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Listen, and Remember All of the Lies...


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sucks about how everything you say is recorded and stored forever on the internet huh devs?




and now bolster if that was in the game at launch you woulda been laughed outta town. Remove it.


You are posting remove bolster in multiple threads. Let it go man, it isn't going anywhere despite you posting "remove bolster" every chance you get today. Maybe articulate your issues but I have a feeling it will just be rehashed crap and there's no point any longer. Yes they know implementation should've gone better but it is what it is and it's goal is to get more noobs pvping don't know if that's been a success or not but its stopped the massive gear gap complaints if you augment your gear which makes a huge difference.


Either way I don't care if its here or not. If it gets more people pvping and shorter queues more power to it. And it makes it so good players can roll out alts and still be a force regardless of gear. But if we go back to a recruit set oh well. I just don't see it with the time they have in to bolster and with bigger issues to address just cause some people want a gear gap to wreck fresh 55s

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The risk/effort to reward ratio on me saying "remove bolster" is very high. Only takes a sec so why not.


If I were to stop complaining they might think I don't care anymore. :rolleyes:


Also I have 14 toons none of them are geared. I think they all have conq earpieces, then lving gear or war hero.


Im the fresh 55.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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Lol.. the video makes ilum look ****** and yet it couldn't have been further from it. It was an utterly terrible experience and I sure don't miss it.


During the Gree events I've stopped by the Fray Landing memorial for a session of "lol/why couldn't it have been better?/lol/sob". Then the PVP area gets busy and stuttery lag appears to complete the nostalgia.

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i like how he talks about having 100-200 people fighting at once.....


makes you wonder if he was even playing the same game.


and the ilum objectives were just poorly implemented. there was no actual point; and the only buff you got from the ilum PvP zone only actually applied to WZs, so you were actually rewarded for sitting in the PvP zone, not PvPing, and just queuing for WZs.


just so stupid.

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Is Gabe Amatangelo still around?


I do find it strange that they didn't know the hero engine was rubbish and couldn't cope. What is also annoying is that the have dumbed PvP down to mindless fight clubbing, yet there seems to be no more to bring open world PvP back or even have the warzones mean something or offer anything to the advance anything in the game world.


Win or lose you get valor and coms with a very minor difference for winning. There is no feel of anything of significance missing any MMO feel to the game. I suspect that there are many more skill based ways to test skill that currently on offer in TOR. Even restuss in SWGs felt more meaningful than what we have or the RvR lakes in WAR and taking the fight to their capital.

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Gabe Amatangelo talking about PvP and WPvP at PAX.


I have no words...


Yes, I know I have another thread on the PvP forums, but I just HAD to post this...




Ack it burns my eyes and ears! So the actual plan was that ilum would be "controlled" and that PvP area would have mattered. So what happened that they did not complete the idea they had for this area?


I mean I remember having to find armaments and I remember having to shoot the walkers and the base defense guns. I don't recall them related and I never saw an air strike to conquer the base.

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The Hero Engine is not just to blame here. I see this all the time and I know it is capable of open world if it is implemented properly. Biobeware however couldn't implement a piss up in a brewery to be quite frank about it.

It is to blame, dude. EA/BW used a pre-alpha version of the engine. The HeroEngine was significantly incomplete when they used it to run this game.


It's why to this day they still have a f***load of problems with coding.


James Ohlen's "problem with MMO combat" always delivers.



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