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Why Smash Should Not be Nerfed


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I will destroy your arguments 1 by 1:


1) OMG the AOE!!!


Dear friend, the AOE will not be an issue in Arenas unless you play against a really bad team, there really is no reason why your smash should be hitting more than one person at any given time


2) OMG those defensive CDs!!!


Dear friend, by definition, a Smash is a melee class, who typically receives the second most damage in the team next to the Healer, it needs these defensive CDs or it will die more often than a Sorcerer/Sage. The potential damage output of a smash is balanced by the risk that it takes by "face tanking" - tab targetting favors the target that is right in front of you, e.g., the Smash


3) OMG but other classes are melee too!!!


Dear friend, those other classes have long-term stealth abilities, that fecking roll ability, among other awesome utility skills NONE of which the Smash has, ability to respec into a super strong heal or tank class.


4) OMG but what about your surge and power rating???


Dear friend, other classes are putting out 12k + single target hits. Smash will do this only against a PVE geared player. Other classes also have that 30% AOE mitigation ability which results in pitiful 3k smashes.


5) OMG but I just suck at the game and I want to be better!!!!


Dear friend, this is the crux of the "nerf x" threads. You nerf Smash, well that will put either Jugg Smash or Powertech/Vanguard hybrid the next OP class. Still, nobody will play scoundrel DPS, shadow DPS or sage DPS in Arenas.


6) OMG then we should nerf healing, and buff non-Smash DPS classes/builds!


Dear friend, YES! Buff those DOT builds. Buff Sage/Sorc. Also, healing needs to be looked at. Healing was and never should be intended to keep a player up indefinitely - it should just be a measure to prolong your life. Arenas should never go to the acid gas stage. The problem is, the DPS in this game is so weak that it is very hard to burn down a healer with a good tank.

Edited by iheartnyc
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The potential damage output of a smash is balanced by the risk that it takes by "face tanking" - tab targetting favors the target that is right in front of you, e.g., the Smash

You do realize that warzone PvP is a team effort, not "every man for himself", so this is only an added bonus? The team will be taking that DPS either way, and the error of targeting the smasher instead of the healer means neither gets focused and neither dies.


Furthermore, even if you don't see it as a team effort (something many Mara/Sent smashers are probably guilty of), it wouldn't be balancing Smash's damage, because the potential risk is already negated by tank-grade defensive cooldowns that essentially put all the best defenses of Juggs and Tankassins in one package.


But I think you do know already. These seem to be intentionally very shallow arguments, just enough to be followed by devs, but not enough to be instantly broken apart by them.

Edited by B-Dick
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Why Smash/Sweep wont be nerfed: Because Bioware likes it.


Why Smash/Sweep NEEDS to be nerfed: It does not excel at one particular thing.




Think about that.


Every other spec excels at 1.. maybe 2 things if in the hands of a good player.


Mara Smash (because it's the ONLY kind that this applies to) excels at everything. It is not the glass cannon it should be. they can 1v1 you to infinity because.. well.. they cannot die apparently. They can pressure an entire team because they have a 50k AOE on demand as well as very good long range attacks. They can demolish a single target (so if they sit on a healer.. it's GG. Problem is most players who run Smash have no desire to play objectively.. they want the SUPERWOWZDEEPZ.. so that rarely happens.. BUT IT CAN!).


And good luck dealing with two of them.



If all else fails? Well, they can just hit their 4 second stealth that is SPEED BOOSTED and run the f*ck away.


The same CANNOT be said for any other spec that isn't called Sawbones.

Edited by maverickmatt
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You're so brave...


For content I'll say this:


You can't argue that AoE doesn't matter because it won't matter in arenas and then argue that other melee classes are fine because they have roll and stealth (which are much more useless in arenas).


Tl;dr nerf smash, nerf op heals.

Edited by Morde_
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If only Powertechs had godmode cooldowns stealth and roll it might be a good melee dps class.


Under most circumstances I would berate you for suggesting such an injustice but it seems that OP is the new balanced... so...



I vote yes.


But while we're at it..


Since Shien form is meant to dominate it's opponents through overpowering and dominating strength..


Can I haz a 50% increase to Mainstat? I feel that it would be fair.. seeing as Smash can do that kind of damage.

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Why Smash/Sweep NEEDS to be nerfed: It does not excel at one particular thing.




Think about that.


Every other spec excels at 1.. maybe 2 things if in the hands of a good player.


Mara Smash (because it's the ONLY kind that this applies to) excels at everything. It is not the glass cannon it should be. they can 1v1 you to infinity because.. well.. they cannot die apparently. They can pressure an entire team because they have a 50k AOE on demand as well as very good long range attacks. They can demolish a single target (so if they sit on a healer.. it's GG. Problem is most players who run Smash have no desire to play objectively.. they want the SUPERWOWZDEEPZ.. so that rarely happens.. BUT IT CAN!).


And good luck dealing with two of them.



If all else fails? Well, they can just hit their 4 second stealth that is SPEED BOOSTED and run the f*ck away.


The same CANNOT be said for any other spec that isn't called Sawbones.


do you know the class? rage doesnt speed boost force camouflage, its high up in the carnage tree.


i am never playing rage, but those whining sucks so bad. i could whine about snipers too. cant jump to them, cant cc them, they knockback me, root me, slow me, mezz me, while doing tons of damage. when 1 class needs a nerf its the sniper.


rage is a one trick pony, which is easy to counter.

