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Why does Bioware do this


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Why does the Bioware try to make this game painful to play. They add things like the Macrobinocular and the seeker droid.. But then end up making it so very hard and pain for just some normal play to try and finish them. I don't play much in groups.. Maybe a group of two with a friend but to force it to be super hard even for two to even do.. I don't under stand this.
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I'm not trying to troll, but most MMO's have both group and solo content. Consider this, the term "MMORPG" means "Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game". That right there implies to me that at least some of the content they will expect you to form a group to complete.


That and not everything will be "easy", nor will everything be geared for a casual player. This game really is kind of casual friendly overall IMO, since we have so much story content as we level, and the daily zones are all designed to be soloed for the most part. Even the two newest end game flashpoints can be done with two people in story mode, and that is enough to complete the Czerka weekly.


So yes, some quests will demand you form a group. It's a MMORPG, that should be expected. It's not just Bioware doing this. There's plenty of casual/solo content out there.


For the record, I do group a fair amount, but I don't do OPS. I'm probably not as much of a casual player as you are, but I'm far from a hardcore raider or pvper. I've not seen most OPS/raid zones, and that's fine with me since other then once in a blue moon I never do them.

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I do understand that a lot but when they seem to total go out of there way to make it so very super hard for just for some casual players to go anything at all. Even when they scale things some of the things are to hard for some class to even do. Or can't even do it without help.
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I really think you should look into certain games before buying them. There has to be a certain level of difficulty for everyone to enjoy... Its not like the whole game is difficult. This is not a single player game and you should not complain about a game that is online and multiplayer for everything to be soloed... If you don't like it play an offline game or a console game that offers a very easy difficulty.


Its not even hard for casual players to get certain quests on their 1st or 2nd try. It is not possible for a casual player to be able to complete everything in the game, because if they are a completionist.. Their obviously not a casual player...

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Why does the Bioware try to make this game painful to play. They add things like the Macrobinocular and the seeker droid.. But then end up making it so very hard and pain for just some normal play to try and finish them. I don't play much in groups.. Maybe a group of two with a friend but to force it to be super hard even for two to even do.. I don't under stand this.


I'm going to design a game for some of you people. It goes like this. You basically walk into a room and there will be a big red button on the wall. There will be lettering on the big red button that reads "Give me MOAR". So you basically push this big red button and all this loot will fall at your feet. i mean, you wont even have to walk to the other side of the room to get the loot. It just falls at your feet. How sweat is that. I think the game will be an instant success.

Edited by Dropadeuce
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Why does the Bioware try to make this game painful to play. They add things like the Macrobinocular and the seeker droid.. But then end up making it so very hard and pain for just some normal play to try and finish them. I don't play much in groups.. Maybe a group of two with a friend but to force it to be super hard even for two to even do.. I don't under stand this.


Most of this game is not hard. Definitely not the macro or seeker droid.


As far as group content goes. THis is an MMO. Second word of that is Multiplayer. If you don't want to play with others this is not the game for you.

Be happy that unlike some MMO's (FFXI) you can level up 100% solo. I would say the majority of this game is soloable.


Before you complain that something is "hard" make sure you are following the number requirements it shows next to the quest and that you know your class and what you are doing.

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I don't mind the aspects of the game that want you to group with other people. It's the artificial gating that makes me angry, like Longshots in Section X.


If I can duo this Heroic with two people, then let me. Don't force me to gather up two more people just to click on stuff. If I want to challenge myself and solo it, I should be able to. If I can't solo it because of mob health or boss mechanics, that's fine. But having a full group just to click something sucks.

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What makes this game painful for me to play is blatant time sink involved in quest placement and travel times. Why cant we skip the stations above each planet? Because then we have another useless piece of terrain to travel through. Why do we have to travel back and forth all over each map for class missions? Why do we have to keep going back to the Senate house or to Kaas City? To waste time.


Then there is the lazy quest design. Go to the middle of nowhere, fight through a long generic cave filled with mobs perfectly grouped so that you can take them on solo but have to heal up after each one. Go to the very back of the cave to talk to a guy who has no logical reason to be there, or to touch a panel. Now fight your way back out. Enjoy.

Edited by TheHorror
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I'm going to design a game for some of you people. It goes like this. You basically walk into a room and there will be a big red button on the wall. There will be lettering on the big red button that reads "Give me MOAR". So you basically push this big red button and all this loot will fall at your feet. i mean, you wont even have to walk to the other side of the room to get the loot. It just falls at your feet. How sweat is that. I think the game will be an instant success.


