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Marksman- When to grab Gearhead, Energy Tanks and Lethality?


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I went Marksman up to lvl 40 and then took the other talent trees. Although I would suggest you get Followtrough and then go the support talents. I don't have any math on this but I personally don't find the Series of Shots talent all that usefull, at least not usefull enough to rush up to it. Edited by MagnumBM
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As a marksman, I personally want Followthrough (and it's energy+cd reduction) as soon as possible - so the other trees will have to wait. After that, I might consider doing them first. Edited by Aiwan
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It's arguable whether you should get either:


Rapid Shots Offensive Cooldown

30% Crit Damage on Followthrough, Takedown, Series of Shots

15 seconds off of the Entrench and Orbital Strike Cooldown




9% Cunning Increase

10 Extra Energy

6% Critical Strike


Personally, if I didn't think Rapid Shots was so awesome in PvP at level 40 then it wouldn't even be a choice. Followthrough achieved and talented cannot be delayed, as it not only improves burst DPS by a fair margin it is the only energy positive ability we have besides Rifle Shots which means it improves our sustained DPS by a large factor. Once you get Followthrough, it's a choice on improving your stats vs. getting harsher crits and a powerful offensive cooldown to use.

Edited by Ayestes
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get followthough asap..then get the 2 stat PERCENT increases...they are huge cuz its a PERCENT...though the increase to crit chance, i'm having a hard time trying to see if my stats actually increase


finish off mm tree then


fuel tanks can wait imho or even ignored...percent increase to endurance looks better imho


percent increases are great..the higher the base value, the more you get..and your values will only go up

Edited by Bangorango
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Or you could just get the things that boost you up to help you level and then when Followthrough is available respec...


Thats what i'm planning to do. The lower marksman talents aren't all that great, 9% cunning however is a good advantage from the start on.

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Or you could just get the things that boost you up to help you level and then when Followthrough is available respec...


It's all about how you plan to level. I was in a duo with an Operative healer and neither of us wanted to respec on our way to 50. I went full Marksmanship and the Operative went full Medic.


Personal preference, really.


If you don't want to respec on your way to 50, get Energy Tanks, Lethality, and Gearhead later in the leveling process. Otherwise? It's up to you.

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