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10 Good
  1. 8 man NiM thrasher 2773.66 DPS - Ascentrl - Suckafish - Marauder - Carnage - 5/36/5 http://www.torparse.com/a/436958/time/1380077899/1380078190/0/Overview This is done with 75% 168 gear.
  2. The third sniper is an alt, it was literally the first time we've ever had so many snipers. In fact, all contents that we've cleared minus styrak have been done in a variety of compositions since we have a roster of 12-13. Which include merc, sorc, in fact, a lot of our early progression came from 3 melees of , 2 marauders, 1 operative, and 1 sniper. Just sayin
  3. SnV styrak, finally downed it ! 2563.69 DPS - Ascentrl - The Chandrian - Marauder - Carnage - 5/36/5 http://www.torparse.com/a/417094/35/0/Overview
  4. I don't know if i agree with that. Carnage gets double vicious throw under 30%. Even though we get early access, it gets refreshed under 30%, so I don't believe rage/annihilation can do much more under 30. It works like this, if i use vicious throw under 30%, then get gore slaughter proc, my vicious throw is instantly off cooldown to be used again.
  5. Hey! That's rude ! I think it was ranked when i uploaded , Anyways I finally survived from Garr for once X_X 2550.17 DPS - Ascentrl - The Chandrian - Marauder - Carnage - 5/36/5 http://www.torparse.com/a/411105/14/0/Overview
  6. I don't know about PvP, but in PvE, if anyone is disputing PT tank being worse than the other two is simply a complete joke. All the passive mitigaiton you receive, the range, and the kiting make them very attractive in end game raid enviroments. For example, when we first downed NM DG. We did it with PT tanks, who kited for the majority of the fight, in fact, after we checked parses, our pt tanks took just a little more damage in the entire fight than our previous day attempt with two jug tanks for just phase 1. As for the PT dps, on my first toon, i was a PT dps, and I still actively play him and gear him. I've gotten to know some good PT dps in raids. The numbers they put out on add fights is incredible. Their numbers in actual fights is not much lower than marauders and snipers. With that said, they are tankier than other dps, in fights like titan 6, dread guard, operator, thrasher snipers, cartel warlords. when there is unavoidable damage going out, or aoes. They take much less damage than sorcs. For example, the grenade in NM titan 6. it would smash sorcs for 20k or more damage. On a PT dps? I've seen as low as 4k. With the new way NM cartel warlords is setup, when you inevitably take that constant stabbing from Garr, which would hit 6k per hit for 20 seconds straight on a marauder. It would hit for 4k or less on a AP PT. (he stuns you as he stabs you) Is PT dps fully balanced? No, but they are a whole lot closer than what people is giving credit for. It's mainly a skill issue that relates to a lot of these class complaints. For example, there are people like trublood who hit over 3k on a dummy with PT dps, and parsed in top 50 for each and every boss fight. My only concern is - Are these new buffs in 2.4 worth this indirect nerf to hybrid. It feels like they were somewhat conservative with this buff.
  7. 8man nm olok 2372.23 DPS - Ascentrl - The Chandrian - Marauder - Carnage - 5/36/5 http://www.torparse.com/a/404532/2/0/Overview
  8. O:, you came back zenod? when?
  9. TFB 8 man NM 2140 DPS - Ascentrl - The Chandrian - Marauder - Carnage - 5/36/5 http://www.torparse.com/a/403131/29/0/Damage+Dealt I cut off the last 10 seconds run off timer from terror's last moments manually because it wouldn't work on the torparse, more bugs ftw. Operative 9 8 man NM 2170.66DPS - Ascentrl - The Chandrian - Marauder - Carnage - 5/36/5 http://www.torparse.com/a/403131/17/0/Damage+Dealt
  10. What should I check for raids, I can't find asation or darvanis in there.
  11. You didn't know that man? Trublood has always carried highest dummy parse , he can hit over 3k now. The issue with hybrid has been simply the heat management can get really bad.
