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Do you use Set Focus?


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I'm just kind of curious who uses this and how they best utilize it.


Believe it or not, as a bad, I just started using this. As I have noticed before, it seems when I log in and play on my merc, I get better overall by playing its spec which is thought to be weaker than other classes that play the same role. Before 2.0, it was arsenal and got me to watch procs and icons above my health bar, as well as above the enemy. This time, it was on Bodyguard when I figured it would be a good idea to keep an eye on my guard.


Anyway; the healing part seems obvious, but I took it back with me to my GS and Sniper and so far, basically I have been using it to make sure I am hitting the same guy as another DPS in this heal happy environment. Need to focus the same healer or at least the same target otherwise to dispatch them most effectively. Sometimes however; I can't help but notice my focus targeting someone they REALLY shouldn't be and am learning to watch for that.


Is that pretty much all there is to it, or is there some more clever ways to use this?

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i will use it when im grouped with someone. i also use it to keep an eye on a solo-guarder; if they start losing health i know they need help even if they havent said anything in chat.


That is a good idea. Will start applying that as well.

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Set focus target on a competent person on your own team. When they call out for a target switch you can use the command "switch to target of focus target". Fast way to target and focus the same people as the rest of your team.


You can also use the focus target modifier. You set a key so that when you hold it down your target auto switches to focus target. Useful when switching between one special target and everyone else.

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Bioware really needs to fix some things concerning Focus Targeting because it is more of a hassle than it should be.


I use it on every toon for a number of different reasons.


1) Watching the solo guarder's health/resolve.

2) Taunts - (for example) I will focus target a Smash Marauder and taunt him right before he smashes each time.

3) DPS with someone in your voice comm - you can hve someone call targets (they are the 'focus target') and you can keybind a button that will update your focus target's target.

4) Healing a specific target - more emphasis on being aware of a particular player's condition


Any combination of all of these throughout a game depending on your class's capabilities and role

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Set focus target on a competent person on your own team. When they call out for a target switch you can use the command "switch to target of focus target". Fast way to target and focus the same people as the rest of your team.


You can also use the focus target modifier. You set a key so that when you hold it down your target auto switches to focus target. Useful when switching between one special target and everyone else.



Could you elaborate on your second statement for me?


I primarily use my focus targeting for Taunting when I am on my Assassin/Jugg and they way I do it is - I have an enemy already as Focus Target; when they are about to use their burst I have to pretty my 'acquire focus target button' then taunt then press my 'acquire focus target button' again in order to set the enemy back on my screen as focus target. This can be troublesome at times!


So what you're saying is if I put 'spacebar' as my focus target modifier all I will have to do is hold down 'space bar' and my focus target will become my target without actually taking my focus target off focus target? Correct me if I misunderstood you and sorry if what I said was too confusing! ^^

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I'm way less sophisticated than these other posts. I use it to watch a solo guard's health, like Poly said. I also use it if I have a "primary healer" to guard. Even though I try to guard everyone, I priortize them. So that lets me keep track of them easier on the battlefield so I can try to make sure to keep them in range, watch if they are in trouble, etc. I like some of these other ideas too. I'll have to start trying to do that.
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I set it on myself, because true tunnel vision is addictive!


You kid, but that would be a step ahead of a lot of people more than likely. Part of the rqwon I brought it up is if people use it more, it could only help pugs who don't communicate. All they gotta do is hit a couple keys and be on the same page.

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Not telling people how to play, but for me it just seems more useful using your focus target to control a second target. You can watch node guard's health from the ops frames. You can't see their resolve, but you can see their debuffs and health bar.


Some people use the focus frame for assisting a teammate. This is all well and good, but really with the amount of target swaps a person should be doing, interrupting, ccing, stopping caps, I don't know how effective this really is. If you were to blind assist me on my sniper, for example, you would probably be breaking half of my CC. And though targeting in this game is somewhat of a nightmare, it really isn't that bad once you get the hang of it, even on the worst condensed maps. It really isn't hard to tell what target your teammates are on, especially if you're on voice with them.


