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Treek vs WPVP: is this a pay2win element? and what's swtor becoming?


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Most people dont think to use those. I actually don't - it's rare. I think there's just some informal rule of honor that you don't.The rare times I do use it, it's usually in a scenario where I'm being ganked and outnumbered. I don't feel shame in utilizing it then.
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I understand the op's concern but honestly, someone with biochem in owpvp who uses adrenals and stims is at much more of an advantage than having the npc will ever be.


One of my buddies and I had a duel when he finished decking out his droid (forgot droid companions name) and torian killed it handily and it was supposed to be a superior companion. I don't think this is an issue, using your companion correctly and using the right one will have more bearing in the end.

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I think most people in this thread are not getting the original intent of the OPs post. This is a post about the fact that Treek is the first CONTENT that Subscribers dont have access to unless we PAY for it like we're F2P.
I interpret your "PAY" as paying real money, aka cartel coins. That's not true at all, you can buy it for 1M in-game creds as long as you are legacy 40. People have been crying about how legacy doesnt mean anything and when we finally get a legacy restriction/unlock (depending on how you see it) we have people crying about that.


Mitch Hedberg - Can't please all the people all the time and yesterday all those people were at my show.

Edited by MidichIorian
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I interpret your "PAY" as paying real money, aka cartel coins. That's not true at all, you can buy it for 1M in-game creds as long as you are legacy 40. People have been crying about how legacy doesnt mean anything and when we finally get a legacy restriction/unlock (depending on how you see it) we have people crying about that.


Mitch Hedberg - Can't please all the people all the time and yesterday all those people were at my show.


Its not the legacy restriction that bothers me, its the fact that a new player can just buy past it, which tells me that those willing to dip into their pocket are more important to bioware than those who have and will play the game long enough and hard enough to obtain that level and get it fair on only their sub. think about it is it fair that you pay your sub as many times as it takes to unlock it and not to mention have the patience to wait and work towards this reward while FTPers can walk in and buy this companion strait away? or did you pay the sub, and then pay for the companion? because you know what you have done if thats true right? you paid for a game, paid a sub for the added content, and then paid for that added content oO because BW placed an inconvenience for you that being the 1mil creds and legacy level and charged you to remove it. this isnt a game anymore, its a cash grab and the game is there only to advertise the cartel products to you. go take a look at the size of the dailys planet if you want a sense of how much bioware care about care for expanding the actual GAME content :rolleyes:


And if you think about it this is why augs and stims exist in the game, you need to spend all your time grinding and grinding your creds for this so you can keep up in PVP, double XP weekends yay i can level an alt so keep needing all the creds i can get. thats way it helps to spend real money to get the extras but im paying a sub for these extras im not paying extra and i certainly NOT going to play a game that inconveniences me in a pathetic attempt to push me into paying that extra. * unsubs.

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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Companions should not be allowed in PvP at all... period. I don't understand what bringing an npc to a PvP fight screams of skill anyway. They have broken AI which may backfire for one side or the other, we should not have to spend even more comms to gear out our npcs for PvP and when you're playing your own character properly in PvP, you really cannot and should not mouse click on that bar.


As soon as any form of PvP initiates, companions should go poof!

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Hey we DPSers love our war hero kitted healer companion :)


Honestly, if they did away with companions in OWPvP, I'd probably stop doing it. With no real ability to heal midfight I'd see no point. I'm certainly not one of "those" people who use their comp in open world large groups, though. Just creates more lag.


As it is, I'm struggling to find reasons to keep logging in of late. This game's in such sad state pvp wise I'm enjoying leveling toons in Tera more at this point (though I am sure this won't last).


Like I already said, Companions discourage owPvP grouping.


You want heals for owPvP? *GROUP WITH A HEALER*

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So iv seen this new companion has been added and in swtor cartel tradition is a mediocre to look at as ever, However its been said to me that the companion has some vastly superior elements including a higher amount of HP than other companions and improved healing which tells me swtor are now selling an advantage to players inareas they can use their companion, areas like contested WPVP zones which to people like myself who love to look for trouble is a big part of the game does that not make said part of the game pay2win? or does treek also fail in ways that would make a typical healer like mako or quin favourable?