  12. Marauder, easy? Lol, please get this sorc to play one. I want to see what excuses he comes up with.
  13. There is benefits of having a sin tank. Most of the arguments is valid, and I do personally think they deserve a buff. However there is some benefits in carrying one, even in nm progression. While jugs have a few better defensive cooldowns, and one really incredible one in saber reflect. Having extra defensive cooldowns to manage can be beneficial when the boss's damage is spikey and can be anticipated. There are also interesting mechanics that can come with a sin tank, such as not having adds in nm twh (albeit the fight is somewhat of a joke anyways) The point is, it's still viable, could they use a buff, sure. They are most certainly not as desperate as concealment operatives, or deception assassins, which in PvE is just utter trash. Trash beyond trash, the most worthless among trash, no offence, all the power to you if you can clear content even with that handicap. Edit: May I also add, many NM guilds who's had full clears have sin tanks, some sin main tanks. If that isn't enough, from my personal experience in NM mode, the hardest content that was released during the recent operations, would be the un-nerfed NM dreadguards. In which case, drop it like its hoth, the world first on that boss, downed it with a sin tank. It's the same argument people try to throw at marauders and snipers looking at their damage, despite failing to see their own classes have been proven time and time again to be able to DOWN CONTENT. Which is the end goal of any raid. If your looking for total balance, can I agree on sin tank receiving a few buffs here and there? Ya. Please don't go around and say things like it sucks, or it's not viable. If it's been done, and done repeatedly, it's obviously viable. Just because someone lack the skills to pull it off, doesn't mean it's impossible. It's just like someone who will remain unnamed, claimed, un-nerfed DG to be mathematically impossible only to find it dead to a European guild several days later.
  14. At the same time, they have the option to re-roll into another role , if they are no longer capable of doing their given role at this time. In fact, in the nightmare parses thread, A operative who is putting some high parses was once a healer, his raid needed a more competent dps, so he stepped up to be one. Let's assume if he was a marauder or sniper. What choice does he have now beside rerolling or be kicked, or just watch your raid fail longer repeatedly. I think people discount the idea of having multiple roles far too much. On my operative, having that field respec, I can do whatever I want in flashpoints, raids, pvp, whatever it is. On my PT, I can pull enough numbers to easily down any HM content, while it's not in nm progression like my marauder, he is only 69 geared. Too many alt raids, was I able to say, well, our pug is not cutting it, so kick him and grab a dps in here, I'll tank X. The utility of having multiple roles is significant. I don't see how you guys see nothing else but numbers. Hatred don't use snipers. The world first down on un-nerfed DG drop it like its hoth also did it with Jug dps, sorc dps, etc. What does that tell you? That was a "mathematically impossible fight" for DPS check. Yet people downed it, not with two marauder and two snipers. It means the other classes is close enough in term of damage in order to down bosses. Remember, downing bosses in the most primary goal of raiding, and the only objective. Before I end this, I'll leave with one last example. Before my guild dropped to an 8 man nm progression from 16, our GM an operative, who is one of the highest dps , and definitely the most raid aware dps we have. During our 16 tenure, there were many occasions, where his off heals, or full respect into full heals help us clear content. This utility you speak of already exist, and it's one of the biggest utility you can get. Just because you don't use it, doesn't mean it's not there. Albeit there is still sin dps , who is actually in need of a buff, I seriously see no point to all these complains for the other ACs.
  15. I think all annihilation needs is having longer uptime on their stacks, or some way to gain double stacks at the beginning. Not too much need to be done about annihilation IMO beside that obvious problem which would cause say, annihilation marauder dps to absolutely plummet in a fight such as Titan 6. If that's not enough, maybe a little base damage to deadly saber or rupture. As for PvP, while I'm no expert in pvp by any means, I believe if there is a way to gain multiple stacks quicker, they can be used in arenas affectly to burn down tanks or other things that has heavy defenses. Extra procs on rupture can also be used to dot multiple targets instead of clipping dots, etc.
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