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Scoundrel Top 3 Final Revisions


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I am very much liking these three questions and I give my support to them.


I really miss the old Surprise Comeback, I thought it was very interesting to have the modest, but near constant HoT. My preference would be to have it return to that state somehow and remove the tie-in to Pugnacity (perhaps a 1.5% / 3% heal every 3 seconds as long as you have a stack of UH).


My preference to fix the scrapper-filler issue is to add another crunchy melee attack, but I really miss the Cheap Shot animation and sound effect. I'd love to see it make a return to Scoundrels (it doesn't have to work like the old power mechanically, I just want the crunchy, fun attack back). Sucker Punch and Blaster Whip are great, but just a bit more variety in the fisticuffs was so much better. A no cost attack, tech based, 4m range, dealing ~20% more damage than Rapid Shots on a 6 second cooldown would help break up the monotony of Rapid Shots when some energy management is needed due to an unlucky (lack of) Flying Fists streak (maybe have it require UH to use, but then also have it grant UH, so it is a neutral on UH resource, but still has the up-front need of it)..


Another possible option to help with survivability would be to add a damage debuff somewhere (you could add it to Stopping Power or Turn the Tables for Scrappers and Feeling Woozy or Rough and Tumble for DF). That would also provide a bit of team support and debuffing enemies fits both the Scoundrel and Operative thematically.

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My quick points:

1. The damage issues are reliable burst damage (Which could be due to crit rating changes and removal of set bonus), Quick Shot is extremely weak and cost too much energy to be used as a filler and the positional requirement in PvE. Because you have to maintain your energy levels you have to use Flurry of Bolts to stay above 60% (happens quite frequently) which can make the rotation feel clunky. Scrapper doesn't have energy management issues, that is user error.


Just wish they made Quick Shot free through a proc or something. That would really help out Scrapper in PvE.


2. I know I keep saying this but we should stop with the direct comparisons in the questions. The Developers know which classes do what and due to counter-balancing it's not exactly fair to compare (no pun). We should remove things that are condescending or commentary like "a perhaps-unintended nerf to Surprise Comeback."



3. It should be okay to provide longer statements and backstory for a question if you feel like you are squeezing and summarizing too much.



4. Although I agree with what is said about Suprise Comeback, it never really was that important to take up half of the question's backstory as the Scrapper's main concern. Scrapper always had crap survivability. The concern should be that a majority of the Scrapper tree are survivability talents. They aren't consistent, provide very little extra survivability and do not provide any utility during operations ( I believe it was Dipstik who brought this up.) It has always been this way and nobody noticed back when people had 20k HP and Scrapper could kill them in 3-4 hits. I feel like the tree doesn't seem to scale well compared to the other classes as we progress to 50 and beyond.


Scrapper just doesn't have the damage mitigation to remain in prolonged group combat and is force out of combat to survive. He has to LoS or evade combat entirely to self-heal which leads to an incredible amount of down time. The poor self-healing utility is too weak and energy costly for the amount of health return and damage trade-off in direct combat considering it is a melee class. It shouldn't be considered part of it's survivability if it is mostly used out-of-combat.


Something we need to watch out for is that we do have utility that counters most other melee classes which is why I don't think a direct comparison about mitigation should be made. Lest not forget we have cover and melee/ranged defensive bonuses which gives us the upper hand against both Jedi Knight classes. It might not be a heal to full response but learn to use cover one.



Anyway, I'm glad to see you are our representative. You try to remain unbiased and supportive.

Edited by Gren-Aluren
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Because you have to maintain your energy levels you have to use Flurry of Bolts to stay above 60% (happens quite frequently) which can make the rotation feel clunky. Scrapper doesn't have energy management issues, that is user error.


Read those two sentences together please. What?


Yes, if you slip flurry of bolts in frequently you don't have energy issues. But that's what energy management is. Energy management issues is having to spend attacks to save it.


