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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Petition: give sins back tumult


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Sins are the worst dps in game by far 500 dps on parses not only was it usefull it was awesome looking. You say we are a burst class well let us be by making it useful in pvp so we can get more mauls off and not be the worst class in the game. Why in the world would you remove the best ability on an already gimp class
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Tumult was only usable on incapacitated strong or weaker npc's.


You could never use it in operations, and you could never use it in pvp. Are you suggesting they bring it back and just remove the enemy type and conditional restrictions?

Edited by Marb
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No you dont. You can bring back one. You make no sense it was not tied to any other skills


No why should they just bring back one? Do you honestly know selfish it sounds? Those abilities where specific class abilities and they were all removed for a reason so I say it again if you bring back one you bring back them all.

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Why in the world would you remove the best ability on an already gimp class

Best ability? It had plenty of restrictions, sure it was nice to have for doing dailies or such things, but most of the time it was plain useless! Plenty of people never understood how to use it at all, and all classes had such an ability, and all lost them. So, the sin was not hit harder than the other classes. I missed that ability for about two seconds, then I moved on.

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If you cant figure ou how to use an ability thats your fault it was great. Why should they give it? Cuz we are 500 dps lower than ofher classes on parses and in game and without low slash we have one snare and one jolt that is weak in pvp. None of your arguments are valid
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If you cant figure ou how to use an ability thats your fault it was great. Why should they give it? Cuz we are 500 dps lower than ofher classes on parses and in game and without low slash we have one snare and one jolt that is weak in pvp. None of your arguments are valid


So could you please explain to me how an ability that can neither be used on players nor on elites, champions or bosses would help the sins get better dps in pvp and operations?

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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So could you please explain to me how an ability that can neither be used on players nor on elites, champions or bosses would help the sins get better dps in pvp and operations?


Two people have now asked this very valid question, and no reply from the Op because there is no justification that Tumult would help Assassin DPS.


I have seen several Assassin DPS put out great numbers. It is one of the most difficult to pull off due to so many procs/stack building to make it work, so most just go Tank route.


If you want better DPS, first learn to fully play the class, then make a realistic suggestion on how to improve it. It is obvious from your post that you need to do more research on the class.

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Sins are the worst dps in game by far 500 dps on parses not only was it usefull it was awesome looking. You say we are a burst class well let us be by making it useful in pvp so we can get more mauls off and not be the worst class in the game. Why in the world would you remove the best ability on an already gimp class


Why not just increase damage on their existing attacks instead of bringing back an ability and completely changing how that ability works.....

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Two people have now asked this very valid question, and no reply from the Op because there is no justification that Tumult would help Assassin DPS.


I have seen several Assassin DPS put out great numbers. It is one of the most difficult to pull off due to so many procs/stack building to make it work, so most just go Tank route.


If you want better DPS, first learn to fully play the class, then make a realistic suggestion on how to improve it. It is obvious from your post that you need to do more research on the class.


If you would comprehend that they would obviously have to adjust it. Keep saying they dont need it when you lnow nothing about them and provide no proof i have multiple parses. If u knew about the class you would know you could get in extra mauls and thus increase in dps. Dont speak of something you know nothing about ive had one since launch. It is not unbalanced since sins are the worst class in the game according to every parse. They already have the animattions and functions coded. Increase they cooldown or whatever. If they just adjusted other abilities to give more dps we would be in the same boat because it has secondary effects on the class that leads to unneccesary nerfs because after they adjust they never get it right and nerf


Why should we get it back? Why did sorcs get an instant heal? Exactly they were good dps and owning wz at that time

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If you would comprehend that they would obviously have to adjust it. Keep saying they dont need it when you lnow nothing about them and provide no proof i have multiple parses. If u knew about the class you would know you could get in extra mauls and thus increase in dps. Dont speak of something you know nothing about ive had one since launch. It is not unbalanced since sins are the worst class in the game according to every parse. They already have the animattions and functions coded. Increase they cooldown or whatever. If they just adjusted other abilities to give more dps we would be in the same boat because it has secondary effects on the class that leads to unneccesary nerfs because after they adjust they never get it right and nerf


Why should we get it back? Why did sorcs get an instant heal? Exactly they were good dps and owning wz at that time


So I run a Madness Assassin and I can tell you in WZ or Ops or on Bosses that Tumult does nothing. And I have parsed my Sin in both Madness and Deception with mostly 69 gear with some 72's. Tumult as it is is only good for trash. I have been playing since launch and I can tell you that Assassins are the most nerfed class in the game. But there are exceptions. I have a guild mate who posts ungodly numbers. He knows how to play his character. Tumult will do nothing. I saw my guildy pull a 8000 hp Maul. So even though the class is nerfed, you can get results out of it. And don't say they should change it. That is a serious no go. You can't ask for an ability back and then say change it at the same time. You either want it as it was or nothing at all.