In my opinion, the focus frame should be used on a second enemy target. Someone you aren't attacking. If I'm playing a guardian and I'm in like a 2v2 on say novare west. Say there's a sorc and a marauder and my teammate is on the marauder, if I set the sorc to focus, it makes it easier to control the sorc without detargetting the marauder. Now when the sorc starts casting I can interrupt him without tab, focus leap him, focus push him, stun him, taunt him and monitor his buffs that are hard to visibly see, like when he's immune to interrupts or has his high crit chance buff up.


It might not seem like this will matter much and honestly it isn't game changing, but it is faster and more effective. I would rather play with players who use the focus frame to control a second target over players that don't. Sorta like I would rather play with people who keybind over people who click. Players can be amazing clicking, but in the end keybinding is better and I think the same can be said about properly using the focus frame.

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Not telling people how to play, but for me it just seems more useful using your focus target to control a second target. You can watch node guard's health from the ops frames. You can't see their resolve, but you can see their debuffs and health bar.


Some people use the focus frame for assisting a teammate. This is all well and good, but really with the amount of target swaps a person should be doing, interrupting, ccing, stopping caps, I don't know how effective this really is. If you were to blind assist me on my sniper, for example, you would probably be breaking half of my CC. And though targeting in this game is somewhat of a nightmare, it really isn't that bad once you get the hang of it, even on the worst condensed maps. It really isn't hard to tell what target your teammates are on, especially if you're on voice with them.


In my opinion, the focus frame should be used on a second enemy target. Someone you aren't attacking. If I'm playing a guardian and I'm in like a 2v2 on say novare west. Say there's a sorc and a marauder and my teammate is on the marauder, if I set the sorc to focus, it makes it easier to control the sorc without detargetting the marauder. Now when the sorc starts casting I can interrupt him without tab, focus leap him, focus push him, stun him, taunt him and monitor his buffs that are hard to visibly see, like when he's immune to interrupts or has his high crit chance buff up.


It might not seem like this will matter much and honestly it isn't game changing, but it is faster and more effective. I would rather play with players who use the focus frame to control a second target over players that don't. Sorta like I would rather play with people who keybind over people who click. Players can be amazing clicking, but in the end keybinding is better and I think the same can be said about properly using the focus frame.


This is new to me. How exactly do you press buttons to effect a player that is not your target?

Is this the focus target modifier part that was mentioned?


As in shift is my focus target modifier and 1 is my taunt so if I press shift + 1 it will taunt my focus target and it won't drop my present target?

Edited by Polymerize
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This is new to me. How exactly do you press buttons to effect a player that is not your target?

Is this the focus target modifier part that was mentioned?


As in shift is my focus target modifier and 1 is my taunt so if I press shift + 1 it will taunt my focus target and it won't drop my present target?


There's a keybind under targeting called "focus target modifier" and works exaclty as you describe. Bind the key, and then hold the key along with your taunt, attack, whatever. I believe you can't bind normal modifier keys like shift, ctrl, alt, etc. so you have to use something else. I use it bound to a mouse button on my Cyborg mouse. It's a little finicky sometimes, though. If you have someone as your main target and are attacking them, and begin holding your focus modifier and attacking DURING the GCD of your previous attack, it won't use your focus target it'll use your main target, so you have to let the GCD finish before pressing the key to attack your focus target. Not a huge deal, but if you're in the bad habit of spamming your keys like I am, it's a pain.

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i will use it when im grouped with someone. i also use it to keep an eye on a solo-guarder; if they start losing health i know they need help even if they havent said anything in chat.


JK its just the consumption *** that wants healing medals

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This is new to me. How exactly do you press buttons to effect a player that is not your target?

Is this the focus target modifier part that was mentioned?


As in shift is my focus target modifier and 1 is my taunt so if I press shift + 1 it will taunt my focus target and it won't drop my present target?


