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How do you kill a scoundrel?


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You don't kill them. That's why Bioware gave them that giggle. so they can trololol LOL rotfl omg lol roll heal all day long :)


In all seriousness. If they are even remotely not retarded, get a buddy and beat on them and then when they are below 30% health, stun the **** out of them and pray you do enough damage in that stunlock to kill them..


sad, but true. I'd like to add a couple of things to this. if your class has a slow, keep it on the smug/OP at all times. Use your interrupt (not ccs!) for their big heal. And save your cc-breaker for their flashbang. Granted, they could still vanish+sleep you, but they'll waste the vanish. OPs tend to cast their big heal during their long cc. Eat their 4-sec stun (they can only get one big heal off in 4-secs) interrupt that big heal with your interrupt (not cc) and as Jack said save your stuns for when the op is under 30%. At which point hope to hell you have enough dps to burst him down while stun-locked, or he will heal to full immediately and you'll have to start all over. He will never run out of energy (unless hes a rolling idiot, but no good op will blow all their energy like that), so its not a battle of attrition. You will run out resources or get ********ed by his team long before he does, so constant dps pressure doesnt mean much. He can interrupt caps while kiting healing his team/himself. So you have to burn him down fast.


Regardless what some folks say, healing ops/smugs are so over the top right now its not even funny. Hearing folks state that it should take 3+ people to burn one op/smug down is the most stupidest argument i've ever heard in any MMO i've been in. Sadly, I have all the ACs at 55, and i've parked them all and start new characters, as pvp pre-55 is infinitely more fun/balanced than 55-pvp, at least to me, for the sole reason of this healing class. I may be in the minority, but playing as a lvl 10 anything is more fun than playing a 55 in that envirnoment. Every 55-WZ seems to have 3+ of these idiots on each team. No objectives can be captured with them around, so its just a big circle-scrum of people beating on each other taking no dmg and singing kumbaya. Yeah, they can be tough pre-55, but no where near the ridiculousness once they get full pvp gear and that stupid roll.


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Going for healers is more of a guideline than an absolute.


You don't always kill the healer(s) first.


Most people do so, anyway.

Because they all think that

light armor = more squishy.

It's an far too easy equation.


Therefore, they rather stay from the other healer classes as well. Because they have medium armor, and Sages/Sorcerors have light armor.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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^ it is really the counter to op/scoundrel ---no matter what spec...call it out to your other dps'rs and they cannot kite or escape when electronet is active....I'm guessing you don't have this ability....so get a merc/mando friend to q with you

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Being a dps does not entitle you to kill anything, much less a healer who is skilled. The reasons so many are QQing about not being able to kill a healer are simple ones. You are not as good a player as you think you are. You are not coordinating with your team. You are an entitled brat who instead of studying the class and focusing on its weaknesses expects to mash the attack buttons and get your kill trophy 2 seconds later.


I have no trouble killing a scoundrel healer on my op healer or on my sorc healer or on my jugg tank (yes that's right, weak attack classes). Wanna know why? I coordinate. I mark. I understand that this is a team game and requires a team effort. I don't need all 7 people jumping in to help, usually just 1 dps is more than enough. I know it sounds like rocket science to you smash monkeys, but the first 2 "m"s stand for "Massively multiplayer" not "me myself". You can kill as many scrubs as you like in wz, but if you can't learn this simple skill of coordination, you will always be destined to do nothing more than QQ. Today it's about the scoundrel healer, tomorrow it will be about the shrouding shadow.

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It really is nothing special to kill an operative healer when you are with more than one person. And at that point it doesn't require anything special.. not electro net, not a sniper, nothing more than 1 dps and anything on his side.


The control from 2 players should be more than enough to stomp any single player into the ground within half a minutes time.

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It really is nothing special to kill an operative healer when you are with more than one person. And at that point it doesn't require anything special.. not electro net, not a sniper, nothing more than 1 dps and anything on his side.


The control from 2 players should be more than enough to stomp any single player into the ground within half a minutes time.


I think it all goes back to this self entitlement feeling people seem to get now a days. They think "I'm dps and I am entitle to kill anything I want, so if I can't that means that class is broken". As I wrote on my healer (any healer) and tank classes I have no trouble killing a scoundrel with one other dps. But I see so much QQ about this it is ridiculous. If they spend half the time learning to coordinate, as they do QQing about the op healer they could easily kill 1000 of them. I mean you just need to pm one person and try in "I'm going to force push the target, attack together after", or even "attack target after push". Is it really that hard?

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^ it is really the counter to op/scoundrel ---no matter what spec...call it out to your other dps'rs and they cannot kite or escape when electronet is active....I'm guessing you don't have this ability....so get a merc/mando friend to q with you


So ... at which level do I get this Electro Net ? Level 20 ? Level 30 ? When, actually ?


Why is everybody here consciously ignoring the lower levels is if they don't exist at all ? "You are less than nothing ..."


And which ability actually counters Operatives/Scoundrels around the levels of 20-30 ? Please, I beg you, tell me !

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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So ... at which level do I get this Electro Net ? Level 20 ? Level 30 ? When, actually ?


