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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

According to the galaxy map...


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Nice one!


But with the pictures now it got me thinking. To have bothe the planet and the moon this big they must really close to each other, or the planet must be huge. In any way, this is not even close to one parsec and I would say from how it looks Nar Shaddaa is closer to Hutta thanour moon is to us. Wonder why it doesn't crush on the planet... but maybe it has a really fast orbit.

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Oh come on, you gotta know that Kessel Run nonsense was just made up after the fact to try and cover an idiotic mistake.


Seriously? You're swallowing that crap?





Also, considering that Nar Shadaa and Hutta each dominate the sky of the other, if they are really that far apart then damn, they are BIG! :)


We're Star Wars fans, we've all swallowed a mouthful of crap at some point, or multiple points.

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That is one BIG *** SOLAR SYSTEM. What kind of moon orbits it's planet from 2,200 light years away?


There are solar systems that are only 2 Light Years apart.



The Kessel Run is a navigation challenge... i.e. who can do it by traveling the shortest distance.

In that context it makes perfect sense.

That context only exists because someone had to come up with a way to make sense of the gaffed logic in the original quote. lol

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Again makes good sense if you listen to it right. If you can make a long run shorter is that not fast?



this.. and by travelling so close to the black hole's event horizon that time is actually bent and warped and thus allowing the Falcon to "fast forward" slightly and actually slip time a bit, saving phsyical distance and by extention chronological time.


**** you science !


While both of these are true, they still don't make sense in the context of the converstation from the original movie. Let's put it in terms we're more familiar with.


If someone had a custom car for a race and someone asked how fast it was, how would telling them how good you are at taking shortcuts answer that?


Now if Obi-Wan asked how good are you at difficult navigation then Kessel Run explaination might make sense


If it was clear that their route from Tatooine to Alderaan would take them through the Kessel Run.


Otherwise it still doesn't make that much sense, it's just another example of terrible Lucas dialog.


Oh come on, you gotta know that Kessel Run nonsense was just made up after the fact to try and cover an idiotic mistake.


Seriously? You're swallowing that crap?





Also, considering that Nar Shadaa and Hutta each dominate the sky of the other, if they are really that far apart then damn, they are BIG! :)


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Welcome to SWTOR, a C-Canon Game.


Gameplay Mechanics are not Canon.


I could down an ImpStar with a single Tie Fighter in the 1990s, doesn't mean that it would actually be possible IU.


If you want cartographic accuracy go pick up The Essential Atlas.


ITT: Posters nitpicking over something that veterans of the IP and LFL managers addressed literally decades ago. :rolleyes:

Edited by -IceHawk-
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If you had read a few things the Falcon making the Kessel run in 12 parsecs makes a lot of sense. For you see the normal Kessel run is made AROUND the Maw. A large collection of black holes that no one seems to want to brave to make the run.


But Han flew threw it. Cutting his run to under 12 parsecs.

It was pure retconning. And now you're rationalizing. And Han shot first.


Deal with it.

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Nice one!


But with the pictures now it got me thinking. To have bothe the planet and the moon this big they must really close to each other, or the planet must be huge. In any way, this is not even close to one parsec and I would say from how it looks Nar Shaddaa is closer to Hutta thanour moon is to us. Wonder why it doesn't crush on the planet... but maybe it has a really fast orbit.


Indeed. And it is the same when standing on the planets themselves. Hutta pretty much fills the sky on Nar Shaddaa, and it isn't much different looking up at Nar Shaddaa from Hutta. But one thing about that trumps any scientific objections about gravity and all that....


...It looks totally cool! :)

Edited by PLynkes
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In light of Han's error in not knowing what a Parsec was (yes, I know it's been explained in the extended universe), I've always measured speeds in Star Wars in KRp (Kessel Runs per parsec) as typically there's no unit of measurement next to speed in the games (take Pod Racer for example).
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Oh come on, you gotta know that Kessel Run nonsense was just made up after the fact to try and cover an idiotic mistake.


Seriously? You're swallowing that crap?

Of all the things we've been told...you really care how he explains this one away?


We've also been told that:

- Greedo shot first

- Luke and Leia are twins

- Jar-Jar became a General

- Jar-Jar is ultimately the main pawn the enabled the entire rise of the Emperor

- Anakin BUILT C-3PO

- Having the high ground in a duel = win

- After a week of fat camp training, Luke became a Jedi Knight

- The 3000# Jabba got choked to death by 100# Carrie Fisher

- Padme died because she "lost the will to live"

- Nobody in the entire Skywalker family thought that maybe changing Luke's last name might be a good idea?

- The "Force" is basically just bacteria in your blood


Parsecs, milliseconds, MPH or KPH...who cares...none of us believe that Lucas didn't screw it up and try to cover it...it's just that, with all of his screw-ups, this is one of the few he could actually cover in a semi-decent way...kinda...well...not really, but we try to believe him.

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Of all the things we've been told...you really care how he explains this one away?


We've also been told that:

- Greedo shot first

- Luke and Leia are twins

- Jar-Jar became a General

- Jar-Jar is ultimately the main pawn the enabled the entire rise of the Emperor

- Anakin BUILT C-3PO

- Having the high ground in a duel = win

- After a week of fat camp training, Luke became a Jedi Knight

- The 3000# Jabba got choked to death by 100# Carrie Fisher

- Padme died because she "lost the will to live"

- Nobody in the entire Skywalker family thought that maybe changing Luke's last name might be a good idea?

