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Sorry, but the missions say pvp. Big words CONTESTED AREA.


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everytime I step on the contested area, I know I'll be ganked by everyone and his grandma, so whenever I try to do these mission, I try to join a group of 3 or 4. and then usually the ganks stop to minimum, and when there is a bored group of pvp people (who think they are better by ganking people with no WZ gear) camping the pylons, we just change instances.


When I get a group, I get the pvp quests done. a pvp area is a pvp area and everything goes.


My only complaint is about jerks that flag people aganist their will outside the pvp area. but inside, it's all or nothing.

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The rep is stackable and can be brought out used when the cap resets every week.

You can actually do the boss and the missions, pvp and pve and stack it all up. After the last event I was rolling out more rep every tuesday for 6 weeks. I did the math, (You know there is a calculator on your computer?) And if I didn't do these two soloable missions it would 134,400 rep points over the course of the event.


And I just have to ask (because I'm a rocket scientist) if guys you are so sure you are not doing anything wrong why do you guys spend so much time trying to justify it?


Again EA BW, the pvp in this event really really dose bring out the wrong type of players, not just to the game but the forums too, please change it or remove it.


The gree event is the perfect balance of pve and open world pvp. You can run and tell that homeboy

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The rep is stackable and can be brought out used when the cap resets every week.

You can actually do the boss and the missions, pvp and pve and stack it all up. After the last event I was rolling out more rep every tuesday for 6 weeks. I did the math, (You know there is a calculator on your computer?) And if I didn't do these two soloable missions it would 134,400 rep points over the course of the event.


And I just have to ask (because I'm a rocket scientist) if guys you are so sure you are not doing anything wrong why do you guys spend so much time trying to justify it?


Again EA BW, the pvp in this event really really dose bring out the wrong type of players, not just to the game but the forums too, please change it or remove it.


The point you keep missing is that 134,400 Rep points is all fluff and NOT NEEDED. I am fully aware the rep stack. Guess what I had enough stacked once i hit the weekly cap to hit the next weekly cap and never touched pvp. You keep making a case using math that is completely irrelevant it could be a million rep points you can get in the next 2 weeks. It still makes no difference because you can still stack enough JUST doing pve missions and never even touch pvp quests.


The only person that doesn't seem to get it is you. We all enjoy the pvp in this event. And I know plenty of people on my server, again i'm on a RP-PvE server, who love the pvp of this event and have alot of fun doing it. Based on what your saying you might as well ask bioware to give you Underworld Gear right off the bat without doing any HMs or Ops. Sorry but you can't have your cake and eat it.


I don't understand why you have a hard time with this concept. You want the rep rewards from the PVP quests that clearly say PVP, then prepare to PVP.

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everytime I step on the contested area, I know I'll be ganked by everyone and his grandma, so whenever I try to do these mission, I try to join a group of 3 or 4. and then usually the ganks stop to minimum, and when there is a bored group of pvp people (who think they are better by ganking people with no WZ gear) camping the pylons, we just change instances.


When I get a group, I get the pvp quests done. a pvp area is a pvp area and everything goes.


My only complaint is about jerks that flag people aganist their will outside the pvp area. but inside, it's all or nothing.


Agreed. I can understand outside the pvp area, but even then i feel there are ways to avoid the griefers (but that is for THAT OTHER THREAD :D). But all it's all fair game once you step inside that pvp contested zone. want to minimize the grief, get a 4 man group together.

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1. They can't really do faction v faction cause of imbalances on servers


2. the limits of their modified hero engine won't have large scale pvp fights happen properly because it freezes the game anytime more than 50 ppl are in one concentrated area. Bioware has stated many times if your expecting DAoC style OWPvP, then you going to be dissapointed cause that won't happen for a while at least until they have the technology to do it.


Yes they can do faction vs faction. Everywhere else on Ilum, Tatooine, Section X, etc is faction versus faction. We all know there have been plenty of times huge groups of Imperials and Republic have duked it out on Tatooine, "huge", not ity bity tiny groups of 4. All they need to do is to do it.


If a small game company with a total budget of maybe $2 million had the technology to do it over 10 years ago BioWare can certainly do it now.


