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Is it me or does this class have a crap load of abilities?


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I'm only level 27 and I'm running out of keybinds... I'm leveling the Watchman spec, is there any abilities I won't be needing or replacing soon? Or do I really need to keybind everything?


Hell, my 85 warrior/priest or frostmage doesn't have as much keybinds as this guy does.

Edited by Windriderr
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repost is the only one you will not use. any good sentinel will use everything else at certain times.


Are you sure?

As a Combat build I am about ready to dump Cauterise, it just doesn’t seem to have enough damage to justify the place in the roatation.

I agree if you have the ability to push the DOT up like a Watchmen you would keep it.

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All classes have lots. You wont use some depending on spec as others have said. If your watchman you can mostly forget about bladestorm. If your not watchman you can mostly forget about cauterize. And all specs can ditch riposte. That said, when I say ditch/forget, I just mean put on inconvenient button. Everything should always be bound :p
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All classes have lots. You wont use some depending on spec as others have said. If your watchman you can mostly forget about bladestorm. If your not watchman you can mostly forget about cauterize. And all specs can ditch riposte. That said, when I say ditch/forget, I just mean put on inconvenient button. Everything should always be bound :p


Why shouldn't I use bladestorm as watchman ? It seems pretty good if they are getting away, a nice finisher. Will something I get replace that?

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repost is the only one you will not use. any good sentinel will use everything else at certain times.


I use riposte every time rebuke is on CD, because I've specced to lower it, and if I know my target has popped a defense boost ability.


Personally I removed blade storm in favor of merciless strike, even then I hardly used it after getting mind sear.

You could probably do without the abilities that only work on NPCs, except for the droid CC.

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Well you dont realy need to bind all of them. I myself for instance dont have bound long CD abilities, such as Pacify and Ward thingi. I click on it when I am about to take alote of damage.

This way I can keep top abilities bound to the best keys... But thats just me.

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I use riposte every time rebuke is on CD, because I've specced to lower it, and if I know my target has popped a defense boost ability.


Personally I removed blade storm in favor of merciless strike, even then I hardly used it after getting mind sear.

You could probably do without the abilities that only work on NPCs, except for the droid CC.


repost does not hit hard enough to justify the rage cost. Bladestorm is not something you use often but it can be used for something at distance as well causing the stun it give you use pommel strike


and specing into make repost if just a waste of talent points, defensive forms is a far better ability regardless as it help you get centering faster.

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repost is the only one you will not use. any good sentinel will use everything else at certain times.


Not really, no.


I mainly use Zealous, Slash, Cauterize, Stasis, Leap, Overload Saber and Master Strike as a Watchman. Sweep when multiple mobs, and then the defensive cooldowns when necessary + Zen.

Just got Pommel to pair with Sweep.

Edited by Dekadez
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repost does not hit hard enough to justify the rage cost. Bladestorm is not something you use often but it can be used for something at distance as well causing the stun it give you use pommel strike


and specing into make repost if just a waste of talent points, defensive forms is a far better ability regardless as it help you get centering faster.


Perhaps, but it will always hit. I agree about bladestorm.


I disagree. I'm going to spec into jedi crusader which synergies well with recompense, I've pulled the points out of blurred speed. Defensive form has nothing to do with rebuke. I am however also speccing in defensive form.

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If your watchman you can mostly forget about bladestorm.


I still have blade storm on my bar and use it almost every multi-mob fight. It hits hard, can be used at range and stuns which and sets up pommel strike. I usually send Kira to the first target, apply three stacks Overload Saber and Cauterize to the second target and then turn toward the third target and on the way (assuming its ranged) I hit it with blade storm (big damage and stun) and just as I get to melee range pommel strike. It's not uncommon for all three mobs to die around the same time and in about 10 seconds total.


I wouldn't use blade storm in a boss fight rotation, as stated in many other threads, it costs too much and doesn't gain anything from the Watchman tree but for questing and adds it's a solid ability that I think too many of you are overlooking.

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I mean don't forget my esteemed Jedi colleagues that being in the infant phase of this game, MOST of this will all likely change as things move forward. As for me what I've come to understand is that Watchman single target rotation goes something like;


leap->cauterize->master strike->zealous strike->slash? (the focus dump one) and keep up cauterize.

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Sent/Mara gameplay would be so much smoother if they implemented a simple macro system similar to Rift's. WoW's is too absurd and plays half the game for you by including serious decision-making logic, but Rift had simple priority macros that consolidated similar abilities very well.


For example, you could stack Zealous Strike and Strike on the same button. And Force Sweep and the other AOE on the same button. So easy and convenient, and saves keyboard space. Could stack Cauterize and Slash, or whatever the Sent 3Rage spammable was called.




leap->cauterize->master strike->zealous strike->slash? (the focus dump one) and keep up cauterize.


