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Being carried through a class story, issues?


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So long story short I discovered recently around level 24 that agent is just not for me, ever, period. But I desperately want the classes legacy buff anyways. I considered getting a level 55 friend to buckle down and power me through my story to chapter 3, but I'm worried that there will be a point somewhere along the line that I can't rely on someone else at which being being 10-15 levels too low is going to dead end me.


So I guess Im asking the community if anyone has attempted this and if so what things specifically I should be concerned about ;).


Also, if anyone is just that curious, my problem with the agents is how the energy regen slows down as it decreases, it's a mental thing and I just can't put up with it, plus the class itself doesn't often suit my tastes, I know BH works the same way, for some reason that hasn't bothered me, no idea. So no disrespect meant to agent enthusiasts ;).

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You can keep your grubby hands off our buff if you're going to slander Agents like that! :p


On a more serious note, I don't see anything that would prevent you from doing this. I've leveled several agents and I can't think of a situation in which someone wouldn't be able to carry you through. I'm quite sure what you're asking is done fairly regularly, so you shouldn't run into any glaring issues.

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Yeah I would hope not, someone on general said you had to be level 33 to land on quesh, but that that was the only part of the story that would require a specific level, I havn't confirmed if thats true/still true yet. There's also a few missions like the space station one before nar shadaa on warriors that can't be done in a group apparently, but not all stories have one of those, inquisitor didn't.



I have a friend willing to do it but if theres stuff I gotta level up to do alone/access it turns a 5 hour power questing session into a ten hour long power levelling one, and I wanna spend as little time on my op as possible :p.

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So long story short I discovered recently around level 24 that agent is just not for me, ever, period. But I desperately want the classes legacy buff anyways. I considered getting a level 55 friend to buckle down and power me through my story to chapter 3, but I'm worried that there will be a point somewhere along the line that I can't rely on someone else at which being being 10-15 levels too low is going to dead end me.


So I guess Im asking the community if anyone has attempted this and if so what things specifically I should be concerned about ;).


Also, if anyone is just that curious, my problem with the agents is how the energy regen slows down as it decreases, it's a mental thing and I just can't put up with it, plus the class itself doesn't often suit my tastes, I know BH works the same way, for some reason that hasn't bothered me, no idea. So no disrespect meant to agent enthusiasts ;).


Stopped reading after that. You have failed yourself, completely and utterly, good sir. :eek::mad:

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Fair point xD. In my defense I am extremely weird and the most random things can drive me up a wall, this being one of them, I just hated playing agent and dreading my energy going 60> like the plague, to the point that it was physically upsetting to play sniper. Again no idea why the bounty hunter doesn't bother me since its exactly the same, I really, really don't.
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Yeah I would hope not, someone on general said you had to be level 33 to land on quesh, but that that was the only part of the story that would require a specific level,


I think this is correct... don't know about the exact level, but last time I was on Quesh, I had to accept the planetary mission chain in order to use the shuttle.


Also, I've read this on the forums several times.

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To each their own, heh. I really loved the agent's storyline, and I got used to the energy mechanic for my sniper, but I can see how it could be annoying for someone.


That said, other than the whole Quesh-gate thing (which, AFAIK, is still very much in effect, but I think it's the only thing like that; once you can get the vaccine officer's quest to get the shot, you should be golden), I'm pretty sure the Agent doesn't have anything that would hinder your friend from helping you to get to the agent's chapter 3 or whatever the req is.


So, if you've got a friend willing to carry you, you guys should be fine. Funny thing is, this thread had made me want to make yet another agent, lol, and maybe this time I'll



side with Jadus. Haven't done that particular one yet...


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The quest that you need to pick up on Quesh to be allowed to land on the planet is level 32 if I recall correctly. Could use some confirmation on this one.


That's the only problem you'll encounter.


A sniper energy management starts out quite horribly, gets better with leveling, but won't get decent until level 36 (series of shots) so I do get your dislike towards the energy management.


For operatives it's not that bad but they can be a pain to get used to in general. :)

Edited by Gloomycakes
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Fair point xD. In my defense I am extremely weird and the most random things can drive me up a wall, this being one of them, I just hated playing agent and dreading my energy going 60> like the plague, to the point that it was physically upsetting to play sniper. Again no idea why the bounty hunter doesn't bother me since its exactly the same, I really, really don't.


Oh you mean the class mechanics?


Easy to learn eventually, just pretty much put an auto attack between everything while levelling, you'll be fine :p


It's harder at low levels, great to play at 55...


Edit: Oh, and Yeh, level 32 to land on quesh.

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It's funny how almost everyone I know who really does like the agent story has, like, 3 of them. (guilty).


I've been tempted to go back and make an Operative, to see how the class plays out with the Stealth added.


