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Question about the change to Hutta/Ord Mantell Bounty Contracts


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That is actually kind of ridiculous. I'm not sure what they are hoping to accomplish with such a unnecessary restriction like that...


I'm guessing someone whined that high level characters were killing the boss when a low level character was trying to capture it, in which case the simple fix would be to make the bounty bosses invulnerable to anyone not in the group that spawned the boss.


Much better than some stupid restriction that does nothing but force people without low level toons to re-roll. Sounds like nothing more than another CC money grab to make people buy extra character slots from the CM.



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That is actually kind of ridiculous. I'm not sure what they are hoping to accomplish with such a unnecessary restriction like that...


I'm guessing someone whined that high level characters were killing the boss when a low level character was trying to capture it, in which case the simple fix would be to make the bounty bosses invulnerable to anyone not in the group that spawned the boss.


Much better than some stupid restriction that does nothing but force people without low level toons to re-roll. Sounds like nothing more than another CC money grab to make people buy extra character slots from the CM.




you are correct. several players complained about high levels one shotting their mobs upon trying a capture. biowares' solution was the easiest for them to implement. sadly level 55s still have to spam the capture because of all the impatient children helping.

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Wow not a cool change at all. I also don't like the fact you can only do each Kingpin contract once a week instead of each day as they had it last time. This really impacts low level characters who only have access to one or two Kingpin contract for the week, won't be able to do anymore.


Feels like there trying to slow us down, but it won't work. Well, maybe on the people who don’t like playing alts or haven’t level many characters. Thankful I’m not one of them, I just don’t understand why they did this change. I enjoy redoing the Kingpin on my BH who not max level, as it fit the character. Now she only be able to do two, until i get her leveled higher.

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Are they going to refund us 5 bounty certificates, so that we can unlock a different Kingpin Contract??


I unlocked the Hutta Kingpin on a lvl 55, so if I can't do it anymore, I better get my certificates back, so I can unlock a different one.


^Good point

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This change is a serious drag, I had planned to do the "capture" options on both these guys next Bounty Week, and now I won't be able to. I have thirteen characters, I'm not unlocking another slot and leveling up another guy just to capture a guy for an achievement. Bad fix, Bioware. This does not help anyone.
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Once they upped the spawn rate for the shady characters it no longer mattered how many high level people there were. Day 1 was ridiculous though. This wasn't a necessary change.


On jung ma, the only thing Rediculous was the all the people huddled around the two shady characters INSIDE the cantina and missing the ten outside lol. I got twelve toons done while some were still inside ks'ing each other inside lmao.

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On jung ma, the only thing Rediculous was the all the people huddled around the two shady characters INSIDE the cantina and missing the ten outside lol. I got twelve toons done while some were still inside ks'ing each other inside lmao.


It did take me a while to figure that one out. They should have increased the quest radius on the map to include the outside. That would have solved a lot of problems, too.

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Well that's just dumb... I have 8 toons and don't plan on ever having any more, lowest lvl is 34 if I hadn't finished the event during the 1st week I would be screwed.


My guess is that they miscalculated just how much rep players could get in a week, so they modified the rep given by kingpins and implemented this max lvl crap in a futile attempt at artificially increasing the longevity of this recurring event. The "low lvl players are complaining" is probably just an excuse.


Truth is, this event is gonna be a tumbleweed farm in 2/3 more returns, tops.


They should have just added more achievements like: time limits, no companions or party members, number of people interrogated or persuaded, number of shady characters killed, responses given to informant and so on.


But no, they had to go for the worst possible way to keep this this going...

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I'm pretty sure this is a reaction to the massive QQ over higher level players running through the lower level zones, "helping" with their targets and killing other mobs in the process.


Any time I was on Hutta, all I saw in General chat was people yelling at higher levels and telling them they're only at the lower levels because they're p*ssies. Didn't help to explain to them how it worked, they were just angry.

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Are they going to refund us 5 bounty certificates, so that we can unlock a different Kingpin Contract??


I unlocked the Hutta Kingpin on a lvl 55, so if I can't do it anymore, I better get my certificates back, so I can unlock a different one.



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Wow not a cool change at all. I also don't like the fact you can only do each Kingpin contract once a week instead of each day as they had it last time. This really impacts low level characters who only have access to one or two Kingpin contract for the week, won't be able to do anymore.

This is probably the most annoying change. Luckily it doesn't impact me as I already have enough reputation saved up to finish legend but this is just another way of Bioware trying to extend the event so people don't completely finish it in one week.

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