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~~ 2.0 PVE DPS Leaderboard ~~


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Since many of the servers have mad their own threads fro tracking the server's top dps, i though it would be fun to track it on our PVE Server. All logs must be uploaded to Torparse , other parser's are not permitted. The exact fight with the combat dummy must be linked to be eligible. If you wist to post your spec and gearing you may do so using Torhead for skills and AskMrRobot for gearing.



  • Must be at exactly 300 seconds (5 minutes) in length
  • The dummy cooldown period following the parse will be cropped by me using torparse's time range tool
  • Only the end of the parse may be cropped. I will not crop out the "ramp up time" at the beginning
  • Must be performed against the Operations Training Dummy champion. Either the fleet or the ship dummy are acceptable
  • Must be performed without any external raid buffs (e.g. no armor debuff, Force in Balance/Death Field or Inspiration/Bloodthirst other than your own)
  • You may use a stim of any variety
  • For sentinels/marauders, at most one (1) Inspiration/Bloodthirst may be used
  • At most two (2) adrenals may be used
  • Activated relics may be used at most three (3) times
  • Pre-parse proc'ing is not permitted (e.g. focus/rage building for knights/warriors). Note that this is very easy to detect in a log!
  • Out-of-combat buffing is permitted (e.g. Combat/Carnage spec Centering/Fury building; Tactics/Advanced Prototype procing of Pulse Canon/Flame Thrower via Explosive Surge/Flame Sweep)
  • Respecing for out of combat buffing is also permitted (e.g. an Operative specing Concealment for Acid Blade, applying the buff and then respecing Lethality for the parse)
  • Absolutely no use of the Nightmare Pilgrim buff (this is an external raid buff!)
  • Full class buffs are permitted
  • No elitism!




Rankings are broken down by advanced class and listed alphabetically by the Republic mirror. Each advanced class will list the top three overall parses, it may be extended the more parses we recieve.. Each parse will be linked to its torparse upload and associated with the corresponding DPS value and player name. Each parse is also associated with the spec which the player was using while parsing, and a link to the reply which posted the parse.



1. Krastin DPS:2941 Arsenal

2. Kantner DPS: 2898 Assault

3. Mehvz DPS:2789 Gunnery




1. Lormaru DPS:2966 Hybrid

2. Iron'pudge DPS:2788 Hybrid




1. :sy_title:Ranick:sy_title:DPS:3285 Carnage

3. Guardian DPS:3046 Carnage

3. Ascentrl DPS:2992 Carnage



Honorable Mention : Civen DPS:2975 Combat



1. Merani DPS:2811 Vigilence

2. Snutch DPS:2643 Focus

3. Grillex DPS:2607 Rage



1. Kindran DPS:3001 Balance

2. Ryz DPS:2739 Madness

3. Taldune DPS:2271 Balance








1. Min-da DPS:2969 Hybrid

2. Dirty-snutch DPS:2955 Sharpshooter

3. Kates DPS:2946 Sharpshooter






1. Subtlety DPS:3023 Lethality




P.S. Thanks to Keyboard Ninja, i kinda stole your rules.

Edited by ExarKunxx
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Here's a parse I did a while back, feel free to fine trim it if need be but I believe I have complied with all of the requirements:




My spec is 1/12/33. Gunnery is bound to beat that, so I'll probably post a version of that soon.


Your parse is ineligible you received inspiration from a groupmate.

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in game name: Ascentrl


at 300 seconds mark, if you look on the graph for that parse, i was hitting 2874.11



no armor buff of any kind, with class buffs and one BT plus biochem purple adrenal, plus a biochem purple stim.

I just did one single rough parse couple weeks ago with less gear than what i have now.



I also have other parses with NM/HM 8 man/16 man parses uploaded for various bosses

Edited by AscendentReality
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Here is an updated parse, a gcd'ed ravage tick, and 10% of failed execute buffs. this time, however was with a blue stim

at 300 second mark, two reusable adrenals was popped, 3 relic boundless ages was popped.

2933.12 dps at 300 second mark basing off of that graph.


( i used adrenal 3 times, but that's for a 7 min log, only 2 adrenal pops within the 300 window)



If anyone is willing to tell me how to crop the log to make it exactly 300 seconds, it would be much appreciated.

Edited by AscendentReality
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Here is my parse on my Powertech after a guildmate told me about the thread. 5 mins as asked, used my BA relic 3 times, purple Biochem adrenal 2 times (power), and the Flame Thrower stacks (before punching the dummy ofc)


Another thing I have to mention is the Shoulder Cannon loading process while stacking the Flame Thrower (Since I use AP, its good have 7 missiles ready to go)


Edit: Using 8/36/2 (Advanced Prototype)

Edited by AAntan
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I did like 1600 dps in a huttball as carnage...it was full length...put me on here.


First of all, there are rules.


Not sure if the whole has to be 5 mins is going to be strictly enforced but had one at 6 mins 49 seconds for 2963... and I believe at the high point is 2970. But yeah here is the parse so up to you what you would like to include it as Taero.


I'm only cropping the fall off at the end, it's your job to stop when your DPS is highest in you opinion.





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Here is my dummy parse, http://www.torparse.com/a/372986 It'll be the second parse which is 311 seconds at 2732 DPS. One of my guildies told me about the thread and I went to face roll the dummy Asap.


Class: Marauder

Name: Bengali

Guild: Domination


Edit: Also can we do this for multiple classes? I.E> I have a merc I think would be competitive for a Spot. Just curious.

Edited by Mordacia
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