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Next expansion share your ideas be creative :)


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I want to see a true continuation of each class' story line. I don't think they need to add a bunch of new planets, rather perhaps adding some new locales on existing planets. I think it would very cool for Republic to have a story segment on Dromund Kass and Koriban and Empire on Tython and Coruscant. For the story itself, I would like to see full scale factional war kick in. This game is perfect for PvP and I would like to see more open world PvP on all plaents. Control points and so forth.
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Revan comeback

Emperor comeback

level cap -60

A planet on which there is world pvp that ties in with story,in where there are camps all over the world that gives you missions but you have to control these camp for your faction to get the missions.


personal opinion on this- take 'iconic' adaptive gear away.everyone running around looking like revan and popular people from lore ,to me ,takes something away from the uniqueness of those characters

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New level cap: 65

New Planets: Yavin IV, Mustafar.


Having integrated Isotope 5 into their new generation of weapons, the Empire is almost prepared to launch their counter attack into Republic Space, however, before doing so, the Empire still needs to replenish their ranks after Malgus the Betrayers attempted coup. Although the influx of non humans has bolstered the Empire's ranks, it isn't doing so quick enough. The Dark Council finds their solution in an ancient report from ancient Sith infiltrator Barel Ovair. To this end, the Empire sends a detachment to Yavin IV, lead by thee four Imperial heroes, to subjugate the Massasi warriors that had survived there, and bring them into the fold.


The Republic sends a force to intercept, which is quickly routed by the Empire's new Isotope 5 weapons, but not before allowing them to land their land army, and give them a common foe to the Massassi.


Empire Story takes place first, and is straight forward: Bring the Massasi back into the fold, crush any who are foolish enough to resist, as well as the forces sent by the Republic.


Republic side takes place afterwards, our four heroes are sent on a rescue mission to evac any surviving. However, before they can do so, they learn of a plot by a rouge Sith Lord who, believing the Empire will eventually collapse with no Emperor, hatches a plan to perform so type of ritual in order to return Naga Sadow to the flesh to serve as the new Emperor. Rallying the remnants of the invasion force, the Republic launch a last ditch effort to stop him. Due to the treasonous nature of his activities however, this Sith Lord is unable to call on the Empire to help him, and must rely only on a sect loyal to him.


The Empire, having won the Yavin front, launch a new offensive on the Republic, starting with the Jedi world Mustafar. This arc will depict how the planet was devastated.


New Companions:


Empire Side: A Massassi Warrior adapting to the new Empire having been raised on tales of the one of ancient times, and growing up in an isolated, primitive world.

Republic Side: A Jedi who begins teetering on the Dark Side as the world he has called home is destroyed around him.h


Would also like to see some of the survivors of the Makeb mission brought back since the Codex entry states they may be reassembled as a team in the future. Also, if class stories couldn't be continued, maybe add in some elements to atleast make it feel more unique to each class. So, for example, on my Jugg, I told Rathari he works for me, and Cytherat is dead, so they could have the former take the latter's spot in the story line. It would play out the same way, just with different dialouge.

Edited by LordGarmaZabi
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Sorry to burst your bubble but Bioware exclusively said They will not make any playable races that cannot speak basic.


some wookies CAN speak basic it has been used in a book during the grand admiral thrawn story line when leia was in hiding on the wookie home world one of the wookies was her protcter and e could speak basic

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Revan comeback

Emperor comeback

level cap -60

A planet on which there is world pvp that ties in with story,in where there are camps all over the world that gives you missions but you have to control these camp for your faction to get the missions.


personal opinion on this- take 'iconic' adaptive gear away.everyone running around looking like revan and popular people from lore ,to me ,takes something away from the uniqueness of those characters


For comebacks, I would personally like to see a Malgus comeback. This part of the games story has always irked me a lot. Before release the cinematic trailers were all we really had to go on in terms of what the story would hold. Malgus figured prominently in all of them leading most I think to believe he would be the central figurehead of the Empire for some time. I thought it was rather weak that he could be killed off in a Flashpoint as soon as you hit lvl 50 and mere days after launch if you were dedicated.

