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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

20 bucks for a one use dye, REALLY?


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IALL previous cartel market purchases have been added to the collections page. Again. ALL. As in EVERY SINGLE ONE. Its part of their own design. The collections page was MADE by Bioware to work that way. By adding the dyes, Bioware themselves have placed those items in the very same category. They and, honestly, neither do you get to play pick and choose.


This is an exception, and it is a ridiculous exception. If I, as a customer, am giving them my money which, and because I fully expect this to yet again be lost on you I will repeat, I have no problem doing I expect a certain level of customer satisfaction. This, from the perspective of someone who regularly spends money in the cartel store, is a rip off.

Why is it ridiculous? Because you say so? You, there really is no reasonable response to "If you don't want to pay the price, don't buy it." We're not talking about clean water, here. No one ever died from not dying their computer game character's armor.

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Ok, here is the list as it stands, I couldn't find any recent suggestions that were different from past ones.


Option 1: Keep at current price, make it collectable. (most popular suggestion)


Option 2: BoP, dont let it be destroyed when extracting.


Option 3: 500 coins max.


Option 4: reduce it to 350CC for one time use, 700CC for reusable, both BoP.


Option 5: Make it a multipack (2 or 3) instead of a single dye.


Option 6: Reduce the price 50 percent for both.


Option 7: 5 or 10 pack, BoL.


Option 8: Add to collection for 100cc common, 500cc uncommon, 1000cc rare.


Option 9: Leave the price as it is.


Any adjustments that need to be made to the suggestions or additional options, let me know.

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I'm going to dumb this down as far as I can. We are having a failure to communicate. You are talking about something that isn't even part of the conversation.


I don't have a problem purchasing things from the cash shop. The last pack saw me drop $80.


ALL previous cartel market purchases have been added to the collections page. Again. ALL. As in EVERY SINGLE ONE. Its part of their own design. The collections page was MADE by Bioware to work that way. By adding the dyes, Bioware themselves have placed those items in the very same category. They and, honestly, neither do you get to play pick and choose.


This is an exception, and it is a ridiculous exception. If I, as a customer, am giving them my money which, and because I fully expect this to yet again be lost on you I will repeat, I have no problem doing I expect a certain level of customer satisfaction. This, from the perspective of someone who regularly spends money in the cartel store, is a rip off.


Again you are missing the complete and total point this entire time. You keep throwing money at the game expecting one thing while another happens and you're upset Yes, the Dyes are on the CM, would I like to see them added to the collections tab? Yes. Will it happen? Not likely, because people keep buying dye module packs and prolly these two dyes and that in Bioware/EA's eyes equals cha-ching!


You admit to spending $80+ dollars on the cm store. If I were looking at this as someone in charge of the CM, I would see this as a hint that people are willing to pay for anything you throw at them.


If they added dye's to the collection then sales of dyes would start to decline because people would only be buying it once whether in-game or out of game and they would lose money.


Now, the point you seem to be missing is this: You keep throwing money at them expecting a certain level of service and satisfaction that you "think" you deserve, but in actuality you are becoming frustrated that it's not so.


These Dyes are more than likely not going to be added to the collections because all of the other dyes are not part of it either. If you want to change this however, you need to take a stand and put your wallet away and let them know by not purchasing these dyes, you don't agree with it.


So again for the third time "If you don't agree with, you don't have to buy it" otherwise feel free to stop by your local CM and purchase some fresh produce. :)

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Why is it ridiculous? Because you say so? You, there really is no reasonable response to "If you don't want to pay the price, don't buy it." We're not talking about clean water, here. No one ever died from not dying their computer game character's armor.


Because basic business sense dictates that the way to increase revenue long term is incentivizing purchases, giving your customers a reason to come back repeatedly. Slash and burn on the other hand sees short term increases but overall long term loses.


On the other hand, you are probably American.. and if the state of your economy is anything to go by, for all your claims at being masters of capitalism you continue to fail terribly at it.


