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Sorry, but the missions say pvp. Big words CONTESTED AREA.


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Here is the thing. Why dont PvP players want to play with other PvP players? PvE players are only there to farm their reputation. They dont want to play PvP with you. Why must you insist on involving them in something they dont want to do? PvP with likeminded players and leave those that dont want to PvP alone to their quests.

No one likes a forceful guy and if you are forceful you deserve to be flamed. Especially the groups that only attack other players that are on the minority in numbers. Does it make you feel big to kill outnumbered PvE players? Seriously, its not doing you any favors.


I completely agree with you. I'll never understand why they want to force pvp on PVE-ers either. If you're going to designate a server type, then stick with that type, and fix it so that the pvp aspects are well away from maps, like WZ are. :)

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That is not what I am talking about. Ilum is separate and its own thing.


What I am talking about is that when you make a character they placed the Bounty Hunter in the Empire and the Smugglers in the Republic. This would not deal with just how we battle in PVP. This has to deal with how the class is aligned throughout the entire game. I just think that both the Bounty Hunters and Smugglers should have there own separate Factions which should be more Neutral. This way they could run missions for either the Republic or Empire. Let the classes choose. In regards to PVP it would be a little more dynamic because no matter where they PVP they could have Smugglers and Bounty Hunters on either side or preferable, which I would have loved to see, completely separate if so desired. Making such players have to watch out for both the Republic and Empire.



Here is how I would have preferred it:

You pick Smuggler or Bounty Hunter. These two classes would be considered neutral, and initially aligned with either a Smuggler or Bounty Hunters Guild.

As you play the game you build up some sort of level in which determines your Allegiance the the Republic and Empire. In fact this would be like the levels of Light Side and Dark Side that we have. (Which by the way is something else they could have made better.) These could be called Republic and Imperial Levels. The more missions and things that you do for each side could helped increase or decrease said levels. What ever side you are higher in is the side that you are more aligned with.

They could have also made it so that both classes, and all classes really, could have ben able to move throughout both areas of the Galaxy (Imperial or Republic). They could have made a dynamic to where players would have to be more careful based on what there level for that side is. Like say if they were more Imperial and traveling through the Republic areas that they would have more of a chance to be discovered by the Republic NPC and have there Allegiance flip on exposing them and causing them to be vulnerable to attack from Republic NPC's and even Players. Right now what we have is that once a player enters the other factions side there Flag is Flipped On. With true republic and Imperial Classes that would be alright but say if we had a Neutral Class. Such a thing would bring more dynamic to the game. Just imagine if we had the ability to be more of one side and freely moving through the other sides areas. We would have to be on our toes. They could also make it so that thing which we use to scan other players could tell if a Bounty Hunter or Smuggler was more one side or another and at which time would designate then accordingly. (Note: If people would be worried about Force Flagging, this could be made to only work if you were in a side which you are not more aligned with. You take the risk of going in those areas already so it would not be much of a change. For the Republic and Imperial Classes it would not matter, but a Neutral Class if we had some would have to worry more. Those that do not want the chance to be flagged would have to stay out of those areas like we do already. So such a system could work without having to be discovered in enemy territory and Flagged. Players would just have to mind there Location and Allegiance.)

They could have also made it so that you can work your way back from being an Imperial to a Republic. You would just have to learn more points of the other side.


I think that would be interesting and a lot better than how it is now.


Now I know that this will never happen. It is just a little bit on how I wish it would have been. Even if it was possible for them to do it would not happen as they would have to redesign all those Datacrons and rewrite so much code that I personally do not seem them being up to the task to do. So sadly I will never see this with this game but hey it is what I wish the game was like. there is so much they could have done but just failed to do. Now we just have to hope that someday we will see a game that does it right next time. :D


I know its maybe a little off topic, but I wanted to say, I liked a lot of your ideas for smuggler and bounty hunter. I would have liked that they be neutral also, and have the chance to build reputation, according to the side they're rather be on. It would be fun to have an imperial smug. :D

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The self-entitlement in this thread is staggering, it really is. And apparently, even the simplest of concepts and explanations of reality are beyond comprehension to some, but, I will explain it clearly, one more time, for the cheap seats.