Actually thinking more of this, the problem even from the beginning has I think been more people just want to do the missions for the event and move on; possibly because they have a lot of other chars they want to do it on. That most don't want to waste their time pvp'ing and end up not being able to complete it. Still, bad implementation I say. I mean sorry to say but these really aren't "pvp" missions, they're pve missions with the acronym pvp in the mission name. Last time I checked killing droid npc's and clicking on objects in the world wasn't pvp, but what do I know.

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every complaint I see about the PvP is same-faction killing. Which is understandable tbh. There's no reason for an imp or pub to attack someone of the same faction as they are other than for the purpose of being a ***** and griefing them. Which seems to be the mentality of 95% of PvP'ers...it's sad really.


and no I haven't done it myself, nor have I had it done to me. Because I have a brain and avoid the PvP portion of the Gree event for just that very reason.


but yah if you're doing the PvP quests and then have imp vs rep PvP goin on..well. duh. You have no right or reason to complain about it. But if someone of the same faction is attacking you..then yeah that person is just a low-life.


Actually there are legitimate reasons, but why really go into all that. :)


I think one of the problems with this game is that BioWare did not make Bounty Hunters and Smugglers have there own separate factions that is more Neutral. Both Smugglers and Bounty Hunters worked both sides and they should have kept it that way. The game would be a lot better if they did. I can say that the PVP would be a lot more dynamic if these two factions had there own faction and maybe even be able to choose which side to work for if any.

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Yes they can do faction vs faction. Everywhere else on Ilum, Tatooine, Section X, etc is faction versus faction. We all know there have been plenty of times huge groups of Imperials and Republic have duked it out on Tatooine, "huge", not ity bity tiny groups of 4. All they need to do is to do it.


If a small game company with a total budget of maybe $2 million had the technology to do it over 10 years ago BioWare can certainly do it now.


Actually thinking more of this, the problem even from the beginning has I think been more people just want to do the missions for the event and move on; possibly because they have a lot of other chars they want to do it on. That most don't want to waste their time pvp'ing and end up not being able to complete it. Still, bad implementation I say. I mean sorry to say but these really aren't "pvp" missions, they're pve missions with the acronym pvp in the mission name. Last time I checked killing droid npc's and clicking on objects in the world wasn't pvp, but what do I know.


1. It's not that simple. if that had an engine that could handle large scales of people like that then yes, or even if it was the original format of the hero engine. But this is a heavy modified hero engine, which apparently can't hold large people in one concentrated area. Where you here when ilum was first originally fully faction open world pvp. The screen literally froze for 30 secs because the game couldn't handle that many players at once. Its not that the technology isn't there generally its that it isn't there for THEIR MODIFIED ENGINE. Bioware even admitted that this is the case


2. Your missing the point of the quest. are killing droids and npcs pvp persay? No. But that's not the point. The point is to get players into a concentrated area that allows pvp to happen. That is why its label pvp. Its design to that even if its not pvp it creates pvp organically. By your definition Alderaan Warzones are not pvp as well. Last time i check turrents are terminals are not pvp.

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Actually there are legitimate reasons, but why really go into all that. :)


I think one of the problems with this game is that BioWare did not make Bounty Hunters and Smugglers have there own separate factions that is more Neutral. Both Smugglers and Bounty Hunters worked both sides and they should have kept it that way. The game would be a lot better if they did. I can say that the PVP would be a lot more dynamic if these two factions had there own faction and maybe even be able to choose which side to work for if any.


You do realize that the pvp system on ilum currently is exactly what you are talking about? its just that its narrowed down to 4 man groups. But that's exactly what you have you have dozens of 4 man factions fighting in a concentrated area.


So if you don't think its working now? It definately won't work if you add a third faction. Simply 2 factions will gang up on the other.

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The point you keep missing is that 134,400 Rep points is all fluff and NOT NEEDED. I am fully aware the rep stack. Guess what I had enough stacked once i hit the weekly cap to hit the next weekly cap and never touched pvp. You keep making a case using math that is completely irrelevant it could be a million rep points you can get in the next 2 weeks. It still makes no difference because you can still stack enough JUST doing pve missions and never even touch pvp quests.


