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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

after opening 54 packs: NO VARACTYL


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Obi Wan Kenobi had to open 108 packs to get his, its in one of the deleted scenes.


Seriously, thats like $80.00 on Packs, slow down, pay your rent or something.


Actually that would be about $240, to open 108 packs. 108*320/5500*40 = $251 about. But yeah they really should just do away with all the random other stuff it gives that you can actually get in game by yourself like the mats and stuff like that. I think they should have really gone like a 3* rare item 1* rep item and that's it, nothing else per pack.

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Seeing as this is my "entertainment" dollar, I don't mind spending money for my amusement. I can easily p*ss away $180 in a night out at the bar so buying cc's in the same amount of real dollars is just fine. But I think I'll sell the 2 crates I bought and not open them. I'm looking at a third to open though and hopefully I get some cybernetic pieces or the ever elusive veractyl. OP, don't listen to the poor ramen noodle and hotdog eating cretins lmao. :p Edited by Dathilbor
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I got flamed for speaking up about how stupid these packs are. Yes BW is making a ton of cash right now with us buying these packs but will it ultimately damage the game? After wasting a ton of money in the past on these packs I vowed never to buy another one and I haven't. As I have said, I would GLADLY buy cool stuff individually on the CM with real money. I know I can buy them with creds on the GTN but I use my creds to buy better gear for myself, companions, and alts and I budget just a small amount for vanity items. No I won't buy packs and sell them for creds on the GTN cause I have better things to do than babysit a virtual store and end up with trash that no one wants anyway. Just put cool stuff for sale individually on the CM and it will sell, take advantage of us and you'll end up with unsatisfied customers.


My thoughts exactly, just put items in the CM people actually want instead of this "random drop" garbage.

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Seeing as this is my "entertainment" dollar, I don't mind spending money for my amusement. I can easily p*ss away $180 in a night out at the bar so buying cc's in the same amount of real dollars is just fine. But I think I'll sell the 2 crates I bought and not open them. I'm looking at a third to open though and hopefully I get some cybernetic pieces or the ever elusive veractyl. OP, don't listen to the poor ramen noodle and hotdog eating cretins lmao. :p


Hey, I like ramen noodles and hotdogs. In fact I think I'll make some hotdogs tonight for dinner :p


Or maybe I should cook my filet mignon? Hmmm, decisions decisions...at any rate, I actually agree, it's just entertainment, if one person finds it entertaining and can afford it, so be it.

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so ive just buyed 2x the 24x hipercrate. and more 6 of the other pac (the simplier one) and havent got any varactyl.

also have 4 pieces of complete 505 sieries armor (2 of them equal).

ive receive so many many many many many many [Rotworm Practice Jersey]

ive also got about 3 or 4 speeders on allthat. but no varactyl.

ok they are randon. but how much low is the chance??

im feeling playing Diablo 3 here...






But really, LOL. Serves you right.


Bioware are thanking you for giving them 2x24 hypercrates worth of cartel coins which you must have purchased with real money.


Q: Why bioware getting more money from this game than before?

A: Because people like you give them money


And with that money, they make more and more random chance boxes.


But of course, you can use your money however you want.

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It's actually smarter to wait for about two weeks, that's when prices for pack items typically hit rock bottom.


Sell all the extra stuff you have, and buy the stuff you are missing. Depending on how patient and dedicated you are, you can spend a lot of credits or come out way ahead. Watch the market to learn what the prices do, and how common items are. If you are really patient, this stuff is all going to start going for a fortune in eight or nine months once shipment 3 retires. I'm selling stuff from the first shipment for ridiculous prices now.

Edited by XavinNydek
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Exactly. Who buys 48 packs to only get 1 item? That is just plain dumb. Sell the crates, sell the packs, sell unlocks, etc. and use the credits to buy the Varactyl mount off the GTN. It would have cost a lot less Cartel Coins. I feel zero sympathy for people who do what the OP did, lol.


Some just do it for the rep and certs though as well as that one item, so not like there losing anything except real $ though.

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My thoughts exactly, just put items in the CM people actually want instead of this "random drop" garbage.


Why would they do that when they can make people waste more money by having them constantly buying Packs without any guarantee of getting the item they want? In theory and practice it keeps people coming back for more. :rolleyes:


Pretty sad that companies do this but hey they like to make money without any remorse. :(


I would not mind it if the Cartel Market had no Packs at all, and we could just buy what we wanted. But I highly doubt that will happen because they have already had a taste of the profit from Packs and they won't go back now. I am not even sure if they would change it and remove them if they started to not sell any of the Packs with everyone complaining about them. We are pretty much stuck with them now.

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I actually agree, it's just entertainment, if one person finds it entertaining and can afford it, so be it.


I completely agree! I'm pleased there are people like the OP...I hope that a lot of players are able to do what he does (not with his luck of course). The freedom to do what he does with his own $ is none of my concern...I'd much rather he spend it here rather than at a bar. Indirectly, I gain from his spending here.

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Got your point.

but for how much ill cost the 505 series armor? and the varactyl? 20mi?


In week one. they will be over priced.


By the end of week two.. and everyone has glutted themselves on packs.... the market stabilizes... even goes down some on armor. The 505 armor will be popular at least for a while.. so it will probably be 1-2M to get a complete set if you even halfway shop carefully.