Regardless, the "issue" brought up was the small margin that the 70% chance to get energy back is useful. Use it to low and you have a 30% chance of getting your energy ruined. Use it to early and you have wasted energy (you never want 100% energy). Its one of the many reasons Lethality/Dirty Fighting is played over Concealment/Scrapper

1) Better damage in DF

2) More consistent energy in DF (You know how much energy you'll have after each attack. No "this attack MIGHT be safe to use")

3) No requirement on position

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thank you everyone for your feedback. currently digesting all of it, and i'll be making some more edits this morning.



as a general comment, i see that some people are mentioning things that have been mentioned before, and i thank you for that. sometimes things get lost in all the back-and-forth and editing passes.


so please, if you feel something is missing, even if you personally already mentioned it, don't hesitate to bring it up again.

i'm trying to include everyone's suggestions as best i can, so i don't want to exclude anything unless we feel it's necessary (such as dropping DF from the first question to put more of a focus on scrapper)

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Is that summative question for #1 with Scrappers clear enough? Focusing it more on the energy and damage issues might be better. Leaving it too open can be an issue, as we have seen from the recent questions. Noting the one trick pony and energy issues might be better. I think the rest of the setup covers those concerns pretty well (though it might be better to clarify that Scrappers need a little more beyond that one great opening phase).


i'm not sure what you would like for me to change about the questions, but take a look at the most recent edits and let me know if you still think something should be changed.



My preference to fix the scrapper-filler issue is to add another crunchy melee attack, but I really miss the Cheap Shot animation and sound effect. I'd love to see it make a return to Scoundrels (it doesn't have to work like the old power mechanically, I just want the crunchy, fun attack back). Sucker Punch and Blaster Whip are great, but just a bit more variety in the fisticuffs was so much better. A no cost attack, tech based, 4m range, dealing ~20% more damage than Rapid Shots on a 6 second cooldown would help break up the monotony of Rapid Shots when some energy management is needed due to an unlucky (lack of) Flying Fists streak (maybe have it require UH to use, but then also have it grant UH, so it is a neutral on UH resource, but still has the up-front need of it)..


Another possible option to help with survivability would be to add a damage debuff somewhere (you could add it to Stopping Power or Turn the Tables for Scrappers and Feeling Woozy or Rough and Tumble for DF). That would also provide a bit of team support and debuffing enemies fits both the Scoundrel and Operative thematically.

cheap shot has always been one of my favorite animations in the game. it would be awesome if they just changed the animation for scoundrel's blaster whip to the old cheap shot animation. it has such a satisfying 'crunch' to it like sucker punch.


as far as fillers go, i would personally love a proc that took some of the risk out of using quick shot. as it is now, i would much rather just use flurry of bolts instead of risk not having energy for blaster whip / flechette round / sucker punch when they're available.


and i don't think we need anything on a 6s cooldown per se. my basic view of the rotation is blaster whip > sucker punch > filler > filler blaster whip > back blast > sucker punch > filler

there is a high chance that one of those fillers will be another sucker punch or vital shot.

the main problem with this rotation is that it will run out of energy very quickly. very often i have to use flurry of bolts instead of blaster whip when it comes off cooldown. i then have to push things back again when back blast and blaster whip come off cooldown at the same time 6s later.


i think solving the problem of energy management by making turn the tables instead make the next quick shot / flechette round / sucker punch / blaster whip cost less energy, it may alleviate all of these concerns at once.




as far as utility goes, i think that round two's stun on normal mobs is probably what we get as scrapper, but yes, it's mostly utility for solo content or trivial group content. i think something could be added to give it a bit more utility in harder group content and pvp though, like interrupting casts or something. i think that since it's not a reliable extra interrupt, it wouldn't be considered too overpowered.



My quick points:

1. The damage issues are reliable burst damage (Which could be due to crit rating changes and removal of set bonus), Quick Shot is extremely weak and cost too much energy to be used as a filler and the positional requirement in PvE. Because you have to maintain your energy levels you have to use Flurry of Bolts to stay above 60% (happens quite frequently) which can make the rotation feel clunky. Scrapper doesn't have energy management issues, that is user error.


Just wish they made Quick Shot free through a proc or something. That would really help out Scrapper in PvE.

i don't think mentioning crit will do any good since they commented on this recently, stating that they are away auto-crit specs are much more overpowered while other specs who rely on crit are at a disadvantage and that crit overall is not where they want it to be.