The only person that doesn't seem to get it is you. We all enjoy the pvp in this event. And I know plenty of people on my server, again i'm on a RP-PvE server, who love the pvp of this event and have alot of fun doing it. Based on what your saying you might as well ask bioware to give you Underworld Gear right off the bat without doing any HMs or Ops. Sorry but you can't have your cake and eat it.


I don't understand why you have a hard time with this concept. You want the rep rewards from the PVP quests that clearly say PVP, then prepare to PVP.


Mist...... READ the ENTIRE post before you comment!!!!


God, I can't believe I am doing this but here we go:


-Missing1 3.4 percent of a million is kind of going to suck (more math)

-You can't bring up rocket science and get mad when someone dose math. Dam Math!

-What, free UW gear, what, hu?

-My original argument was about people pretend in they don't get it? Do I not get that they act like they don't get it or act like someone else gets it. My head hurts

-Really, everyone likes it, Going you can delete the thread. We're all happy now.


Please free to make another post about why everyone else is wrong (but agrees with you?), and you are right. Were all happy about the event and "Going" is going to the delete the thread. I'm done, I swear, not one more time. Promise.

Edited by Jrea
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The only justifiable gripe with it I feel is it being group FFA and not faction based. But the sad reality is that if its not instanced faction balance will swing like a pendulum and as much fun as the fights for dominance are they're rarer than one faction total domination. So it kinda had to be this way. Sadly. Reps y we so bad heh?


The whole pve argument however is ridiculous. You feel shortchanged for 2 quests worth of reputation per day? What are pvp players supposed to say, they get shortchanged for a lot more.

Edited by aeterno
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Mist...... READ the ENTIRE post before you comment!!!!


God, I can't believe I am doing this but here we go:


-Missing1 3.4 percent of a million is kind of going to suck (more math)

-You can't bring up rocket science and get mad when someone dose math. Dam Math!

-What, free UW gear, what, hu?

-My original argument was about people pretend in they don't get it? Do I not get that they act like they don't get it or act like someone else gets it. My head hurts

-Really, everyone likes it, Going you can delete the thread. We're all happy now.


Please free to make another post about why everyone else is wrong (but agrees with you?), and you are right. Were all happy about the event and "Going" is going to the delete the thread. I'm done, I swear, not one more time. Promise.


Ok that whole post made no sense what so ever. So I will just leave it at that.

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The only justifiable gripe with it I feel is it being group FFA and not faction based. But the sad reality is that if its not instanced faction balance will swing like a pendulum and as much fun as the fights for dominance are they're rarer than one faction total domination. So it kinda had to be this way. Sadly. Reps y we so bad heh?


The whole pve argument however is ridiculous. You feel shortchanged for 2 quests worth of reputation per day? What are pvp players supposed to say, they get shortchanged for a lot more.


See i agree with you. But to me its more that I don't like that the FFA is limited to 4 man. I think the pvp gribe would be far less (for pvper's that is) if they keep the FFA but expand the cap to the 24 man raid max or at the vary least 8 man like WZs. No one saying this pvp system is perfect. But its enjoyable for what it is. I was here when the ilum debackle first happen. Unfortunately there were alot of problems with Balance, freezes due to computers not able to handle so many players at once and people exploiting the objectives to surpass the pvp.


I believe Bioware sees this as the lesser of evils for the time being. Where those that want to pvp simply for the fun of pvp and not worry much about gear or having to complete an objective and worry about balance.

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I'd just ... like for the people asking for the removal of these kinda quests to:


1) Consider that dying is really a very minor inconvenience in this game




2) Learn to adapt.


A lot of times what I see with the "well I shouldn't have to!" crowd is that they try something, fail, and yet keep trying those same flawed tactics. Rather than spend so much energy venting here on the forums, learning to be a bit more savvy would be a much more productive use of that energy. If I knocked you to your death off that ice bridge when we both went for that orb ... then don't stubbornly run up and start channeling again if we're in the same situation 10 minutes later. I AM going to knock you to your death again.


As of now, you know you are going to get ganked if you are flagged. So instead of insisting on bulldozing past potential gankers while solo (and complaining when you die ... again ... ) group up and be a little more cagey. You might not suddenly learn to love PvP, but you'd certainly make it easier on yourselves.

Edited by Sarielle
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Try and at least consider the other side of the argument. Why would you hit someone when they have the clear disadvantage?


