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[Rep] State of the Guardian Address


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How has this changed from pre 2.0?


Pre-2.0, there was CD conflict that forced priorization that didn't simply fit into a 12 second cycle: Guardian Slash was on a 15 sec CD, Blade Storm and Force Sweep were on a 12 second CD (or 9 and 15 in the hybrid), and Sundering Strike was on a 4.5 second CD. It was designed horribly because the CDs were almost *always* in conflict. It was also a *lot* more complex, if only *because* of that horrible design. Resource management was *also* a major concern. Yes, once you learned it, it wasn't a massive issue, but it was still a minimum requirement that took a bit of attention.


With the 2.0 changes, everything has a CD that syncs and resource management has turned into a joke, thanks to all of those regular periods of open GCDs with the 12 second CD cycles being entirely resource neutral. You can completely ignore Slash and just spam Strike when everything else is on CD without seeing any real difference in performance, which turns it into even more of a joke, since you're not even having to worry about overspending during the downtime after your 12 second CDs.


Of course, I'm actually curious about the supposition that fewer people are playing Guardian tanks. In my experience, more and more people are playing them, thanks in part to Shadow tanks having *lots* of problems at the moment coupled with the fact that Guardian tanks are *incredibly* good, pushing into the realm of overpowered, and incredibly easy to play. I pretty much *never* see Shadow tanks other than myself around any more, while every tank I end up being paired with in pug Ops runs are Guardians a *vast* majority of the time with Vangaurds making up most of the rest.

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in the POT5 I have not seen a drop in shadow tanks, though admit that the best raiding guild on our server uses a vanguard and guardian. I would not argue a specific drop in Guardians by any-means. Though one could argue a huge drop in tanks overall from release till now (drop in % of tanks / total population ). This is a given in any MMO. I am glad 16 mans do not really require anymore tanks than an 8 man. My guild has 2 guardian tanks (myself and Odan) and three Shadows (my alt, lexi, and kathren).


I would be intrigued to see real demographics behind classes/ac but doubt we will see those numbers anytime soon. For me I have always been a Guardian loyalist. Even if the class is nerfed to the ground I will still play it.

Edited by Dragonexadon
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in the POT5 I have not seen a drop in shadow tanks, though admit that the best raiding guild on our server uses a vanguard and guardian.


I'm on Pot5 as well. Even if the numbers of people playing Guardian tanks are purely influenced by observational bias, it's completely disingenuous to suggest that Guardians are somehow *not* in a friggin' amazing state at the moment which impacts their number of players. Guardians are the outright *best* tanks in both PvP and PvE. Suggesting otherwise is simply ignorant. If people aren't playing them, it's not because they're *bad* tanks; it's because they're *boring* tanks, which is a completely different concern.


Honestly, I'd be happy to see some actual variability added to the Guardian rotation to make it more interesting and complex. Change the cost reduction on Courage to a proc that resets the CD on Blade Storm and makes it free (and/or simply makes it do more damage/autocrit, akin to Particle Acceleration). *Something* to make the spec not so outrageously boring and predictable to play.


The only other concern I'd want to voice is the delayed start up that Guardian tanks have: Saber Throw and Force Leap are largely required to get the initial resource cushion to allow you to quickly cycle your 12 second CDs, which means 2 CDs of very little damage and threat. Solutions like turning them into AoEs (improving threat capabilities on trash without increasing reliance on Saber Reflect for threat generation, possibly outright *removing* that massive threat gen at use because, holy crap, it's strong as *hell*) and reducing the GCD they apply from from 1.5 to .5 seconds to speed up the entry into combat.


Beyond the boredom and the slow entry, neither of which are particularly pressing concerns, Guardians are in a *really* good place right now, and, honestly, asking the devs to look into them would likely be inviting nerfs.

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I'm on Pot5 as well. Even if the numbers of people playing Guardian tanks are purely influenced by observational bias, it's completely disingenuous to suggest that Guardians are somehow *not* in a friggin' amazing state at the moment which impacts their number of players. Guardians are the outright *best* tanks in both PvP and PvE. Suggesting otherwise is simply ignorant. If people aren't playing them, it's not because they're *bad* tanks; it's because they're *boring* tanks, which is a completely different concern.


