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Lower HP and Damage


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The main reason i think this game flopped is leveling. Leveling in this game isn't fun. The story is superb i guess we all agree here but the fights are basically a chore. Fun would be to plow through enemys but every single fight in this game takes too long exept bossfights wich are fine imo.


It is simply not fun to run into a quest area and spend 30 minutes fighting to get to your quest and then fight the respawn on the way out.


As a ****** Jedi/Sith or whatever it really doesn't make sence to get killed by 2 golden Stormtroopers. There is no point in leveling where you seem to make progress. You get new gear and instead of becoming better the gear is just a tool to keep up with the increasing stats of the enemys. At no point you feel like a ****** while leveling or can take out multiple groups and just destroy them (aka being op).


There is nothing wrong with being op it actually is fun. Peole may say you just want easy content because you suck....well no. I don't suck. I can manage the difficulty just fine but that doesn't mean this is fun. It is just a timesinc.


Also on every planet you go you are the only one doing anything. The military is completely useless. You do everything for everyone and after you completed the quest nothing changes aka phasing. The best example here is the first Jedi quest : A Jedi master sends out a newly arrived Padawan to rescue other Padawans while he is just standing arround doing nothing....wait what? At no point you see any accomplishment wich makes it even more tedious.


They must have recognized that because there are a lot of dialogue options where you actually say : "Why you can't do this!", or "You are all useless", or "Why do i have to do all the work"......wich is sarcasm at its best.


All im saying is that if you throw so many enemys with this kind of respawnrate at us you have to make things easier because people will get frustrated and bored. Just my opinion though.

Edited by Ricul
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If you're in an area where you come across 2 Elite Mobs then I'm guessing heroic areas ranked at 2, 2+ or 4?

In which case the game was never actually designed to allow you to solo those areas.


I've played numerous characters from 1-50 and on a high number of those simply using the equipment that dropped and/or planetary coms.

What I found was a fun levelling experience, where some fights were easy, some held an edge of risk and others were frustratingly difficult until I learnt the tactics and mechanics as well as how my own character works.


Wouldn't say levelling is a chore at all - process is really too easy. Throw in XP bonuses and credits from an alt and you'll literally walk from 1-55 in a couple of weeks tops.

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Most normal groups of mobs die in 8-10 seconds, even on a tank. If its taking you longer you are either hilariously undergeared, utterly ignorant of your class mechanics or trying to solo heroics.


If you find levelling in this game difficult or long perhaps MMO's are not for you, as even by modern MMO standards the levelling in this game is a breeze.

Edited by jedip_enguin
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Most normal groups of mobs die in 8-10 seconds, even on a tank. If its taking you longer you are either hilariously undergeared, utterly ignorant of your class mechanics or trying to solo heroics.


If you find levelling in this game difficult or long perhaps MMO's are not for you, as even by modern MMO standards the levelling in this game is a breeze.


I was in a group with a level 55 sniper wearing Basic (level 66 gear). His dps was 800.

There are some really bad people in this game. I feel like a true bad*** when doing any solo content, even when 3 levels below the npcs that I'm killing. Guessing the OP doesn't know their class.

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Most normal groups of mobs die in 8-10 seconds, even on a tank. If its taking you longer you are either hilariously undergeared, utterly ignorant of your class mechanics or trying to solo heroics.


If you find levelling in this game difficult or long perhaps MMO's are not for you, as even by modern MMO standards the levelling in this game is a breeze.


This is the problem. Developers listen to people like that wich are the vast minority. You can either listen to the "knowitalls" and "pros" or make a successfull game.

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Well imo if you want to fight mobs with lower HP and damage I'd go back a few planets....


I have played this game since launch and have had my share of victorys, *** whuppings and almost impossible fights. Personally it sounds like you have a gear issue.


Are you weraing all moddable armor with the best possible mods? Do you have a decent earpiece? Do you have implants? Are you using Artifacts as burst buffs? Are you self buffing with your class talent? Is your weapon up to date? Are you using a viable combat form/cell type for your build? Are you using stims?


These are all VERY important yet often overlooked. I can't begin to count the number of people I have seen where one if not all of these things are missing/underpowered. With the right gear, good class knowledge and good tactics levelling in this game should by no means be a mindless slog where victory is always on a knife edge.


Thye only other thing is that your gear is fine, but that you are attempting to solo heroic content OR you are on planets way under the minimum level. In all honesty I would consider your class choice or do some research on Dulfy / Torhead / these forums and try and figure out were your toon is lacking.