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So I run a Madness Assassin and I can tell you in WZ or Ops or on Bosses that Tumult does nothing. And I have parsed my Sin in both Madness and Deception with mostly 69 gear with some 72's. Tumult as it is is only good for trash. I have been playing since launch and I can tell you that Assassins are the most nerfed class in the game. But there are exceptions. I have a guild mate who posts ungodly numbers. He knows how to play his character. Tumult will do nothing. I saw my guildy pull a 8000 hp Maul. So even though the class is nerfed, you can get results out of it. And don't say they should change it. That is a serious no go. You can't ask for an ability back and then say change it at the same time. You either want it as it was or nothing at all.


This is not a world of absolutes of course they can change it they always adjust abilities just because its not at the same time makes it ok? Fine then wait a while then change it. It would help out deception. That would help any class a stun isnt dps per se but it can lead to it or less dmg taken

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If you would comprehend that they would obviously have to adjust it. Keep saying they dont need it when you lnow nothing about them and provide no proof i have multiple parses. If u knew about the class you would know you could get in extra mauls and thus increase in dps. Dont speak of something you know nothing about ive had one since launch. It is not unbalanced since sins are the worst class in the game according to every parse. They already have the animattions and functions coded. Increase they cooldown or whatever. If they just adjusted other abilities to give more dps we would be in the same boat because it has secondary effects on the class that leads to unneccesary nerfs because after they adjust they never get it right and nerf


Why should we get it back? Why did sorcs get an instant heal? Exactly they were good dps and owning wz at that time


There is my answer. As someone who also has had an Assassin since launch I do know what I am talking about. You still have not answered how a move that does not work in PVP nor on mobs of Elite or higher would be so beneficial to the class DPS.


You simply say "make is useful in PVP". Not really an in-depth suggestion that will be taken seriously.

If you have been paying attention you will notice not a single person has agreed with you.

Edited by RandomXChance
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There is my answer. As someone who also has had an Assassin since launch I do know what I am talking about. You still have not answered how a move that does not work in PVP nor on mobs of Elite or higher would be so beneficial to the class DPS.


You simply say "make is useful in PVP". Not really an in-depth suggestion that will be taken seriously.

If you have been paying attention you will notice not a single person has agreed with you.


Are you daft i said it coupd be changed for pvp all the other classes that jump on the badwagon have no right unless their dps is 500 below everyone. It will help dps spec which is the worst on game rather than changing multiple abilities for each spec which yyoud habe to do to balance. You say no for no good reason bcuz you dont want a challenge obviously want to keep sins om the bottom of every parse at least i put forth a suggestion where is yours? Each spec could habe it function diferent and affect bosses. Boom. Fixed just give it dmg in dps spec sfterall it is a kick

Edited by mmjarec
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And why do i need to explain how it would work in pvp? Its easy. Turn it on and increase the cooldown then it wouldnt be op. why are you so against somethng that would make it more fun its not like its balanced now they need a ton of help
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Bigger question:


How many times are you going to post the same thread?


Nearly. Every. Single. Day. (since 8/24) you've cried about buffing your sins. We get it. You want buffs.


Do you *really* have to create a new thread every day about this?




Ignore him, Shadows and Sins are fine.

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Ignore him, Shadows and Sins are fine.


Very much so this.

Stealth specs for both classes require positioning and hit and run tactics, in raids you are at the mercy of your procs...get great procs and you blow EVERYONE away, get crappy procs and people wonder why they ever brought you along.

As for balance/madness...I honestly find this entire spec worthless for shadow/sin seeing as the sage/sorc can do so much more with it.

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Very much so this.

Stealth specs for both classes require positioning and hit and run tactics, in raids you are at the mercy of your procs...get great procs and you blow EVERYONE away, get crappy procs and people wonder why they ever brought you along.

As for balance/madness...I honestly find this entire spec worthless for shadow/sin seeing as the sage/sorc can do so much more with it.


Blow everyone away? Hqve you ever seen a parse? Sure hey can get lucky bursts but its rare. What does the other class havig to postion have to do with dps. They still do a lot more and medium armor. Seone whp relies on procs is someone who should get left out of raids. Start providing facts instead of opinions

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I have seen several Assassin DPS put out great numbers. It is one of the most difficult to pull off due to so many procs/stack building to make it work, so most just go Tank route.



Eh...Deception is one of the simplest specs to play. Only thing simpler that I know of is Hybrid Sorc. Maybe merc...I don't play mercs.

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Blow everyone away? Hqve you ever seen a parse? Sure hey can get lucky bursts but its rare. What does the other class havig to postion have to do with dps. They still do a lot more and medium armor. Seone whp relies on procs is someone who should get left out of raids. Start providing facts instead of opinions


The fact you have to ask about what positioning has to do with DPS, makes me think you have zero idea about DPS at all.

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