1.) The missions are clearly marked [PVP], the area is marked contested, you are warned for 10 seconds your going to be flagged. Period. So far, in this thread, I have seen the excuse that "we are just doing our pve thing at the pylon", there are 3 pylons for Primary Testing in the pve area, and 3 in the contested area, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to go into the contested pvp area to do Primary Testing other than you are impatient and do not want to take turns with other groups doing it in the pve area......

I have seen the excuse that its all because of the rep, that your specifically accepting the clearly marked [PVP] missions and going into the contested area to try and complete them ( and presumably, alone, since the word "ganked" has been thrown out about 50 times, which, again, rings of being too impatient to just get a group..).

However, the "but but but I neeeeeeds to do them for the Reputation itemmsss QQ" is not a valid excuse either, at all. Everyone has the exact same 12,000 weekly cap on Reputation, you don't get to go over that cap from special PVP only rep items, you don't get to go over that cap if you do all the dailies on 20 alts. And to really highlight how ridiculous the reputation excuse is, I hit the rep cap for this week in 2 days and a single alt, without doing the pvp dailies.


2.) Choosing a pve server does not mean that everyone on that sever has no desire whatsoever to ever engage in pvp in any, way, shape, or form. You cannot presume that is what it means just because *you* have no desire to engage in pvp. There are plenty of people who choose to play on PVE servers because there primary focus is pve, but they still enjoy doing pvp when they choose too. You have the choice. You are choosing to accept PVP labeled missions, you are choosing to ride right into the Contested Area, your choosing to keep right on going as the Timer flashes across the middle of your screen in bright red, and then your choosing to try and get up on a soapbox and have a QQ fest about how the entire pvp aspect of the event should be removed because you got killed by someone.

Nothing forces you to accept the pvp missions, or to enter the pvp contested area. Nothing. Not the rep, not any pve mission, nada, zip, zilch, nothinnnng.


3.) What is the oh so horrific, life altering, **** my reality is shattered, holy smoked bacon batman what the hell do I do now, thing that is happening here? Your being killed by someone ( after making all of the previous outlined choices to accept the pvp missions and enter the pvp contested area), exactly what is so earth shattering with that, I am honestly curious. It's not any different than you dying for any other reason, except that its another player and not a mob that killed you, and you don't have repair costs from being killed by another player. The res point is a whopping 2min away from pretty much anything you would need to go to. So what, exactly, are you getting so bent out of shape about?

Oh, you got "ganked". Oh well that changes everything then doesn't it, wait.... No... it doesn't change anything. At all....


If you choose to accept the pvp missions, and enter the pvp contested area, and then you get killed by a single person or 20 people in pvp, it is not their fault, and you have no grounds to try and blame them, the event, the game, etc. etc.


If you choose to keep going right back to the same place, in the pvp contested area, in the exact same instance, 2min after being killed in pvp, and low and behold, you get killed again, by the exact same person or persons, or someone or someones completely different... it is not their fault, and you have no grounds to try and blame them, the event, the game, etc. etc.


I really, sincerely hope this helps some of you obtain a stronger grasp on the reality in which you share an existence in.

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I completely agree with you. I'll never understand why they want to force pvp on PVE-ers either. If you're going to designate a server type, then stick with that type, and fix it so that the pvp aspects are well away from maps, like WZ are. :)


Guess what there are pvpers on pve servers. just like their pvers on pvp servers. The quest clearly states that its pvp. If you don't wanna pvp then don't go into the pvp area.


I don't know where this concept of what a pve server is came from, but being on a pve server by no means state that you don't pvp. It just means you have the option to choose pvp. This isn't forced on you. You don't have to do them. Don't complain about it when there are others who want to enjoy it. There is no force to pvp on PvEers.

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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The self-entitlement in this thread is staggering, it really is. And apparently, even the simplest of concepts and explanations of reality are beyond comprehension to some, but, I will explain it clearly, one more time, for the cheap seats.