Why is everybody here consciously ignoring the lower levels is if they don't exist at all ? "You are less than nothing ..."


And which ability actually counters Operatives/Scoundrels around the levels of 20-30 ? Please, I beg you, tell me !


in the lvl 10-29 bracket they should be easy to kill because they don't have emergency medpack, all they have then is two casted heals and their hot (which considering you can chain 4k filler abilities in the T1 lowbies should be easy to burn em)

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Being a dps does not entitle you to kill anything, much less a healer who is skilled. The reasons so many are QQing about not being able to kill a healer are simple ones. You are not as good a player as you think you are. You are not coordinating with your team. You are an entitled brat who instead of studying the class and focusing on its weaknesses expects to mash the attack buttons and get your kill trophy 2 seconds later.

Being dps entitles you to kill a healer 1v1 just as being a tank *should* entitle you to killing dps 1v1 (assuming equal skill), ofc if hes guarded and peeled for, then no but that's cause with guard it just became 2v1.


I have no trouble killing a scoundrel healer on my op healer or on my sorc healer or on my jugg tank (yes that's right, weak attack classes). Wanna know why? I coordinate. I mark. I understand that this is a team game and requires a team effort. I don't need all 7 people jumping in to help, usually just 1 dps is more than enough. I know it sounds like rocket science to you smash monkeys, but the first 2 "m"s stand for "Massively multiplayer" not "me myself". You can kill as many scrubs as you like in wz, but if you can't learn this simple skill of coordination, you will always be destined to do nothing more than QQ. Today it's about the scoundrel healer, tomorrow it will be about the shrouding shadow.


Congratulations for figuring out that if you get all your dps to jump on him dies, unfortunately if the opposing team also using teamwork then he will be guarded and peeled for, which kinda ruins your brilliant plan.


Of the three healers the operative healer is the *only* healer that never has to worry about interrupts or casting pushback, and even CC has less of a effect on their output. Doesn't sound balanced to me. Operative is to healing classes as Sniper is to Rdps classes

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Reading these kind of post makes me wanna rage at the incompetence of SWTOR PVP community. It's as if people like the OP doesn't even read their skill trees or their tool tips when they are training for their skills. Killing a healer 1 vs 1 is by far the easiest thing I find in game (yes this include the god-mode Scoundrels). Why? because they are alone with nobody else to interfere with your onslaught against their frail little bodies. I am going off on end game PVP gear/skills sets because that is where the QQ comes from the most.


1) Make sure you are in the CORRECT spec for PVP. Yes, even tanks have PVP spec in them. It boggles me to no end that there are people at level 55 PVP and not even specced correctly. See that talent which increases the duration of your root? Take it. See that talent that reduces the cooldown to your CC/stun? Take it! You think that extra 1 or 2 seconds doesn't matter? You are wrong, 1 or 2 second can look like forever in PVP. Your job as a dps when playing against a healer is to make the person on the other end very uncomfortable. If your root and snares are lasting longer and you are stunning more often, you will more likely to draw mistake from the Scoundrel heals.


2) READ YOUR TOOLTIPS. For the love of God, everyone should take 5 min, the next time they log in to read every single tool tip that is on their character. I have seen numerous Sentinels and Gunslingers who are unaware that they can apply healing debuffs on to people. When confronted about it, they give the usual answer: "LOLLOLOL DERP DERP ERP DERP? DURRRR" Quite a number of Shadows are unaware that they can Resilience most of the stuns in game, as they are all Force/Tech. Find creative ways to utilize your skills.


3) Study your opponent. I know in this day and age you expect to log on and everyone is to keel over for you. As people had mentioned before, the trick to killing Scoundrel heal is to force them to abandon their cast heals. Next up is to study their defensive abilities. Dodge only makes them immune to PHYSICAL (White, I repeat, White) damage for 3 sec. That means hit them with FORCE/TECH attacks (YELLOW, I repeat YELLOW) damage for that duration. The number of times I see people wasting Dispatch/ Quickdraw/ Spinning Slash on a Scoundrel using Dodge makes me wish Hitler had won WW2.


4) Simulate the encounter in your mind. Before that WZ queue pops, don't just stare the the screen or go on your Facebook. Think about how you must react and act when you are faced with a Scoundrel with your CD are down or if he decides to fight back or if you have team mate to help you with. Each scenario requires different tactic so planing out your actions before will make you less likely to be caught off guard.

Edited by PhantomMalice
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Being dps entitles you to kill a healer 1v1 just as being a tank *should* entitle you to killing dps 1v1 (assuming equal skill), ofc if hes guarded and peeled for, then no but that's cause with guard it just became 2v1.


No it doesn't because no one is ever of equal skill. "Assuming equal skill" is an oxymoron because there are different types of "skills". If a dps is skilled at attacking groups while the healer is "skilled" at escaping and survivability does that entitle him to kill him (assuming both skills are equal)? Are you talking about equal dps skill? In which case the dps class will usually win against a healer class. And I don't often see tanks killing marauders or snipers in this game either. I don't see tanks beating sins in 1 v 1 duels either. Your dumb rock/paper/scissors theory does not apply in this game. Try pokemon instead-much more up to your level I think.


