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Reasons why SWTOR will be F2P in 6 mos


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I agree with this.


Not having a engine in nearly 2012 that has multi core and 64-bit support is just incredibly ignorant and dumb i don't even have words for it.


BIOWARE,multi core support and 64-bit support,NOW!


Sooner or later this will go all around the internet that your junk engine doesn't even have these basic things.




Do you even know the difference? And if you DO, would you even notice it without an art revamp? (Literally years of work, btw, to implement).


/tophat I think not, good sir.

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You might be (yet another) developer, OP, but you certainly not are a producer.

SWTOR would never be able to survive in F2P with its current model of ultra-rich content. Investment needed for voicing every quest, continuing to produce such ridiculously huge worlds, it just needs a subscription model. Micro-transactions would never be stable enough to secure such funds.

And if this "overly rich" content model is broken, the game will be too far off its initial design to stay appealing at all.

Anyone with common sense would know that, unless he's just mindlessly bandwaggoning what he reads in forums trolls. And even though, it's not very hard to guess by seeing how much content F2P games are spitting out, and their tied assets quality, compared to swtor needed pace.


So stick to your developer hat, and stop trying to play the weather forecaster.

Edited by kineticdamage
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I missed the bit about the OP having a developer hat, but if such a thing were true, then I would think that rather than doomsaying amongst the Seven Deadly Sins she'd be more likely to add more constructive suggestions.


That said, I'm going to comment on what another older vet said a few pages back: These newbies and WoWkids would break in two if they had to work through even five levels of what EverQuest was like at launch. It was an open world, no significant guide along, just get out there and explore. They've added a few things since then, including a Graphics Update, Quests, and etc, but gameplay at it's core hasn't changed very much- Go find yourself a group, find a place to go explore, and then do it.


Biggest thing they did in EQ(aside from the Graphics updates and yearly expansions) was add a Tutorial Zone, and then update that. It was(and still is) a lot of fun.

Edited by kagespartan
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It was added in 3.3; the middle patch for Wrath of the Lich King, not "late WOTLK"


And any "veteran" MMO Player sees LFD as what it is — a useful tool for finding groups without resorting to primitive methods of spamming chat, and adding everyone with a Tank Spec to your friends list


lol 3.3 was only the "middle" of wrath because ICC lasted for a year......


it was the last "major patch" before cata... (hailon doesnt count... that filler trash)

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Your account was made in December. You definitely were not in any form of beta. And yes, I know your going to respond by saying you had another account...




predictable post is predictable.


The fact your lying at the start of your thread, leads me to assume your post isn't particularly a trustworthy resource to be viewed as wise sagery.


I have a friend that was in the long term beta but had to create a whole new account due to a registration bug. He probably spent a good 2 hours on the phone with various reps trying to get his account changed back but it never happened, he's still using a dummy e-mail he created just for this game.

Edited by illgot
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OP has the right of it. This game will be F2P. It just dosen't have the ability to compete with WoW. Look at the graphics for SWTOR, they are like a N64 when compared with WoW. Seriously graphics of WoW are light years ahead of this game. WoW has more end game, it even had more end game upon release. Sorry but its true. WoW has a LFD and a LFR tool. Where is it in this game? Dosen't have one. Clearly that means this game will fail. The game has NO HAND OUT GEAR also. Now when I play my game I want to log in for two hours a week and have the same thing that some raider in SWTOR has, just like I get in WoW. Sorry all WoW is just the better game. This will go F2P cause it is just a WoW clone with lightsabers. It will never kill WoW. EA/BW milked us all. Now time to go back to Dragonsoul raid and the new MoP expansion.
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Man... ppl commenting on what WoW has that Swtor doesnt must not have played WoW in the very broken vanilla days..


its a budding game...give it some time.. or feel free to piss off


WoW also doesnt have better graphics,fyi

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WoW's engine runs in 32 bit and has done so for 7 years. It also makes almost no use of graphics hardware at all, to the point where the performance of a GTX 460 compared to a 7800 GT is literally in single digit percentage points.



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I'm sad to say I agree with you :(


I was very excited for this game....However, no ingame voice, no chat tabs, no server forums, no society of any kind but the relationships that were imported from other games....I believe these are the reasons people will not be playing this game for 4 years, let alone 4 months...

The game is not an MMO, it is a really awesome solo rpg...


But it still makes me sad. Maybe in 6months it will be better?



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OP has the right of it. This game will be F2P. It just dosen't have the ability to compete with WoW. Look at the graphics for SWTOR, they are like a N64 when compared with WoW. Seriously graphics of WoW are light years ahead of this game. WoW has more end game, it even had more end game upon release. Sorry but its true. WoW has a LFD and a LFR tool. Where is it in this game? Dosen't have one. Clearly that means this game will fail. The game has NO HAND OUT GEAR also. Now when I play my game I want to log in for two hours a week and have the same thing that some raider in SWTOR has, just like I get in WoW. Sorry all WoW is just the better game. This will go F2P cause it is just a WoW clone with lightsabers. It will never kill WoW. EA/BW milked us all. Now time to go back to Dragonsoul raid and the new MoP expansion.


This is either a cleverly disguised troll against the OP or a very ignorant criticism of SWTOR. I hate Poe's Law, I really do.