1.) The missions are clearly marked [PVP], the area is marked contested, you are warned for 10 seconds your going to be flagged. Period. So far, in this thread, I have seen the excuse that "we are just doing our pve thing at the pylon", there are 3 pylons for Primary Testing in the pve area, and 3 in the contested area, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to go into the contested pvp area to do Primary Testing other than you are impatient and do not want to take turns with other groups doing it in the pve area......

I have seen the excuse that its all because of the rep, that your specifically accepting the clearly marked [PVP] missions and going into the contested area to try and complete them ( and presumably, alone, since the word "ganked" has been thrown out about 50 times, which, again, rings of being too impatient to just get a group..).

However, the "but but but I neeeeeeds to do them for the Reputation itemmsss QQ" is not a valid excuse either, at all. Everyone has the exact same 12,000 weekly cap on Reputation, you don't get to go over that cap from special PVP only rep items, you don't get to go over that cap if you do all the dailies on 20 alts. And to really highlight how ridiculous the reputation excuse is, I hit the rep cap for this week in 2 days and a single alt, without doing the pvp dailies.


2.) Choosing a pve server does not mean that everyone on that sever has no desire whatsoever to ever engage in pvp in any, way, shape, or form. You cannot presume that is what it means just because *you* have no desire to engage in pvp. There are plenty of people who choose to play on PVE servers because there primary focus is pve, but they still enjoy doing pvp when they choose too. You have the choice. You are choosing to accept PVP labeled missions, you are choosing to ride right into the Contested Area, your choosing to keep right on going as the Timer flashes across the middle of your screen in bright red, and then your choosing to try and get up on a soapbox and have a QQ fest about how the entire pvp aspect of the event should be removed because you got killed by someone.

Nothing forces you to accept the pvp missions, or to enter the pvp contested area. Nothing. Not the rep, not any pve mission, nada, zip, zilch, nothinnnng.


3.) What is the oh so horrific, life altering, **** my reality is shattered, holy smoked bacon batman what the hell do I do now, thing that is happening here? Your being killed by someone ( after making all of the previous outlined choices to accept the pvp missions and enter the pvp contested area), exactly what is so earth shattering with that, I am honestly curious. It's not any different than you dying for any other reason, except that its another player and not a mob that killed you, and you don't have repair costs from being killed by another player. The res point is a whopping 2min away from pretty much anything you would need to go to. So what, exactly, are you getting so bent out of shape about?

Oh, you got "ganked". Oh well that changes everything then doesn't it, wait.... No... it doesn't change anything. At all....


If you choose to accept the pvp missions, and enter the pvp contested area, and then you get killed by a single person or 20 people in pvp, it is not their fault, and you have no grounds to try and blame them, the event, the game, etc. etc.


If you choose to keep going right back to the same place, in the pvp contested area, in the exact same instance, 2min after being killed in pvp, and low and behold, you get killed again, by the exact same person or persons, or someone or someones completely different... it is not their fault, and you have no grounds to try and blame them, the event, the game, etc. etc.


I really, sincerely hope this helps some of you obtain a stronger grasp on the reality in which you share an existence in.


*Stands up and slow claps an applause*

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Personally PVP in this game does not seem to bad to me. Even though I do not like to PVP much.


Forced PVP sucks though. Like say when you are just sitting there doing a mission in a none PVP Zone and some guy comes along and does something that causes your flag to be flipped on. I had that happen to me a while back. It was not fun. Not sure if they fixed that issue though. If it can still happen then they need to fix it.