End result of this debacle? You as a continuing customers and supporter of the cartel market in its current form are now responsible, going forward, for all of my future potential purchases. See how this works? Enjoy carrying my load in addition to your own. I spent $80.00 on the last pack release, you better do better then that for the next one.

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If they added dye's to the collection then sales of dyes would start to decline because people would only be buying it once whether in-game or out of game and they would lose money.


Pulling out this comment as the rest is pointless, and by now redundant.


Dyes exist in other games, GW2 for example has had a dye system from launch. Much like SWTOR you can purchase dye packs, unlock random colours and if you are exceptionally lucky get some of the rare ones. Black continues to be the most sought after colour in that game. It is the most expensive colour by that very same virture. Yet should you purchases it through a pack or from the auction house, once consumed the dye is available to use going forward on any item you have. This by the way, is a game with no monthly sub and all revenue derived from their cash shop.


Bioware, instead choose to opt for the cash grab option. Will they see a increase in revenue short term, of course, however adding it to the collections page would have seen the very same revenue increase. The difference being, long term they have now chosen THIS as the narrative for SWTOR. Super Secret Space Expansion has taken a back seat to the discussion of whether or not Bioware is ripping us off. And me, as a dedicated customer who hasn't lapsed his sub, hasn't shelved the game and paid my monthly sub and more is siding with the 'yes, they are' side of the argument.


You might not have a problem with it, but a lot of people do. Going forward they will be hesitant to actually spend money on purchases.

Edited by SammuelSK
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ALL previous cartel market purchases have been added to the collections page. Again. ALL. As in EVERY SINGLE ONE. Its part of their own design. The collections page was MADE by Bioware to work that way. By adding the dyes, Bioware themselves have placed those items in the very same category. They and, honestly, neither do you get to play pick and choose.


Not exactly, not in the way you mean at any rate. There's a bunch of stuff on the CM that you have to buy again for each character. Spaceship upgrades, armor with mods, etc.


In fact, are powerups (xp boosts, etc) in your collections? Cause they can be bought on the CM :p

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Not exactly, not in the way you mean at any rate. There's a bunch of stuff on the CM that you have to buy again for each character. Spaceship upgrades, armor with mods, etc.


In fact, are powerups (xp boosts, etc) in your collections? Cause they can be bought on the CM :p


No, and neither is the junk thrown in for filler. Companion gifts, crafting resources and so on. I consider those convience items as, in most if not every case, they can be earned as a quest reward or crafted. That being said, the argument then stands with one caveat, all MAJOR purchases are unlocked through the collections page once purchased.


At $20.00 a dye is most definitely considered a major purchase in my opinion.

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No, and neither is the junk thrown in for filler. Companion gifts, crafting resources and so on. I consider those convience items as, in most if not every case, they can be earned as a quest reward or crafted. That being said, the argument then stands with one caveat, all MAJOR purchases are unlocked through the collections page once purchased.


At $20.00 a dye is most definitely considered a major purchase in my opinion.


Well that's interesting, because the statted armor goes for 1200 cartel points (more than the white dye) and yet that has to be bought again each time. It, too, is a one time purchase.


So I still don't quite buy your "OMG they're contradicting their entire design" stance on this.


Pick a different argument.

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Well that's interesting, because the statted armor goes for 1200 cartel points (more than the white dye) and yet that has to be bought again each time. It, too, is a one time purchase.


So I still don't quite buy your "OMG they're contradicting their entire design" stance on this.


Pick a different argument.


The statted armor can be put in your bank and modded if you want to use it later on. Can the same be said for the dyes?


Your turn.

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Well that's interesting, because the statted armor goes for 1200 cartel points (more than the white dye) and yet that has to be bought again each time. It, too, is a one time purchase.


So I still don't quite buy your "OMG they're contradicting their entire design" stance on this.


Pick a different argument.