The other side of my concern is is what this means to the game's business model. to a level+ legacy account holder like me 1mil creds isn't all that much infact its a welcome excuse to do dailys and as a proud owner of 4.5 level 55 toons its not going to take long but level 40 legacy requirement or just cash tells me its a convenience item because you can play for it right? but heres my concern, in order for there to be a convenience to sell, bioware must first create an inconvenience which in this case is not having the best companion in contested areas (dailys planets) if im a new player i have to grind my legacy to 40 and make 1 mil after my augs and stims costs to get on that ever ground against potential gankers even then im thinking XP boosts for my legacy etc and this casts a huge shadow on my trust in bioware. warhero crystals in lowbe is one thing, but pulling levers to make me (a subscriber) feel like i need to spend money to keep up with others or in my own case more that others should spend to keep up with me or suffer a hard beating out on ilum or black hole because i have a better healer comp, i mean if BW have gone this far to encourage me to spend on top of my sub how much further will they go?


IMO if something can be questioned as P2W or shady and unfair even in a co-op sinario its just exactly that and the end of that game and its developer BUT THATS JUST ME, i imagine most people will have Treek along with everything else in rthe legacy/cartel shop or at least have the means to obtain it fairly if you use the forum then you should and so im going to come under fire from anyone who doesn't want their investment attacked i get that but please conduct yourself maturely becuase most people looking at getting a new game look first at the forum and especially posts like this and that includes the communities attitude and response to the issue that are raised.


TLDR does treek offer an unfair advantage in WPVP encounters? And is it a general advantage that we are now inconvenienced for not having.


On a personal note.

Whether treek is pay2win or not, whether its better or even different from another companion or not these new cartel items are making it so swtor is just as rewarding if not more so to the wallet warriors than it is to the long time subbers who put time and effort into the game. i can buy cooler crystals, armour pieces, titles, mounts, pets i can even buy valor which is supposed to be your title for how much PVP you have played now 25% of that is potentially meaningless its a cash item. IE why should i bother working hard to get nicer gear and items to show off, better titles, better companions, all these show how serious i am about the game to those around me which certainly helps if im looking for groups or guilds ect which is what MMOs are built around or i can just spend money?


when this game first went free2play it was like an open trial with a token shop so people could come and see how good the game is and why its worth subbing, now it seems the opposite to me which tells me not only did the majority of those people think well no it isnt worth subbing ut il spend some spare change on this or that cos the rest is free but also that bioware agreed with those people and have since been working to catre for that crowd instead of improving the game and consequentially that overall decision of this game's FTP thruput.


TLDR when BW add a convenience item they are really giving us an inconvenience unless we pay on top of our sub and for every reward that accomplishing and completing greater feats and achievements in this game their seem to be cooler things you can just buy.


And am i the only one noticing that the more that appears in the cash shop the less content is being added to the game in terms of game playability.


You can pay 1mil in game credits for him. It only makes sense the newer companions be better than the old ones. If they weren't, why would anyone go out of their way to get them.

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You can pay 1mil in game credits for him. It only makes sense the newer companions be better than the old ones. If they weren't, why would anyone go out of their way to get them.


As far as me and my guildie a can tell treek is a mediocre healer and a mediocre tank, companions dedicated to either role seem to perform better. Treek only has the best animations.


As for comps ruining owpvp,. LoL

Companion CC are all channeled mezzs that can't be used on target below 90% hp.

Also some classes like tank vanguards needs a healer comp just to have fighting chance agaisnt any competent dps, not that it matters most companions can be killed in a couple gcds and serve no other purposes than allowing heroic moment.


Yes, companions are annoying in large scale owpvp but are a vital part in those 1v1 gank fights that compromise most of ow fights...


As for discouraging grouping. I would rather have four player than two and two companions

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