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How do you kill a scoundrel?


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Ok, either tell me how to do that (so I can do it), or tell me what you are smoking (because I want some of that). Which BEST defensive CD is that? Because there is no way it could be that defensive orb.


guess he referrs to dodge/evasion wich has not been changed in 2.0 beside that BW took away the 30% speed increase and 2 sec of its duration... great buff :p

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Personally I think guard should get a talent high in the tank tree where its makes healers uninterruptable, with infinite range (on the immunity not on the DR) that way when going after teams using mandos or sages they have to focus the tank in order the be able to shut down the healer. However since scoundrels don't rely on casts this doesn't affect their performance.


lol, my sorc would absolutely love that, but yeah it would be too OP... but I can imagine how unstoppable my sorc would be.

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OHMYGAWD. I need a PHD in geek or mmorpg-speak. Why can't people speak english? Excuse me if I have no idea what nerf means in regards to MMORPG. I have a real life...you know...one outside of SWTOR and not in front of a computer screen.



Maybe I should quit this game. The "community" doesn't speak my language.

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Please point me to my QQ about smash. The only thing remotely bad I said about smash was "put a guard on the healer and smash monkeys will scratch their butts". Unlike you I don't QQ about classes/specs I don't know much about. I never played a rage marauder (I chose a jugg) so I don't complain about marauders at all.


But thanks for not talking about it.


*** is a smash monkey? What is QQ? What is OP? Why don't we all try using full English words?

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*** is a smash monkey? What is QQ? What is OP? Why don't we all try using full English words?


A smash monkey is someone who plays the rage spec (smasher spec) on a marauder or juggernaut and thinks he is awesome. In reality it is just an easy spec to play that does A LOT of damage and according to many is very OP. It's also very easy to coordinate this spec since it is mostly leap and smash, so when you see someone leap, you leap-monkey see monkey do.



QQ-cry and whine about something

nerf-to weaken, like take away abilities, add longer CD(cooldowns), add certain conditions to abilities, remove utilities etc

Edited by sithBracer
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OHMYGAWD. I need a PHD in geek or mmorpg-speak. Why can't people speak english? Excuse me if I have no idea what nerf means in regards to MMORPG. I have a real life...you know...one outside of SWTOR and not in front of a computer screen.



Maybe I should quit this game. The "community" doesn't speak my language.


I'm not even english and I understand all the "common words" used when ppl talks about this game.

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What.... I don't even..


What you are suggesting is outrageously OP.


Well, it would accomplish the task of requiring the opposing team to kill the tank first, and mando healers would totally be viable with it.........


I hope you didn't take that serisouly.

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Well, it would accomplish the task of requiring the opposing team to kill the tank first, and mando healers would totally be viable with it.........


I hope you didn't take that serisouly.


Being forced to kill the tank first is not a good thing.


And while it might do wonders for a class in the gutter, it would be stupid OP for the ones that aren't.


So yeah, just ditch that suggestion because it's bad.

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I'm not even english and I understand all the "common words" used when ppl talks about this game.


I *never* use the abbreviation "ppl". And English is my second language, too.


The fact that you use this abbreviation sjhows me that you are far beyond being a beginner - and this disqualifies you from answering the quote there as you did.

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Exfiltrate, I'm guessing. Seems fairly obvious.


Yeah exfiltrate doesn't do half the stuff he is talking about, and can't be used when immobilized in anyway.


My guess is he is talking about the "covered escape" ability that snipers got and combined it with the "no CD" that operatives' exfiltrate got to b*tch about something that doesn't exist.

Edited by sithBracer
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Being forced to kill the tank first is not a good thing.


And while it might do wonders for a class in the gutter, it would be stupid OP for the ones that aren't.


So yeah, just ditch that suggestion because it's bad.


The interrupt immunity was more of a troll, than anything.


However there should be a reason to kill the tank first, because that's the point of bring a mitigation oriented toon. Right now the tanks exist to serve the healers, but not having a tank just means the healer has to kite more.


There should be a point for all the mitigations points that tanks have, instead of the tank being the only person not being hit

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This is not PvE. PvP tanking means soaking as much damage income for your partners are posseble.


Deal with it. Because that is how it is.


Because guarding the healer, then putting them on follow and getting up and getting a drink is just so much fun. Because that's what pvp tanking is in this game - following your healer and catering to their every need

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Because guarding the healer, then putting them on follow and getting up and getting a drink is just so much fun. Because that's what pvp tanking is in this game - following your healer and catering to their every need


No... lol. Do you even know how to PvP tank?


You can go with a pocket healer if you like, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be busy doing alot of other things at the same time.


Try taunting, CCing setting up killtargets sometime. You should always be busy. If you aren't, you're doing it wrong.

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No... lol. Do you even know how to PvP tank?


You can go with a pocket healer if you like, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be busy doing alot of other things at the same time.


Try taunting, CCing setting up killtargets sometime. You should always be busy. If you aren't, you're doing it wrong.


I main a PvP tank tthank you.


Obviously I used a extreme example. but it is more or less what tanks do, we follow people around a soak up their damage for them, its a support role, but even more boring than traditional support roles

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I main a PvP tank tthank you.


Obviously I used a extreme example. but it is more or less what tanks do, we follow people around a soak up their damage for them, its a support role, but even more boring than traditional support roles


Then tanking is not for you. Time to reroll.

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Then tanking is not for you. Time to reroll.


apologies if I offended you by believing tanks should tank stuff instead of being a self propelled HP pool for the healer


Currently HB is the only place where I actually feel like I am tanking.