Edited by monkeydud
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Well imo if you want to fight mobs with lower HP and damage I'd go back a few planets....


I have played this game since launch and have had my share of victorys, *** whuppings and almost impossible fights. Personally it sounds like you have a gear issue.


Are you weraing all moddable armor with the best possible mods? Do you have a decent earpiece? Do you have implants? Are you using Artifacts as burst buffs? Are you self buffing with your class talent? Is your weapon up to date? Are you using a viable combat form/cell type for your build? Are you using stims?


These are all VERY important yet often overlooked. I can't begin to count the number of people I have seen where one if not all of these things are missing/underpowered. With the right gear, good class knowledge and good tactics levelling in this game should by no means be a mindless slog where victory is always on a knife edge.


Thye only other thing is that your gear is fine, but that you are attempting to solo heroic content OR you are on planets way under the minimum level. In all honesty I would consider your class choice or do some research on Dulfy / Torhead / these forums and try and figure out were your toon is lacking.


True but all that should be nesscesary for raiding or instances and not for leveling. My gear is fine btw but in my opinion silver and golden mobs have a ridiculous healthpool wich should be cut in half at least.

If people don't enjoy leveling they will not stay arround for long and also will not buy any expantions.

Edited by Ricul
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This is the problem. Developers listen to people like that wich are the vast minority. You can either listen to the "knowitalls" and "pros" or make a successfull game.


My 7 year old son can play a character from 1-10 in a couple of hours and made it all the way to NarShadda on his trooper with no help from dad (asides a few bits of gear and some mounts/pets) and has never once cried that mobs are too tough. And that's on a F2P account, so most of the time he is under leveled.


If you cant muster the same level of co-ordination as a 7 year old, once again might I suggest something less demanding, like Hello Kitty online?

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My 7 year old son can play a character from 1-10 in a couple of hours and made it all the way to NarShadda on his trooper with no help from dad (asides a few bits of gear and some mounts/pets) and has never once cried that mobs are too tough. And that's on a F2P account, so most of the time he is under leveled.


If you cant muster the same level of co-ordination as a 7 year old, once again might I suggest something less demanding, like Hello Kitty online?


It is pretty funny how you missed the point of my post. Maybe your son could explain it to you.

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It is pretty funny how you missed the point of my post. Maybe your son could explain it to you.


The point of you post was that you feel mobs have too much hp, and levelling takes too long/is too much a grind and you dont feel like a '******' as a result and it's driving people away.


My point is that maybe you just suck because the game is already so easy in the early stages a small child can do it.

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Levelling was fun the first time round on each side. However, every time I walked into a story instance and it ended up being a narrow hallway full of mobs I died a little inside.


Infact I think one of my toons responses via the story was "There is no need for bloodshed"... Well of course not, You're tired from the entire house you just murdered.


The only quest which I thought was pretty cool was the interrogation part very early on as a sith inquisitor. It didn't require me to run across the map only to have to run back again after a brief convo with some random guy i'll never see again. No excuse for random fights. Just quick, simple and different.

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The point of you post was that you feel mobs have too much hp, and levelling takes too long/is too much a grind and you dont feel like a '******' as a result and it's driving people away.


My point is that maybe you just suck because the game is already so easy in the early stages a small child can do it.


Listen up fanboy. If you think it is fine you are wrong. The game flopped and people like you are the reason. You better shut up and let people tell the Devs how to fix the game. You had your turn and it was a disaster. I hope you are proud of yourself. You will not get new goodies because people like you destroy all new mmos by telling casuals to get out of your precious games because they are "noobs".


People like you are always the loudest on the forums and therefore Devs think that this is the way to go. It is not.

People like you are just hazzardous to any game development. You suck out the fun and call it pro gaming.

And now /ignore

Edited by Ricul
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Listen up fanboy. If you think it is fine you are wrong. The game flopped and people like you are the reason. You better shut up and let people tell the Devs how to fix the game. You had your turn and it was a disaster. I hope you are proud of yourself. You will not get new goodies because people like you destroy all new mmos by telling casuals to get out of your precious games because they are "noobs".


People like you are always the loudest on the forums and therefore Devs think that this is the way to go. It is not.

People like you are just hazzardous to any game development. You suck out the fun and call it pro gaming.

And now /ignore


Lol, gotten to.

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That doesn't even make sense.

It does. You claim to know a lot about how to make an MMO successful, and about the reasons why ToR isn't as popular as it could be.


