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Lifetime Subscription ?


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Lifetime subscriptions are the last gasp of a dying game - I'd actually be worried about TOR if they started offering lifetime subscriptions


There are games that have launched with lifetime subs. Personally, I'd love the option. Save the money up, pay it all at once, and enjoy sub privileges without having to remember which week the $15 is coming out of my bank account.

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There are games that have launched with lifetime subs. Personally, I'd love the option. Save the money up, pay it all at once, and enjoy sub privileges without having to remember which week the $15 is coming out of my bank account.


I agree, thats where Im coming from too

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There are games that have launched with lifetime subs. Personally, I'd love the option. Save the money up, pay it all at once, and enjoy sub privileges without having to remember which week the $15 is coming out of my bank account.


When i see a game that offers a lifetime sub for launch i see a company that doesn't believe in their product. Most lifetimes subs cost the same as 3 years of sub time. They are saying we don't expect to be making any more money by the 3 year mark. They are saying we don't expect most to keep playing our game and we need to get as much money in the beginning as possible.

Edited by GalenMourne
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Lotro had lifetime subs from the beginning and helped to recoup initial development costs and maintain a steady loyal playerbase, who weren't useless when it came to generating money after the F2P hybrid model was introduced because they would still play the game and drop money on the store.


It's not a poor business decision, it's not a sign of a failing game. I'd love the option for TOR.

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Besides i am not sure TOR will last for another 3 years.:(


If the complete POS that was SWG can hang on to life for 8 years, TOR shutting down anywhere close to that mark is not a worry in the least.


I have lifetime subs with champions online and star trek, yet here I am .... :D


Indeed. Got the lifer for STO when they offered towards the end of the beta and have regretted it ever since. Missed the window for CO and am glad I did.

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Lifetime subscriptions are the last gasp of a dying game - I'd actually be worried about TOR if they started offering lifetime subscriptions
Actually, Lifetime subs are usually the first gasp of a game desperate for development cash which is why most generally offer them before the game launches.

They trade the long-term cash they'd get from a subscriber for a quick cash boost up front on the assumption that once the game is out the door, they'll be able to make up those losses over the life of the game.


There was a time when I considered a lifetime sub an investment against a future time when I might not have the resources to have a subscription so even if I lost the disposable income, I'd still have a game I could play.

I've got 3 lifetime subs to games and they've all since gone F2P.

Now that the market has shifted in that direction, my entire reason for ever having a lifetime sub has been rendered moot and I'll never buy another one.

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There are games that have launched with lifetime subs.


/Agree. They tend to offer at launch.. not later in game.


But they also tend to be companies that do not have the deep pockets of an EA, Activision, or NCsoft. I don't see it in the cards for SWTOR. It's a way to generate cash flow up front to fund operations.


Personally, I like lifetime subs because I play multiple MMOs and I like to play them under a subscription (since none of them are actually free to play unrestricted anyway)... but I don't see it coming for this MMO.

Edited by Andryah
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  • 6 months later...
Considering that getting a 60 day card on ebay costs like 12€ ... Getting a lifetime sub now is somehow... weird. It's like 6€ a month... so... what the hell? They keep the servers up and content coming and bugs get squashed and the developers kids get food. Sounds good.
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Lifetime subscriptions are the last gasp of a dying game - I'd actually be worried about TOR if they started offering lifetime subscriptions


Not true. I cant remember which game it was but I've seen it offered as a founder option before. I see the appeal but judging by how the game is going right now I don't see it happening.

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While it would be nice... it's not going to happen. Why? Because the only companies that offer lifetime subs are smaller studios who lack the deep cash flow pockets of a large holding company like EA.


Smaller studios like Turbine (prior to them being acquired), and Funcom and some others, benefit from the up front cash flow of lifetime subs to help them stabilize their business post launch.


Studios owned by large holding companies like EA, NCsoft, etc do not need to incent players with life time subs in exchange for early cash flow.

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