2. I know I keep saying this but we should stop with the direct comparisons in the questions. The Developers know which classes do what and due to counter-balancing it's not exactly fair to compare (no pun). We should remove things that are condescending or commentary like "a perhaps-unintended nerf to Surprise Comeback."
took this part out along with some other passes to make the focus more streamlined.

i don't think some things need to be pointed out as obvious design choices, such as (we use back blast a lot and therefore have a hefty positional requirement! i just started with hefty positional requirement and how it affects pve encounters)



4. Although I agree with what is said about Suprise Comeback, it never really was that important to take up half of the question's backstory as the Scrapper's main concern. Scrapper always had crap survivability. The concern should be that a majority of the Scrapper tree are survivability talents. They aren't consistent, provide very little extra survivability and do not provide any utility during operations ( I believe it was Dipstik who brought this up.) It has always been this way and nobody noticed back when people had 20k HP and Scrapper could kill them in 3-4 hits. I feel like the tree doesn't seem to scale well compared to the other classes as we progress to 50 and beyond.


Scrapper just doesn't have the damage mitigation to remain in prolonged group combat and is force out of combat to survive. He has to LoS or evade combat entirely to self-heal which leads to an incredible amount of down time. The poor self-healing utility is too weak and energy costly for the amount of health return and damage trade-off in direct combat considering it is a melee class. It shouldn't be considered part of it's survivability if it is mostly used out-of-combat.


Something we need to watch out for is that we do have utility that counters most other melee classes which is why I don't think a direct comparison about mitigation should be made. Lest not forget we have cover and melee/ranged defensive bonuses which gives us the upper hand against both Jedi Knight classes. It might not be a heal to full response but learn to use cover one.

i've reworded it to put more of a focus on how we feel that it's lacking and in what way without focusing too much on the direct comparisons (but rather overall comparisons) and give less of a focus on surprise comeback with relation to the question as a whole.



Anyway, I'm glad to see you are our representative. You try to remain unbiased and supportive.


thank you very much for the support.

Edited by oaceen
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i am trying to be proactive in predicting their responses so that we can hit the issue head on and get answers on the stuff we're really looking at.


so for survivability, i added a part about scamper. it similarly suffers from high energy cost and doesn't create a lot of space to easily LoS (and i mention that it shouldn't necessarily be changed to do that)


i'm not sure how to word disappearing act's role. i feel that it is a very good escape in that you're gone from combat and can pop up anywhere, but it still requires removing yourself from combat and finding a place to heal up as you cannot heal (or receive heals) after using disappearing act.

of course scrapper can receive heals after DA, but they're also losing one of their biggest offensive cooldowns by using this as an escape.





i would also like to add back in something about tendon blast's surge bonus, since i think a lot of people are curious about that. i'm on the fence about an execute. i see it discussed here and there, but i don't personally feel that it's necessary, and i worry that we'll get 'working as intended' as a response.


i also want to make it clear that the concern for shoot first for PvP is about the move itself but not with the knockdown from K.O.

many people who want Shoot First out of stealth would be very willing to give up the knockdown.

i am not sure how to word this though.




i think the 3rd question is probably perfect as it is now

Edited by oaceen
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I think the questions are pretty good where they stand. As someone who is finishing leveling up a Scrapper (lvl 53 atm) to go with his Assault VG and Inf Shadow (I sure can pick them, huh :D) I could not agree more with the at times difficult energy management issues I've had, especially when I can't use shoot first at the beginning of a mob pack.


More often than I would like, I find myself in the catch-22 of should I use Sucker Punch in the hope that I'm on the good end of 70% and can regen some energy, or should I just use flurry of bolts instead. I do expect Energy Management to become a bit better in group content where I can more reliably use back blast as "filler". Dirty Kick only comes off cool-down so much (and it seems I'm very good at using flash bang when then enemy has a DoT on him)


That being said, I wish there was a way to use Shoot First more reliably. It's a fantastic opener with Fletchette Round as it gets UH rolling, but at most it can be used roughly every 1min30sec. And even at that point if your not smart about cleansing yourself and about what is going to happen in the fight (raid-wide AoE, for example) you may get knocked out of stealth before you can use it.


I don't know enough about Scoundrel end-game balancing, so I'll just ask, would being able to talent an out-of-stealth Shoot First high up on the Scrapper tree make them OP? I've never really thought about it, but does Shoot First even have a cool down? I don't know how, if at all, it would upset PvP burst (Shoot First/Cloak/Shoot First ((if that's even a thing))), but what if you could talent to be able to use it out of stealth, but it had a 20-30sec cooldown?


Or maybe even if a target is affected by your Fletchette Round, Shoot First becomes available on a similar length-ed cool down.