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do you know the class? rage doesnt speed boost force camouflage, its high up in the carnage tree.


i am never playing rage, but those whining sucks so bad. i could whine about snipers too. cant jump to them, cant cc them, they knockback me, root me, slow me, mezz me, while doing tons of damage. when 1 class needs a nerf its the sniper.


rage is a one trick pony, which is easy to counter.


no one has ever said how it's easy to counter they just say "it's easy to counter" and expect us to just accept that as fact. Yeah you can counter them, throw 3 people at one or one other smasher. But then they disappear. That is a great escape btw letting them get in over their head and recover. That is a serious advantage. They don't get very punished for overextending or getting into bad situations.


That one trick is to out damage, out survive and escape. That is a hell of a pony to ride.


You also know that crits bypass armor right? Many classes have to rely almost solely on armor. Wait what you automatically crit? Geez. I think I have a 40% chance if I have the right set bonus and that is if I sacrifice some power to boost crit up that high.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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no one has ever said how it's easy to counter they just say "it's easy to counter" and expect us to just accept that as fact. Yeah you can counter them, throw 3 people at one or one other smasher. But then they disappear. That is a great escape btw letting them get in over their head and recover. That is a serious advantage. They don't get very punished for overextending or getting into bad situations.


That one trick is to out damage, out survive and escape. That is a hell of a pony to ride.


You also know that crits bypass armor right? Many classes have to rely almost solely on armor. Wait what you automatically crit? Geez. I think I have a 40% chance if I have the right set bonus and that is if I sacrifice some power to boost crit up that high.


crits bypass armor? thats new to me. i thought its crit vs shield...


how can i tell you possible counters when the first and best counter is to play well and know your class and opponents class. i am perhaps an just above average pvp player.


on my assassin, i could knockback him/them, i could hit force shroud (3 sec immune), i could force speed away, i could vanish, i could use my defensive -25 percent damage skill, i could low slash one, AND i could be in stealth in the first place.


a sniper uses cover and cant be jumped at. they also got entrench for being immune to cc for 20 sec every 60 sec. next to their aoe knockback with root/slow, 30m root, 30m instant aoe mezz.... and very high instant damage. they are harder to counter than smashers.


operatives, heal specced should avoid to be in the frontline, and can stealth too. they have a 8 sec instant aoe mezz, 1 stun, a roll, re stealth,...


mercs i dont know so much, but they also got an aoe knockback very far, electro net (i am not sure if it avoids jumping), ........


and its teamplay after all. if you have a sniper, he can instant aoe mezz focusing smashers.


this whole discussion is just a l2p issue

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First let me say i changed to Guardian vigilance for some time now and i am having A LOT more fun then focus.



Second i do hope smash get's nerfed and BAD... I am tired of noticing teams full of warriors with smash, smash, smash. Some other classes need love to.


Asside for smash they need to nerf:


Snipers, starting with that stun imunity... Make it 10 seconds MAX on a 3 mins CD.... Then that range on mez.. Make it 10 m. Perhaps more nerfs, not sure. I mean seriously... 20 seconds of imunity to CC on a low CD like that? ARE THEY BRAIN DEAD?

I don't even know why cover prevents leaps considering the numbers of anti CC and CC they have...


OPS... Yeah nerf them... Its the only healer you are really going to see in arenas...

Edited by Xanas
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crits bypass armor? thats new to me. i thought its crit vs shield...


how can i tell you possible counters when the first and best counter is to play well and know your class and opponents class. i am perhaps an just above average pvp player.


on my assassin, i could knockback him/them, i could hit force shroud (3 sec immune), i could force speed away, i could vanish, i could use my defensive -25 percent damage skill, i could low slash one, AND i could be in stealth in the first place.


a sniper uses cover and cant be jumped at. they also got entrench for being immune to cc for 20 sec every 60 sec. next to their aoe knockback with root/slow, 30m root, 30m instant aoe mezz.... and very high instant damage. they are harder to counter than smashers.


operatives, heal specced should avoid to be in the frontline, and can stealth too. they have a 8 sec instant aoe mezz, 1 stun, a roll, re stealth,...


mercs i dont know so much, but they also got an aoe knockback very far, electro net (i am not sure if it avoids jumping), ........


and its teamplay after all. if you have a sniper, he can instant aoe mezz focusing smashers.


this whole discussion is just a l2p issue


Please tell me how a Concealment Op is supposed to beat an equally skilled smasher? Serious question, I really have no idea how to beat a "good" one.


Oh and I'm talking about Marauders

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Please tell me how a Concealment Op is supposed to beat an equally skilled smasher? Serious question, I really have no idea how to beat a "good" one.


Oh and I'm talking about Marauders


I can do that but first you need to tell me how am i supposed to beat a sniper as a guardian.

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Marauder/sent - the only class in the game that has no 4sec stun. Oh, this is why they have more defensive cooldown and dps output :eek:

"would be ridiculous if they could stun + ravage"... Oh wait whats the difference between:

assuming all hit is a crit..

stun + 9.2k maul + 8k maul

stun + 12kseries of shots + 6k followthrough

stun + 14k unload + 10k heatseeker


People really forget about that marauder can't 4sec stun you.

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