I'm sorry? How is the argument I choose to make in any way alright for you to veto?


Stated armor is capped is capped at level 30. It has no bearing on anything past 5 levels of gameplay and additionally has all but been phased out, with though I'm unable to find the link at the moment, them saying they would not be adding more in the future. The items continue to exist as a purely cosmetic option, with prices running from 150cc to 1200cc, less incidentally then their non statted counterparts (1440 cc). Also, they aren't destroyed on use, can be banked and used later on.


Colour cystals are also available as 'statted' items incidentally, and do unlock on use. Personally, I consider them to by the closest market equivalent to the dyes.. as they have a purely cosmetic impact on your character and are available in both packs/purchases.


As Bioware contradicting themselves, they do that endlessly.

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I'm sorry? How is the argument I choose to make in any way alright for you to veto?


Stated armor is capped is capped at level 30. It has no bearing on anything past 5 levels of gameplay and additionally has all but been phased out, with though I'm unable to find the link at the moment, them saying they would not be adding more in the future. The items continue to exist as a purely cosmetic option, with prices running from 150cc to 1200cc, less incidentally then their non statted counterparts (1440 cc). Also, they aren't destroyed on use, can be banked and used later on.


Colour cystals are also available as 'statted' items incidentally, and do unlock on use. Personally, I consider them to by the closest market equivalent to the dyes.. as they have a purely cosmetic impact on your character and are available in both packs/purchases.

As Bioware contradicting themselves, they do that endlessly.


+41 to power, crit, endurance or expertise is "purely cosmetic"?


BW is not contradicting themselves as there are many things on the CM that are not in the collections and are one time purchases. What BW has chosen to do by not adding the dyes to the collections does not mesh with what you want, so they "are contradicting themselves" and it appears that you think they should be vilified.

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+41 to power, crit, endurance or expertise is "purely cosmetic"?


Yes, as those very same stats are available in any level 50 crystal lying around. Players do not need to wield lightsabers with blood red or black green or black purple crystals. Any basic weapon or offhand you receive from a vendor, or as a reward comes with their own crystals with those very same stats. Players then choose to find specific ones for purely cosmetic reasons.

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Yes, as those very same stats are available in ANY level 50 crystal lying around. Players do not need to wield lightsabers with blood red or black green or black purple crystals. Any basic weapon or offhand you receive from a vendor, or as a reward comes with their own crystals with those very same stats. Players then choose to find specific ones for purely cosmetic reasons.



Can "ANY level 50 crystal lying around" be used at level 10? Unless "ANY level 50 crystal lying around" can be used at level 10, the CM crystals are NOT purely cosmetic.

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Can "ANY level 50 crystal lying around" be used at level 10? Unless "ANY level 50 crystal lying around" can be used at level 10, the CM crystals are NOT purely cosmetic.


Is it possible to level your character without those buffed up crystals? Are they required in order for you to succeed and hit level 55 in the game? Is any content or aspect of the game locked out to you by not having a cystal with those stats?


Yes. No. And No.


Cosmetic options.

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The statted armor can be put in your bank and modded if you want to use it later on. Can the same be said for the dyes?


Your turn.


I don't get your point. No you cannot 'mod' dyes though you can put them in your bank.

Edited by hadoken
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Is it possible to level your character without those buffed up crystals? Are they required in order for you to succeed and hit level 55 in the game? Is any content or aspect of the game locked out to you by not having a cystal with those stats?


Yes. No. And No.


Cosmetic options.



Is it possible to level your character without statted armors from the CM? YES.

Are statted armors from the CM required for you to succeed and hit level 55 in the game? NO

Is any content or aspect of the game locked out you by not having statted armor from the CM? NO


Do statted armors from the CM require a separate purchase for each character or companion you wish to equip? YES, just like dyes. Imagine that.

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Do statted armors from the CM require a separate purchase for each character or companion you wish to equip? YES, just like dyes. Imagine that.


