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Most terrible class in the game


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Since i post it here,it's powertech. Why i think powertech is the worst class? It's very simple: Every class has 3 trees of feat points to spend and can be either tank/heal/dps. As of powertech , its not best in slot for any role:


In general i think jet charge has to be common ability for all powertechs ,just like its on warriors , you simply have it in any build and around it is based some key abilities, so i think it should be the same for PT's


Tanking: PT is the worst tank, simply because of lack of solid cooldowns , solid Crowd control abilities and abilities to save teammates , any team any day would take juggernauth over PT.Juggernauth has by far more cooldowns to save himself, he has superior CC and he has amazing abilities like intercede. Even if you look at tanking tree of both classes you will see that pt has so many pointless feats for dps and actual tank feats for jugg are better than for pt. Example: every time pt charges he gets 30% speed increase , but jugg gets 30% increase every time his guarded target is atacked so it's ALWAYS, pt has 15% armor for 2 points and jugg for 1 only, i can continue to name feat points , but i think you got my point.


Damage: Powertech is one of the worst dps classes in the game on the same level as lethality Op's , PT has useless dots and no cooldowns, befor 2.0 pt was a glass canon with burst and no defense, now pt has no damage and no defense.. even in Pve its one of worst classes, where you need only damage and pretty much standing still and dps. PT 's damage is spreaded TOO MUCH among abilies like dots. Every class has 1 new ability with 2.0 and i am not afraid to say, that Shoulder cannon is the worst one: damage /range /cooldown for it is awefull. Shoulder cannon has to be something like : loads one missle every 10 seconds and no cd up to 3 missles.So i would say pt needs more direct damage , less dots , and 1 very solid cd for defense.

I have heard some people say : you still hit people for 6 k rail shots pt is fine.... on my sniper most basic ability like snipe wich you can spam 24/7 crits players for 4-5k an aimed shot for 7-9 k and iam not talking about 8-10 k smashes and dispatches, 6 000 damage is not that much nowadays, when people have 30k+ hp.


P.S Powertech is so bad , that even meeting a PT in warzones is like observing a falling star and u can make a wish upon it, in any role there are by far better classes and .... No one even wants to be Powertech representetive,

Seriously Bioware you need to change it

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I like how you mentioned PT's being the worst tank without even mentioning Assassins. No, Sins are definitely the worst tank. PTs aren't as good as Juggernauts IMO, but the gap isn't that far. Whereas on an assassin, you will never ever be a main tank thanks to Bioware removing their 20% armor increase from the Darkness tree. I've been hit for 7,350 with a Smash on my Partisan/Conq tank sin. I can promise no geared tank PT has ever been hit like that. They're worse than PTs in PvE too from what I hear.


Our DPS options are horrible. I can put up scoreboard numbers almost on par with other ranged classes, like the merc. Except that mercs have far better burst damage and survivability. PT TTK is the lowest in the game, easily, and needs fixing.

Edited by Aetrus
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I really wanted to participate in more discussions about powertechs. I've stated numerous times in the past how much I dislike what they did with the class...namely shoulder cannon. I'll save paragraphs of complaint, for I expressed this all before. Anyways, I still think powertechs are cool. (Anyone remember "send them to hell movies").


I'm sure shoulder cannon is here to stay. My belief in this has resulted in a powertech with remaining old warhero and an inventory full of mk-9s and purple augs. I just don't have time in a day to seek the inner beauties of this class at this time. I hope that all of you continue to do so. If they revamp shoulder cannon, then I'll find the time. Currently shoulder cannon has been my greatest complaint. Cheers.

Edited by UncleOst
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Since i post it here,it's powertech. Why i think powertech is the worst class? It's very simple: Every class has 3 trees of feat points to spend and can be either tank/heal/dps. As of powertech , its not best in slot for any role:


In general i think jet charge has to be common ability for all powertechs ,just like its on warriors , you simply have it in any build and around it is based some key abilities, so i think it should be the same for PT's


Tanking: PT is the worst tank, simply because of lack of solid cooldowns , solid Crowd control abilities and abilities to save teammates , any team any day would take juggernauth over PT.Juggernauth has by far more cooldowns to save himself, he has superior CC and he has amazing abilities like intercede. Even if you look at tanking tree of both classes you will see that pt has so many pointless feats for dps and actual tank feats for jugg are better than for pt. Example: every time pt charges he gets 30% speed increase , but jugg gets 30% increase every time his guarded target is atacked so it's ALWAYS, pt has 15% armor for 2 points and jugg for 1 only, i can continue to name feat points , but i think you got my point.


