset are questioning... Is it wise? And to alienate those willing to drop lots of cash on, imo, stupid crap? No, not wise.

Again, for the nay-sayers, look at the future. If they're able to process old content and sell it for a bunch instead of people getting upset, they'll just keep pumping out old content. It's cheaper and easier. Which means less new content for you. Oh and that rare mount/armor/dye you spent a lot to get/played game consistently since launch to receive it? Now everyone has it.


Let's let some items be sacred. If it's in a random lotto pack, let it stay in that pack.

Edited by pubstarrandi
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Ok, this is my first MMO thus I don't fully know the crowd. is it odd for subs to cancel there subs over something as trivial as dying there armor a different color or is it the norm? MMO players are a peculiar creature it seems.

The beauty is that CosmicKat can, and probably will, keep playing, despite having "quit." And eventually, CosmicKat will resubscribe. People who quit or unsub just quit or unsub, they don't go on an attention-mongering spree in the forums.

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Ok, this is my first MMO thus I don't fully know the crowd. is it odd for subs to cancel there subs over something as trivial as dying there armor a different color or is it the norm? MMO players are a peculiar creature it seems.


Oh Nickious, I highly doubt this is your first MMO if you're posting on this forum. But in answer to your question, you're missing the point. It has nothing to do with dyes but what BW chooses to sell on GTN and how they price those items. People are willing to unsubscribe to seemingly trivial things if it's a sign of more undesirable decisions to come from BW.

I personally think if they wanted to sell B/B dye on CM, they should have done that from the beginning. It's deceptive to let others drop cash on "random" items and then suddenly switch it up.


But anyways, is it actually trivial?...people are spending crazy cash on these lotto items. When were talking of cash upwards of $134 to get an item, I'd hardly call that trivial. http://fr.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/1ecjgv/psa_looking_for_blackblack_out_of_84_dye_packs_i/

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Oh Nickious, I highly doubt this is your first MMO if you're posting on this forum.


But anyways, is it actually trivial?...people are spending crazy cash on these lotto items. When were talking of cash upwards of $134 to get an item, I'd hardly call that trivial. http://fr.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/1ecjgv/psa_looking_for_blackblack_out_of_84_dye_packs_i/


Oh ok I lied. I played Pirate of the Caribbean Online... 6 years ago for one month. Yep I'm definitely familiar with the MMO crowd. :rolleyes:


Sigh* People's obsession over a color that goes over digital armor.

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Not to beat a dead horse but it has to be beaten once more.


Fluff is just fluff, it has no impact on your game nor is it required to play your game. Your subscription funds content. Stuff you buy on the CM is just extra change they can pick up along the way if someone buys something.


If the items in question were Pay2Win or required to play the game, you might have an argument. But Dye Modules are just fluff and not required to be bought by anyone.


"your subscription funds content" lol. Youre a funny guy. Where can i buy tickets to your show?

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