Edited by LordHartigan
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For comebacks, I would personally like to see a Malgus comeback. This part of the games story has always irked me a lot. Before release the cinematic trailers were all we really had to go on in terms of what the story would hold. Malgus figured prominently in all of them leading most I think to believe he would be the central figurehead of the Empire for some time. I thought it was rather weak that he could be killed off in a Flashpoint as soon as you hit lvl 50 and mere days after launch if you were dedicated.


Why would you really want to bring Malgus back though ? His roll within the Empire is already being filled by Darth Marr (Not to mention him being welcomed back into the Empire would be mind numbingly stupid), and if brought back as an enemy, we'd just be retreading old ground.

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Ch 4.


Jedi Knight - Return of Revan. He becomes a new companion and romanceable for females.


Jedi Consular - Has their own face off with the Emperor who is currently in spirit form in some dark area of the galaxy.


Smuggler - The new treaty between the Hutt Cartel and the Republic is a fragile one. The smuggler is sent to head negotiations and must avoid many political obstacles and booby traps. Perhaps Nico Okarr finally appears. Return of either the Sith lady or Jedi apprentice form tatooine depending on who you allied with.


Trooper - Liberate worlds like Kashyk, Sullust and others from Empire. Jace Malcom or Jonas Balkar might become recruitable.


Sith Warrior - Initial (not final confrontation) with Satele Shan. Hunt for traces fo the Emperor. Perhaps a final showdown with the False Emperor Malgus.


Sith Inquisitor - More pursuit of dark knowledge. Recover the artifacts left behind by Dread Lords. Have a confrontation with some of the creatures from TFB and find out more about their world and origins. Perhaps go there yourself. Final showdown with (since she doesn't permanently die in either case) or return of Zash.


Bounty Hunter - With the Hutt Cartel joining the Republic, the Bounty Hunter faces off with a highly skilled kill squad and has to take on each of the elite warriors one by one. Perhaps a return of the Mistress of Pain and maybe (for us fanboys out there :-)) Thana Vesh.


Agent - Final showdown with Jadus who either returns or goes back to being evil and no longer has use for you. Perhaps sent to also infiltrate the Hutt Cartel due to their recent allegiance to the Republic and take out some of their key figures.

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Planet.: Yavin 4

imperial story line.: Find the source of the ancient sith resentment towards the emperor, gain the aid of the sith spirits

Republic story line.: Race to find the hidden tomb and stop the empire from releasing the Sith spirrits.

Full planet with instances of zones for groups, solo content, daily area, 2 new FP in the Temple of exar kun.

Operation vs the emperor body trying to stop you from gaining the support of the elder sith spirits.


Operation would be a minimum 16 man and could consist of both republic and imperial to destroy the common enemy.

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Why would you really want to bring Malgus back though ? His roll within the Empire is already being filled by Darth Marr (Not to mention him being welcomed back into the Empire would be mind numbingly stupid), and if brought back as an enemy, we'd just be retreading old ground.


Yeah, the dev's would have to get really creative to bring him back. Here's an idea for that:


Malgus, the tough old bastard that he is, survived the False Emperor flashpoint after all. Sounds unbelievable? The Empire thinks so too, except there he is, back from the brink of death. And just in time too, for the "purists" among the Empire, such as Moff Regus, have begun agitating about the aliens who are starting to fill a sizable portion of the Empire's ranks. Unrest breaks out across the Empire, and threats of a new civil war start to emerge. Knowing that the Empire can't afford a full-scale civil war, Darth Marr decides to get drastic and do the unthinkable: welcome Malgus back into the Empire on the condition that no new civil war begins.


To that end, an Empire-specific flashpoint occurs where Malgus is joined by four of the Empire's heroes for an infiltration-and-execution mission. Their targets: Moff Regus and all the Sith Lords who support him. The flashpoint would have to be quick, with the bulk of the action focusing on the final battle.


In the final convo, Malgus throws his lightsaber at Moff Regus, which impales him right thru the chest. One of the seven Sith Lords leaps at Malgus with his/her lightsaber drawn. He/she forces him back into the adjacent chamber and a ray shield goes up, cutting Malgus off from rejoining the players. It's up to the players to kill the remaining six lords, one by one.


