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They need to add a new way to get Black and Black dye....


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Personally think they need something like the Appearance Editor station, but for dyes. Add in way more variety too because, I'm sorry, whoever designed the current ones either failed basic art colour theory or is actually colour blind. It's depressing how bad the vast majority are, and how rare the actual useable ones are -_-
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No. :t_mad: How about the SK vendor? Or better yet, how about making it craftable? Hello, why can I make a purple or grey dye, but not black? Pretty sure my character could handle that.


Not gonna happen. Not unless some of the materials needed to craft them are exclusively obtained through gambling packs...

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You always know when EA has been craking down when Bioware dose something like this. An Item lots of players only available through a VERY random cartel marked drop. Very very sleezy.


All we can do is ask Bioware to do, is to "accidentally" misplace those EA email memos.


You know you guys have to make money, but annoying your customer base doesn't make money for long.....

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I would like to think that, once they've been around for a year or so, they could make them more common. Maybe less than a year. I don't know. They can introduce something new and cool (this dye sparkles!) and then let us have the stuff that we've been wanting for so long.


My time is too valuable to pay 1 million+ on the CM. So, given the rarity in the packs, I basically don't have a way to get it. Which is fine... for now. Dark purple/Black is a nice compromise at the moment.


Personally, I think that all color combos should be craftable, even if some of the components are rare or difficult to acquire. They can still sell them, but we should be able to create them, too. Crafting is only mildly useful in this game and that's annoying.

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The dyes are just too expensive in real money terms and the chance too low. I think even the hard-core gamblers have wised up to that one. Personally, I found 2.1 to be a low point in the Market and I'm normally supportive. I would be glad to see the dyes fail. Perhaps then they will just sell them without the gambling.


If not, then I will just continue to ignore the system.

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or the CE vendor.

I would say no to that. The CE Vendor has had things added to it already including Dye.

The VIP Vendor on the other hand has had no Love what so ever. It is time for the VIP Vendor to have some love. Besides CE Players have access to the VIP Vendor as well so they would still be able to get the items on it also. Plus there are more players that have access to the VIP Vendor so more people would be able to get it. It would also make the VIP Wristband just a little more worth while in getting and having.


Those are pretty my reasons as to why the VIP Vendor should be the one to get something on it like this Dye. To me the VIP Vendor is more of a priority over the CE Vendor. Why constantly update the CE Vendor without updating the VIP Vendor? That seems wrong to me. :(

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I would like to think that, once they've been around for a year or so, they could make them more common. Maybe less than a year. I don't know. They can introduce something new and cool (this dye sparkles!) and then let us have the stuff that we've been wanting for so long.


My time is too valuable to pay 1 million+ on the CM. So, given the rarity in the packs, I basically don't have a way to get it. Which is fine... for now. Dark purple/Black is a nice compromise at the moment.


Personally, I think that all color combos should be craftable, even if some of the components are rare or difficult to acquire. They can still sell them, but we should be able to create them, too. Crafting is only mildly useful in this game and that's annoying.

How rare are you talking? If you need a ton of Exotics or Mass Manips it's still going to run you close to a mil most of the time anyway.


Honestly, some of the armor sets look great in other dye patterns, but yes, it would be nice to have the quintessential sith/commando style dye color options more readily available.

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Agreed. I was thinking maybe even put the black dye up for a million creds on the Cartel Contraband market, with Legend standing. Atleast that way they'd know whoever bought it from that market, had already spent a sht tonne of cash on their crap.
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Not sure why black and white are the must-have colours.

But if the demands is so high, why not make it an option to pay Cartel coins for it?

If I were a BW dev, I'd charge 50,000 CCs for a black or white dye seeing as it is so popular.


OTOH just get a black armour piece and colour-match everything to it. The phantom armour chest set was going for ~200K creds on the Progenitor not so long ago. -That's only a few dailies away. I bought three. - 2 to use and one in reserve for another character. - Not coz like black so much, but because the set looks good - even when dyed!

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I would say no to that. The CE Vendor has had things added to it already including Dye.

The VIP Vendor on the other hand has had no Love what so ever. It is time for the VIP Vendor to have some love. Besides CE Players have access to the VIP Vendor as well so they would still be able to get the items on it also. Plus there are more players that have access to the VIP Vendor so more people would be able to get it. It would also make the VIP Wristband just a little more worth while in getting and having.


Those are pretty my reasons as to why the VIP Vendor should be the one to get something on it like this Dye. To me the VIP Vendor is more of a priority over the CE Vendor. Why constantly update the CE Vendor without updating the VIP Vendor? That seems wrong to me. :(


I support this idea. That vendor is currently useless. There is no point to even having it if three is really nothing to buy there.

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I would say no to that. The CE Vendor has had things added to it already including Dye.

The VIP Vendor on the other hand has had no Love what so ever. It is time for the VIP Vendor to have some love. Besides CE Players have access to the VIP Vendor as well so they would still be able to get the items on it also. Plus there are more players that have access to the VIP Vendor so more people would be able to get it. It would also make the VIP Wristband just a little more worth while in getting and having.