Yes, but you can't make shift, ctrl or alt a focus modifier unless you remap your keyboard (which they honestly need to fix).


Basically if you want to taunt your focus target you hit your modifier key + your taunt key. If you want to watch its effectiveness, watch the later half of the video in my signature. The player frame in the middle right side of the screen is my focus target. I think I put a couple healers on focus and I am able to lock them down without ever targeting them again.

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Could you elaborate on your second statement for me?


I primarily use my focus targeting for Taunting when I am on my Assassin/Jugg and they way I do it is - I have an enemy already as Focus Target; when they are about to use their burst I have to pretty my 'acquire focus target button' then taunt then press my 'acquire focus target button' again in order to set the enemy back on my screen as focus target. This can be troublesome at times!


So what you're saying is if I put 'spacebar' as my focus target modifier all I will have to do is hold down 'space bar' and my focus target will become my target without actually taking my focus target off focus target? Correct me if I misunderstood you and sorry if what I said was too confusing! ^^


i think the way it works is that your "modifiers" (self and focus) will allow you to target someone other than your active target.


so say you are a healer (player A) with your focus target on your tank (player B). while targetting another ally (player C), holding down the "focus target modifier" keybind will allow you to 'target' and heal player B, while your active target is still player C.


kinda confusing to explain.

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In RWZs, I'll use it for assist training. In regs however...


i will use it when im grouped with someone. i also use it to keep an eye on a solo-guarder; if they start losing health i know they need help even if they havent said anything in chat.


^ This. Set it to that pugger guarding grass. You know they won't call out ;)

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I set focus targets on guys who are lone defenders on nodes but that's about it. The reason is so that I can see them being attacked the moment it happens. As far as using it for its intended purpose, I find it pretty unnecessary. All it takes is very basic observational skills to overcome any need for it. It's also one more button I would have to press in a very button intensive game where I've already squeezed every possible "comfortable" button combination out of my keyboard and mouse.


In PvE I use this exclusively as a healer to keep an eye on boss cast bars.

Edited by JackNader
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Set focus target on a competent person on your own team. When they call out for a target switch you can use the command "switch to target of focus target". Fast way to target and focus the same people as the rest of your team.


You can also use the focus target modifier. You set a key so that when you hold it down your target auto switches to focus target. Useful when switching between one special target and everyone else.

the bold is a must for rated. it's one of the things that makes high caliber teams "seem" so much better -- as in "OMG, how could they kill me in 2 gcds?"

i will use it when im grouped with someone. i also use it to keep an eye on a solo-guarder; if they start losing health i know they need help even if they havent said anything in chat.

however, this is the most common use for me (a lot more regs than rateds). my rule for regs is "trust no one." that means I usually play the rover, first responder or off guard myself. when it's the former two, I focus target the lone guard. and let me tell you, it's INCREDIBLY frustrating to have to reset that thing every time I die, which is quite often on defense in vstar regs.

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rebind backpedal to focus modifier and kill two birds with one stone


lol. you know, I rebound my med pac with that key, and I was amazed at how often I actually used it to position myself. you shoulda heard me cursing for about 2 weeks for all the (formerly expensive) medpacs I wasted.


it's not something I use in combat, but if I wanted to tweak my position just a little, especially on healer and sniper, I'd tap backpeddle. then I'd see my character stab himself in the thigh and his body glow green for a sec. D'oh!

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the bold is a must for rated. it's one of the things that makes high caliber teams "seem" so much better -- as in "OMG, how could they kill me in 2 gcds?"


I've known several high caliber RWZ players who learned to switch target by simply calling out the target player's name in voice chat. I think that team tried acquire focus target's target for a bit and gave up.


If you know your opponents well enough then simply calling out the name can work well. It seems to me though, that using acquire focus target's target should be better as it avoids the problem of having to cycle to or click the new target for all the followers. The faster and more coordinated your switch is the more damage you get to apply before the tank and healers react. E.g. I could say in voice chat "3, 2, 1, switch"

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