Let's try that from a different angle. "Being OP is fun", as you said in the original post. Go to a low-level world and start fighting lower-level enemies there. I guarantee you'll be bored after 30 minutes. There must be challenge, or players don't have an incentive to grow in skill, they won't have incentive to gear their characters.


Overcoming a challenge that noone else would is an essential part of being a hero/champion. This is the feeling that BW strived for. You have regular quests with regular enemies that practically die to a sneeze of a properly-geared and played character. You have tougher quests that either require multiple ordinary, or one advanced player to complete.


MMOs can't be Lore-accurate, if they want to have balance. If it were Lore-accurate, lightsaber classes would 1-shoot anything once they got in range. Should that be the case, the game would truly not last long.

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It does. You claim to know a lot about how to make an MMO successful, and about the reasons why ToR isn't as popular as it could be.


Let's try that from a different angle. "Being OP is fun", as you said in the original post. Go to a low-level world and start fighting lower-level enemies there. I guarantee you'll be bored after 30 minutes. There must be challenge, or players don't have an incentive to grow in skill, they won't have incentive to gear their characters.


Overcoming a challenge that noone else would is an essential part of being a hero/champion. This is the feeling that BW strived for. You have regular quests with regular enemies that practically die to a sneeze of a properly-geared and played character. You have tougher quests that either require multiple ordinary, or one advanced player to complete.


MMOs can't be Lore-accurate, if they want to have balance. If it were Lore-accurate, lightsaber classes would 1-shoot anything once they got in range. Should that be the case, the game would truly not last long.


Well you assume a lot so tell me how did that turn out for the game ? Raids and PvP are the challanges if you are into that. Leveling is no challange. Killing trash shouldn't be a challange and in fact it isn't a challange. It is a massive timesink and a repetitive boring chore. Games should be fun in my opinion.


As an Ex-WoW player i can say they got it right. You can challange yourself there as well by trying how many mobs you can pull before you die or pvp or raid you know....challanges. In this game every mobpack is exactly suited for that specific level. 2 packs? ur done. Suited Mobpacks is the worst idea ever. They leave no room for anything else. Thats no challange that is B O R I N G !


Actually if you think about it Suited Mobpacks is the only thing all failed MMOs have in common. Maybe im on to something here.

Edited by Ricul
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Qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq devs devs devs listen! Qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq i know all! Listen to me devs! Listen! Nerf the game! It's too hard! I can't play! It's not fun because qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq pander to us casuals! Qq qq qq qq i die to mobs 5 levels lower than me! Qq qq qq qq Edited by Corsiero
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Cant say that I have ever really been bored with the games combat during leveling (Just finished my forth story). I think it has a nice level of difficulty, not to hard but challenging enough. A good way to learn how to play the class too. I think difficulty shouldn't really be apart of the leveling proses really. For this game it should be about story and immersion first, with class mechanics after that.


The game can be a little repetitive at times, but that is more to do with the lack of verity in the quests rather then the combat. Still, each to their own though! :i_angel:

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Well you assume a lot so tell me how did that turn out for the game ? Raids and PvP are the challanges if you are into that. Leveling is no challange. Killing trash shouldn't be a challange and in fact it isn't a challange. It is a massive timesink and a repetitive boring chore. Games should be fun in my opinion.


As an Ex-WoW player i can say they got it right. You can challange yourself there as well by trying how many mobs you can pull before you die or pvp or raid you know....challanges. In this game every mobpack is exactly suited for that specific level. 2 packs? ur done. Suited Mobpacks is the worst idea ever. They leave no room for anything else. Thats no challange that is B O R I N G !


Actually if you think about it Suited Mobpacks is the only thing all failed MMOs have in common. Maybe im on to something here.

5/10. But only because I took the bait.

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It is pretty funny how you missed the point of my post. Maybe your son could explain it to you.


Maybe his son could teach you how to play because clearly you don't know what you're doing if you're having ANY trouble with decent gear leveling this game. Sorry to have to say this... but this is clearly a case of L2P.

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Listen up fanboy. If you think it is fine you are wrong. The game flopped and people like you are the reason. You better shut up and let people tell the Devs how to fix the game. You had your turn and it was a disaster. I hope you are proud of yourself. You will not get new goodies because people like you destroy all new mmos by telling casuals to get out of your precious games because they are "noobs".


People like you are always the loudest on the forums and therefore Devs think that this is the way to go. It is not.

People like you are just hazzardous to any game development. You suck out the fun and call it pro gaming.

And now /ignore


I'm not going to bother with the rest of your weak arguments, but the game "failing" doesn't prove any of your points, so stop using it as such. Correlation != causation, smarty pants.

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