Those are pretty my reasons as to why the VIP Vendor should be the one to get something on it like this Dye. To me the VIP Vendor is more of a priority over the CE Vendor. Why constantly update the CE Vendor without updating the VIP Vendor? That seems wrong to me. :(


the CE dye colours are terrible. the CE trooper armor has been given out as part of game grinding quests. all vip and ce vendors need decent items. the items on these vendors atm are dire.

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Is this evil from EA or BH? If it's EA then I now see why so many gamers hate them. I never thought I would say this but I think besides this game I will never play another EA game. Oh wait, they have their paws on Battlefront so I guess I can't really do that. I hope that Destiny is as good as it looks cause it's getting harder and harder to support this business model. Besides Star Wars I will stop supporting EA, sorry Titanfall.
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I've gone through hundreds of style combos available on the gtn, and seen how they look with all the dye colors.


For the most part, the items tend to color better with the darker shades, or those nearing white.


The bright colors don't do well, because there are always parts of the armor that can't be dyed. Which makes for a set of colors that do not match. There are a few exceptions, but not many, and it's mostly on ugly style pieces that no one wears.


Now, they could give us all the dyes in single primary, or secondary modules. That would make it easier to color match to the parts that can't be dyed. I'd love to have dark green as a primary, and a secondary mod.


The gray/white, black/white, white/black, white/white, red/black, white/red, red/white, dark brown/medium brown, red/dark purple, dark purple/black, and black/black do the best jobs for the most part.


A problem with white is that some armors don't color well as white, but turn into a lighter gray. Making that particular piece harder to match with the rest of your style choices.


Not to mention the armors that can't be dyed at all. That needs to change.

Edited by Hambunctious
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Is this evil from EA or BH? If it's EA then I now see why so many gamers hate them. I never thought I would say this but I think besides this game I will never play another EA game. Oh wait, they have their paws on Battlefront so I guess I can't really do that. I hope that Destiny is as good as it looks cause it's getting harder and harder to support this business model. Besides Star Wars I will stop supporting EA, sorry Titanfall.


Battlefield and Battlefront are, at least, games where the money aspect is truly optional. Other than add-ons, I never spent money on Battlefield 3, and never had any problems. I can only hope that Battlefront follows that mould.


Compare that to Mass Effect 3, though? Yeah. EAvil has been a long-set rot...

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Those are pretty my reasons as to why the VIP Vendor should be the one to get something on it like this Dye. To me the VIP Vendor is more of a priority over the CE Vendor. Why constantly update the CE Vendor without updating the VIP Vendor? That seems wrong to me. :(


because bioware promised to update the vendor when people shelled out over twice as much for the game at launch.


the VIP vendor is something you access for 1m in-game credits that i doubt many people give much consideration.

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because bioware promised to update the vendor when people shelled out over twice as much for the game at launch.


the VIP vendor is something you access for 1m in-game credits that i doubt many people give much consideration.

Actually even though any player can get it for 1 million credits in game, it was also part of the Deluxe Edition and Collectors Edition which players paid more for as well.

BioWare may have promised to update the CE Vendor before but they actually did already once because their is Dye in there when the promise was made before it was added.

Sure the CE Vendor could use a few more nicer things, but not as much as the VIP Vendor does. What ever gets added to the VIP Vendor will be accessible to CE Players as well. I say that the VIP Vendor is the one that needs something next before any other Vendor. Right now it is the most worthless vendor in the game.

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If there's a drop in the gambling dye pack sales, maybe they could add "limited time dye bundle sales" .


Each bundle could have three or four dyes that are listed in their description. So people know what colors they're buying.


For example:


Dye Bundle #1

1 ,600 CC

You will get the following dyes

- Black and Black Dye 1x

- Pink and Purple Dye 1x

- A Semi-rare Dye 1x

- A Common Dye 1x


Dye Bundle #2

1,600 cc

You will get the following dyes

- White and White Dye 1x

- Another rare Dye 1x

- Semi-rare Dye 1x

- Common Dye 1x


Dye Bundle #3

1, 600 cc

You will get the following dyes

- Black and White Dye 1x

- Another Rare Dye 1x

- Semi-rare Dye 1x

- Common Dye 1x



Maybe put them up for sale once every couple of months? It still keeps the dyes semi-rare, and on the cartel market. I see no downside to this since they'd make a good sum of cash off them...

Edited by Radzkie
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hmmm dont waste your time here, if they add them they would do that like they did to Revans mask(by Certificates) and they wont even listen to you cause some people spend real world money for that and Biodrones support it :) Edited by saremun
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I personally just find it hilarious to compare the dye system in SWTOR to the one in GW2.


The GW2 system:

-has a billion different colors

-in general, the colors look much better

- once you 'unlock' a color on the character, you can use it as many times as you want

-dye come from random world drops, not $ gambling packs. You can also buy them at auction for in-game gold.


You can basically look at this as either ArenaNet being morons for not exploiting what is obviously a very profitable way to milk money from people, or as consciously putting their customers before profits. Or perhaps a third option which is believing that good will is more valuable for long-term profits than short-term exploitation.

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