I will say that I to do not like the fact the they made PVE Mission in PVP Zones. To me that is stupid and not the way to get people into PVP. To me I consider that to be a type of Forced PVP as well. It may not be the traditional type of Forced PVP in the sense of having your Flag switched on without your consent, but it is a type in which the Developers have decided to make PVE have to go into a PVP Situation in order to complete a PVE Mission. Like the HK-51 Mission. That was the stupidest design of a Mission that I have ever seen. Sure it was easy to just go in and get the part and get out. But the fact that you had to put yourself at risk in the first place is the issue which makes it stupid. That is just my opinion though. :p



I think that the PVP Areas are marked well. They give the player the chance to turn around and not go into the area. You take the risk to go in them. It is on the player. So when they go in and get killed they should not complain to much about it. At least not to the other player that killed them. I will say that they want to complain then they should complain to the Developers for making a PVE Mission in a PVP Zone. My personal opinion is that there should never be a PVE Mission, or any part of a PVE Mission, within a PVP Zone. PVP Zones should be strictly for PVP. Any mission in a PVP Zone should be PVP Missions.


If Developers want to make the PVP Zones more active, then they need to make Better PVP Content. If they want players to enjoy PVP, then they need to make Better PVP Content. If they want players to try and experience PVP then they need to make Better PVP Content. It all comes down to that Better PVP Content. They should not use PVE to try and meet the goals for PVP. What they need is Better PVP Content that makes players want to try it out. Something like better rewards, better design to PVP mission, better PVP mechanics, and even better design to PVP areas. All of which I consider to be PVP Content. Basically it comes down to Better PVP Content. :D



As it stands right now, all we have is what they have made. So people need to try and deal with it and hope that voicing there opinions on how to improve it are heard. For instance I do think that they do need to improve things. If there is forced PVP still going on in a non-PVP Zone then they need to fix that. If they design future missions that are PVE then they need to keep in mind that many do not like it when said missions that go into a PVP Zone. For thos mission that are like this right now you have two choices. You can try them or you can skip them. To try them you take the risk of getting evolved in PVP and should not complain to the other player when it happens.

These are things that the Developers can easily fix right away. They could do away with being able to Force a Players PVP Flag on, and they could stop making PVE Missions that go into a PVP Zone. Those are easy things to do and they should at least try to do them.


That is all that I really feel like saying on the subject at the moment. I think it is enough for now. :)



I personally don't mind Bounty Hunters and Smugglers on separate faction. I have accepted this game for what it is, which is a two faction system. And I don't see anything wrong with it.

Yeah I to have pretty much accepted the game for what it is. Even though I wish it was a bit different and think it could be better, it is all we have at the moment and I have pretty much dealt with it. I did enjoy the game a lot. It was fun. So it does not bother me to much either that we have a two Faction System.


I think the problem for me lately is the F2P System. It has pretty much made the game a bit depressing and boring for me. I just do not like the direction they are taking the game. Other than that it was fun for the time I have spent on it. :)


I know its maybe a little off topic, but I wanted to say, I liked a lot of your ideas for smuggler and bounty hunter. I would have liked that they be neutral also, and have the chance to build reputation, according to the side they're rather be on. It would be fun to have an imperial smug. :D

Thanks. I probably did go a bit off topic a bit. That second posting in the thread just got me thinking and I had to post my thoughts when they were fresh in my head again. :)

Edited by WarbNull
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Personally PVP in this game does not seem to bad to me. Even though I do not like to PVP much.


Forced PVP sucks though. Like say when you are just sitting there doing a mission in a none PVP Zone and some guy comes along and does something that causes your flag to be flipped on. I had that happen to me a while back. It was not fun. Not sure if they fixed that issue though. If it can still happen then they need to fix it.


I will say that I to do not like the fact the they made PVE Mission in PVP Zones. To me that is stupid and not the way to get people into PVP. To me I consider that to be a type of Forced PVP as well. It may not be the traditional type of Forced PVP in the sense of having your Flag switched on without your consent, but it is a type in which the Developers have decided to make PVE have to go into a PVP Situation in order to complete a PVE Mission. Like the HK-51 Mission. That was the stupidest design of a Mission that I have ever seen. Sure it was easy to just go in and get the part and get out. But the fact that you had to put yourself at risk in the first place is the issue which makes it stupid. That is just my opinion though. :p



I think that the PVP Areas are marked well. They give the player the chance to turn around and not go into the area. You take the risk to go in them. It is on the player. So when they go in and get killed they should not complain to much about it. At least not to the other player that killed them. I will say that they want to complain then they should complain to the Developers for making a PVE Mission in a PVP Zone. My personal opinion is that there should never be a PVE Mission, or any part of a PVE Mission, within a PVP Zone. PVP Zones should be strictly for PVP. Any mission in a PVP Zone should be PVP Missions.


