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Kaggath Tournament - Sol’yc Empire vs Krayt’s Vision


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These hit and run tactics are being given far, FAR too much credit here, you are seriously expecting me to believe that 900 ships can just play hide and seek the entire time? don't be ludicrous, it takes far fewer ships to make those kinds of tactics viable, you have to be able to hit quickly and then hide easily, hiding 900 ships is almost a fool's errand.


As good as hit and run tactics might be, when 300 ships surround Bilbringi and take that down, then another 700 ships (which will soon be backed up by those 300 ships) strike all the way up to Telos IV destroying the SE's planets as it goes, not much use using hit and run tactics when all your planets are conquered or destroyed in BDZ attacks.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Oh and please, send Jaina, some HK units and Boba Fett to Byss, a powerful Dark Side nexus and attack the Emperor and his Hand, see how well that goes down, Boba Fett could be killed by Krayt easily with Dark Transfer or Talon with one of her Lightning Cones.


Then you have Emperor Krayt's Force Lightning incinerating the droids, then we have Jaina vs Krayt and Talon in the midst of a Dark Side nexus, he will use Dark Transfer on her and force her to feed on the powerful Dark Side nexus left by Darth Sidious himself, he isn't going to just turn her and send her after Tenel Ka, he's going to fill her mind with his extreme knowledge, he will use illusions to break down her mental walls, he will torture her with lightning and he will force her into using the vast collections of Sith Knowledge at his command.


Given a few months, in which time the SE will be too busy trying not to die in, she will be totally taken in by the Dark Side of the Force, just like her grand-father and her twin brother was.


Think of how easily he could break into her mind and convince her that her brother was right, whilst using illusions of Caedus/Jacen, she will eventually turn.


She does not have some incredible will or force ghost to count on every time she needs her moral compass checked, she will be far away from Tenel Ka and she will eventually become his second hand.


He will accomplish this in it's entirety, by filling her mind with the same visions he had, by showing her what his rebirth was like and forcing her to feel that rebirth.


Not only that but he can subject her to the teachings of XoXaan, Karness Muur, Andendu and more.


It will take awhile to break through her loyalty, but it will be complete.

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Honostly I am not jumping to Squirls side because I have some kind of Vendetta against you and Aurbere, Rayla. If you look back at the earlier portion my early assessment had me thinking Squirl was not likely to win and that you had the best chance, the arguments were made I took them into consideration with my own limited knowledge and I gave an opinion based on that information I am truly neutral in this one and am interested in the arguments to be placed. Edited by tunewalker
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Me and sometimes Canino (no real appearance from Aurbere yet), a few posts from Wolf against Squirrel, Tune, Selenial, Marcelo and Warren.
Tunewalker been supporting you in the past, Selenial has yet to choose a side. Currently the only people who are opposing you are Warren, Marcelo and Star while you have adequate support from Aurbere, Tunewalker and Canino.


I see no reason for action. This debate is far from lopsided.

Edited by Beniboybling
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honestly I am a little flip floppity right now which is why I am only making little small notes from what I see. I didn't dispute the Nexus thing or anything like that cus they are good points and don't see anything to contradict with them :p. Will say that hit and run tactics should still be viable, the issue here isn't Nek beat the thrawn simulator, no I am instead comparing him to his coleages, and this is how I see it Nek>Wedge>Akbar>Tarkin>Daala>Palleon based on how well they faired when facing one another in combat, where some others land is entirely unclear, like where Vader would land on that list I am unsure of where Garm would also unsure, or Krayt or Talon just know the ones I know so tactically he should fair well against you, but unsure if its large enough to overcome the numerical differences its a tough call it really is, and I can not wait to hear more arguments :D.
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One or two engagements when most of them were not in their primes as commanders isn't indicative that over-all they are flat-out better, most tacticians are only good in one or two ways of fighting a war, then they falter when faced with another, that is the nature of things. Edited by LadyKulvax
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One or two engagements when most of them were not in their primes as commanders isn't indicative that over-all they are flat-out better, most tacticians are only good in one or two ways of fighting a war, then they falter when faced with another, that is the nature of things.


I do acknowledge that as well it was a bit of a generalization, but it still stands that the type of war Nek has run has caused Daala and Palleon to falter in the past so it wouldn't be bad here.



Edit: the main issue with Star's fleet is its strong focus on hit and run means that the ships ability to do the defensive Maneuvers Nek was known for are a bit more limited then they would be if Star had a bit more of a well rounded fleet something that will make Nek slightly more vunerable to the type of war Daala and Palleon like to wage, but only slightly

Edited by tunewalker
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Me and sometimes Canino (no real appearance from Aurbere yet), a few posts from Wolf against Squirrel, Tune, Selenial, Marcelo and Warren.


Yeah, sorry about that. Sunday's my busy day so I didn't have adequate time for any real arguments.


I have much more time now.

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Noticing a pattern here, any side involving me or Aurbere, everyone jumps to the opposite team, but whatevs.


That seems a pretty selfish view. To say that the only reason people are arguing against your faction is because you're the one arguing for it. That seems like a bit of an insult to everyone else and a bit of an egotistical statement from you.