The flashpoint's final battle occurs like the encounter in the Mandalorian Raiders, when players had to get thru four members of the opposing faction. The first Sith lord to kill will be a Marauder (of course) who starts with a really nasty attack and the tank will lose aggro on him as part of the mechanic. Thankfully, he's only wearing medium armor and he goes down quicker than the Juggernaught will later. Upon the Marauder's death, the battle enters Stage 2 and all remaining lords get a boost to their abilities.


The next one to kill is a Sorc who, if not killed during Stage 2, will gain healing abilities. Robes don't offer much protection, but her Static Barrier does. While the tank keeps the others occupied, the two dps team up to bring the Sorc down.


Stage 3, the Juggernaught, who has been up to this point been intercepting small amounts of damage dealt to his fellows, gets a major boost in his defensive capabilities. This hulking giant is now casting a powerful shield over his three remaining allies, preventing either of them from being hur. As a tank, not the most dangerous opponent to deal with, but he'll take the longest to bring down.


Stage 4, there's one more Sorc: a master of Madness who has been just firing Lightning at players up until this point. Now, he's throwing down a Crushing Darkness ability too, like the Prophet in the Athiss flashpoint. When his health reaches 75, 50 & 25%, he'll disappear and three adds will appear near the entrance to the chamber. They'll attack group members at random, but are easily killed. When the Sorc drops dead, it's time to deal with the final two agitators. (Will have to kill this Sorc before the two Assassins, otherwise he gains Death Field + Death Mark and his DoT abilities tick twice as fast. You can guess how well that would go for the players.)


In Stage 5, there are two female Assassins (twin sisters) who have been relatively weak throughout the engagement. However, if one is killed before the other, the surviving sister will become enraged and will gain an ability called Ice-Cold Revenge, which has an activation time of several seconds but will one-shot the entire group. As such, they both have to die at almost exactly the same time. This will probably be the most difficult part of the flashpoint, but killing them both in close succession will prevent either from wiping out the entire group in one blow.


Even if you don't support bringing Malgus back (and I can understand why), you've got to admit this would be a pretty good flashpoint. Just have to make the final encounter yield a lot of rewards: multiple gear drops, at least 2 or 3 commendations, a lot of creds, etc.

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Ch 4.


Jedi Knight - Return of Revan. He becomes a new companion and romanceable for females.


Jedi Consular - Has their own face off with the Emperor who is currently in spirit form in some dark area of the galaxy.


Smuggler - The new treaty between the Hutt Cartel and the Republic is a fragile one. The smuggler is sent to head negotiations and must avoid many political obstacles and booby traps. Perhaps Nico Okarr finally appears. Return of either the Sith lady or Jedi apprentice form tatooine depending on who you allied with.


Trooper - Liberate worlds like Kashyk, Sullust and others from Empire. Jace Malcom or Jonas Balkar might become recruitable.


Sith Warrior - Initial (not final confrontation) with Satele Shan. Hunt for traces fo the Emperor. Perhaps a final showdown with the False Emperor Malgus.


Sith Inquisitor - More pursuit of dark knowledge. Recover the artifacts left behind by Dread Lords. Have a confrontation with some of the creatures from TFB and find out more about their world and origins. Perhaps go there yourself. Final showdown with (since she doesn't permanently die in either case) or return of Zash.


Bounty Hunter - With the Hutt Cartel joining the Republic, the Bounty Hunter faces off with a highly skilled kill squad and has to take on each of the elite warriors one by one. Perhaps a return of the Mistress of Pain and maybe (for us fanboys out there :-)) Thana Vesh.


Agent - Final showdown with Jadus who either returns or goes back to being evil and no longer has use for you. Perhaps sent to also infiltrate the Hutt Cartel due to their recent allegiance to the Republic and take out some of their key figures.


Jedi Knight story - Revan's return would have to involve a scene of him somehow returning from the dead. However, there are those who would be upset that Bioware can't let its characters die off with dignity. (Their words, not mine.)