In PVE I agree 100%. In PVP I would argue that it would be hard to define them as best. Shadows have way more utilities that make them awesome and needed in a strong PVP team. Like void star, planting a phase walk near the door, walk away and pulling the guard away from the door. Stun them and have their waste a CC break then CC them and phase to the door. Shadows are also the BEST at guarding nodes. While this may not be a fun job, it is something guardians cannot do as well.


So I guess, in short, Shadows and Guardians make a great team in PVP. Guardians providing the aoe buble, and better suitability. Shadows bring better utility.


Beyond the boredom and the slow entry, neither of which are particularly pressing concerns, Guardians are in a *really* good place right now, and, honestly, asking the devs to look into them would likely be inviting nerfs.

The boring factor being play-style , I agree that Guardian tanks are in a good place right now. I really do not wee a need to adjust them currently.

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I have been playing Vigilance since launch mostly PVP and will say I have a few QQ on the forum about how the vigilance is in need of help. That said the vigilance was yes was awesome and way underappreciated. I say pre 2.0 if your rated team did not have a vigilance you were selling your self short.



I hate the 2.0 changes they fundimentaly altered the play style of the Vigilance and were a PVP nerf! Pre 2,0 an operative healer was a dead healer Vigilance was the single best finisher in the game. The damages is now more spread out longer cool down on plasma brand hurts and I hate the RNG of dispatch now. The changes to burst we to help the MERC/Mando sage/sorcers lets be honest we were toatly op they had no chance to fight back non. But that means those classes needed help. The balance tip to far to create op other classes such as opperaticve healers. Our role in the group has been taken away leaping in to the front lines bursting down a target of an ally and rapidly retreating to support the back lines.


The defenses of the Vigilance are the best in the game for a dps period any more Damage reduction would be rediculus.


A dps classes effectiveness in pvp cannot be measured by medals damage or kills but by deaths to killing blows that is a clear indicator of how effective you are and the vigilance was always on top.


All that said the 2.0 changes to Focus mas the class Op pre 2.0 the hits were big yeas but it could not follow up the damage now it can so take momentum out of the tree and give force sweep a dot to keep the PVE dps on par


PS I have moved on to play a TK sage and that class is in need of some love or I need practicce

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Beyond the boredom and the slow entry, neither of which are particularly pressing concerns, Guardians are in a *really* good place right now, and, honestly, asking the devs to look into them would likely be inviting nerfs.


And as always, Vigilance is forgotten about. I'm not surprised that the red-haired stepchild of the Guardian trees gets ignored again, but it's pretty bad that it barely gets a mention beyond a few crackpot ideas and the occasional voice of reason in the Guardians' own suggestion thread.

Edited by Ugolino
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And as always, Vigilance is forgotten about. I'm not surprised that the red-haired stepchild of the Guardian trees gets ignored again, but it's pretty bad that it barely gets a mention beyond a few crackpot ideas and the occasional voice of reason in the Guardians' own suggestion thread.


I was referring to Guardian tanks. I thought that was pretty obvious. I wouldn't say anything about Vigilance because it's been about a year since I played a Vigi Guardian (and I actually loved how it played back then, though the DPS was still a bit low).

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Off topic a bit. We don't need to discuss how to fix it in this thread we just need to come up with our questions. Let's reign this in and get our 3 to submit. If we want to talk about hypothetical fixes to the problems we can start a new thread or something.
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Off topic a bit. We don't need to discuss how to fix it in this thread we just need to come up with our questions. Let's reign this in and get our 3 to submit. If we want to talk about hypothetical fixes to the problems we can start a new thread or something.


...an excellent suggestion!


What have you all determined, something along the lines of improved lightsabre positions? J/K


The discussion continues, but just an update from the jugs would be:


1. Vengeance tree Rampage and Seething Hatred revamps.


2. Enraged Defense revamps, respective to each specific tree.


3. We have yet to finalize a third common quality of life question.



Having said this, we are still awaiting our rep's finalized version of the questions, but we have begun phrasing them...sorta. Please use this post I've made as a reference to approach the jug/guard dynamic from a different point of view. Perhaps we've overlooked something. Cheers.