If Developers want to make the PVP Zones more active, then they need to make Better PVP Content. If they want players to enjoy PVP, then they need to make Better PVP Content. If they want players to try and experience PVP then they need to make Better PVP Content. It all comes down to that Better PVP Content. They should not use PVE to try and meet the goals for PVP. What they need is Better PVP Content that makes players want to try it out. Something like better rewards, better design to PVP mission, better PVP mechanics, and even better design to PVP areas. All of which I consider to be PVP Content. Basically it comes down to Better PVP Content. :D



As it stands right now, all we have is what they have made. So people need to try and deal with it and hope that voicing there opinions on how to improve it are heard. For instance I do think that they do need to improve things. If there is forced PVP still going on in a non-PVP Zone then they need to fix that. If they design future missions that are PVE then they need to keep in mind that many do not like it when said missions that go into a PVP Zone. For thos mission that are like this right now you have two choices. You can try them or you can skip them. To try them you take the risk of getting evolved in PVP and should not complain to the other player when it happens.

These are things that the Developers can easily fix right away. They could do away with being able to Force a Players PVP Flag on, and they could stop making PVE Missions that go into a PVP Zone. Those are easy things to do and they should at least try to do them.


That is all that I really feel like saying on the subject at the moment. I think it is enough for now. :)




Yeah I to have pretty much accepted the game for what it is. Even though I wish it was a bit different and think it could be better, it is all we have at the moment and I have pretty much dealt with it. I did enjoy the game a lot. It was fun. So it does not bother me to much either that we have a two Faction System.


I think the problem for me lately is the F2P System. It has pretty much made the game a bit depressing and boring for me. I just do not like the direction they are taking the game. Other than that it was fun for the time I have spent on it. :)



Thanks. I probably did go a bit off topic a bit. That second posting in the thread just got me thinking and I had to post my thoughts when they were fresh in my head again. :)


First thing is nobody is talking about the exploit in the pve area here. Though i can understand that alot more because people just want to be jerks to be jerks. Unfortuntely that is the necessarily evil of the internet.


Here's where I disagree with the notion that it's forced in the pvp area. It isn't forced because you are consenting to the risk of pvp. once you enter the area its all fair game. It also quite clearly says pvp when you click on the mission. so accepting it is no different than hitting the queue button for warzones. You know what your getting into. That I can't excuse people for being upset over, and people need to deal with that.


Also let me go into this notion that its a pve quest in a pvp zone. It is not a pve quest. It is a pvp quest just not a quest that specifically entails killing other players. The point of it is to establish non combative missions to incentivise combative behavior. Since there is no gear reward or valor ranking the main reason for people to go there is to simply fight. Which is the point of open world pvp. People wonder "why don't they just do kill x players in the pvp area?" You keep saying they need better content and better rewards. Well they did at the beginning, you know what happened? People exploited the hell out of it. The reason is because when they did do that on Ilum when the game first launched, people just exploited the mission and just stand in groups and just take turns killing each other until they got the weekly for better gear. also boalster didn't work in the OWPvP at the time so people who exploited the system got the high end pvp gear and just ran into opposite faction spawn base and players couldn't even leave the area without getting killed seconds later.


Simply put MMO players suck at playing by the rules. People always try the fastest way to finish something. So what bioware did is take the less of two evils. They put a mission in the pvp area to bring people there and let the players decide the type of fighting. OWPvP is too chaotic and too unpredictable to put standard pvp missions like kill x players simply because players will find a way to do the mission.


Honestly I think progression gear was the worst thing to happen for PVP especially OWPvP. Players only started caring about the high end gear and exploiting ways to get it faster and then finding low gear players to faceroll. This is a player more so than better content problem.