Perhaps it would be better if Revan appears in spirit form like Kallig did for the Inquisitor and one of his descendants (a relative of Satele's) becomes a new companion? Certainly would more credible.


Sith Warrior - please edit out the showdown with Darth Malgus. It was bad enough he was our enemy thru two flashpoints; don't want to tread down that road again.


Sith Inquisitor -

The Mind Trap Zash got trapped in was jetisoned to a nearby star, and I'm assuming the ship was close when she was dumped.

Perhaps a new rival female Darth who wants the Inq's spot on the Dark Council?

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No that would have actually made sense. Instead they retconned her into being a half-Human, half-Zabrak Nightsister (which the Clone Wars treated as a race not just a tribe of Dathomiri Humans) born on Dathmoir, who then wound up on Rattatak, where she just so happens to look exactly like the native race.


This was kind of ridiculous (beyond the obvious) because she originally wasn't just a Rattataki, she was the first Rattataki in Star Wars fiction, and her character design was the basis for the race. It was about the same as if they said "Oh, Thrawn's not a Chiss, he's a half-Mirialan, he just wound up in the Chiss Ascendency before joining the Empire".


Then I stand corrected: the Clone Wars show wasn't just sloppy, it just plain sucks. Go figure it was George Lucas who directed it, seeing as how he was the one who edited a perfectly-good scene between Han Solo & Greedo and ruined it. You know which one I'm talking about.

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Anyway, enough lore chat here. Here's a new idea for pvp that I would really like to see:




Basically, these would be pvp battles fought on a long map which is littered by targets for players to destroy. The two factions are assigned at random as either the defenders or the invaders. There'd be no faction change-overs nor any need to capture any objectives; just to destroy them. Like the Data Integration points in the Core Meltdown flashpoint, these objects would be destroyable by the enemy team. However, they are different in that they both have their own attacks and can serve as spawn points for players. And they can be healed by friendly healers. The most important points in the warzone, however, are the Command Center (defenders) & the Dropship (invaders).


At the point the players enter, the map has been divided betweent the attackers & defenders, with the attackers setting up artillery emplacements on one half of the map and the defenders controlling bunkers on the other. Both will have their own ranged attacks that fire upon random locations in the enemy's respawn zone. Sometimes, they'll hit a bunker/emplacement; others, players will see a red circle on the ground that they have to avoid. As well, mobs made up of npcs will spawn at predetermined locations to give the feel of an actual battle between factions, particularily in a line across the middle of the map.


Basically, in order to win, players will have to get past both the mobs and other players to attack the bunkers or artillery belonging to the other team. (Each bunker and artillery emplacement will have a mob 3 npcs guarding it, so those will have to be cleared as well.) On the artillery, they're aiming at the generators on the rear, while on the bunkers, they're firing into the structure and killing anyone caught inside. The bunkers & artillery may be able to inflict damage on each other, but players will be the ones with the capacity of inflicting massive amounts of damage.


When an emplacement or bunker is destroyed, the enemy team loses a respawn point. The battle can be ended quickly if either the Command Center or the Dropship are destroyed; the loss of these is an automatic defeat for the enemy team. To keep battles from being too quick, the countdown timer would have to be set for a long time. And of course, these type of warzones would give the best rewards for all the trouble players have to go through.


[Comment on both this idea and my idea for a new flashpoint towards the end of the previous page.]

Edited by Klishar
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Jedi Knight story - Revan's return would have to involve a scene of him somehow returning from the dead. However, there are those who would be upset that Bioware can't let its characters die off with dignity. (Their words, not mine.)


Perhaps it would be better if Revan appears in spirit form like Kallig did for the Inquisitor and one of his descendants (a relative of Satele's) becomes a new companion? Certainly would more credible.


Sith Warrior - please edit out the showdown with Darth Malgus. It was bad enough he was our enemy thru two flashpoints; don't want to tread down that road again.


Sith Inquisitor -

The Mind Trap Zash got trapped in was jetisoned to a nearby star, and I'm assuming the ship was close when she was dumped.

Perhaps a new rival female Darth who wants the Inq's spot on the Dark Council?


From what I read on Wookieepedia, Reven has serial immortality, if he dies he eventually comes back anyhow. They said he appeared again in later years after his defeat at the Foundry.