Edited by UncleOst
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in the POT5 I have not seen a drop in shadow tanks, though admit that the best raiding guild on our server uses a vanguard and guardian.

I haven't seen much changes in ops either but in fps and dailys its a lot of guardians and sentinels. Hardly seen any shadows at all, especially dps.

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These would be my 3 questions, if I got to ask:


Question 1 - Is there a fix on the way for the Leap/Intercede bug?

Question 2 - Can we get a root/slow cleanse on a shorter CD or maybe attach it to Focused Defense?

Question 3 - Would the Devs be willing to implement changes we suggested or other ones to the Focus tree?

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Yes I'd love an offensive cd to use that isn't alacrity or accuracy. But the question would be are they looking into adding anything to dps Guardians to warrant taking them over the other dps classes. Even if it's something like making us hardier with dps on par with sents or a nice group defensive cd. Edited by Riivan
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Yes I'd love an offensive cd to use that isn't alacrity or accuracy. But the question would be are they looking into adding anything to dps Guardians to warrant taking them over the other dps classes. Even if it's something like making us hardier with dps on par with sents or a nice group defensive cd.

I think adding utility is the way to go but it has to be something that the dps get and the tank don't. Otherwise it's just better to take the guardian tank and stick to sentinel dps.

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If our dps is on par with the others and we get a defensive cd that the tanks don't have it'd help too. Look at slingers for instance.


Excellent example! So true!


One of the suggestions for the Enraged Defense revamp, specific to the rage/focus tree was exactly for that reason. We're asking for a defence mechanism ( similar to vig/vengeance ), or a increase to the self heal.

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Guardian tanks are boring as hell to play thanks to the simplification issues that came with 2.0. The entire construct for their playstyle is to use their 4 12 second CDs in order (Sweep>Guardian Slash>Sunder>Blade Storm), use Riposte as soon as it lights up (which happens so reliably while actually tanking that it's essentially a set 4.5 sec CD), and then fill the remaining 4 GCDs with whatever else they've got on hand: Master Strike, Hilt Strike, Force Stasis, Slash, and Strike. The only real question you've got to ask yourself is how/whether to use Slash and Strike during those down GCDs since you'll use MS, HS, and FS right away if you've got 'em (which means MS every 30 seconds and HS/FS every 1 minute). Everything else is simply set as a rotation. It's got no real variability or real complexity to it.


You guys can safely ignore Kitru as he has no clue how to play a Guardian tank with any skill (see any thread in the tanking forums where he discusses them). If you want to not be terrible at playing a Guardian, you only use Sunder when you need a lot of Focus (the armor debuff is provided by Force Sweep), you delay Force Sweep until you have 2-3 stacks of Courage (except in the opener or when the Accuracy debuff is wearing off), and so on.


Bad Guardians like him spam Strike, which does absolutely horrible damage and provides 1 Focus. Good Guardians rarely use Strike and get a lot more use out of Slash and most importantly Dispatch when bosses when get low. Bad Guardians randomly use their filler skills as they come up with no understanding how much damage they do, how much threat they provide, and how to maximize their benefits. Good Guardians know how powerful Force Stasis is for damage and Focus, that Hilt Strike has great threat, and use Force Push as well for a good filler (and to reset their jump).


If you play a Guardian/Juggernaught tank well, there's a great deal of variation in what skills you use and when. If you don't, you just mash buttons and do awful damage. There doesn't need to any changes to the Guardian tank priority queue.

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Bad Guardians like him spam Strike, which does absolutely horrible damage and provides 1 Focus. Good Guardians rarely use Strike


So what exactly *do* you use in the copious empty GCDs since it's not like Hilt Strike, Master Strike, and Force Stasis can actually fill up the remaining 50% of your active time when you're not using your 12 second CDs? Your only options are Slash and Strike (bringing up abilities you use in Execute phases is remarkably idiotic; you don't see Shadows discussing Spinning Strike when talking about their fundamental priority/rotation since it's a special case for a relatively minor part of the fight, especially since, by *then* you're packing all of the threat you ever need and it's just adding damage), the first of which consumes 3 Focus and the second of which generates 1. You're going to be using Strike *loads* unless you're interested in just standing around doing nothing simply because you *don't have anything else to use*.


