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20 bucks for a one use dye, REALLY?


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ok BW, it's great you're putting those dyes up on the CM but 20 bucks for black/black dye seems a bit absurd. I mean I'm not buying the stuff for myself so, no skin off my nose but it seems a little much

People have been asking for this. Now that they've added it, people are complaining.


How shocking. :rolleyes:

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Most people quit after the steaming pile of dog crap that was 2.1 came out.


O_o I don't have any idea what server you are on, but this is absolutely not the case on mine. :p

Game is booming. Instances are being added all the time because of crowding. Everyone luuuuvz the new gear and the gambling packs. I've bought tons of hypercrates myself. I'm having a great time. And the skins just keep getting better and better. Looking forward to 2.4. :eek:

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Pricing in this game is strange. You get a whole expansion pack that you can play with any character for ten dollars, something that's ludicrously cheap but to dye a single piece of clothing is twice that. I'm guessing it will be 140 to 180 dollars to dye a whole set of clothes. I'm not complaining I'm been very happy with my cartel market purchases and credit to Bioware/EA if you don't want to pay real money you can buy mostly everything for credits on GTN or make a trade but the pricing structure makes no sense. Also I get six hundred credits free each month for two things I was going to pay for anyway so I don't want to accuse them of being overly greedy despite not understanding how they price everything.
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You are only making me laugh. First you say something is missing, now you want to acknowledge that it is in fact present.


I'm not asking you to say anything. I only aimed to help you see the thing that you claimed was missing. The thing you practically asked for. And this is silly. However I wasn't the one being silly.


I've been nothing but polite to you. How about we both move on and thankx for forging a list.


Fair enough.


BTW, if you meant that I ignored your suggestion with my comment or took offense to my original comment I offer my apologies.


Same goes for anyone else that may have been offended by my comment. It was not meant to indicate your suggestions were being ignored.

Edited by LordArtemis
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*Educated guesses/assumptions based on years of MMOs and time on Lotro*


Playing dress up keeps casuals happy.


Casuals don't have 2mill credits for a single use dye

Casuals won't pay $20 for a single use dye


Casuals become unhappy


Small group of people with more money than sense buy the dyes from CM at lolprice, metrics tell BW that it's reasonably priced. Small group of people feel superior and that they've achieved everything in game and leave. Casuals who subscribe still don't enjoy playing dress up.

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Ok, here is the list as it stands from all the folks that offered alternatives that I could find.


Option 1: Keep at current price, make it collectable. (most popular suggestion)


Option 2: BoP, dont let it be destroyed when extracting.


Option 3: 500 coins max.


Option 4: reduce it to 350CC for one time use, 700CC for reusable, both BoP.


Option 5: Make it a multipack instead of a single dye.


Option 6: Reduce the price 50 percent for both.


Any adjustments that need to be made to the suggestions or additional options, let me know.


I would like to ask that folks refrain from simply posting to complain...please, offer alternate suggestions for how they should provide the dyes or pick one of the ones in the list.


This is not a demand. Simply a request. Thanks.

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What is this collections you keep talking about? That price does seem high for a non-re-useable dye. However, I understand the exclusitivity that it brings, as black on black is super awesome looking. I know I was looking at dyes last night and the blk/blk dye was selling for 5million!
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They need to adjust the dye modules as player crafted, and when you apply the module to an item, it opens a color wheel and lets you choose the brightness, hue, and tint that you want. Not everything needs to be overpriced on the cartel. Most of the stuff sure, but not freakin colors.


seriously, you guys are ************ about the wrong thing.


this and separate primary / secondary dye module slots is what we should have gotten from the beginning imo



in lotro, you can buy any dye you want from the story for $10, but every dye is also craftable in the game by players with common or uncommon mats (not super rare drops or anything)

there, dyes are consumed on use, and must be used for every single piece of clothing you want to dye. there's also a wardrobe, where you can save cosmetic pieces along with any dyes you've used on it.



in GW2, you can buy dye packs with real money (like here) or additionally find unidentified dyes as random drops in the world. you then have the choice to sell an unidentified dye, open it and see what it is (making more money if it's rare, less if it's common), or use it for yourself. and once you unlock a dye for your character, you have it forever.


you can also craft unidentified dyes of specific colors (blue, orange, etc.), but they are rather expensive and probably not worth it for the most part.

every piece of gear in the game has 2 or 3 dye slots, and you pick and choose from the available dyes for your character which colors to use on each piece and can change at any time you want with no additional cost (ingame or real life currency)




here we get dye modules that might as well be consumed on use, only come in very specific combinations, and some are extremely rare, which is just unintuitive imo considering that they are one-time use.

it's really hard to justify spending 2-4m on a single dye module. you then feel almost obligated to use it, even if you try it on and decide after a while that you don't like it.


i think the splitting the primary / secondary ship has sailed, but i think that putting dyes into collections for all the CM dyes is a really good approach to fixing the issue. all of the crafted and vendors dyes will still be crafted / vendor-bought only, and i'm sure more people would go out and buy a black/black or white/white dye and unlock it in collections just so they can have access to it for future use.