As for the SW I thought it would be a good way to put definite closure on Malgus and give the SW character a lore push.



OK I myself chose to keep Zash around and I don't think they do the whole star jettison thing if you trap Khem Val. Seems he is merely left behind on Taris.


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Ch 4.


Jedi Knight - Return of Revan. He becomes a new companion and romanceable for females.


Jedi Consular - Has their own face off with the Emperor who is currently in spirit form in some dark area of the galaxy.


Smuggler - The new treaty between the Hutt Cartel and the Republic is a fragile one. The smuggler is sent to head negotiations and must avoid many political obstacles and booby traps. Perhaps Nico Okarr finally appears. Return of either the Sith lady or Jedi apprentice form tatooine depending on who you allied with.


1. I like the others, but wouldn't it make more sense for the Consular to handle the treaty part? Since that is pretty much supposed to be her bread and butter.


2. JK - Romancable Revan? A new LI for the female JK *yes*, Doc was looking for a friend with benefits, not something permanent.


3. Okay, to the Sith or the Jedi, but what happens if either shows up though? How about this instead though for the Smuggler, she gets a vague hint of something odd going on over the last few months, several known smugglers having wound up dead in 'accidents' in this system. The last Captain who died when his ship was destroyed when its hyperdrive failed as it came out, a partial audio file that pointed to foul play with its cargo. (the Agent maybe) sneaking something in/out and investigates


Maybe not a great idea, but best I could think of at this hour.

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3. Okay, to the Sith or the Jedi, but what happens if either shows up though? How about this instead though for the Smuggler, she gets a vague hint of something odd going on over the last few months, several known smugglers having wound up dead in 'accidents' in this system. The last Captain who died when his ship was destroyed when its hyperdrive failed as it came out, a partial audio file that pointed to foul play with its cargo. (the Agent maybe) sneaking something in/out and investigates


Maybe not a great idea, but best I could think of at this hour.


Basically my idea with Nariel and Vaverone was similar to what they did with LS and DS Jaesa. This would give the smuggler a chance to choose an LS or DS companion.

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I wouldn't be surprised if at some point they did a visions of the the future update so they can leech off the hype of episode 7. I always thought it would have made more sense to create a star wars mmorpg set after episode 6 so they could have tapped into all the content from all movies and all past history of a star wars. Then if needed when 7 was released update the game to that storyline/timeline.


One story expansion I would like to see for this in the near future is redemption and fall.

Where we have a new story arc that can lead to you choosing to change your faction by the action you take at the end of it. Hence redemption and fall.

Edited by Crip
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Yeah, the dev's would have to get really creative to bring him back. Here's an idea for that:


Malgus, the tough old bastard that he is, survived the False Emperor flashpoint after all. Sounds unbelievable? The Empire thinks so too, except there he is, back from the brink of death. And just in time too, for the "purists" among the Empire, such as Moff Regus, have begun agitating about the aliens who are starting to fill a sizable portion of the Empire's ranks. Unrest breaks out across the Empire, and threats of a new civil war start to emerge. Knowing that the Empire can't afford a full-scale civil war, Darth Marr decides to get drastic and do the unthinkable: welcome Malgus back into the Empire on the condition that no new civil war begins.


To that end, an Empire-specific flashpoint occurs where Malgus is joined by four of the Empire's heroes for an infiltration-and-execution mission. Their targets: Moff Regus and all the Sith Lords who support him. The flashpoint would have to be quick, with the bulk of the action focusing on the final battle.


In the final convo, Malgus throws his lightsaber at Moff Regus, which impales him right thru the chest. One of the seven Sith Lords leaps at Malgus with his/her lightsaber drawn. He/she forces him back into the adjacent chamber and a ray shield goes up, cutting Malgus off from rejoining the players. It's up to the players to kill the remaining six lords, one by one.


The flashpoint's final battle occurs like the encounter in the Mandalorian Raiders, when players had to get thru four members of the opposing faction. The first Sith lord to kill will be a Marauder (of course) who starts with a really nasty attack and the tank will lose aggro on him as part of the mechanic. Thankfully, he's only wearing medium armor and he goes down quicker than the Juggernaught will later. Upon the Marauder's death, the battle enters Stage 2 and all remaining lords get a boost to their abilities.