I've learned to manage my ammo and force on my VG and Shadow pretty well using the abilities available, but so far it's been a lot tougher to do so on my Scoundrel, it just kind of feels clunky.

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More often than I would like, I find myself in the catch-22 of should I use Sucker Punch in the hope that I'm on the good end of 70% and can regen some energy, or should I just use flurry of bolts instead.
i was not sure how to word this, so i left it out, but i feel this is just as bad as proccing at full energy. basically the energy window for using sucker punch, and feeling completely safe about not wasting energy, is very narrow.


That being said, I wish there was a way to use Shoot First more reliably. It's a fantastic opener with Fletchette Round as it gets UH rolling, but at most it can be used roughly every 1min30sec. And even at that point if your not smart about cleansing yourself and about what is going to happen in the fight (raid-wide AoE, for example) you may get knocked out of stealth before you can use it.
the only thing i would personally like for PVE is an addition to flee the scene that turns it into more of an offensive cooldown as well as defensive, in that after using it, the next shoot first costs less energy or has its damage buffed in some way.

i think the concern for being able to use it often is more geared towards pvp where being able to use shoot first can make or break a lot of combat encounters.


I don't know enough about Scoundrel end-game balancing, so I'll just ask, would being able to talent an out-of-stealth Shoot First high up on the Scrapper tree make them OP? I've never really thought about it, but does Shoot First even have a cool down? I don't know how, if at all, it would upset PvP burst (Shoot First/Cloak/Shoot First ((if that's even a thing))), but what if you could talent to be able to use it out of stealth, but it had a 20-30sec cooldown?
i don't know the answer to that. i think the devs can take our suggestions and do some testing to find out for themselves.

also yes, shoot first currently has a 7.5s cooldown. this was added in one of the earliest patches after the game went live. before that time, it was very easy to open from stealth with a 3s knockdown, use disappearing act and knock down for another 3s, and easily finish someone off in that time. it was very powerful, and i don't blame the devs for shying away from making scrapper too powerful, but most people, even players of other classes, feel that scrapper could use some improvements.


as a point of note, there was a talent in beta called shoot twice that allowed shoot first to be used out of stealth. this was of course before upper hand was a resource to be used on moves (it was simply a buff at the time), so that probably had a lot to do with why it was removed.


I've learned to manage my ammo and force on my VG and Shadow pretty well using the abilities available, but so far it's been a lot tougher to do so on my Scoundrel, it just kind of feels clunky.


you should have tried it before 2.0 lol

i feel like it's better now, but i agree it's still clunky. hopefully they can make some more changes to address it.

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Oaceen, thanks for the feedback. I think the questions are worded quite well. My post was more along the lines of additional support for the questions and issues raised therein, as well as to open a little bit of a dialogue with other Scoundrel players about the shortcomings I've personally observed on my reclaimed Scoundrel and just to speculate the type of fixes that could be implemented, and how much of an effect they theoretically could have. I don't think the inclusion of any of my thoughts would make the question(s) any stronger than they already are.


As far as the cooldown, that makes perfect sense. I've just never really thought to pay much attention to the CD because I've treated it like an ability that I won't use frequently enough to be CD watching on leveling trash mobs.


I guess personally, the idea of using a class defining ability like Shoot First so infrequently, just bothers me as a design decision. I'm not recommending this, but i think that if the ability never existed, and you could just talent Back Blast to give you an UH when used in stealth, I wouldn't feel like that an abiltiy like Shoot First would be needed (if that hypothetical situation made any sense). To me Back Blast and Shoot First are too similar in their functionality at times, and the ability to use one, but not the other, regularly, leaves me wanting.

Edited by JMagee
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Have you been in contact with Operative rep? Maybe they can deal with the DF side for one of their questions.


thanks for reminding me!


i had meant to send him a PM all morning and make sure that things we are dropping (such as the DF questions you mentioned) would get represented later.

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I guess personally, the idea of using a class defining ability like Shoot First so infrequently, just bothers me as a design decision. I'm not recommending this, but i think that if the ability never existed, and you could just talent Back Blast to give you an UH when used in stealth, I wouldn't feel like that an abiltiy like Shoot First would be needed (if that hypothetical situation made any sense). To me Back Blast and Shoot First are too similar in their functionality at times, and the ability to use one, but not the other, regularly, leaves me wanting.


i have thought about this as well. i think if shoot first had never existed, it could easily have worked this way all along with everyone ok with it. but of course, that's not the case, so i think a drastic change now would probably cause more problems than it's worth.

that is just my own opinion of course, but maybe after a few years if we have way too many abilities and the devs decide to cut things down, this would be one of the first changes that could be made without too much fuss.