PT tank has no issues L2P... just because we don't have an "amazing ability" like intercede and 4 DcD's like Juggy's doesn't mean we are the worst lol. Jugs are are a little OP at the moment(eh not really maybe saber reflect but its very helpful with spread out trash mobs) Pt has plenty of CC learn to use it, you have slows on just about everything. Jug is def better in PvP but a well played PT isn't that far behind. sounds like a most def L2P issue

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I agree that powertechs aren't in the best shape right now - but you're overreacting MUCH...


PT tanks are in a good spot - we sure could use some improvement like a new cooldown or something, and yes we are worse than Juggs - but they are simply overpowered at the moment.


PT's dps is not as bad as you say - sins/shadows are far worse. Actually our 2/22/22 hybrid is capable of quite nice dps - id even go as far and say its on par with most - maybe not snipers, maras aaaaand Lethality Operatives!

Seriously go and check some parses (here for example http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=664980) Lethality Operatives are brilliant damage dealers nowadays, still most of the players live in 1.7 and below era...

Shoulder cannon isn't as bad, there are worse options (sins phase walk comes to mind) still it should be buffed.


Still i have to agree - our dps should be improved.

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From a PvP point of view : most terrible class in the game hands down.


Our dps specs are wortheless. Tank is nice, but far from being op.

Operatives/Scoundrels are better, because at least one of their build is FOTm (FOTY?). Dps wise, in pvp, they suck just like we do.

I still enjoy playing the class. Maybe I'm a little SM

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I agree that powertechs aren't in the best shape right now - but you're overreacting MUCH...


PT tanks are in a good spot - we sure could use some improvement like a new cooldown or something, and yes we are worse than Juggs - but they are simply overpowered at the moment.


PT's dps is not as bad as you say - sins/shadows are far worse. Actually our 2/22/22 hybrid is capable of quite nice dps - id even go as far and say its on par with most - maybe not snipers, maras aaaaand Lethality Operatives!

Seriously go and check some parses (here for example http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=664980) Lethality Operatives are brilliant damage dealers nowadays, still most of the players live in 1.7 and below era...

Shoulder cannon isn't as bad, there are worse options (sins phase walk comes to mind) still it should be buffed.


Still i have to agree - our dps should be improved.


PvE wise you are right. PvP wise PT is the worst dps and the tank provides nothing better than the other two tanks.

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they really are. i started playing during 1.4 and made a pyro for my first class (before i knew how good they were). pvped hardcore til 2.0 and all of a sudden...USELESS. since then i've leveled three others to 55 and none just feel the same. PT's NEED something. surprised i even see them in game still.
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they really are. i started playing during 1.4 and made a pyro for my first class (before i knew how good they were). pvped hardcore til 2.0 and all of a sudden...USELESS. since then i've leveled three others to 55 and none just feel the same. PT's NEED something. surprised i even see them in game still.


I rarely ever see dps PT anymore (PvP or PvE), and when I do they typically suck.

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I run a PT in OPS not pvp, I will agree that PT dps and tanking in pvp is terrible but as for pve I have no problems gaining and holding threat. In fact I find that most of the time I don't even have to Throw taunts against most mobs in hm fps and ops. All you need to do is learn your rotations and procs, once thats done PT's are very good threat pooling tanks.
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Spamming corrosive granate and dart by cooldown on enemies is not the same as having real great damage. Currently PT in any tree and OP in both dps trees are 2 most underpowered classes.


Are you kidding me, I think your just throwing things out there now, I cannot tell you how many times I have died to a Operative's darts and grenades or killed players with them. PT/VG in general need a overall increase to bring up their total burst potential in both assault and tactics as well as increase their viability for a surviving tank in PvP.


A healing operative, right now is king of his domain and I can tell you the other two lines are not to far from it.


Matter of fact are you even talking about operative's damage on the PT/Merc forums anyways?


By the way, this is coming from a person who has a 55 Operative/Sentinel and 35 Vanguard, so I know.

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Spamming corrosive granate and dart by cooldown on enemies is not the same as having real great damage. Currently PT in any tree and OP in both dps trees are 2 most underpowered classes.


You clearly have never played an operative dps before.


Might I point to this thread. Ptech and Operatives are in the middle-high end of dps, Jugg/Sorc/Sin dps seems to be lower


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You clearly have never played an operative dps before.


Might I point to this thread. Ptech and Operatives are in the middle-high end of dps, Jugg/Sorc/Sin dps seems to be lower



The PT parses are all hybrid and are not useful in PvP. Full Pyro or full AP parse 200 DPS lower, slightly ahead of assassins.

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