I find it a bit rude of you to suggest that I would support a side based on a personal agenda. I, and everyone else, support whatever side we feel like can/should/would win. I'm sorry if it's not yours.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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Also, I am almost certainly sure Essence Transfer is against the rules. For example, in the Sith Emperor/Darth Sidious debate, Sidious was outlawed from Essence Transfer. Seeing as the opposing faction's leader can't use it, just as the Sith Emperor couldn't, I think the same reasoning for outlawing it applies here...
I think I'm actually going to enforce a ban on essence transfer after one's body is destroyed to be in congruence with the rules of past debates. And in reality we have no idea how skilled Krayt was with essence transfer and whether he'd be able to use it after his body destroyed or how long it would take.


That said essence tranfer is ruled out entirely, while still alive he can still use it i.e. in a similar way that Bane did. But then we have to ask ourselves whether Krayt has the strength of will to do that and whether he has any viable hosts that can hold his high levels of power.

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Question: other than probe droids, what does Arakyd Industries actually produce?


Tank droids and ships. Unfortunately the New Essential Guide to Droids only has information on Arakyd's probe droids.


Luckily Arakyd's Probe Droids are awesome. Quotes to follow.

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OK. Here's some information on Rayla's Probe Droids.


The Viper Probot travels inside a one-way hyperspace pod and explores its environment using a repulsorlift engine and an array of bubble-eyed sensors. It carries a blaster for self-defense, and incorporates a self-destruct mechanism should its mission be compromised. Viper probots became common tools for the Empire; one of them uncovered the hidden rebel base on Hoth.


Following the Rebel evacuation of that safeworld, Arakyd introduced the first infiltrator probot. The model was a collaboration between Arakyd enginners and Imperial techs under the orders of Admiral Damon Krell. The infiltrator has a shape similar to the Viper, but boasts thicker armor, augmented weapons, and the ability to plug in to and control electronic systems. An infiltrator prototype designated 13-K destroyed itself during a battle with Luke Skywalker.


That thing's tapped into every system...made the entire ship practically an extension of itself! Probe droids were never meant to operate this independantly!
- Luke Skywalker, during his first encounter with an Infiltrator probot


The Infiltrator had set a precedent-from that point forward, probots grew larger and larger with each new release. The trend culminated with the gargantuan hunter-killer probot, developed to meet the Empire's needs for planetary pacification.


At 150 meters, the HK probot is one of the largest combat droids in existence. Primarily used for customs inspections and blockade enforcement, it operates best in deep space. It possesses high-beam searchlights and scanners that can penetrate thick hulls.


If an arriving ship fails its initial scan, it is pulled into the HK's belly with a powerful tractor beam. If the vessel foolishly decides to flee, the HK can deliver a withering barrage from two quad blasters and a pair of ion cannons. Following the Battle of Endor, scores of HK probots could be encountered on the traffic lanes leading to the Emperor's throneworld of Byss.


Well there you have it. Arakyd's Probe series featured in the New Essential Guide to Droids.

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Been researching droids so much I am tempted to switch to such a thing in another series, they have a fascinating though largely unknown back story to them.


That's actually not a bad idea.


Well IG-88 used them, so of course they are awesome. :p


Ain't that the truth.

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Rayla, I need you to stop dismissing my counter to Krayt. I wrote 2-3 major posts showing that both you exaggerate the scope of Krayt's power and that you overestimate him and underestimate Jaina at every turn. You don't get to win debates by ignoring facts (an your opponents) and hitting me over the head with your opinion repeatedly while whining that you don't have enough people on your side.


I've seriously had Marcelo make 2 posts and Tune made 1 sorta in my favor while Warren is content to pick apart a few details here and there. The majority of the arguments are mine...


As for the fleet. The point is I have a fleet with enough defensive minded firepower (and armor) to hold my major holdings and have a small unit harass you in the core (with Nek who is the undisputed master of this) while HK-50 droids (from my secret base on Telos IV) infiltrate and destroy your production. This is how my side would play, the question we might debate from here is will it work. Honestly it isn't for you to decide, make a scenario (not one where you win will-nilly and I get crushed or I will start ignoring you) and we'll debate the likelihood. Give us something to work with not this "I'm just so much better I'll overrun you easily" garbage. That isn't conducive for a debate.


Now, I have to got to work I'll be on later.

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I always think the contrary Rayla, everything you say is taken as an absolute truth. See Master Fay for example. So don't try this "everyone is against me" play, honestly, sounds like you're lacking arguments when you do such a thing. Edited by marcelo_sdk
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Tank droids and ships. Unfortunately the New Essential Guide to Droids only has information on Arakyd's probe droids.


Luckily Arakyd's Probe Droids are awesome. Quotes to follow.

They have XR-85 tank droids which are fairly impressive, those particle cannons likely pack a considerable punch.


On the other hand the Sol'yc Empire has MandalMotors which gives them access to a range of tank units, including Canderous-assault tanks. Canderous assualt tanks own at everything. :D

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