Edited by oaceen
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i'm not sure what you would like for me to change about the questions, but take a look at the most recent edits and let me know if you still think something should be changed.


I think the issue more for me was that it's so wide open and unfocused now, unlike the information that comes before it--leaving it this unfocused can leave it too open to misinterpretation, or to not get the focused response that we want, or at least it's not set up to get them thinking in the direction that we are. Basically, while it's good to ask for their opinion, it also wouldn't hurt to see if they can see what we are, and if they will take action on it. Strong advocacy for the issues the question is highlighting can hopefully encourage more action on their part. And it never hurts to ask. :jawa_angel:


Here is the question at the end currently: "How do the players's concerns and perceptions as well as your own metrics of class performance match up with the combat team's expectations for Scrappers?"


I know phrasing these things is tough, but I was thinking something like this would capture what you are driving at in question 1's background info, and would keep the devs more focused on what we have been discussing in this thread (though I think this phrasing could still use some work, maybe it will get some ideas going):


"While the Scrapper tree is certainly designed to be a burst style of damage, it has issues in extended fights in PVE and PVP with energy management as well as an inability to use many of its signature attacks, relying on Flurry of Bolts too often. Does the combat team agree that these are issues, and are there any ideas being worked on to address these issues?"


To close, I know it's a bit more wordy than what you have now, which can be an issue, but I do think some of the added info is necessary to keep the question clear and focused and hopefully get the answers we want there--even if it is a matter of "energy management is working as intended." We can clearly respond to that, and that discussion is still in a direction we are worried about.


(Oh, and if you can more strongly word the "can we get some help with these issues part," go for it)


Looking at the other questions, I think #2 could use a similar reworking as I suggested for #1, while #3 is good and focused on the issue you describe.


Last, given some of the later discussion we have had on Quick Shot, tweaking your mention of it in the "sum up" text before question 1 might be good. You have a start, but tweaking to "despite having talents that buff its damage, many Scoundrels feel that Quick Shot does not fulfill this role, primarily because of its energy cost."


I hope that all helps. Thanks for working on this again.

Edited by Pilgrim_Grey
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Comments. I'm Scrapper PvP-focussed, so that's the view they're from.


General. The Sorc and Van questions suffered from being bloated, rambling and unfocussed, together with (to my mind) unjustified pleas for buffs. This probably contributed to answers that left people unsatisfied. Poor questions make for unsatisfactory answers. I'd suggest keeping some initial background to the question to flesh it out, but the question itself should then be clear and simple.


Set bonuses. Have been a scoundrel isssue since launch, they've always been terrible and +5% energy is almost hilariously bad, an exercise in how small an advantage you can give while still claiming it's a buff. So a long-term issue if not an enormous one, will do fine for a question.


Scrapper. There's damage and survivability. To my mind survivability is the greater issue. We're a melee class without aoe reduction talent and outside Disappearing Act (which has to cover lots of bases in escapes, restealth, burst) our other defensives are pretty poor. If we're focused, we're dead, and this means we're going to be dodos come arena rather than simply on the extinction-risk list (I've done some PTS). Our damage is still weaker than other DPS classes, and we're left hoping for a crit before being getting stuck in a (losing) long fight. An execute (new Cheap Shot?) would be nice but unnecessary, but something like Recklessness would be great. Fair length CD so it can't be spammed, but we can use it to get a bit better chance of our burst counting.


Quick Shot. A red herring. It's a bad ability, just don't use it. Why try to bring it into play? We already have Flurry, Blaster Whip that cover virtually all occasions you'd use it. Only time I'd use it is to try and quickly finish a shadow with resilience up.


Apologies for terse text, got to run.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Read those two sentences together please. What?


Yes, if you slip flurry of bolts in frequently you don't have energy issues. But that's what energy management is. Energy management issues is having to spend attacks to save it.