Congratulations for figuring out that if you get all your dps to jump on him dies, unfortunately if the opposing team also using teamwork then he will be guarded and peeled for, which kinda ruins your brilliant plan.


So you mean the other team will actually use teamwork to prevent you from winning? How horrible of them. I mean working together in a mmo that brings people together to play on the same team is just criminal. I think you should report them to bioware for cheating. It's obviously easier than learning how to outplay them.


If he is guarded, then he isn't the problem is he? More like the tank is the problem. If the dps are protecting him and taking you out before you an kill them then they (or your lack of skills) are the problem aren't they.


Of the three healers the operative healer is the *only* healer that never has to worry about interrupts or casting pushback, and even CC has less of a effect on their output. Doesn't sound balanced to me. Operative is to healing classes as Sniper is to Rdps classes


That is a problem with the other classes, not the op class. Unfortunately those classes were not optimized for PvP (but for PvE really) so that is why they are not as strong as the op class-who was optimized with survivability, which is very important in PvP. If you haven't been in a cave last week you would know that a whole meme was started because of bioware's response to the sorc's lack of survivability and easy interrupt-ability in arenas. Those classes are underpowered and need buffs.

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SWTOR PvP is team based.


If your good, you can take down Scoundrel/Operatives, however its a war of attrition and timing your CC so you can burst them down that last little bit.


However, a good team will focus fire the healers first anyway and it shouldn't be an issue.


So you need a group to kill a scoundrel, and that's not OP?

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So you need a group to kill a scoundrel, and that's not OP?


Do you actually read what you quote? He specifically said it is possible, but you need to be skilled and time your cc's. It's harder than killing a squishy sorc, but it is doable.


Another entitled brat.

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Do you actually read what you quote? He specifically said it is possible, but you need to be skilled and time your cc's. It's harder than killing a squishy sorc, but it is doable.


Another entitled brat.


I'd be carefull not to personally insult anyone without knowing who they are, it might end up really bad for you. 'Entitled brat', i'll remember that one and write it upon you.

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The game has a plethora of CCs, knockbacks and interrupts, enabling anyone who knows their class and has their keybinds to prevent the Operative from getting most abilities that require a cast time in the span of the fight. If you cannot then ask a friend Operative/Scoundrel to duel you, and get used to your CC keybinds and when to use what.


It really depends on the context of the fight - I honestly dont see why a healer Operative would be node-guarding, so the question of your team and their team comes in as well: are they peeling for the healer? Are you tunneling the healer when you would be better off focusing overextenders? etc. In a 1v1 scenario, he will most likely be unable to kill you either, in which case I dont really see a problem (inb4 "boohooo we dps should win 1v1" ;)).


In a scenario where you are attacking an unguarded healer, who is occupied with healing someone else it is essentially a dps race. Dont bother opening with a CC, engage them first, unless your damage is low to the point that you do not outdamage Kolto Probe/Surgical Probe (@above 30% health), in which case you should ask experienced PvPers of your AC, he will now be forced to divert his attention to you, hence not healing his mates as much (is your team able to exploit that? If not, then hardly a class balance issue).


So now he is at approximately what? 60% hitpoints, and healing himself. Now you interrupt him and make him run out of Tactical Advantages (how quickly he regains them depends on how many players he HoTed up and rng), in which case he only has HoTs to heal himself. They will also most likely use Shield Probe, which doesnt absorb a lot of damage but it will heal them once you destroy it (for something around 1-2k iirc).


At 30% health we become able to spam Surgical Probe thanks to Surgical Precision, at this point you just CC the Operative, and then deal something around 7k damage - which most classes can dish out with one or two abilities.


This text seems taken from a NiM boss encounter tactics, including all the stars aligning. "Do this, do at least this damage. etc etc" too bad RNG usually won't cooperate and voilà from 10% the OP is back to above 50%.


Reminds me of the other BW MMO, where a class of healers became so overpowered that people just CC them and kill... everyone else. Don't even try killing them any more.

Edited by Vaerah
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Being a dps does not entitle you to kill anything, much less a healer who is skilled. The reasons so many are QQing about not being able to kill a healer are simple ones. You are not as good a player as you think you are. You are not coordinating with your team. You are an entitled brat who instead of studying the class and focusing on its weaknesses expects to mash the attack buttons and get your kill trophy 2 seconds later.


I have no trouble killing a scoundrel healer on my op healer or on my sorc healer or on my jugg tank (yes that's right, weak attack classes). Wanna know why? I coordinate. I mark. I understand that this is a team game and requires a team effort. I don't need all 7 people jumping in to help, usually just 1 dps is more than enough. I know it sounds like rocket science to you smash monkeys, but the first 2 "m"s stand for "Massively multiplayer" not "me myself". You can kill as many scrubs as you like in wz, but if you can't learn this simple skill of coordination, you will always be destined to do nothing more than QQ. Today it's about the scoundrel healer, tomorrow it will be about the shrouding shadow.


TLDR: buff the other healers, because they can be soloed instead hence they are too weak.

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