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They need to add a new way to get Black and Black dye....


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I personally just find it hilarious to compare the dye system in SWTOR to the one in GW2.


The GW2 system:

-has a billion different colors

-in general, the colors look much better

- once you 'unlock' a color on the character, you can use it as many times as you want

-dye come from random world drops, not $ gambling packs. You can also buy them at auction for in-game gold.


You can basically look at this as either ArenaNet being morons for not exploiting what is obviously a very profitable way to milk money from people, or as consciously putting their customers before profits. Or perhaps a third option which is believing that good will is more valuable for long-term profits than short-term exploitation.


I'd agree if they actually crossed characters. Since they don't...well I spent more WAY money on dyes in that game than I have so far in SWTOR.


System isn't perfect here, but at least with 'match to chest' it's a lot less expensive :p

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I'd agree if they actually crossed characters. Since they don't...well I spent more WAY money on dyes in that game than I have so far in SWTOR.


System isn't perfect here, but at least with 'match to chest' it's a lot less expensive :p


Why does match to chest even matter? If you get the dye once in GW2 you can apply it to all pieces as many times as you want. :confused: And it's not like dyes are cross-character here...

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I'm ok with how it is. It's not the best dye system I have seen, and yes, some of the colors are pretty rare and expensive based on market demand, but IMO it's better than what we had before this, which was nothing and an absolute refusal to even add it to the game.


I can live with how it is now.

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I'm ok with how it is. It's not the best dye system I have seen, and yes, some of the colors are pretty rare and expensive based on market demand, but IMO it's better than what we had before this, which was nothing and an absolute refusal to even add it to the game.


I can live with how it is now.


I agree.


I think the system is perfect how it is.

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Cause you only have to buy it once here too?


Until you want to change your chest piece. Since you can't extract or reuse the dye module you then have to buy another.


In GW2 once you unlock the dye on a character you can use it as many times as you like, on as many different items of clothing as you like.

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When it comes to some the rarer dyes - as with a number of other hard-to-get items in the game - I'm just fine with accepting that there are certain ones I want that I'm probably never going to get. I like the system, just as it is. Anything that makes black/black or white/white dyes (or any of the other rare combos) more accessible devalues the prestige of owning those items, as well as the sense of reward in drawing them from a cartel pack or raising the funds to buy them.


If I really, really want them, I can take the time to grind out a few million credits. Given my play-style, that would probably require a few weeks. I'm okay with it coming down to a question of my priorities as to what to buy off of the GTN.


"Because I want it" isn't a good enough reason to change the model of distribution for rare items in the game.

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Anything that makes black/black or white/white dyes (or any of the other rare combos) more accessible devalues the prestige of owning those items, as well as the sense of reward in drawing them from a cartel pack or raising the funds to buy them.


Uh....what? No, seriously, what are you talking about? Prestige? You mean 'blind dumb luck' or 'having that much disposable income'?


They're nothing more than a greedy cash grab by the devs/whoever is running the real money side of things. Because, hey, why gives your MMORPG players customisation options when you can charge them for it, right?

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Uh....what? No, seriously, what are you talking about? Prestige? You mean 'blind dumb luck' or 'having that much disposable income'?


They're nothing more than a greedy cash grab by the devs/whoever is running the real money side of things. Because, hey, why gives your MMORPG players customisation options when you can charge them for it, right?


...to you you mean. They're nothing more than a greedy cash grab by the devs/whoever is running the real money side of things to you


Because I'd hazard a guess that you know that you do not define what it is for others. Only yourself.

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Because, hey, why gives your MMORPG players customisation options when you can charge them for it, right?


Why, indeed? The answer is that you don't, specifically because people will pay for it. That's just good business sense. If customers want customization options enough to pay for them, then you charge for the privilege, because profit is what makes games stay afloat.

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Personally think they need something like the Appearance Editor station, but for dyes. Add in way more variety too because, I'm sorry, whoever designed the current ones either failed basic art colour theory or is actually colour blind. It's depressing how bad the vast majority are, and how rare the actual useable ones are -_-


Just walk up, pay your tailor fee, and then pick the primary and secondary colors you want for each of your pieces of gear.

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It wouldnt hurt if we were able to pull dyes. I know, it's in a way not making much sense to be able to pull a dye but come on, we're riding around on Varactyles so are we really in a position to exlude the possibility of dyes being extractable? I must have spent atleast 15 mill on dyes so far (I have this thing where my main comp has to look the same as myself) and wouldnt mind if I could re-use that investment. Edited by MidichIorian
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Why, indeed? The answer is that you don't, specifically because people will pay for it. That's just good business sense. If customers want customization options enough to pay for them, then you charge for the privilege, because profit is what makes games stay afloat.


Even if you're already paying for the game through a subscription? That makes no sense what-so-ever. They already said subs make up the biggest part of their income. Why would they want to risk losing guaranteed income for something that is not guaranteed, and potentially less profitable?


What they are doing is conditioning, and addicting people to gambling. Research has shown that the parts of the brain that respond to the prospects of winning and losing money while gambling are the same as those that respond to cocaine and morphine. Therefore, they're basically drug dealers selling gambling packs.

Edited by Hambunctious
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You know I tried the Black and Black and I wasn't even that impressed with it. I expected this deep jet black dye and well it's just ****** med. black. I wanted to use it on my Juggs outfit http://tor-fashion.com/2013/07/28/sovereign-mind-imp/ thinking it would give a nice dark jet black look to his armor but no. It looks stupid. I kinda feel like the Dye System is overall a failure (but, that's just my opinion).
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Actually even though any player can get it for 1 million credits in game, it was also part of the Deluxe Edition and Collectors Edition which players paid more for as well.
i don't see how that changes anything. everyone one of those people, by definition, has access to the CE vendor, which is the one that was promised to be updated and is only given access to people who paid a lot of real-life money upfront when they purchased the game. access to the VIP vendor was a bonus since you can get it (fairly easily) through ingame means.

Sure the CE Vendor could use a few more nicer things, but not as much as the VIP Vendor does.

i still don't think you've made a valid case for this.


i'm all for updating the VIP vendor. maybe i'll actually buy the wristband and get access to it if they do.


i just don't see how the VIP vendor (1m in-game credits) deserves MORE updates than the CE vendor, which cost $150 at launch to gain access to (granted yes, it came with other things, but you still had to shell out $90 more than everyone else).

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Honestly they just need do away with the dye pack and sell individual dyes on the GTN. That way they can still get their IRL money and we can get what we want. Also charge higher for the good ones like black/black and less for the horrible ones like yellow/red.


Yea I'm pretty curious how many (if any) gamble on the dye packs from the CM to get the rarer ones. If nobody is really doing that, they'll make more actual money off people than what's going on now (where the money is being made in credit form for players only).

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