Regardless, the "issue" brought up was the small margin that the 70% chance to get energy back is useful. Use it to low and you have a 30% chance of getting your energy ruined. Use it to early and you have wasted energy (you never want 100% energy). Its one of the many reasons Lethality/Dirty Fighting is played over Concealment/Scrapper

1) Better damage in DF

2) More consistent energy in DF (You know how much energy you'll have after each attack. No "this attack MIGHT be safe to use")

3) No requirement on position


Flurry of Bolts is to fill the gap when your good abilities are on CD. Quick Shot isn't worth the resource cost for the damage it deals. Other then Quick Shot there isn't anything to spend energy on if everything is on CD even if you had the extra energy.

Edited by Gren-Aluren
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yet another pve question lost due to pvp zealots. i like the part about scrapper rotation, but why point out pvp deficits for a pve question?


the same hing happened with the sorc questions, where eric told everyone to have 1 pve 1 pvp and one open, and they (and you) chose to go with a pve/pvp question... instead of just a pve one.

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yet another pve question lost due to pvp zealots. i like the part about scrapper rotation, but why point out pvp deficits for a pve question?


the same hing happened with the sorc questions, where eric told everyone to have 1 pve 1 pvp and one open, and they (and you) chose to go with a pve/pvp question... instead of just a pve one.


Is not like they can refuse to answer the question because it mentions both. It's a stupid requirement since these types of questions affect both PvP and PvE.

Edited by Gren-Aluren
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yet another pve question lost due to pvp zealots. i like the part about scrapper rotation, but why point out pvp deficits for a pve question?


the same hing happened with the sorc questions, where eric told everyone to have 1 pve 1 pvp and one open, and they (and you) chose to go with a pve/pvp question... instead of just a pve one.


i even added in a comment about survivability talents taking up points for pve builds in a pvp-centric question.


i'm not sure what you want me to do differently.

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Wow. I think this is a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth.


When I read these yesterday they were short and focused. Now the first one especially is long and rambling. Please take a step back and read them again. I hope you have a copy of yesterdays question.

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Flurry of Bolts is to fill the gap when your good abilities are on CD. Quick Shot isn't worth the resource cost for the damage it deals. Other then Quick Shot there isn't anything to spend energy on if everything is on CD even if you had the extra energy.


I really should consider putting my characters in my signature like others do to not be quoted with obvious things...


Yes, I realize quick shot is terrible and shouldn't be on the bar. That wasn't the point though...I was quoting your own post saying that you had to fit flurry of bolts in to "stay above 60%" while also claiming no energy issues.


Your post said nothing about "Slip it in because nothing better to do thanks to cooldowns", but my quote was to (I'll quote you again)


"to maintain your energy levels you have to use Flurry of Bolts to stay above 60%"

"Scrapper doesn't have energy management issues, that is user error. "


If your using Flurry of Bolts because of nothing better, that's one thing. If your using Flurry of Bolts because you have to even when things are off-cooldown, that's called an energy management issue. Now, if you believe one exists or one is user error is up for debate. But you can't claim that you HAVE to use it to stay above energy but then claim there are no energy management issues.


Either your second comment is true, and thus you having to use Flurry of bolts to stay above 60% is "user error" on your part. Or the first comment is true and you have to use Flurry of Bolts (no other choice) and there is energy issues. I'll let you decide for yourself what the issue is.


And you didn't respond to anything else in my post so that's all to add there. You quoted an entire post discussing a 70% energy proc just to say "Well you can't use Quick Shot"...no duh?

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yet another pve question lost due to pvp zealots. i like the part about scrapper rotation, but why point out pvp deficits for a pve question?


the same hing happened with the sorc questions, where eric told everyone to have 1 pve 1 pvp and one open, and they (and you) chose to go with a pve/pvp question... instead of just a pve one.


Honestly, I'm not sure what I would complain about with respect to scoundrels in PvE. All three specs are fantastic. The only thing I might say is that Scrapper could use a more interesting and reliable filler period between its burst moments, but that's about it. The overall damage that it does is quite viable, and commensurate to its burst. Dirty Fighting is competitive with Gunslingers for top single-target damage. Sawbones is OP FOTM healer de jour. :-)


Most of the deficiencies of the class are in PvP. Even though I don't PvP at all with my Scoundrel, I think it's totally fair to focus there.


I really should consider putting my characters in my signature like others do to not be quoted with obvious things...


Don't sweat it, Kelaen, I know who you are. :-)

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