The only real annoyance I have with my Sniper is one that it shares with all of the ranged-weapon classes, and that's the way that rationality got sacrificed on the altar of not having to put more work into class balance -- Snipers, with their long-range scoped weapons, are able to shoot at targets a whole five meters further away than any other class except Gunslingers, their Republic counterpart... an eye-wateringly distant 35 meters. Given that the standing record for a sniper shot is 2,475 meters, and that Billy Dixon made a 1,406-meter shot with a Sharps .50-90 buffalo rifle in 1873, it's clear that despite having hyperdrive, contragravity, lightsabers, and energy weapons, the technology "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" has some serious limitations compared to ours. Even the M-16, a weapon not known for its long-range performance, has a rear sight adjustable for ranges up to 800 meters.

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Yeah, I was gonna say, if you don't want to play Agent (heresy!) but still want the buff, Smuggler will give it to you all the same.

I didn't think the story was as good but the one-liners were classic.

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It sounds to me like it was more the mechanics than the story that he was having an issue with, in which case Smuggler won't help.


Yeah its the whole thing with the energy bar, so smuggler would just be new skin same ****. That being said I had a feeling that agent got less stressful at higher levels, and most of the classes are atleast somewhat annoying as **** in the low ranges so its to be expected. So I will eventually recommit to the class XD. I just need to get atleast one 55 to get a foothold in the game, and I want the 4 legacy buffs first so, priorities.


Thanks for all the info guys, I can work around the Quesh thing as my op is already level 26 and Im sure I can find a way to squeeze out those last 6-8, could be alot worse.

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The good news is that you only need to complete the class quests through the end of Chapter 2, so that should save you some time.


The bad news is that by the time you're near the end of it, you'll be so under-leveled that you will have a very large aggro-radius. The 55 you bring along won't have any trouble with anything that you'll encounter, but you should expect to get knocked off your mount on a fairly regular basis. If you're an operative, you won't get much use out of stealth for the same reason - mobs will see right through it, and from quite a bit further away than they otherwise would.


For what it's worth, I did the same thing on my gunslinger a long time ago (I've since leveled it to 55 for the "diehard" achievement), and while it was a little trying at times, it was completely possible to accomplish with a little patience. I don't know about the agent's storyline, but if you come across any missions that require you to go to a special location on the galaxy map (as in, not a standard planet that everyone has access to), make sure you land somewhere and have your 55 friend get in your ship through the hangar. When you fly to the special location (with your friend on board), you should both be able to access the mission.

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The good news is that you only need to complete the class quests through the end of Chapter 2, so that should save you some time.


The bad news is that by the time you're near the end of it, you'll be so under-leveled that you will have a very large aggro-radius. The 55 you bring along won't have any trouble with anything that you'll encounter, but you should expect to get knocked off your mount on a fairly regular basis. If you're an operative, you won't get much use out of stealth for the same reason - mobs will see right through it, and from quite a bit further away than they otherwise would.


For what it's worth, I did the same thing on my gunslinger a long time ago (I've since leveled it to 55 for the "diehard" achievement), and while it was a little trying at times, it was completely possible to accomplish with a little patience. I don't know about the agent's storyline, but if you come across any missions that require you to go to a special location on the galaxy map (as in, not a standard planet that everyone has access to), make sure you land somewhere and have your 55 friend get in your ship through the hangar. When you fly to the special location (with your friend on board), you should both be able to access the mission.


I didn't even know people could come into your ships o.o. That is really good advice though, much appreciated.

And yeah I expect to get eaten a few times while we are doing it xD. mostly during those moments while crossing planets where you have to squeeze in between the aggro of enemy packs and pray they dont turn around and dust you, which they will.

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You can't be carried through class stories. Totally, anyway. They made it so you have to be in your 30s to access Quesh...which is BS...so you do have to level. Also, on Taris, you have to get the killing blow to get an update in the inquisitor story. The "holocommunicator" update.
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I've been tempted to go back and make an Operative, to see how the class plays out with the Stealth added.


The only real annoyance I have with my Sniper is one that it shares with all of the ranged-weapon classes, and that's the way that rationality got sacrificed on the altar of not having to put more work into class balance -- Snipers, with their long-range scoped weapons, are able to shoot at targets a whole five meters further away than any other class except Gunslingers, their Republic counterpart... an eye-wateringly distant 35 meters. Given that the standing record for a sniper shot is 2,475 meters, and that Billy Dixon made a 1,406-meter shot with a Sharps .50-90 buffalo rifle in 1873, it's clear that despite having hyperdrive, contragravity, lightsabers, and energy weapons, the technology "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" has some serious limitations compared to ours. Even the M-16, a weapon not known for its long-range performance, has a rear sight adjustable for ranges up to 800 meters.


i know what you mean

my image of a Sniper is this:



shoot slower from much much further away but hit for a lot more...

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or just grind out to 50 or 55, then go back and do the gray class questline and you can sleepwalk through. I level a fair amount of toons with pvp so i typically have to go back and class quest lines when bored. i already have all four buffs though so it's no big deal there.
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You are really strange if energy is your problem :)


I have a smugler main, and using saboteur spec. In pvp its virtually impossible to run out of energy and I dont even use Bravado (what gives 10 more energy). Have you tried different specs for your agent?

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