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OP is a troll and an idiot, if you don't like the game for personal reasons then stop playing the game. If you think it's going to be F2P in 6 months then wait 6 months and come back when it is if that's what you want to play. Otherwise **** and stop spewing your insidious bile over a forum.
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You made some points which are to me just opinions (wow like etc...). That's YOUR point of vue, and even if I respect it, don't say everyone share the same.

Then you said the success of WoW came from the group finder, and end game content. That's utterly wrong sir.

When people bought WoW, they didn't know about endgame. Most of them were fully unaware of the existence of MMO games before WoW.

IMO, WoW was a success because of a HUGE marketing, something I've never seen in my country (may change in others country). Even my grandma, who doesn't care at all about games or computer knew about it.

Then, it was not because WoW was able to run on double core or whatever, but because it was able to run on almost every computer.

It was also for the largest marketing target possible. Casual, hardcore, kids, adults...

And finally, they used a well known license of their own, who sold plenty years before, Warcraft.



I never liked Warcraft, and thus, never liked WoW for the same obvious reasons (cartoon design, universe, humor...). But I had plenty of friends by this time who bought the game, and this was the reasons why. Truth is, they didn't know by that time what an "end game content" could possibly mean.


People is complaining about tools which are usually not on a MMO when it start. LFG tool, ingame voice....

Seriously, AOC doesn't have them, it's been like 3-4 years since it's release. Lotro ? Well the ingame voice was still glitchy and vastly unused 1year ago, don't know if it changed. No LFG tools last time I played. EvE online ? Well, don't talk about the the first attempt of ingame voice to eve players.

It will comes to the game. Right know, they focus on bugs, which is a good start, Funcom never focus properly on it, and AOC became empty in a matter of weeks.

Edited by erei
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This is either a cleverly disguised troll against the OP or a very ignorant criticism of SWTOR. I hate Poe's Law, I really do.



Sorry I had to cleverly disguise that as a troll for the OP. While SWTOR has many issues that I would like addressed and fixed. Mostly the highly and annoying random desktop crash that has happened since the patch. This game is great. I have more fun with it then all 7 years I played WoW and sampled other MMOS. If you are going to hate on a game, might as well keep it to yourself instead of flaming the forums.

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Sorry I had to cleverly disguise that as a troll for the OP. While SWTOR has many issues that I would like addressed and fixed. Mostly the highly and annoying random desktop crash that has happened since the patch. This game is great. I have more fun with it then all 7 years I played WoW and sampled other MMOS. If you are going to hate on a game, might as well keep it to yourself instead of flaming the forums.


Ah ok. Was curious about that.


While I agree SWTOR has some issues the majority of the "game breaking issues" the vocal minority cries for are akin to a child screaming for mommy to hold their hand.


And for the people with the "it's a single player game, not an MMO" angle, I have this for you: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/35lugu/

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I'm sad to say I agree with you :(


I was very excited for this game....However, no ingame voice, no chat tabs, no server forums, no society of any kind but the relationships that were imported from other games....I believe these are the reasons people will not be playing this game for 4 years, let alone 4 months...

The game is not an MMO, it is a really awesome solo rpg...


But it still makes me sad. Maybe in 6months it will be better?




Oh dear, because your socially inept you expect Bioware to hold your hand.

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In a month the haters will be gone, mostly. Btw I started wow in 2004 I switched from EQ, the blizzard forums got lit up with hate spam from hardcore EQ ppl like me due to bugs, gameplay ect, there wasn't even a auto follow at launch. WoW won me over with time and steps in the right direction, I've learned not to get hasty on self proclaimed prophecies of failure. Give it a chance are don't, but trying to spread hate for a game you dislike makes no sense anymore.
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i can tell you wow didnt have a group finder at the begging, the group finder was made in summer of 2010. And blizzard had the same problems of queue at beggining, dunno what awesome game you play but that was my experience!
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Whats funny is, by your post, wow should have failed when it launched. It had no endgame, next to no content, and had all sorts of game breaking bugs and glitches, as well as a horrible launch.


It had a horrible launch because the game was so amazing that they got about 10x the number of customers they expected. It had an amazing amount of content. Yeah, it had no raids at release or PvP battlegrounds, but it didn't take them long to add them and those aren't the only two types of content in the game. People exaggerate how "bad" WoW was when it released. It became an instant blockbuster hit because of how good it was. That's not saying it didn't have issues, it had some big ones, but the game was so good in the vast majority of categories that people were willing to deal with the issues.

Edited by Shillen
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It had a horrible launch because the game was so amazing that they got about 10x the number of customers they expected. It had an amazing amount of content. Yeah, it had no raids at release or PvP battlegrounds, but it didn't take them long to add them and those aren't the only two types of content in the game. People exaggerate how "bad" WoW was when it released. It became an instant blockbuster hit because of how good it was. That's not saying it didn't have issues, it had some big ones, but the game was so good in the vast majority of categories that people were willing to deal with the issues.


Except for the horrible launch bit that sounds like SWTOR, don't it? How quickly people forget the past these days. :rolleyes:


Note: Except SWTOR does have raids and battlegrounds at launch, of course.

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