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Treek conversations bugged?


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Thanks for your posts! For anyone who is having affection conversation issues but has not provided the following details, please be sure to update with as much as possible:


1. What Class is the character who isn't getting conversations?

2. What level is the character who isn't getting conversations?

3. What is their current affection level with Treek?

4. How was the Treek who is not providing conversations obtained? (via Cartel Market, credits, GTN, Collections)

5. Do you have any characters who have achieved conversations?


Thanks again! I have my eye on this issue for sure.


1 ) I unlocked her on 10 different characters. It's not working for any of them, beyond the first conversation on the ship, after obtaining her.

2 ) All of them are level 55.

3 ) Two of them have her at 10k affection. The others have at varying stages, in order to see if it would kick in. Nothing thus far.

4 ) On one character, through the droid in the Cartel Market Bazaar, paying the 1 million credits for her contract. For the other seven characters, I unlocked her through my legacy, paying the 700CC and getting the contract that way. For the last two characters, one imperial, one republic, I unlocked her by paying 300k using the Character Perks tab for each character. Still no conversations, despite she having considerable affection already.

5 ) Not a single one.


- - - -


Either way, pretty sure it's NOT related with the way you unlock her, since I tried every single available venue on both sides and NO conversations kicked in yet.


On another note, I do find embarrassing - to say the least - that Treek was made available for a while now and you guys haven't solved this yet. Absolutely and utterly embarrassing.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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1. Marauder

2. 55

3. 10000

4. Credits

5. I do not have any other characters with Treek.


I have the welcome aboard conversation and then nothing more. Is this all that I am ment to get, there has been nothing on how many conversations we are ment to get.


Equally Treek by all accounts a BH seems to have no conversations about anything in any other part of the game not even the BH week event which I was sure she would have something to say. Is this how its ment to be? While by far and away the best healer this does feel like a pay to win option (credits or CCs) rather than a fully functioning companion.


As such would it be possible to add a pay to win option for all the other companions so Quinn can get a boost and make him worthwhile or maybe even the dps and tanks as well to bring them up to the same standard as the ewok.

Edited by Costello
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1. Marauder

2. 55

3. 10000

4. Credits

5. I do not have any other characters with Treek.


I have the welcome aboard conversation and then nothing more. Is this all that I am ment to get, there has been nothing on how many conversations we are ment to get.


Equally Treek by all accounts a BH seems to have no conversations about anything in any other part of the game not even the BH week event which I was sure she would have something to say. Is this how its ment to be? While by far and away the best healer this does feel like a pay to win option (credits or CCs) rather than a fully functioning companion.


As such would it be possible to add a pay to win option for all the other companions so Quinn can get a boast and make him worthwhile or maybe even the dps and tanks as well to bring them up to the same standard as the ewok.


There's at least - or there was - a video on youtube showing that Treek had half a dozen conversations available on the PTS.




Found it.



I start to question Bioware's definition of "game breaking", having in mind how long they're taking to solve this issue.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The problem they were working on and the *only* problem they were fixing was the cinematic conversation bug, something completely unrelated.


They were either some completely unaware of the affection issue, or thought it went away and are only now reading the threads that have been on-going for a month and realizing that isn't the case.


The moral of the story is, apparently, vocalize more often and loudly else issues will either be misinterpreted or simply not heard.




That all said, it's being addressed now, so I'm grateful. But we need better communication


That is not my understanding at all. I'd have to dig up threads myself but I do remember them saying with I think 2.3.1 that they had only done a partial fix on Treek with regards to this issue, and thus they didn't mention anything. I also remember seeing a post where someone quoted a developer a good 2 weeks ago saying that they would have a fix for her affection conversations with next patch.


So for at least two weeks, possibly even a full month they have known about this, if I am not mistaken and I honestly think I'm not.


Anyway, regardless yes I'm happy as well that they are working on the issue. I of course wish she would have her conversations now, but at least this is a high priority issue. regardless.

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If you bought her from the Cartel Market she works.


Buy from the legacy vendor she doesn't.


This has been the norm so far that I have seen from asking around.


edit: looks like this isn't the case for others then. sorry.


Looks like you did a double post and edited this one, but I bought her via cartel coins and have the bug.


I have heard that a few people do have a "working" Treek, although I haven't talked to any on my server. I'm guessing that it's coincidence that the people you know with a working Treek used the cartel market.

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Looks like you did a double post and edited this one, but I bought her via cartel coins and have the bug.


I have heard that a few people do have a "working" Treek, although I haven't talked to any on my server. I'm guessing that it's coincidence that the people you know with a working Treek used the cartel market.


Still don't know a single person with a Treek that works as intended and ironically, the only video on youtube with Treek having all conversations with the PC is from the time she was released on the PTS.


Someone is not being... Hmmmm... Entirely truthful here I would say.

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Awesome, it may have taken weeks to get this problem merely acknowledged... but at least it is now, gives me a bit of hope.