Would the big red button also help your comprehension?


The problem with the Macro Droid and Seeker Droid quests isn't that the final quest series parts are difficult to do with the right group. It's that it's nearly impossible to GET a group to do them at all.


99% of the Macro Droid and Seeker Droid stuff is tedious single-player stuff (that apparently very few people want to do) followed by the final 1% that beats the heck out of "average" gamers. (by average, I mean the average players on the servers)


I can't tell you how frustrating it is to have the final series take so ridiculously long, be so unforgiving to leave and come back to, etc. The jumping part broke up three groups. As long as it took to get people even to try to bother, it was all that more painful to see them bail when the fourth fell off for the tenth time in a row. Then, even if you manage to complete the various stages, someone has to bail because of life matters they have to attend to.


Good luck finding someone who is at exactly the right step that you are. I know people who've done the first two parts at least six times, had their groups bail on the final encounter, then start all over on the first two parts again once they found new people.


People are so unreliable in MMOGs these days that these quests are more like "raid" or "guild" quests that have no business being tacked onto the end of what started out to seem like casual solo content.

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Things have gotten a lot easier. Compare the HK quest which was unbearable, with the Treek quest or current Macrobinocular quests and it is night and day. I personally loved the challenge/grindyness of the HK quest because it was a real accomplishment to complete.
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This game is not difficult by any stretch of the imagination, however, it is a little bit of a pain getting groups together for the Macro/Seeker heroics. Even within a guild, because people seem to be on different steps of it all the time.


I think what would help is if they could add this to the group finder queue. The heroics themselves take place on lower level planets that higher level don't normally hang around.

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This game is not difficult by any stretch of the imagination, however, it is a little bit of a pain getting groups together for the Macro/Seeker heroics. Even within a guild, because people seem to be on different steps of it all the time.


I think what would help is if they could add this to the group finder queue. The heroics themselves take place on lower level planets that higher level don't normally hang around.


That would at least be a start. The other possibility would be to make the quests compelling enough to do multiple times. As long as one person has the quest, everyone has a chance at some loot. The loot would spawn in a chest that would only appear after everyone in the instance clicked the quest finisher thing to do the dialogue so it couldn't be exploited infinitely, but still enough for people who have already done it to get something for helping out others.

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The seeker droid quests are just tedious full stop. The Macro quests arnt so boring, but do require a lot of tedious travelling around.


Tip for you Bioware - pointless travelling is NOT FUN. This is an entertainment product, I wish to be entertained NOT bored out of my skull.


Now the Bounty Quests are much better. They do not suck minty balls. Theres an element of variability built into them so you cant predict exactly whats going to happen. The end bosses are challenging, and to top it off you get a free quick travel back to hand in!


Bounty Quests Rating: A.

Macrobinocular Quest Rating: C

Seeker Droid Quest Rating: F for FAIL!

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The seeker droid quests are just tedious full stop. The Macro quests arnt so boring, but do require a lot of tedious travelling around.


Tip for you Bioware - pointless travelling is NOT FUN. This is an entertainment product, I wish to be entertained NOT bored out of my skull.


Now the Bounty Quests are much better. They do not suck minty balls. Theres an element of variability built into them so you cant predict exactly whats going to happen. The end bosses are challenging, and to top it off you get a free quick travel back to hand in!


Bounty Quests Rating: A.

Macrobinocular Quest Rating: C

Seeker Droid Quest Rating: F for FAIL!


Both the Seeker Droid and Macrobinoculars quest series would be fine if they didn't require a group at the end. They would be exactly what they should be, which is a potentially fun diversion. I treated them like the space missions. They were just something to do when you weren't busy doing anything else. Then, "SURPRISE! You need a group!"

Edited by ForceStarRunner
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I don't mind the aspects of the game that want you to group with other people. It's the artificial gating that makes me angry, like Longshots in Section X.


If I can duo this Heroic with two people, then let me. Don't force me to gather up two more people just to click on stuff. If I want to challenge myself and solo it, I should be able to. If I can't solo it because of mob health or boss mechanics, that's fine. But having a full group just to click something sucks.


Hah yeah, the first time I did that one I ran into that and my first thought was "Okay, now that's just cheap - apparently you don't like us solo'ing through the Heroic 4's, so you've put in a restriction to make it impossible."

Part of the reason I actually gear up my characters is to try and see what I can get away with soloing, so that one was a bit disappointing.