You know what else is an uncontrollable environment? The world. The only thing you can control is yourself and all I want is for everybody, including myself, to do so.


In all honesty, due to Bolster, I don't know if someone is at a clear disadvantage until I spill their blood on the Ilum snow. Sorry, but my Force Telepathy at reading other players' minds is not so great these days.


What I will do, however, is not attack them again if they were absolute garbage and put up a wet noodle of a fight. So self-control already factors in. It's not total douchebaggery out there.

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Someone has clearly NO understanding of the Star Wars universe at all.

You're telling me sith don't fight eachother at all? And they CERTAINLY don't kill each other.


Regardless -- are you really trying to tell me that you cannot possibly PvP against the same faction unless you are trying to grief them?


By golly, you're quite the moron, aren't ya?


reported. But speaking intelligence.


the players that want to PvP back that are on the same faction ARE NOT COMPLAINING NOW ARE THEY???


exactly. That's why...it's called griefing. and there's no reason for it if it's same faction.


if both parties want it. one of them isn't complaining. And isn't relevant to my point much less your topic.


funny how learning to comprehend works huh.


This is a fun game. keep going. maybe you'll actually win one

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You know, I've done the Gree event on both pve and pvp servers. I had champion level rep (and could easily have had legend) months and months ago without ever setting foot in a pvp-flagging area.


If you don't want to pvp, pick a pve server and don't go into areas that automatically flag you for pvp. This is simple. What is also simple is understanding that, yes, you are going to get less rep, less comms, less titles, etc if you don't pvp. That's true whether you're talking about the Gree event, warzones, or any other type of pvp-related content.


If you don't take part in an aspect of the game, you will not get the rewards associated with that part of the game. That's entirely your choice.

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You do realize that the pvp system on ilum currently is exactly what you are talking about? its just that its narrowed down to 4 man groups. But that's exactly what you have you have dozens of 4 man factions fighting in a concentrated area.


So if you don't think its working now? It definately won't work if you add a third faction. Simply 2 factions will gang up on the other.

That is not what I am talking about. Ilum is separate and its own thing.


What I am talking about is that when you make a character they placed the Bounty Hunter in the Empire and the Smugglers in the Republic. This would not deal with just how we battle in PVP. This has to deal with how the class is aligned throughout the entire game. I just think that both the Bounty Hunters and Smugglers should have there own separate Factions which should be more Neutral. This way they could run missions for either the Republic or Empire. Let the classes choose. In regards to PVP it would be a little more dynamic because no matter where they PVP they could have Smugglers and Bounty Hunters on either side or preferable, which I would have loved to see, completely separate if so desired. Making such players have to watch out for both the Republic and Empire.



Here is how I would have preferred it:

You pick Smuggler or Bounty Hunter. These two classes would be considered neutral, and initially aligned with either a Smuggler or Bounty Hunters Guild.

As you play the game you build up some sort of level in which determines your Allegiance the the Republic and Empire. In fact this would be like the levels of Light Side and Dark Side that we have. (Which by the way is something else they could have made better.) These could be called Republic and Imperial Levels. The more missions and things that you do for each side could helped increase or decrease said levels. What ever side you are higher in is the side that you are more aligned with.

They could have also made it so that both classes, and all classes really, could have ben able to move throughout both areas of the Galaxy (Imperial or Republic). They could have made a dynamic to where players would have to be more careful based on what there level for that side is. Like say if they were more Imperial and traveling through the Republic areas that they would have more of a chance to be discovered by the Republic NPC and have there Allegiance flip on exposing them and causing them to be vulnerable to attack from Republic NPC's and even Players. Right now what we have is that once a player enters the other factions side there Flag is Flipped On. With true republic and Imperial Classes that would be alright but say if we had a Neutral Class. Such a thing would bring more dynamic to the game. Just imagine if we had the ability to be more of one side and freely moving through the other sides areas. We would have to be on our toes. They could also make it so that thing which we use to scan other players could tell if a Bounty Hunter or Smuggler was more one side or another and at which time would designate then accordingly. (Note: If people would be worried about Force Flagging, this could be made to only work if you were in a side which you are not more aligned with. You take the risk of going in those areas already so it would not be much of a change. For the Republic and Imperial Classes it would not matter, but a Neutral Class if we had some would have to worry more. Those that do not want the chance to be flagged would have to stay out of those areas like we do already. So such a system could work without having to be discovered in enemy territory and Flagged. Players would just have to mind there Location and Allegiance.)