And I dislike the majority of dps specs in pvp the only ones whose play style interest me are DF scoundrel, and perhaps SS slinger. not even going to do healing, regardless of how easy or fotm it becomes. I'll stay a tank.

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apologies if I offended you by believing tanks should tank stuff instead of being a self propelled HP pool for the healer


That is exactly what you are in PvE too. Except that you simply cannot force players.. whom are actual humans with actual (not artificial) intellegence to focus their fire on you. You're supposed to be the least viable target BECAUSE you're the hardest to kill. What you are doing is tanking.


Just without the fact that people actually go on you. And that will never happen.

It's quite unique that SWTOR even found a viable way to bring "tanking" into PvP in the first place.


I was pleasantly surprised when I first saw that.

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Simple question, I find it impossible to kill a scoundrel, because he can heal, roll, go invisible, mezz me, heal up, kite me all over the map etc...


I spent the whole time in one warzone trying to kill one of them but they were kiting me everywhere, i pulled them to me and they just stunned me and went invisible...basically they were taunting me the whole match but i couldnt kill him...


I'm fully geared/augmented, half my gear is conq BiS, I have no trouble killing other classes but i cant kill a scoundrel.


If they're a scoundrel healer with guard with another healer on their team...well theres no chance they're gonna die even if 3 of you are attacking it


I agree that healers are a little op when they heal. i personally believe that they should not be able to heal themselves for more than 50% of what they normally heal or limit their range considerably when they do heal....


Now on to getting your question answered....


When you first approach a healer (this pertains to any type), use your damage over time abilities. Stuns are extremely effective after you utilize the dot's. This will allow you to do your most amount of damage in a short burst! If you have an additional stun (like a flashbang), use that and use one of your power up abilities that take time to activate. If you do this combo right, the healer will be squashed very quickly. If you don't have a second stun available, use your control effects (like leg shot) that stop them from moving or slow them down. This will continue to allow you to pummel them, but will take longer to get the kill.


In retrospect, if you tag team an enemy, you should still be able to get the kill and overpower the healing of the healer unless you are hitting a tank. In this case, both of you need to divert your attention to the healer instead....and that shouldn't take very long to overpower him/her....


You will never get a kill on the healer if you are only doing a basic attack. So never do that. Utilize your abilities and figure out a combo to whack the healers. Once you do this, a very effective healer killer you will be!


If the healer runs away from you and you can't get the kill, turn your focus on the other enemies. Either he/she will come back in a hurry or they will be gone long enough for you to make a difference in the melee opening up the others to hunt down the healer.....

Edited by FatZomby
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"If they're a scoundrel healer with guard with another healer on their team...well theres no chance they're gonna die even if 3 of you are attacking it


you shouldn't be able to kill a healer who is guarded and getting cross healed. In fact, you shouldn't be able to kill anyone that is being guarded and healed.

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Answer to thread title: "show him the scoundrel class answers".


Oh... you meant scoundrel *heals*? Well good luck with that. Whining until they lose the will to live seems to be popular, though I'm not sure it's effective while actually in a warzone.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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I have to say this.


It shouldn't take a long time to kill a healer with a dps. That is why tanks are suppose to be the defenders and the team is suppose to be a "team."


Teamplay involves defending as well as attacking. Taking down a dps toon can take as low as 8 seconds up to 15 seconds depending on abilities and class. Taking down a healer with a dps can take as low as 8 seconds (if they don't heal themselves) up to a whopping 1 whole minute. Taking down a tank with a dps can take as low as 15 seconds up to 30 seconds. This is without other friendlies or enemies involved. I might be off my numbers a bit because of multitude of facters such as expertise, player ability, and so on. But the general jist of this seems to be relatively spot on.


I don't agree at all that a healer should be able to heal themselves as well as they can. I am not saying I am a bad or a good pvp player, but I do know that it takes a whole lot of precision to bring one down effectively and that it takes far more focus in which to do so. Healers should have no control methods of enemy players nor any great means of healing themselves or defending themselves. Those areas are meant for the team to help with. A tank should have no healing abilities as he is reliant on his team to do that for him. A dps should have a strong attack to take out other dps's quickly and healers even more quickly. The tank should use his defense capabilities to defend the team while each player do their roles. Intermixing the abilities is just lame and can make things difficult. Dps with heals, Healers with control and strong survivability rates, and tankes with strong attacks. None of this should be possible, but yet they are in this game. Will stop rambling....


Also, with invisibility toons, I think that they should not be able to engage the enemy (or friendlies) without first showing themselves. There has been too many people complaining about issues of being half dead before they even see the invizies. Kind of a killer if you ask me. The same advantage goes for invizy healers too. They can pop off a few heals before they are even seen. Seems to me that invisible toons have a direct advantage on the battlefield due to these things being a problem.


Btw, I have the same problem if you haven't guessed by now. But it seems there are multiple posts and discussions about this issue. And seeing that, I know that this is a problem more than just my hardware.....


Turn in and explain this problem to the people who work for SWOTOR and they will give you an automated response re-directing you to somewhere that doesn't seem to exist or its "too bad so sad" and check your updated hardware for more recent updates. I can't possibly get any better at checking for updated drivers so I know the problem isn't that. I know I have minimum requirements though with an aged computer. So it could be that. But I doubt it considering how many others are talking about the same issue on the forums and also my friends saying the same thing with far better performance computers than mine. In addition, when I meet the minimum requirements for other games, I don't have that problem



Anyway, feel free to try it out.

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