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Account bank.


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With 11 alts, all different crewskills complementing eachother it is a insane task to keep up with all the materials.


I make medpacks for my lowbies, stims for my alts, gear for my alts. Keeping track of what materials are on wich character is really pain in the A task.


This could all be avoided with an account bank accessible with all the characters on your account on that server. (Not cross server obviously)

Only stuff allowed in it are:

Legacy gear

BoE gear

Non-bound stuff

Crafting materials.


Swapping to 7 rep classes and 4 imp classes just to get the materials from 1 char to another is just getting to annoinyg to deal with.

Edited by MichelvanMeerten
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Having 16 characters at the moment, I agree with the above.


With reasonable restrictions, as already outlined, a Legacy bank (rather than account) would be a nice addition. It should become available when the Legacy itself kicks in, making it another bonus for actually having a Legacy in the first place.


It should probably be possible to expand the storage space similarly to the regular bank, via legacy perk(s) and/or the cartel market, in order to increase the chance for it actually being implemented. :p (As an incentive for EA/Bioware.)


With reasonable restrictions, already outlined, but repeated, it would accept only:

- Not yet bound items and items bound to Legacy.

- Items that cannot be bound in the first place, including crew skill materials.


In short, only those items which are currently possible to send via mail to characters within the same Legacy.


It could be presented as additional tabs in the existing bank interface, but probably with a different color in order to set it apart somewhat. Alternatively, it could be made available as another bank terminal, just as the guild bank, if that's easier to implement. In either case, it should be made available on the character ships, as well as in most other locations where bank terminals are currently present.


The above is my suggestion, based on the OP.

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I'd just like to add my voice in support of this suggestion for all the reasons noted above. I had suggested this same idea under a different thread sometime ago and would still like to see it developed & deployed in an upcoming patch. This concept is long overdue and, at least to my knowledge, is a feature not offered other MMO's and is another thing to set SWTOR apart from the field of other MMO's out there.
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and bound items should be bound to the whole legacy account, specifically cartel items.


that wont happen it means people will stop paying for stuff via cartel market and biofail doesnt want to losoe any more money than they already have

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this really needs to happen.... also would be nice to have a credits storage in this legacy bank... having to jump to 12 different characters to send credits around is really annoying, would be nice to have a place where all characters can access a shared credits account.


** BUMP **

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would be nice to have a credits storage in this legacy bank... having to jump to 12 different characters to send credits around is really annoying, would be nice to have a place where all characters can access a shared credits account.


** BUMP **


Great! If the account bank could just copy the formate of the guild bank it would incorporate this very nicely :D

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