The next one to kill is a Sorc who, if not killed during Stage 2, will gain healing abilities. Robes don't offer much protection, but her Static Barrier does. While the tank keeps the others occupied, the two dps team up to bring the Sorc down.


Stage 3, the Juggernaught, who has been up to this point been intercepting small amounts of damage dealt to his fellows, gets a major boost in his defensive capabilities. This hulking giant is now casting a powerful shield over his three remaining allies, preventing either of them from being hur. As a tank, not the most dangerous opponent to deal with, but he'll take the longest to bring down.


Stage 4, there's one more Sorc: a master of Madness who has been just firing Lightning at players up until this point. Now, he's throwing down a Crushing Darkness ability too, like the Prophet in the Athiss flashpoint. When his health reaches 75, 50 & 25%, he'll disappear and three adds will appear near the entrance to the chamber. They'll attack group members at random, but are easily killed. When the Sorc drops dead, it's time to deal with the final two agitators. (Will have to kill this Sorc before the two Assassins, otherwise he gains Death Field + Death Mark and his DoT abilities tick twice as fast. You can guess how well that would go for the players.)


In Stage 5, there are two female Assassins (twin sisters) who have been relatively weak throughout the engagement. However, if one is killed before the other, the surviving sister will become enraged and will gain an ability called Ice-Cold Revenge, which has an activation time of several seconds but will one-shot the entire group. As such, they both have to die at almost exactly the same time. This will probably be the most difficult part of the flashpoint, but killing them both in close succession will prevent either from wiping out the entire group in one blow.


Even if you don't support bringing Malgus back (and I can understand why), you've got to admit this would be a pretty good flashpoint. Just have to make the final encounter yield a lot of rewards: multiple gear drops, at least 2 or 3 commendations, a lot of creds, etc.


Very creative. The other thing I didn't like though about the Malgus storyline was the division of the empire and how you were forced to fight against him. This kind of goes the opposite way, and while I agreed with Malgus idealistically, I don't think it should be a situation that forces the player to fight for one faction of the empire or the other. Maybe a tweak to your storyline would be that all but this faction of lords got on board with welcoming Malgus back into the fold. Perhaps Marr, upon the empire being dealt some type of crushing blow, realizes the wisdom of Malgus' ideas just in time for Malgus himself to come back from the presumed dead.

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I wouldn't be surprised if at some point they did a visions of the the future update so they can leech off the hype of episode 7. I always thought it would have made more sense to create a star wars mmorpg set after episode 6 so they could have tapped into all the content from all movies and all past history of a star wars. Then if needed when 7 was released update the game to that storyline/timeline.


One story expansion I would like to see for this in the near future is redemption and fall.

Where we have a new story arc that can lead to you choosing to change your faction by the action you take at the end of it. Hence redemption and fall.


Relatively speaking I don't think the movies add much content to the story. At that point in SW history there are very few Jedi or Sith lords work with. You could say it would be the players themselves that refill the ranks, but there wouldn't be any sith lords or jedi existing to build a story around.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Perhaps in the next chapter we could get cutscenes that bring a whiff of nostalgia for the movies? Like, I'd like to play as a Sith and have a cutscene where I'm leading an army of Sith to attack a Jedi temple somewhere (maybe Dantooine?) and the music that they had in Episode 3, where Anakin was leading the clones into the temple on Coruscant, would be playing. How about things like that?
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  • 2 months later...

I want to see either:

1. Return of Revan (Likely going to happen soon.)

2. Return of the Emperor (Going to happen at some point)

3. Return of the Star Cabal

4. Expansion putting Shroud as the main villain

5. New villain

6. Underworld themed expansion (Minigames added to casinos like Pazaak, gambling, pod-racing added to Tatoonie.)

7. Anything else.

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Well, we could jump forward an era... I mean it's not like we should wait 10 years for another SW game to come out and allow only then later SW history to be implemented. Should happen in this game. Edited by Kyanzes
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