You can try to complicate what is, by design, a *ridiculously* simple system, but it's not making it any better. Hell, by delaying the use of any of your 12 second CDs (like Sundering Strike), you're actually making yourself *worse* (with Sundering Strike, it's by reducing your Focus generation; the only time you *shouldn't* use Sundering Strike, if it's off CD, is if you're already packing more than 6 Focus, which would be kind of ridiculous considering how easy it is to dump Focus as a Guardian tank).


I seriously have to wonder if the entire reason why you seem to think that Guardians have inferior threat at the moment is because you're so busy overcomplicating the entire set up that you're incapable of actually *using* it effectively. It's *not* an even *remotely* complex spec to play. The entire set up is just "use it if it's off CD and, if everything else is on CD, use Strike if you're below 3 Focus and Slash if you're above". It's *not* hard. It's only hard if you *choose* to make it hard and, in *choosing* to make it hard, you're also *choosing* to make it perform sub-par by not using said abilities in the most effective means possible because you're too busy trying to *not* do so.

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So what exactly *do* you use in the copious empty GCDs since it's not like Hilt Strike, Master Strike, and Force Stasis can actually fill up the remaining 50% of your active time when you're not using your 12 second CDs? Your only options are Slash and Strike (bringing up abilities you use in Execute phases is remarkably idiotic; you don't see Shadows discussing Spinning Strike when talking about their fundamental priority/rotation since it's a special case for a relatively minor part of the fight, especially since, by *then* you're packing all of the threat you ever need and it's just adding damage), the first of which consumes 3 Focus and the second of which generates 1. You're going to be using Strike *loads* unless you're interested in just standing around doing nothing simply because you *don't have anything else to use*.


You use Force Push, you use more Slashs (which you have more Focus for since you actually utilize Courage stacks on both Force Sweep and Blade Storm), and you back off when possible to use Saber Throw + Force Leap. Also, I brought up the execute because unlike playing on a Shadow, you have to actually have good resource management to maximize it.


You can try to complicate what is, by design, a *ridiculously* simple system, but it's not making it any better. Hell, by delaying the use of any of your 12 second CDs (like Sundering Strike), you're actually making yourself *worse* (with Sundering Strike, it's by reducing your Focus generation; the only time you *shouldn't* use Sundering Strike, if it's off CD, is if you're already packing more than 6 Focus, which would be kind of ridiculous considering how easy it is to dump Focus as a Guardian tank).


You delay Sundering Strike for your good skills and it makes barely any dent in your Focus generation, which means your good skills are up more often. You should be using Combat Focus as much as you can while getting the full Focus as well to help.


I seriously have to wonder if the entire reason why you seem to think that Guardians have inferior threat at the moment is because you're so busy overcomplicating the entire set up that you're incapable of actually *using* it effectively. It's *not* an even *remotely* complex spec to play. The entire set up is just "use it if it's off CD and, if everything else is on CD, use Strike if you're below 3 Focus and Slash if you're above". It's *not* hard. It's only hard if you *choose* to make it hard and, in *choosing* to make it hard, you're also *choosing* to make it perform sub-par by not using said abilities in the most effective means possible because you're too busy trying to *not* do so.


I've never stated that Guardians have inferior threat after 2.0 so I don't know what you are talking about here. Your opinion on what constitutes complexity has very little credibility as you played a ridiculously simple spec pre-2.0, didn't even master it, and still thought it was very difficult.


Now then, kindly keep your ignorance to yourself about a class you play poorly, but yet somehow arrogantly deride on a regular basis.

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It's natural to compare the different tanks, but I'm talking about Guardian tank on its own. Simply put, Guardian tank isn't as solid as it could be. If you believe Guardian tank is the gold standard compared to other tanks right now, then raising the bar can only serve to improve tanking for all classes.