However what we are seeing now is players going in groups doing the missions, getting attack, sometimes winning, sometimes loosing. But that is the point of OWPvP, its all about the unknown possibility of someone sneaking behind you and jumping you and you fighting your way to complete the mission. Its very organic. Which in bioware's eyes means it's working as intended

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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Negative. There is only a title for killing orb carrier and killing people with an orb. In order to get the title for killing imps or reps you need to be on an opposite faction char. So if its imps killing imps, or the opposite, all they're doing is keeping their faction from completing it; they're not getting achievement credit for it.


Problem is people seem to think in a factioned game PvP means free for all. It doesn't, it means faction versus faction. Least that's the way DAoC did it and it's PvP system, even though nearly a decade older than SWTOR's, is far far far superior.


actually no it requuires completion of all the lesser acievments to complete them, Red paralell for killin imps, and blue for pubs

Edited by WillHolmes
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Here is the thing. Why dont PvP players want to play with other PvP players? PvE players are only there to farm their reputation. They dont want to play PvP with you. Why must you insist on involving them in something they dont want to do? PvP with likeminded players and leave those that dont want to PvP alone to their quests.

No one likes a forceful guy and if you are forceful you deserve to be flamed. Especially the groups that only attack other players that are on the minority in numbers. Does it make you feel big to kill outnumbered PvE players? Seriously, its not doing you any favors.

i really couldnt care less about what you want to do. red is dead. whether you just stand there or not doesnt matter to me.


on the other hand, maybe you should try single player games

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Since SWTOR 1.0 My Favorite thing about SWTOR has been killing people and listening to the MASSIVE QQ about ilum event. LOVE IT


him: "Im and sith also why the $^#& did you kill me ?"


me: "isnt that an answer in itself"


*4 kills later*


him: "&$ %$*#^#* %$&$^* %*%$&$*( *%&$(&


*smile beeeeches*


Anyways for those who complain you need to complete the quests for the rep, yea no you dont, spend 20 minutes kill 2 world bosses and get WAY more rep then the 2 quests would have, BUN DUH CHA *symbols*

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i get a physical sensation of joy when i see people getting upset over dying in a video game


i feel ya on that one hommie, take a stealther, fight a group of 2, only kill 1 of them, stealth and wait, now as soon as he rez with the 20% health or w.e run in and kill again, repete until he respawns at base, now slaughter the other one, and enjoy the screaming.


Got some death threats doing the above, they never played after their ban again XD

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First thing is nobody is talking about the exploit in the pve area here. Though i can understand that alot more because people just want to be jerks to be jerks. Unfortuntely that is the necessarily evil of the internet.


Here's where I disagree with the notion that it's forced in the pvp area. It isn't forced because you are consenting to the risk of pvp. once you enter the area its all fair game. It also quite clearly says pvp when you click on the mission. so accepting it is no different than hitting the queue button for warzones. You know what your getting into. That I can't excuse people for being upset over, and people need to deal with that.


Also let me go into this notion that its a pve quest in a pvp zone. It is not a pve quest. It is a pvp quest just not a quest that specifically entails killing other players. The point of it is to establish non combative missions to incentivise combative behavior. Since there is no gear reward or valor ranking the main reason for people to go there is to simply fight. Which is the point of open world pvp. People wonder "why don't they just do kill x players in the pvp area?" You keep saying they need better content and better rewards. Well they did at the beginning, you know what happened? People exploited the hell out of it. The reason is because when they did do that on Ilum when the game first launched, people just exploited the mission and just stand in groups and just take turns killing each other until they got the weekly for better gear. also boalster didn't work in the OWPvP at the time so people who exploited the system got the high end pvp gear and just ran into opposite faction spawn base and players couldn't even leave the area without getting killed seconds later.


Simply put MMO players suck at playing by the rules. People always try the fastest way to finish something. So what bioware did is take the less of two evils. They put a mission in the pvp area to bring people there and let the players decide the type of fighting. OWPvP is too chaotic and too unpredictable to put standard pvp missions like kill x players simply because players will find a way to do the mission.


