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Will chapter 5 require chapter 4 completion?


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A lot of us are leveling alts from 51-55 through PvP and/or FP, and even better, the World events (like the Gree event)... Because, well, playing Makeb, with the same story over and over is not really fun. And the achievement system does not reward completing Makeb more than twice (once on Rep, once on Empire).


So, Bioware... Can you make sure Chapter 5 access does not require chapter 4 completion? It would REALLY be boring to take those many level 55 alts through Makeb's content when you announce chapter 5....


Just sayin.

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Not only was Chapter 3 not required to be able to participate in Makeb, but Makeb itself is not even a full chapter. Its like Chapter 3.25 if anything. ]Don't forget its not labeled as a specific chapter on your load screen either.


I have a feeling that they'll continue the story with a true Chapter 4 that will have required the completion of your class' storyline through the end of Corellia. They most likely won't require that you complete Makeb to participate in it, but it will most certainly make allusions to what transpired on the planet itself, what with Isotope-5 being as valuable as they say it is.


Theres just as likely a chance that they won't do a Chapter 4+ at all as they can crank out more storyline stuff if they make it more generic and less personalized to your actual class like they did with Makeb. I assure you that I, for one, will be leaving if they venture further down that path, but I suppose we'll all have to wait and see what happens.


EDIT: Apparently it is labeled as Chapter 4 according to other people, but I certainly haven't seen it on my loading screens for any of my 55's.

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Not only was Chapter 3 not required to be able to participate in Makeb, but Makeb itself is not even a full chapter. Its like Chapter 3.25 if anything. Don't forget its not labeled as a specific chapter on your load screen either.


I have a feeling that they'll continue the story with a true Chapter 4 that will have required the completion of your class' storyline through the end of Corellia. They most likely won't require that you complete Makeb to participate in it, but it will most certainly make allusions to what transpired on the planet itself, what with Isotope-5 being as valuable as they say it is.


Theres just as likely a chance that they won't do a Chapter 4+ at all as they can crank out more storyline stuff if they make it more generic and less personalized to your actual class like they did with Makeb. I assure you that I, for one, will be leaving if they venture further down that path, but I suppose we'll all have to wait and see what happens.


They have already said they will not continue the class storylines and do more Makeb style story telling. So yes Makeb was Chapter 4

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Not only was Chapter 3 not required to be able to participate in Makeb, but Makeb itself is not even a full chapter. Its like Chapter 3.25 if anything. Don't forget its not labeled as a specific chapter on your load screen either.


Makeb was indeed Chapter 4. It said it on the loading screen. And when you beat it, the loading screen returns to an Interlude with post-Makeb info.


To the OP: Chapter 5 will depend on how they do the story and if Makeb ties into it. At 47 (48?) you can start Makeb regardless of how far you have progressed in Chs 1-3. I actually hope they don't let people skip stuff but that's just the story-guy I am. :)

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They said that straight forward? Curious if anyone has the quote.


Yes they said that. The first time was during the livestream QA shorlty before Makeb came. The most recent time was during the Los Angeles Cantina Event, where they said they feel at this point of the game its more about the story of the war between the empire and the republic and less about personal storylines as all 8 classes have established themselves by now

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I still don't feel like Makeb was a whole chapter in-and-of itself. Perhaps they'll add more onto it in the future to finish out the 4th chapter story progression if that's they've decided it's going to be.


They really have to realize that one of the only things that is keeping a specific subset of their players here, including myself, is the degree to which they've fleshed out each of the individual class stories. If they just toss it to the wayside, we're left with even less of what BioWare originally set out ot bring to their players in their story-driven MMO. It will become more and more like Guild Wars with the overarching Living Story, but in the end I feel even that will be a letdown. They've set a bar with the detail and time put into the original 3 chapters of the class stories, and losing that will make SWTOR just like any other MMO out there, except worse because its being run by EA.


Thats just my PERSONAL opinion about what is keeping the game alive for ME. That being the personal story for each class. In fact, i like some of them so much that Im actually enjoying going back through and replaying the best ones. Instead of it feeling like a chore, I am finding that I truly feel invested in the character even when I know the ending already.

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So just play RotHC and spare us your QQ thread down the line, okay?


1) You take for granted I'm an idiot. Your loss

2) You misread my post. I played Chapter IV, and I enjoyed it. I just don't want to be forced to play it on ALL my toons.

3) You really are in a bad mood



As for the others saying "they did'nt even do Chapter IV", read your loading screens properly while questing on Makeb. IT IS CHAPTER IV.

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I don't recall ever seeing "Chapter 4". Just "Rise of the Hutt Cartel". I'll look out for it when my Jugg finishes corellia.


Right after Corellia before you start Makeb you'll probably see an Interlude loading screen, but once you start Makeb it's very clearly indicated as Chapter 4. And then when you're done, back to an Interlude screen.

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