1. What Class is the character who isn't getting conversations? Sentinel

2. What level is the character who isn't getting conversations? 55

3. What is their current affection level with Treek? 10,000

4. How was the Treek who is not providing conversations obtained? (via Cartel Market, credits, GTN, Collections) Cartel Market

5. Do you have any characters who have achieved conversations? Nope



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Thanks for your posts! For anyone who is having affection conversation issues but has not provided the following details, please be sure to update with as much as possible:


1. What Class is the character who isn't getting conversations?

2. What level is the character who isn't getting conversations?

3. What is their current affection level with Treek?

4. How was the Treek who is not providing conversations obtained? (via Cartel Market, credits, GTN, Collections)

5. Do you have any characters who have achieved conversations?


Thanks again! I have my eye on this issue for sure.


1. Guardian & pyrotech

2. Both 55

3. roughly 6 & 6.5k

4. Guardian bought it for 1mil credits, pyro unlocekd it via legacy for 300k

5. No

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Still don't know a single person with a Treek that works as intended and ironically, the only video on youtube with Treek having all conversations with the PC is from the time she was released on the PTS.


Someone is not being... Hmmmm... Entirely truthful here I would say.


I don't know. Mind you, most people in any MMO I've played have been honest, but yes there are a few people that will post "OH, I know of a guy with a working Treek" to troll. Or maybe repeat that, the trolling becomes a claim that such does exist and so forth. My account of people claiming to have a working Treek is based on a post I saw here at least a couple of weeks ago, so it could very well be either someone trolling or repeating a claim as if it's fact.

Edited by Arvig
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Characters: 55 Guardian, 55 Juggernaut, 55 Commando, 54 Marauder, 35 Vanguard.

Affection: 8000+ (I use rank 1 and 2 gifts to get her up to 8k before talking to her)

Methods obtained: Juggernaut: purchased from droid vendor. Everyone else: from Collection.

All characters get only the first conversation.

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1. What Class is the character who isn't getting conversations?


2. What level is the character who isn't getting conversations?


3. What is their current affection level with Treek?


4. How was the Treek who is not providing conversations obtained? (via Cartel Market, credits, GTN, Collections)


5. Do you have any characters who have achieved conversations?

No; all other characters were achieved by collections, and have varying levels of affection (including at least one other at 10K). All of them have ONLY had the initial, "Welcome to the crew" conversation, then nothing.

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Thanks for your posts! For anyone who is having affection conversation issues but has not provided the following details, please be sure to update with as much as possible:


1. What Class is the character who isn't getting conversations?

2. What level is the character who isn't getting conversations?

3. What is their current affection level with Treek?

4. How was the Treek who is not providing conversations obtained? (via Cartel Market, credits, GTN, Collections)

5. Do you have any characters who have achieved conversations?


Thanks again! I have my eye on this issue for sure.

Treek at 10k affection. Zero conversations.

1. Jedi Sentinel

2. 55

3. 10k

4. merc contract bought from vendor in cartel bazaar

5. yes, all of my other companions have their convos finished.

Edited by Samoth_Nomad
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I don't know. Mind you, most people in any MMO I've played have been honest, but yes there are a few people that will post "OH, I know of a guy with a working Treek" to troll. Or maybe repeat that, the trolling becomes a claim that such does exist and so forth. My account of people claiming to have a working Treek is based on a post I saw here at least a couple of weeks ago, so it could very well be either someone trolling or repeating a claim as if it's fact.


That's what I'm afraid of, not to mention it doesn't help at all us who've been doing what Bioware failed to do initially: QA. Again, except for buying the Mercenary Contract directly from the Cartel Market for 2100CC, I tried every method available and I simply can't trigger any conversations beyond the first one. Have friends who, due to the fact they still are low level legacy wise, who bought from the Cartel Market and STILL experience the same issue. 2.3 came out almost a month ago and still no fix, since for all we know, Bioware employees are having their hands full with the option for purchasing cartel coins in-game. Oh well... :rolleyes:

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I've got the same issue, so posting asked data below:


Thanks for your posts! For anyone who is having affection conversation issues but has not provided the following details, please be sure to update with as much as possible:


1. What Class is the character who isn't getting conversations?

2. What level is the character who isn't getting conversations?

3. What is their current affection level with Treek?

4. How was the Treek who is not providing conversations obtained? (via Cartel Market, credits, GTN, Collections)

5. Do you have any characters who have achieved conversations?


Thanks again! I have my eye on this issue for sure.


1. Trooper Commando

2. 54 atm, obtained Treek at lvl 30-ish

3. 8319

4. GTN

5. No, I've got Treek on only one character


I'll also add, that my legacy lvl is 32. It might be important, since Mercenary Contract is available from one of the vendors for 1,5 mln credits and requires legacy lvl 40 iirc

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I finally got more than one conversation to work. All my toons previously have taken affection up to 8K and then initiated conversation. All but one are 55, with one at 39.


Started a new toon from scratch, added the merc contract at level 10, took affection up to 4K and was able to unlock several on the ship. New toon is a consular. Will try something similar on my new smuggler as well.

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I was able to do all of Treek's conversations today on a level 19 Sentinel. I had her before the patch, but I didn't speak to her, obviously, until I got my ship today.


I checked my Juggernaut, and he still gets no option for conversations. So, it's not been fixed. I seem to have lucked out and not triggered whatever glitch is doing this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Dev Post

Hi everyone!


I've got some bad news and some good news for you:


The bad news is that this issue was determined to affect characters who were created before Game Update 2.3, which is very likely to be most characters who are using Treek.


However, the good news in that we've got this fixed for Game Update 2.4! Treek's affection conversations will progress as intended as of next week. :)

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