Honestly I think progression gear was the worst thing to happen for PVP especially OWPvP. Players only started caring about the high end gear and exploiting ways to get it faster and then finding low gear players to faceroll. This is a player more so than better content problem.


However what we are seeing now is players going in groups doing the missions, getting attack, sometimes winning, sometimes loosing. But that is the point of OWPvP, its all about the unknown possibility of someone sneaking behind you and jumping you and you fighting your way to complete the mission. Its very organic. Which in bioware's eyes means it's working as intended


Yeah I know many disagree in how I view the different Types of Forced PVP. I have know that for a very long time . Even way before I made that one thread about the HK-51 quest. Speaking of that thread. It was very obvious of these different views in that thread where I was asking about peoples view of the HK-51 Quest when it was first mentioned. That thread really showed it back then. So I do not really mind others having a different views. It is expected and I always respect that. :)


I also agree that if a Quest actually says PVP on it then there is really no issue at all. It is just when a Quest does not list the Quest as PVP and most of it is actually PVE with the exception of going into a PVP Zone.

For Example: The HK-51 Quest which I used as an example. To this date it does not list it as PVP from what I have seen so far. Unless they have changed it sense I have had it. For me right now it is under Companion in the Quest List and the only thing dealing with PVP mentioned in it is the part saying that one of the parts is found in the OutLaws Den. In fact it says this exactly.

[Heroic 2+] Assertion: Repairs Required

- The First component, and HK primary transistor, can be found in the Outlaws Den area on Tatooine.

That is all that says. I guess just knowing that the Outlaws Den is a Free-For-All PVP area would key a person in on it but in reality it is listed like a PVE Quest. So it is considered as a PVE Quest. At least by me it is. I can not speak for everyone else. :p


Now if they would have listed it as PVP that would be a different story. If they tell you that when you first get it or any quest then I can understand. That would not really be an issue as it would truly be a PVP quest. Last I remember though they did not for that quest. Again I am not sure if they changed it since I first picked it up.


So if there are quest out there that deal with PVP then they Should list them accordingly. It is when they don't and the quest are listed as PVE that also play as PVE that becomes and issue. Such quest should not have any PVP in it, even if it is just having to go into a PVP Zone. Basically if the quest has part of it in a PVP Zone then it should be listed as PVP and mention that before hand. This way players can know before hand decide then if they want to do them or not. Other wise the Developers are just listing the Quest wrong. :)


Anyways... It does not really matter to me. I personally just stay away from PVP Zones. If I ever pick up a PVP quest by mistake I just abandon them. I got tired of PVP and really do not bother with it anymore. It is just a bit boring for me now. I had my fill of it in the past and loved it in SWG and other games, but am over it now. Maybe one day I will get back into it. Maybe when someone really makes it worth while. :D

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Well, I used to enjoy PVP back in the day, and still enjoy games like Battlefront, Battlefield and MoH/CoD. That is where I get my modern PVP fix.


Ever since balance, gear and arena became the holy trinity of PVP I slowly lost interest in the playstyle. PVP has become FAR too easy...and in this game it is clunky to top it off.


So I avoid pvp in this game...though I have dabbled a bit here and there. If a mission has PVP in it, I just don't do the mission. An event like the Gree event? Well, I didn't participate last time and I will not this time either.

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I was watching the chat on my server earlier today - long story short basically someone was moaning about being killed by their own faction and the reply came that the Reps were no competition. A short while later the same guy (with a couple of friends) killed me as I was tackling an elite on my own.


I'm not complaining about the being killed, I just went back a little later and finished up but please if you're gonna kill your own faction (especially 3 vs 1) don't say its because the enemy is no competition, its because you get off on trying to spoil someone else's gaming.


TBH I don't actually blame my 'killers', I love PvP and enjoy a fair fight I'm just not sure what BW were trying to achieve by putting soloable PvE quests in a PvP area other than the opportunity for griefing to happen.