Both the Seeker Droid and Macrobinoculars quest series would be fine if they didn't require a group at the end. They would be exactly what they should be, which is a potentially fun diversion. I treated them like the space missions. They were just something to do when you weren't busy doing anything else. Then, "SURPRISE! You need a group!"



It annoyed me quite a bit that after I jumped through all the hoops solo for all of those hours I suddenly got not one, but two group quests at the end of the storylines.

The Seeds mission wasn't that hard to find a group for, since people wanted the armor... the other one? Not so much.

I sincerely hope they'll stay away from doing this in the future.

Edited by Callaron
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OP has a point. Sure, it is an MMO so group content is to be expected, but if one haven't done the quest when it was new it is by now hard to get people for the last step, because they either have done it already or are just not interested in it. HK-47 was far better, the group content there was in flashpoints, so one could easily just queue for the ones you need and be done with it... this option does not exist for the two quest lines OP is talking about.
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I do understand that a lot but when they seem to total go out of there way to make it so very super hard for just for some casual players to go anything at all. Even when they scale things some of the things are to hard for some class to even do. Or can't even do it without help.


I think that you are exaggerating a bit. This game is quiet easy to play as an individual.


Think in terms of them having to satisfy everyone to a certain degree and that we, as players, have to take that in stride....that, at times, we will be forced outside our box for that greater end. It is one event, extend your play style a bit for that one event, it will cause less frustration....and you may actually have an enjoyable experience.

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Both the Seeker Droid and Macrobinoculars quest series would be fine if they didn't require a group at the end. They would be exactly what they should be, which is a potentially fun diversion. I treated them like the space missions. They were just something to do when you weren't busy doing anything else. Then, "SURPRISE! You need a group!"


See, this is where you will find that different people have different opinions. Personally, I found the group quests to be the most fun part of the quest chain.


I didn't mind traveling around and finding stuff, however, I felt like it was just a little bit too much. I would rather that they threw in more of the fun puzzle type encounters instead of one whole other planet of riding around scanning 3-5 transmitters.

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The only thing that prevents me from starting those macrobinoculars - seeker droid quests is precisely the H4 at the end, and how hard is to get a group for them. Is not as easy as a regular daily H4, it's a trouble even in a crowded server like the harbinger
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I do understand that it is difficult in general to find people to help with the seeker droid & macrobinoculars quests. Having said that, at least in the case of the seeker droid, I had a friend that was also interested in completing it, when we were both on we'd do the quest together including the solo parts. It still meant finding two other friends to help with the H4 for the seeker droid, but at least it wasn't trying to get a PUG of strangers to go.


My point with that is well, a MMO is meant to be a social game. Make friends. Join a guild if you're inclined to do so. Get to know people that you're willing to help, and are willing to help you. That's not a guarentee that you'll get every group quest series done, but it can help. I honestly think people forget that part of a MMO.


And yes, I do understand that one's friends and guildmates might not be on all the time, and thus sometimes one is forced to PUG to get a quest series done or even do some flashpoints. But then again, some of the friends I have made in this MMO and the one I used to play were from exactly that, PUG groups. Yes, I've hit my morons in PUG's, and I've hit people that just left group the very second the instance was done. As will everyone. But I've met people that I've gamed with for months or years after the initial PUG also.


If this seems obvious, well it should be. But again I do think that people tend to forget this. Take five seconds to chat during breaks in a group, or at least say hello. Ask if you can friendlist people at the end of a group, and so forth. Again, MMO's are a pretty social game.

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Would the big red button also help your comprehension?


The problem with the Macro Droid and Seeker Droid quests isn't that the final quest series parts are difficult to do with the right group. It's that it's nearly impossible to GET a group to do them at all.



I comprehended what you said perfectly fine. The problem I have with you people is that you choose to play a MMO and come to the forums to demand single player content because you view anything that requires a group, shall I say in your words, "nearly impossible". Please, if you would, sign up for my beta. I promise you that you wont have to find a group to push the big red button. It will still be a MMO but everyone will be able to solo everything. It will be free to play too. Like i said, instant success.

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I comprehended what you said perfectly fine. The problem I have with you people is that you choose to play a MMO and come to the forums to demand single player content because you view anything that requires a group, shall I say in your words, "nearly impossible".


I'm pretty sure he said he wants to be in a group but nobody wants to group up for a heroic that most people (such as myself) have not started. Not sure why this spouted off into he doesn't want to create a group and socialize. He wants to create a group but can't because either most people haven't even started it yet or are not close to the same phase as he is.

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