On the observation that more people are speccing out of tank, I mean just that. I'm running into far more Guardians with dps specs than before, and fewer Guardian tanks. This bears out in conversation with players in-game. The Shadow tank issue is a separate one that hopefully will be addressed.

Edited by JadeXII
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It's natural to compare the different tanks, but I'm talking about Guardian tank on its own. Simply put, Guardian tank isn't as solid as it could be.

I can't speak well enough for DPS. As far as tanking goes though I would disagree. I love the current state of my Guardian. I really think giving us anymore utility , damage/threat boost, or other kind of tweak/buff is not needed and would lean us to OP


As for people specing out of tank, this is the normal progression of MMOs. If you look at WoW demographics a warrior is one of the main classes people pick to start with. Then , if you look at end game demographics, you find that it is DPS that the majority of people end up with (mages, warlocks, ect)


Most people enjoy DPS over tanking. This has little to do with Guardians. More to do with Tanking, and healing for that matter, as a role itself.



I personally enjoy the guardian as said before. I don't find playing my shadow much harder. Now having the experience of playing her in both HM FP and Raids , yes they are not nightmare, I fine my health spikey as others have claimed. The rotation itself is not much harder. To me I find the guardian more fun because of the leaps. Leaping into combat, reflecting attacks, throwing my saber. All feels very iconic.


All that aside I am sure Kitru can play his Guardian just fine, and Vaidinah I am sure you are a solid tank as well. Throw away the epeens and lets talk about the state of Guardians.


Which, IMHO, they are fine tank wise. I hope they leave them as is.

Edited by Dragonexadon
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Everything Andrew said was spot on.


I can't believe the audacity Shadow tanks have to freak out and ask for nerfs to Guardian tanks, after they were the de facto best tank from launch until 2.0. Also, while you can argue that Guardian tanks previous threat problems only impacted the first 30 seconds of a fight, it also made the Guardian tank a far less desirable tank in general for soloing, random hard mode flashpoints, basically 95% of the game for most people. The fact that Guardians were sub-optimal for 95% of content from launch until 2.0, while Shadows are suboptimal for about 5% of content now, tells you which class really had it worse.


That said, I do like things to be balanced from the point of progression on down, so I actually agree with some of Kitru's suggestions to fix Guardian tanks, such as replacing their armor with more shield/absorb talents.


But I disagree about the dismissal of how bad Guardian tanks had it before, simply because quality of life is a big deal, and from a QoL perspective, things were pitiful for Guardian tanks from 1.0-2.0. While we tend to focus on operations, people forget that Guardians basically had to spend thousands to respec back when it cost credits (because nobody wanted to play a Guardian tank all the time in their previous state), had trouble finding groups to run pug stuff with compared to Shadows and Vanguards, were an absolute pain to try to solo content with... they were in a really bad place.


As a Shadow tank in pre 2.0, you had the best of both worlds. You were the best tank for progressing in operations (and the arguments of how much skill required are laughable to me, if you're doing progression content in the first place you already have enough skill to play any class well), and you were the best for running around doing all the other game's content when you weren't tanking raids. You could solo 4 man heroics, everyone wanted you for hard mode flashpoints because you had a mezz and never lost threat, it was just plain easy mode, as many other Shadows/Assassins I knew talked about. You were even great in PvP without having to spec out of your tank tree.


Guardians didn't have this. They were comparable to the other tanks if you could survive the first 30 seconds where holding threat was murder (and taunt fluffing wasn't always an option, like on Nightmare Firebrand/Stormcaller or if you're the tank in the minefield having to never lose threat on the probe or risk a raid cleave or if you have 2 guardian tanks and you have to hold the trench cutters on Kephess, just a few examples). However, everything else in the game was a chore... can't solo heroics, kill things slower than all other tanks so playing solo is painful, nobody wants you for HM flashpoints because it's far more difficult for you to hold trash, you had to respec to be decent in PvP, and so on.