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I was watching the chat on my server earlier today - long story short basically someone was moaning about being killed by their own faction and the reply came that the Reps were no competition. A short while later the same guy (with a couple of friends) killed me as I was tackling an elite on my own.


I'm not complaining about the being killed, I just went back a little later and finished up but please if you're gonna kill your own faction (especially 3 vs 1) don't say its because the enemy is no competition, its because you get off on trying to spoil someone else's gaming.


TBH I don't actually blame my 'killers', I love PvP and enjoy a fair fight I'm just not sure what BW were trying to achieve by putting soloable PvE quests in a PvP area other than the opportunity for griefing to happen.

their reasoning doesnt matter.


you are in a pvp zone


red is dead


but its cute that you try to psychoanalyze people because you can't play

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their reasoning doesnt matter.


you are in a pvp zone


red is dead


but its cute that you try to psychoanalyze people because you can't play



How does me being killed by 3 players whilst I'm already half dead from killing an elite equate to me not being able to play? Why am I even bothering to reply to your obvious goad?


I'm not moaning about being killed, I take my chances in a PvP zone and live with the consequences. The point I was trying to make is that I don't understand the reasoning behind same faction pvp or pve quests in pvp areas.

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How does me being killed by 3 players whilst I'm already half dead from killing an elite equate to me not being able to play? Why am I even bothering to reply to your obvious goad?


I'm not moaning about being killed, I take my chances in a PvP zone and live with the consequences. The point I was trying to make is that I don't understand the reasoning behind same faction pvp or pve quests in pvp areas.

its a multiplayer game encouraging multiplayer activities against mobs that aren't scripted and boring.


it's great to increase the odds of targets by allowing factional pvp!


if you dont pvp then dont go in the clearly marked pvp zones and enjoy attacking ai static spiders or whatever it is you enjoy.

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Well, I used to enjoy PVP back in the day, and still enjoy games like Battlefront, Battlefield and MoH/CoD. That is where I get my modern PVP fix.


Ever since balance, gear and arena became the holy trinity of PVP I slowly lost interest in the playstyle. PVP has become FAR too easy...and in this game it is clunky to top it off.


So I avoid pvp in this game...though I have dabbled a bit here and there. If a mission has PVP in it, I just don't do the mission. An event like the Gree event? Well, I didn't participate last time and I will not this time either.

Ahh BattleField. That is where my true Online Gaming Passion lies. I am not much of a COD fan but BF on the other hand is something else entirely. It is usually the game that I always install first. I can't wait until BF4 comes out. :D


How does me being killed by 3 players whilst I'm already half dead from killing an elite equate to me not being able to play? Why am I even bothering to reply to your obvious goad?


I'm not moaning about being killed, I take my chances in a PvP zone and live with the consequences. The point I was trying to make is that I don't understand the reasoning behind same faction pvp or pve quests in pvp areas.

It doesn't. There is nothing wrong with your play style. No one can tell how well you are when you just mention that you were killed by 3 other players when you were already weakened by fighting some other NPC. Replies like that person gave are not worth the time to reply to. It is just trolling. It is best to just ignore such replies and not reply to them. :p

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its a multiplayer game encouraging multiplayer activities against mobs that aren't scripted and boring.


it's great to increase the odds of targets by allowing factional pvp!


if you dont pvp then dont go in the clearly marked pvp zones and enjoy attacking ai static spiders or whatever it is you enjoy.


Thats my point though I do enjoy PvP, my valor is well into the 60s now and I used to enjoy the big open Ilum pvp fights shortly after launch - I can take a 3 vs 1 ganking and shrug it off and go back and try again later, what I struggle to understand however is what BW hoped to achieve by putting PvE quests in a PvP area *and* make it a free-for-all by dropping faction restrictions.

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I'm just not sure what BW were trying to achieve by putting soloable PvE quests in a PvP area other than the opportunity for griefing to happen.


If there's not a quest, there's little incentive for many to go there. If it directly required killing other players, there'd be an even bigger cry about it. As it is, people who don't enjoy PvP can still sneak in some of the "PvP" quests.

Edited by Sarielle
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