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Cheating death, the Sith way


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In RP,I had a friend who used the Force to make his character undying. I rolled along with it, because I gave him the idea, and supported him (ooc) with info and backstory.


I'd enjoy doing something Force related with my new Sith character, and I actually came up with a more understandable-- and star wars related-- way to make my character live a little longer. First off, can I do this? Is it a massive lore break? I've seen stuff in the books like it, so I thought maybe I could get some suggestions, improvements, and constructive criticism from some people.


Thanks!! :)

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Tons of Sith use the Dark Side and Sith Alchemy to violate the laws of nature and preform blasphemous and vile rituals to prolong their lives indefinitely.



"The ritual is fraught with danger. Attempting it will cause the current vessel to be destroyed; your body will be consumed by the power of the dark side."

―Darth Andeddu


Created by Darth Andeddu between 7,000 and 5,300 BBY, this ritual allows you to permanently posses the body of another. It expels the original hosts essence, casting them out and killing them.:cool:


Darth Zash tries to use this on the SI at the end of Act 1



Darth Scion fed off his own pain and anger/hate to survive wounds that should have killed him, indeed his internal organs had long since failed and he sustained himself only via feeding off his pain - how he felt pain at all since he nerves must have died long ago is a mystery...:confused:

Anyone who uses Scion's technique will have an immortality limited by the constant - frankly unimaginable - agony that is not a side effect, but perquisite for the using the technique.:(


Darth Nihilius fed off the death of force sensitive beings, become almost a black hole in the Force. This technique slowly hollows the user until they are nothing more than hunger incarnate, consumed by the desire to consume all life in the Galaxy.:(

Lord Vitiate, who would later become the Sith Emperor used a similar technique, except he avoided the endless hunger effect by consuming EVERYTHING from his victims, rather than merely their deaths, he consumed their power, their lifeforce, essentially eating every soul on his homeworld.:eek:


Karness Murr created the Murr Talisman, an ornament which allowed him to create the first Rakghouls. He transferred his soul into the Talisman and it became animate able to latch onto force sensitives and stop their aging process, as well as give them control over Rakghouls. Eventually Karness would overwhelm the host, trapping them in their own body and forcing them to watch as he turned on their former allies, slowly breaking the host's sanity until he no longer had to put up with their mewling whining. If the host was mortally wounded the Talisman would latch onto the nearest Force Sensitive and the cycle would continue.:)


Darth Drear practiced Sith alchemy and searched for a pathway to immortality. He developed an elixir to fulfill his goal, effectively creating a disease that turned all those infected into zombies. He created a method which involved consuming the heart of a force sensitive (such as a Jedi or Sith) which would allow him to retain his sentience as a zombie. So he basically wanted to become a Zombie Sith.:cool:

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Added to all of this, there may be ways to use Alchemy (as in, Sith Alchemy) to simply extend the lifetime of the imbiber of specific elixirs. Also:



Zash mentions in Act I of the Inquisitor's storyline that she'd lived far longer than most Sith. It's finally failing - hence why she turns on Inq., and it's no "immortality", but perhaps Zash's alchemy simply isn't up to snuff?


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Tons of Sith use the Dark Side and Sith Alchemy to violate the laws of nature and preform blasphemous and vile rituals to prolong their lives indefinitely.



"The ritual is fraught with danger. Attempting it will cause the current vessel to be destroyed; your body will be consumed by the power of the dark side."

―Darth Andeddu


Created by Darth Andeddu between 7,000 and 5,300 BBY, this ritual allows you to permanently posses the body of another. It expels the original hosts essence, casting them out and killing them.:cool:


Darth Zash tries to use this on the SI at the end of Act 1


The Plague Master Lord Vivicar used a variation of this,

he could possess an individual an use their body (but without killing the host consciousness), but appeared to have limitations on who he could possess. He possessed a Jedi who was part of the party who killed him, and when the Jedi Counselor character banishs him, it unclear whether he can possess another, and he might just become a force ghost.


Edited by AlexDougherty
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There's also Midi-Chlorian Manipulation, but that's less TOR and more the Rise of the Empire era.


My god, lets leave midi chlorians right out of the story please. Half the fanbase dont even accept them as a part of the Lore.

The Force is a mystical energy field created by all living things. period.

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My god, lets leave midi chlorians right out of the story please. Half the fanbase dont even accept them as a part of the Lore.

The Force is a mystical energy field created by all living things. period.


And the midi chlorians are how the force interacts with living matter. Half the fan base are idiots it seems.

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