All I'm saying is... leave the Guardian tank alone (beyond a small change like exchanging armor for shield/absorb), don't touch Saber Reflect as its the thing that actually made tanking with a Guardian fun for once. And mocking Guardian tank gameplay for the lack of skill while Shadows brag about how they have to know when to use Force Shroud (despite the same applying to Saber Reflect, you have to know which attacks aren't considered AOE to use it properly) irks me to no end. Not to mention being able to properly hold threat on trash in flashpoints as a Guardian pre 2.0 required far more skill than anything a Shadow had to do in operations.

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Everything Andrew said was spot on.


I can't believe the audacity Shadow tanks have to freak out and ask for nerfs to Guardian tanks, after they were the de facto best tank from launch until 2.0. Also, while you can argue that Guardian tanks previous threat problems only impacted the first 30 seconds of a fight, it also made the Guardian tank a far less desirable tank in general for soloing, random hard mode flashpoints, basically 95% of the game for most people. The fact that Guardians were sub-optimal for 95% of content from launch until 2.0, while Shadows are suboptimal for about 5% of content now, tells you which class really had it worse.


That said, I do like things to be balanced from the point of progression on down, so I actually agree with some of Kitru's suggestions to fix Guardian tanks, such as replacing their armor with more shield/absorb talents.


But I disagree about the dismissal of how bad Guardian tanks had it before, simply because quality of life is a big deal, and from a QoL perspective, things were pitiful for Guardian tanks from 1.0-2.0. While we tend to focus on operations, people forget that Guardians basically had to spend thousands to respec back when it cost credits (because nobody wanted to play a Guardian tank all the time in their previous state), had trouble finding groups to run pug stuff with compared to Shadows and Vanguards, were an absolute pain to try to solo content with... they were in a really bad place.


As a Shadow tank in pre 2.0, you had the best of both worlds. You were the best tank for progressing in operations (and the arguments of how much skill required are laughable to me, if you're doing progression content in the first place you already have enough skill to play any class well), and you were the best for running around doing all the other game's content when you weren't tanking raids. You could solo 4 man heroics, everyone wanted you for hard mode flashpoints because you had a mezz and never lost threat, it was just plain easy mode, as many other Shadows/Assassins I knew talked about. You were even great in PvP without having to spec out of your tank tree.


Guardians didn't have this. They were comparable to the other tanks if you could survive the first 30 seconds where holding threat was murder (and taunt fluffing wasn't always an option, like on Nightmare Firebrand/Stormcaller or if you're the tank in the minefield having to never lose threat on the probe or risk a raid cleave or if you have 2 guardian tanks and you have to hold the trench cutters on Kephess, just a few examples). However, everything else in the game was a chore... can't solo heroics, kill things slower than all other tanks so playing solo is painful, nobody wants you for HM flashpoints because it's far more difficult for you to hold trash, you had to respec to be decent in PvP, and so on.


All I'm saying is... leave the Guardian tank alone (beyond a small change like exchanging armor for shield/absorb), don't touch Saber Reflect as its the thing that actually made tanking with a Guardian fun for once. And mocking Guardian tank gameplay for the lack of skill while Shadows brag about how they have to know when to use Force Shroud (despite the same applying to Saber Reflect, you have to know which attacks aren't considered AOE to use it properly) irks me to no end. Not to mention being able to properly hold threat on trash in flashpoints as a Guardian pre 2.0 required far more skill than anything a Shadow had to do in operations.


Well said Wade. I've been trying to think of something similar to say but you did it for me.


Ultimately these Shadows are looking for someone to throw their frustrations at since BioWare isn't move fast enough for them. Its almost comical that they are doing this to the Guardian crowd considering that's the one group of people who would best understand and sympathize with that frustration since they had it since launch (whats that now a year and five months before 2.0) Its only been 4 months since 2.0 and it seems like they want to burn the Austin studios down.


I'm all for Shadows getting help reducing their spikiness but this is ridiculous. If you have questions/ideas to help address that go use the Shadow Class Rep thread and bounce it off your peers not rage on a class that after over a year has finally gotten to a good place.

Edited by ArenCordial
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