They could have also made it so that you can work your way back from being an Imperial to a Republic. You would just have to learn more points of the other side.


I think that would be interesting and a lot better than how it is now.


Now I know that this will never happen. It is just a little bit on how I wish it would have been. Even if it was possible for them to do it would not happen as they would have to redesign all those Datacrons and rewrite so much code that I personally do not seem them being up to the task to do. So sadly I will never see this with this game but hey it is what I wish the game was like. there is so much they could have done but just failed to do. Now we just have to hope that someday we will see a game that does it right next time. :D

Edited by WarbNull
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Ok that whole post made no sense what so ever. So I will just leave it at that.


.............crap, I got pulled back in :(


Yes, I can tell from your previous posts Jack, that you are easly confused.


To any one else who can actually understand what I am typing right now, if you don't like "Crate 'Ninjas" and Flash Point "Needers", then you can understand why people don't like being ganked. Believe it or not Screwing over other people makes them mad, especially if you are just doing it because you can.


Have your fun, just don't make excuses as to why its ok.

Edited by Jrea
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I used to just be a pve player on a pve server. Now I do both. Having said that, you get ample warning when entering the pvp zone on ilum. Once you cross that line and don't turn around, you are consenting to being flagged for pvp, even on a pve server. If you don't like that, you have no one to blame but yourself because you CHOSE, to enter the pvp zone. If you go into the pvp zone and don't want to be ganked doing the pve stuff, head to the base, toggle your flag on then off, just to make sure, and wait 5 minutes.


As for getting tricked into being flagged, that sucks, about all you can really do at this time is /report the person or persons. It's too bad they didn't use the pvp mechanic from SWG, where once you died you were no longer flagged. Would save some hassle and about 5 minutes or so.

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I don't see a problem here.


There are plenty of PVE quests for the Gree event. If you don't want to PVP, stay away from that very well marked area.


Also, pick your times. There's loads of times I have completed the PVP quests without doing any PVP. Run in, get it done, get the hell out. If you get killed, then what did you expect?


Plus, not everyone else wants to play either. Yesterday when I was doing the rush the pylon one, me (solo) and one other (solo), plus a group of two just lined up and waited our turn. If you don't attack others and don't try and push in, you can often be quite civilised.


But end of the day, it's a PVP area. So choose to PVP or not, but if you walk in there solo, don't complain if a group of 4 of ANY FACTION kills you. That's how it's supposed to work.

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It's clearly simple guys, if you don't wanna get ganked 2 choices: don't do the pvp quests or change instances. There will always be that player who takes pleasure on killing other toons irregardless of reason.


I had the same feeling as the OP before but realized that this is indeed a quest inside a contested or pvp area so if I decided to complete this I will be ganked upon. So I decided not to do the quest less stress for me and lower in return of investment for the grief I got (if i pushed thru with it).

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That is not what I am talking about. Ilum is separate and its own thing.


What I am talking about is that when you make a character they placed the Bounty Hunter in the Empire and the Smugglers in the Republic. This would not deal with just how we battle in PVP. This has to deal with how the class is aligned throughout the entire game. I just think that both the Bounty Hunters and Smugglers should have there own separate Factions which should be more Neutral. This way they could run missions for either the Republic or Empire. Let the classes choose. In regards to PVP it would be a little more dynamic because no matter where they PVP they could have Smugglers and Bounty Hunters on either side or preferable, which I would have loved to see, completely separate if so desired. Making such players have to watch out for both the Republic and Empire.



Here is how I would have preferred it:

You pick Smuggler or Bounty Hunter. These two classes would be considered neutral, and initially aligned with either a Smuggler or Bounty Hunters Guild.

As you play the game you build up some sort of level in which determines your Allegiance the the Republic and Empire. In fact this would be like the levels of Light Side and Dark Side that we have. (Which by the way is something else they could have made better.) These could be called Republic and Imperial Levels. The more missions and things that you do for each side could helped increase or decrease said levels. What ever side you are higher in is the side that you are more aligned with.