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*Educated guesses/assumptions based on years of MMOs and time on Lotro*


Playing dress up keeps casuals happy.


Casuals don't have 2mill credits for a single use dye

Casuals won't pay $20 for a single use dye


Casuals become unhappy


Small group of people with more money than sense buy the dyes from CM at lolprice, metrics tell BW that it's reasonably priced. Small group of people feel superior and that they've achieved everything in game and leave. Casuals who subscribe still don't enjoy playing dress up.


Casuals understand that Black/Black is a status symbol for people that have invested lots of time/money into the game, and play dress-up with everything else. It's okay for an MMO to have things that are difficult to obtain. Would I prefer it to be craftable wit Super Rare mats? Absolutely. But, if they are going to sell it on the CM, it has to be priced high, or it straight up won't be cool anymore. Then, how will everybody who spent 5 mil credits feel?

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Casuals understand that Black/Black is a status symbol for people that have invested lots of time/money into the game, and play dress-up with everything else. It's okay for an MMO to have things that are difficult to obtain. Would I prefer it to be craftable wit Super Rare mats? Absolutely. But, if they are going to sell it on the CM, it has to be priced high, or it straight up won't be cool anymore. Then, how will everybody who spent 5 mil credits feel?

How those folks would feel is totally irrelevant. As someone else stated somewhere, the price has to be high enough to compensate for less need to try your luck with a pack. That's the only consideration regarding its high price.

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Absolutely. But, if they are going to sell it on the CM, it has to be priced high, or it straight up won't be cool anymore. Then, how will everybody who spent 5 mil credits feel?


They'd probably feel the same way us $150 Collector Edition Owners felt after they dropped the price down to like $30 for a CE within 6months of launching the game. :eek:

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I once played a game where they asked $150 for a little onyx crown (limitied edition) that was hardly noticable, and it sold out within a day. Ill await the day the SWTOR store will do the same as I have no doubt people will buy it regardless of what it is.


Hey, as long as it ensures regular updates and no P2W im fine with it (gameplay wise. morally it is still wrong).

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Simple solution: I picked a black chest piece I liked and hit the color button. Walla! All black outfit :p


Don't buy the 2k dyes and they will go away.


Your logic is flawless until you realize that only about 15% of the armour sets in-game are Black/Black

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Ok, here is the list as it stands from all the folks that offered alternatives that I could find.


Option 1: Keep at current price, make it collectable. (most popular suggestion)


Option 2: BoP, dont let it be destroyed when extracting.


Option 3: 500 coins max.


Option 4: reduce it to 350CC for one time use, 700CC for reusable, both BoP.


Option 5: Make it a multipack (2 or 3) instead of a single dye.


Option 6: Reduce the price 50 percent for both.


Option 7: 5 or 10 pack, BoL.


Option 8: Leave the price as it is.


Any adjustments that need to be made to the suggestions or additional options, let me know.


I would like to ask that folks refrain from simply posting to complain...please, offer alternate suggestions for how they should provide the dyes or pick one of the ones in the list.


This is not a demand. Simply a request. Thanks.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Not everything needs to be overpriced on the cartel. Most of the stuff sure, but not freakin colors.

Do you understand how the f2p model works?


If you're offering people a choice to play for free, a lot of them will take it. You lose very little (like 10 cents a month for server bills) on those who wouldn't pay either way, but also $12 a month on those who would sub, but feel more comfortable taking you up on your offer.


Especially now that they're removing f2p restrictions - and still have costs, adding content to this game like Oricon. And this game has cost way more than all Warcrafts and expansions combined, and as much or more than Elder Scrolls Online to develop. Was that budget spent well or not is beside the point.

So what does a game like that take to pay off? ESO developers are charging for the client and for game time and are having a cash shop at launch, which will sell gameplay affecting items like inventory expansions, which you are going to need because ESO isn't filled with "sell all" vendors at every corner.


Now, if some are paying $15, some are paying $5, and some are paying $0, and there aren't all that many players, it means that someone needs to pay more than $15.

Which is where the cosmetics shop based f2p model comes in play: people with more than $15 to spend are allowed plentiful options to spend more and get something to show off to other players for it.


Every purchase of cosmetic options, especially ones that cost nothing to make like dyes, is essentially a donation to support the game's development. It would cost them nothing to make all 262,000 possible dye colors free for everyone - but that would defeat the purpose, as far fewer players would just elect to donate charitably with nothing in return.

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