Use Deadly Saber (IIRC the Sent version is Overcharge Saber? the one that stacks 3 times and is off the GCD to cast, costs 3 rage) on your leap in most cases to get it on cooldown faster. The same could be said for Cauterize I suppose ... in the end it doesn't matter, but you want Overcharge Saber and Cauterize on cooldown 100% of the fight in general.



Also, Master Strike has a long cooldown. Don't bother with using it at the start. You will get much better returns blowing your DOTs first (this means using Zealous Strike), then using Master Strike afterwards.

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As a high level combat sentinel, I have about 30 keys bound right now and frequently use about 20 of them. Against normal weak critters i only use about 5 abilities. Elites or strong its like 15ish.


My limitation is remembering where I bound stuff. ( I know 'Awe' is around here somewhere..... was it shift-7 or shift 9 ???? )


At 42, I litterally groaned when I dinged and got a new ability. Wasn't sure where to put it. Better too much then too little, definately adds some depth to the game.



Crippling throw should probably be combined with the other ability thats similar, but really thats only a pvp thing. Not sure what else should be tuned up.

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Sent/Mara gameplay would be so much smoother if they implemented a simple macro system similar to Rift's. WoW's is too absurd and plays half the game for you by including serious decision-making logic, but Rift had simple priority macros that consolidated similar abilities very well.


For example, you could stack Zealous Strike and Strike on the same button. And Force Sweep and the other AOE on the same button. So easy and convenient, and saves keyboard space. Could stack Cauterize and Slash, or whatever the Sent 3Rage spammable was called.






Use Deadly Saber (IIRC the Sent version is Overcharge Saber? the one that stacks 3 times and is off the GCD to cast, costs 3 rage) on your leap in most cases to get it on cooldown faster. The same could be said for Cauterize I suppose ... in the end it doesn't matter, but you want Overcharge Saber and Cauterize on cooldown 100% of the fight in general.



Also, Master Strike has a long cooldown. Don't bother with using it at the start. You will get much better returns blowing your DOTs first (this means using Zealous Strike), then using Master Strike afterwards.




Preach on brother.

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As a high level combat sentinel, I have about 30 keys bound right now and frequently use about 20 of them. Against normal weak critters i only use about 5 abilities. Elites or strong its like 15ish.


My limitation is remembering where I bound stuff. ( I know 'Awe' is around here somewhere..... was it shift-7 or shift 9 ???? )


At 42, I litterally groaned when I dinged and got a new ability. Wasn't sure where to put it. Better too much then too little, definately adds some depth to the game.



Crippling throw should probably be combined with the other ability thats similar, but really thats only a pvp thing. Not sure what else should be tuned up.


Force Kick is pretty useful overall.


I have two chains on my bar and then use shift + key to trigger defensive abilities. I redo my bar for PVP.

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Aye, I have my interrupt, slow and healing debuff on my usual keys, Shift+E, Shift+R and Shift+A. (Azerty).


I use the Kick a lot, especially because I specced into it as Watchman (Since I find Pacify incredibly useful too, and you need to interrupt -often- on Sith story bosses in order to beat them).

Edited by Dekadez
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Some useful info here, ty. I think it's for sure necessary to have separate quickbars for pvp and pve, especially as you move up in levels and get more and more specific skills. While there is some overlap, in general there will be a totally different rotation for pvp as opposed to pve. personally i have given up on pvp until endgame, just limiting it to the daily WZ quests because it's like playing a totally different class from pve to pvp and i don't want to have to waste too much time getting re-acquainted with the different skill-sets as i switch between each.


does anyone have experience with using macro keyboards for this class? i have a g-15 but it doesnt work properly since i spilled water on it months ago, and i'm seriously considering investing in a g-13 for this game. as someone said, it would be game-changing to be able to stack skills on certain keys using macros, so you have a go-to key which will be your focus builder and ditto for focus dumping skill,s based on whichever one is on cd. in pvp it is so damn hard keeping track of what is on cd while at the same time maneuvering around opponents.


i am level 35 now and i too am dreading going to the skill trainer with each ding because i have no more room for keybinds!

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everything can be situational, I have 30 keybinds and will probably need more, some things can be cut, but in pvp theres times when the burst potential by using a high cost ability can outweigh the focus cost. but for the most part, you can just focus on your core abilities Edited by HollowVamp
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  • 5 weeks later...
All classes have lots. You wont use some depending on spec as others have said. If your watchman you can mostly forget about bladestorm. If your not watchman you can mostly forget about cauterize. And all specs can ditch riposte. That said, when I say ditch/forget, I just mean put on inconvenient button. Everything should always be bound :p


Bladestorm is excellent as watchman as you need it in order to do damage without adding charges of Overload Saber too quickly. Keeping Overload Saber at 3 stacks requires switching between melee attacks and force attacks, otherwise you apply the stacks too quickly and they fall off before you can refresh the DoT at 3 stacks. Starting back at 1 is a waste of damage and Bladestorm can do quite a bit of damage, making it a nice filler.

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