Oh, so when I use a statted piece of armor its consumed and destroyed, it is in fact bound to me and upon removal simply vanishes into the ether. Huh, very good to know, I will moving forward purchase such items accordingly.

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It's mostly because it gives more neutral colors to aesthetics that are otherwise using a crayon box, two-tone color system. Would rather have no color than a lot of the colors they come up with!


Not really. There are plenty of dye choices that are well away from the kindergarten crayon pack, for modest prices on the GTN.. that achieve essentially the same toned down look toward monochromatic.


What we have here is an unhealthy obsession in the player base for black and white dyes. Not unusual for MMOs actually, but unhealthy none the less. How so? ... it's almost an obsession for some players.... to the point of raging and demanding.


Thing is.. players asked, begged, pleaded for the B/B and W/W dyes to be direct sale on the CM. Bioware listened. So now the begging and pleading shifts to pricing even though the launch price of these significantly undercuts the price to get B/B and W/W prior to them being sold directly on the CM. See a pattern here? I certainly do...."gimme gimmie, I want I want, nao nao!!" Obsessive and entitled behavior.. for a cosmetic item in a game, by adults. :confused:

Edited by Andryah
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Not really. There are plenty of dye choices that are well away from the kindergarten crayon pack, for modest prices on the GTN.. that achieve essentially the same toned down look toward monochromatic.


What we have here is an unhealthy obsession in the player base for black and white dyes. Not unusual for MMOs actually, but unhealthy none the less. How so? ... it's almost an obsession for some players.... to the point of raging and demanding.


Thing is.. players asked, begged, pleaded for the B/B and W/W dyes to be direct sale on the CM. Bioware listened. So now the begging and pleading shifts to pricing even though the launch price of these significantly undercuts the price to get B/B and W/W prior to them being sold directly on the CM. See a pattern here? I certainly do...."gimme gimmie, I want I want, nao nao!!" Obsessive and entitled behavior.. for a cosmetic item in a game, by adults. :confused:


An "unhealthy obsession"? What a load of crap. I have never seen someone defend a company with such an "obsession" as I have seen from you. You continually miss the point entirely. You have been condescending to anyone that dare speak their displeasure with the way bioware is doing everything possible to just suck more and more money out of the player base.


Go ahead "cupcake" and continue to fawn over bioware and claim this is just fine and dandy what they are doing to the players that SUPPORT this game. Just realize you are dead wrong thinking this is OK.

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Part of me wants that this discuss go on, making the thread bigger and noticiable by devs. But part of me believes that nothing will ever change, its all about economical viable or not.


if no one buys it, there could very well be a permanent discount as some point. if people buy it, it definitely won't change. people need to speak with their wallets on stuff like this, not the forums.


saying they love it, hate it, doesn't matter. if no one supports it, the devs will see that it's not worth buying. if lots of people buy it, well there's really no reason for them to change it at that point.


and nothing said on the forums will have any impact on either of those scenarios tbh.

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You continually miss the point entirely. You have been condescending to anyone that dare speak their displeasure with the way bioware is doing everything possible to just suck more and more money out of the player base.


Oh I get your point, but I disagree with it. And I do so in calm, measured reason, and state why in each and every case.. as I have done with a number of other posters here who are so busy complaining they cannot or will not look at facts objectively. This release of these two dyes for direct sale significantly nerfs the cost to acquire them both in the CM and in game. The fact that you cannot step back and look at it objectively, is your problem not mine.


Whereas.. you are running around complaining at the "injustice" of Bioware selling dyes directly to customers (which is what customers actually asked be done.. and I would add many said they would be willing to pay large amounts of CCs for it if they did so. So suck it up... Bioware listened in this case.


And a protip for you: nothing in the CM is required to play and enjoy the game.. unless you have unhealthy obsessions for faux items inside a virtual game. So really.. they cannot suck any money out of you UNLESS you simply cannot control yourself when presented with virtual eye candy. ;)

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