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Social abilities chiss and otherwise...but mainly chiss!


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So this thread may already exist but there is something I have wanted since the release of legacy and that is the ability to gain other races social ability through the legacy.


I would LOVE to have the parlor dance on my chiss bounty hunter or my human sith warrior to have the meditiation stance.


But perhaps most importantly is the chiss social ability. If you notice the chiss social ability has always been the worst. I started this game for the sole reason that i've been waiting since I was 6 years old to play a chiss since I read the thrawn trilogy. What does the chiss get as an emote? A map!


Now this was a funny ability in the beginning which I had many lols about with friends because even though it was lame it was a funny lame.


HOWEVER when legacy was released emotes were released on of which was /map. /map made you pull out...guess what? The chiss social ability! The only difference? The chiss social ability map will only stay out for 10 seconds while /map can last 999 seconds. So it's better slightly!


Why was the chiss social ability given to everyone but no one elses was? Is this going to be fixed at any point? Because it really is upsetting. i've never come on the forums and just complained before because I love this game and have been subbed since day one and was in beta and pre-order early access but this is something that really gets me because I love the chiss!

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I agree that emotes should be legacy unlocks too. I could have sworn that way back in the day, the devs said that would be the case, but that was so long ago.


Also, remember that the Chiss racial was a salute? I never understood why they changed it.

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I agree that emotes should be legacy unlocks too. I could have sworn that way back in the day, the devs said that would be the case, but that was so long ago.


Also, remember that the Chiss racial was a salute? I never understood why they changed it.


The salute is now a general emote. That would be pretty lame that Chiss would get an exclusive ability that do what everybody already have by default with an emote.

Edited by Altheran
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