- The "Force" is basically just bacteria in your blood


Parsecs, milliseconds, MPH or KPH...who cares...none of us believe that Lucas didn't screw it up and try to cover it...it's just that, with all of his screw-ups, this is one of the few he could actually cover in a semi-decent way...kinda...well...not really, but we try to believe him.


Luke and Leia being twins was a good plot twist. The only sucky part is that Leia was such an important official by age 20.


And I liked the way Jedi training was handled in the OT. I always thought of them like actual knights who started training when they were teens/young men. Lucas didn't ruin that until the PT when he made out like they had to start training at six years old. That's ridiculous!


Everything else on your list... yes, it's all bunk! :t_mad:

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Of all the things we've been told...you really care how he explains this one away?


We've also been told that:

- Greedo shot first

- Luke and Leia are twins

- Jar-Jar became a General

- Jar-Jar is ultimately the main pawn the enabled the entire rise of the Emperor

- Anakin BUILT C-3PO

- Having the high ground in a duel = win

- After a week of fat camp training, Luke became a Jedi Knight

- The 3000# Jabba got choked to death by 100# Carrie Fisher

- Padme died because she "lost the will to live"

- Nobody in the entire Skywalker family thought that maybe changing Luke's last name might be a good idea?

- The "Force" is basically just bacteria in your blood


Parsecs, milliseconds, MPH or KPH...who cares...none of us believe that Lucas didn't screw it up and try to cover it...it's just that, with all of his screw-ups, this is one of the few he could actually cover in a semi-decent way...kinda...well...not really, but we try to believe him.


- Han shot first yes.... I give you that one

- Why is this one bad? Because Leia was a senator at 20? Padme was a ruler at what age? 16? How many child rulers has our history had? Quite a few.

- Incompetents can become high ranked officials as well.

- Who better for Palpatine to manipulate then the weak willed?

- Its a different universe. My daughter knows more about technology at 8 years old then I did when I was 8 years old.

- Actually having the high ground does give you a major advantage. It increases your observation for one. Also running up hill is harder then running downhill.

- Well of course it only takes a few weeks because in the movies of the 1970s to the 1980s you could become a full blown ninja or kung fu master in just a few weeks.

- I will give you the Jabba one too....

- People die all the time because they lose the will to live. My uncle died a few months after my aunt died and no cause was ever found. He just didnt want to live anymore.

- I dont even know how to answer the Skywalker thing. Except that Vader didnt think Luke was his son or alive until after episode IV.

- Midichlorians suck... another point to you.

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- Midichlorians suck... another point to you.


IMO.. the term Midichlorians sucks.. but what it represents is actually quite logical.


The human body is chocked full of microorganisms that convert one thing to something else. In the case of the MIdichlorians.. they are NOT the Force.. they are a vehicle in the human body that channels Force to the sentient being. And nowhere is it stated that they are a bacteria per se.. simply an organism (of some type) within the human body that is measureable (specifically via a blood sample), and whose total count has a direct correlation to the force sensitivity of the being.


So.. Lucas actually did well with the concept.. the name though is a bit off IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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IMO.. the term Midichlorians sucks.. but what it represents is actually quite logical.


The human body is chocked full of microorganisms that convert one thing to something else. In the case of the MIdichlorians.. they are NOT the Force.. they are a vehicle in the human body that channels Force to the sentient being. And nowhere is it stated that they are a bacteria per se.. simply an organism (of some type) within the human body that is measureable (specifically via a blood sample), and whose total count has a direct correlation to the force sensitivity of the being.


So.. Lucas actually did well with the concept.. the name though is a bit off IMO.


Oh come on!

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Actually, from what I understand, Lucas had the idea that technically, all ships in hyperspace go at the same speed.


So, for a ship to go "faster" then another ship, it had to have a better navicomputer and that was what Han was boasting about when he mentioned the Kessel run. According to the interview I saw (years ago), it was just one of those things that he (Lucas) thought was a "super-cool, awesome idea"..... that absolutely no one seemed to get, so he just gave up trying to explain it.


And, actually, of all of the mistakes that Lucas has done concerning the SW cannon (and love it though we do, let's be honest and admit that there are many), the Kessel Run Comment is probably the only one that I actually buy as being a reasonable explanation because, let's face it, he's hardly the only writer who had a "super-cool, awesome idea" that he looked back on and winced over because it just didn't work quite as well as they thought it would due to the audience's responding with:





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Of all the things we've been told...you really care how he explains this one away?


We've also been told that:


- After a week of fat camp training, Luke became a Jedi Knight

- The 3000# Jabba got choked to death by 100# Carrie Fisher

- Padme died because she "lost the will to live"

- Nobody in the entire Skywalker family thought that maybe changing Luke's last name might be a good idea?




There were some cut scenes that showed the actual time to be months not necessarily weeks. Where disconnect

happens is in the time the Falcon is traveling to Besbin. But if that time you think is a few days/weeks is more long the lines of a few months everything makes sense. Even at light speed travel can take days or weeks. At sub-light travel time would be much longer "..It's a bit far, but i think we can make it" would suggest this isn't just an around the corner trip.


People have died from broken hearts before, stuff happens that people cant' explain.


Until he turned of age he never really was a threat, until he attacked the deathstar and began an investigation into who did it, there really was not issue. The Emperor and Vader were not even sure who it was until some time passed and started doing some investigating. Why bother changing his name when only 4 people who actually knew who darth vader actually was.

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