Rare mounts also stabilize in price by the second week. I expect the Varactyl to be priced on par with what the old meditation thrones priced in at. I'm guessing it stabilizes at 4-5M. Maybe even less since you only need one now for an account. A lot of the mounts are not rare in this pack.. so they will flood the market. The Varactyl will be the only one that prices and hold price at a premium IMO. Maybe one other mount.. I forget the name.. which is rare and cool looking to many.... the stable price for this class of rare mount is usually around 1M give or take.


TL;DR you could have bought and resold one hypercrate and probably covered your costs to direct purchase off the GTN (with a little patience in shopping).

Edited by Andryah
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I completely agree! I'm pleased there are people like the OP...I hope that a lot of players are able to do what he does (not with his luck of course). The freedom to do what he does with his own $ is none of my concern...I'd much rather he spend it here rather than at a bar. Indirectly, I gain from his spending here.


/Agree. :)

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Why would they do that when they can make people waste more money by having them constantly buying Packs without any guarantee of getting the item they want? In theory and practice it keeps people coming back for more. :rolleyes:


Pretty sad that companies do this but hey they like to make money without any remorse. :(


I would not mind it if the Cartel Market had no Packs at all, and we could just buy what we wanted. But I highly doubt that will happen because they have already had a taste of the profit from Packs and they won't go back now. I am not even sure if they would change it and remove them if they started to not sell any of the Packs with everyone complaining about them. We are pretty much stuck with them now.


A lot of people LIKE random packs. Let's not discount that and disparage Bioware just because you do not.


I don't like them and I don't buy them.. but I understand some people do.. and I don't begrudge them or the company for providing them.

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I completely agree! I'm pleased there are people like the OP...I hope that a lot of players are able to do what he does (not with his luck of course). The freedom to do what he does with his own $ is none of my concern...I'd much rather he spend it here rather than at a bar. Indirectly, I gain from his spending here.




OP, while I feel your pain, I salute you for helping subsidize future content for me to enjoy!

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A lot of people LIKE random packs. Let's not discount that and disparage Bioware just because you do not.


I don't like them and I don't buy them.. but I understand some people do.. and I don't begrudge them or the company for providing them.


Trololo, you really think people like random packs because of what? The thrill of not getting what you want and paying for it? To each his own, I suppose. ;)


And no one is disparaging Bioware, they want to make the most money on gamers. People pay, they continue to do it. Simple.



But really OP. If you wanted the Varactyl you should have bought the packs and sell them on the GTM. You'd be swiming in milions of credits and that would be enough to buy one of thos ugly creatures. :)

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But hey at least BioWare has more money to fund more Cartel Packs, right? So we all should be looking up to the future and be happy. :rolleyes:

Actually yes, we should be. As TUXs pointed out, people like the OP help keep the game up and running. So good on ya, OP.


TL;DR you could have bought and resold one hypercrate and probably covered your costs to direct purchase off the GTN (with a little patience in shopping).

That's not how Veruca Salt would do it.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Trololo, you really think people like random packs because of what? The thrill of not getting what you want and paying for it? To each his own, I suppose. ;)


I was simply pointing out that a lot of people like the packs. Why.......is irrelevant.


Or are you denying that many people like packs? If so.. please to provide proof.


Personally, I don't.. but then again.. I don't like taking my chances at the crap table in Vegas either. But I know a lot of people that do.

Edited by Andryah
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The strange fact is: we neep people to buy crates, open and sell them on GTN. but when they do so we laugh of them because they are doind a stupid thing.


My point of this post was to actualy discuss the random multiplier number of some item drops.

Its not for the money. I dont care to spend some money on game, ive bought a lot (realy, a lot) of armor on CM, the treek and hers customizations, the axe, and many many other stuff. but even if i have no problem with money i dont like to feel stupid when spending it. And having such low drop rates on these crates i really feel bad. And i feel bad for many other players that spend theirs money (and maybe they dont have much to spend but still invest on their fun).


as ive stated before on other posts ive bought treek and if she looks like a big bad robot or a jedi sage or other cool thing, i wont esitate in pay more 50 bucs for it. But i believe i can spend 1k dolars here and doesnt receive my item.


by sure youre right, its far better sell packs on GTN and wait for ppl buy them. Its just that by doing so im doing almost like BW: making profit of ppl that doesnt know how low its the drop chance for these things. I didnt make my money deceiving people on real life, i wouldnt like to do that on games too.

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by sure youre right, its far better sell packs on GTN and wait for ppl buy them. Its just that by doing so im doing almost like BW: making profit of ppl that doesnt know how low its the drop chance for these things. I didnt make my money deceiving people on real life, i wouldnt like to do that on games too.


There's no deceit involved. People know that the packs are random, and you certainly aren't telling them otherwise. The long and the short of it is that if people want to buy the packs from you at the price you specify, they will. If they don't, they won't.

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I was simply pointing out that a lot of people like the packs. Why.......is irrelevant.


Or are you denying that many people like packs? If so.. please to provide proof.


Personally, I don't.. but then again.. I don't like taking my chances at the crap table in Vegas either. But I know a lot of people that do.


Only pointing out that people would prefer to buy things directly rather then gamble with those packs.


I don't care about them, and if people have enough money to supply Bioware this way. Sure let them, it's their money. They support the game, hurray. Good for us. Still I kind of feel sorry for all those suckers that spend loads of money and still end up with nothing worthy from these packs as the drop rates are god damn awfull. It's their money tough.

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