They could have also made it so that both classes, and all classes really, could have ben able to move throughout both areas of the Galaxy (Imperial or Republic). They could have made a dynamic to where players would have to be more careful based on what there level for that side is. Like say if they were more Imperial and traveling through the Republic areas that they would have more of a chance to be discovered by the Republic NPC and have there Allegiance flip on exposing them and causing them to be vulnerable to attack from Republic NPC's and even Players. Right now what we have is that once a player enters the other factions side there Flag is Flipped On. With true republic and Imperial Classes that would be alright but say if we had a Neutral Class. Such a thing would bring more dynamic to the game. Just imagine if we had the ability to be more of one side and freely moving through the other sides areas. We would have to be on our toes. They could also make it so that thing which we use to scan other players could tell if a Bounty Hunter or Smuggler was more one side or another and at which time would designate then accordingly. (Note: If people would be worried about Force Flagging, this could be made to only work if you were in a side which you are not more aligned with. You take the risk of going in those areas already so it would not be much of a change. For the Republic and Imperial Classes it would not matter, but a Neutral Class if we had some would have to worry more. Those that do not want the chance to be flagged would have to stay out of those areas like we do already. So such a system could work without having to be discovered in enemy territory and Flagged. Players would just have to mind there Location and Allegiance.)

They could have also made it so that you can work your way back from being an Imperial to a Republic. You would just have to learn more points of the other side.


I think that would be interesting and a lot better than how it is now.


Now I know that this will never happen. It is just a little bit on how I wish it would have been. Even if it was possible for them to do it would not happen as they would have to redesign all those Datacrons and rewrite so much code that I personally do not seem them being up to the task to do. So sadly I will never see this with this game but hey it is what I wish the game was like. there is so much they could have done but just failed to do. Now we just have to hope that someday we will see a game that does it right next time. :D


I personally don't mind Bounty Hunters and Smugglers on separate faction. I have accepted this game for what it is, which is a two faction system. And I don't see anything wrong with it.

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.............crap, I got pulled back in :(


Yes, I can tell from your previous posts Jack, that you are easly confused.


To any one else who can actually understand what I am typing right now, if you don't like "Crate 'Ninjas" and Flash Point "Needers", then you can understand why people don't like being ganked. Believe it or not Screwing over other people makes them mad, especially if you are just doing it because you can.


Have your fun, just don't make excuses as to why its ok.


And I can tell from your previous posts your really bad at analogies and can't understand simple mechanics and incentives and can't use common sense.


Again here you are with poor analogy. Nobody likes Crate Ninjas or flashpoint needers, yes that is true. But that is not the same as what everyone here is saying.


Based on what you just said Bioware should just do away with PvE gear in Ops and FPs because someone might ninja it. or they should just do away with Ops and FPs all together because someone might screw someone over. Theres a really simple solution, don't run with those people and group up with people that arn't jerks.


The same thing applies to the contested area on Ilum. if you don't want to be ganked. Either man up and group up with 3 other people or don't do it at all. The entire area is boalstered where even if you don't have an ounce of pvp gear you automatically get 1493 expertise rating. You can hold your own if you are attacked especially if you are in a group of 4.


But you don't want that you want to ruin everybody else fun simply because you don't want to pvp in the pvp area. Well the world doesn't revolve around you buddy. You gotta learn to live with jerks as well as the good players.

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I used to just be a pve player on a pve server. Now I do both. Having said that, you get ample warning when entering the pvp zone on ilum. Once you cross that line and don't turn around, you are consenting to being flagged for pvp, even on a pve server. If you don't like that, you have no one to blame but yourself because you CHOSE, to enter the pvp zone. If you go into the pvp zone and don't want to be ganked doing the pve stuff, head to the base, toggle your flag on then off, just to make sure, and wait 5 minutes.


As for getting tricked into being flagged, that sucks, about all you can really do at this time is /report the person or persons. It's too bad they didn't use the pvp mechanic from SWG, where once you died you were no longer flagged. Would save some hassle and about 5 minutes or so.


Nobody is talking about being flagged in the PvE area in this thread. This is about people like Jrea who feel the pvp in the contested area should be removed simply because he gets attacked in the pvp area trying to complete the quest.

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