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Sorry, but the missions say pvp. Big words CONTESTED AREA.


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Get your pve on in the pve area...don't come in the pvp area get ganked and then complain that pvp is in the pve area.

Also I absolutely love the illum pvp. Open world pvp at its finest and it's not over run and laggy.

Good job bioware.:)

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every complaint I see about the PvP is same-faction killing. Which is understandable tbh. There's no reason for an imp or pub to attack someone of the same faction as they are other than for the purpose of being a ***** and griefing them. Which seems to be the mentality of 95% of PvP'ers...it's sad really.


and no I haven't done it myself, nor have I had it done to me. Because I have a brain and avoid the PvP portion of the Gree event for just that very reason.


but yah if you're doing the PvP quests and then have imp vs rep PvP goin on..well. duh. You have no right or reason to complain about it. But if someone of the same faction is attacking you..then yeah that person is just a low-life.

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If you're on a PVE server,

why are you on a PVE server?

If you're on a PVP server,

why are there people on your server complaining about PVP?


Either way... someone is wrong here and it's not me. I hate when people complain about the Gree Event, because it's the best event ever.

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Have you been around at the time the rakghoule event was live? That was a good event.


You know... I've been playing and subbing to SWTOR since launch and I've been playing pretty much regularly for the whole time... except one month I wasn't playing because of irl stuff and that was during The Rakghoul Event. I've heard many many times that I really missed out on something there so I'm all for them doing that event again so I can try it out.


Gree is certainly better than the Chevin Event.

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im pretty new to this game tbh, but im finding this gree event to be alot of fun to do, im on red eclipse server a pve one, and well its basically taking me out my comfort zone and inviting me to something i normally dont enjoy doing and thats pvp, but i want the armor and weapons so im doing it by god i will lol


I honestly dont think the event would be anything special if not for the pvp bit, for me anyhow its adding more to it, if it wasnt there it just be another plain daily area to go grind in for 45min or so, as it stands when i get flagged its making me more aware (nervous even) an at most times im giggling like a wee child, dieing alot but it makes getting a kill all the more sweater, bit like when i down a boss for the first time in a raid or op lol, even more fun if my guild m8's are doing it tbh.


Honestly not had this much fun in ages and it all down to the pvp area and my guild m8's

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every complaint I see about the PvP is same-faction killing. Which is understandable tbh. There's no reason for an imp or pub to attack someone of the same faction as they are other than for the purpose of being a ***** and griefing them. Which seems to be the mentality of 95% of PvP'ers...it's sad really.


there's new achievements for killing people of both factions on ilum now actually.

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Here is the thing. Why dont PvP players want to play with other PvP players? PvE players are only there to farm their reputation. They dont want to play PvP with you. Why must you insist on involving them in something they dont want to do? PvP with likeminded players and leave those that dont want to PvP alone to their quests.

No one likes a forceful guy and if you are forceful you deserve to be flamed. Especially the groups that only attack other players that are on the minority in numbers. Does it make you feel big to kill outnumbered PvE players? Seriously, its not doing you any favors.

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Here is the thing. Why dont PvP players want to play with other PvP players? PvE players are only there to farm their reputation. They dont want to play PvP with you. Why must you insist on involving them in something they dont want to do? PvP with likeminded players and leave those that dont want to PvP alone to their quests.

No one likes a forceful guy and if you are forceful you deserve to be flamed. Especially the groups that only attack other players that are on the minority in numbers. Does it make you feel big to kill outnumbered PvE players? Seriously, its not doing you any favors.


Not true.


I'm primarily a PvE player. When walking into a PvP area -- I welcome PvP. Because I'm going into a PvP area. . . .


Why must you insist on walking into a PvP area if you don't want to PvP? Really, it is dead simple. Don't do PvP if you don't like PvP. But don't expect other people to *not* attack if you are flagged and in the PvP zone.


Being flagged is an instant invitation to PvP, UNLESS you were "tricked" into being flagged by a griefer while you were in a PvE area. That is another story, and should be /reported, as BW has already stated they frown upon that.

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no the question is are YOU joking?


your WZ example is moot. Because that's the POINT of the Warzone..and even from a "story" prospective it's "training" if it's same-vs-same faction.


There is NO REASON, other than being a low-life griefer, to attack the same side in the Gree PvP areas. Not objective-wise. and not story-wise. Those that do it..are doing so "because they can" and for the sole-purpose of ganking/griefing.


but thanks for playing.


It HAS to be FFA. One of the reasons they removed Ilum was the ridiculous faction imbalance that most servers had which heavily favored the imperials.


A FFA is the only way to re implement Ilum and make it enjoyable for both factions. If it was imp vs pub only you would see imperials slaughtering the rebels.

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every complaint I see about the PvP is same-faction killing. Which is understandable tbh. There's no reason for an imp or pub to attack someone of the same faction as they are other than for the purpose of being a ***** and griefing them. Which seems to be the mentality of 95% of PvP'ers...it's sad really.


Actually, that's not true. The Grey Secant is there to study the combat abilities of honored bipeds and especially the black bisectors who moved everything to red parallel on Coruscant. The area in question is a place where full on conflict is allowed so that all can flow to blue nonagon for scientific purposes. There is no reason that allied black bisectors cannot engage each other because this allows the Gree to move to green parallel.


I hope this explanation brings you to fuchsia perpendicular. :jawa_cool:

Edited by Master-Nala
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Then why did you step into a PvE server expecting to PvP?


These are PvE quests. You are required to kill mobs and click a pylon, not other players. You want to force others to play PvP with you cause you can, but you will only force them to stop their quests and make them leave. They dont want nor will bother to play with you. You are wasting their time and yours. Tell me, how is that any fun to either of you? Play with PvP players, i dont get the fixation on ganking the innocent. Great values you got there.

When i want to PvP i go play with likeminded players, i dont try to grief others out of their fun. Especially when they are minorities. It does sound alot like bullying doesnt it? Why dont you outgrow that and play with players that actually want to play with you? Then theres no flaming and everyone is happy.


Who said I expected to PvP? I certainly didn't.


I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. YOU are entering a PvP area. YOU are AGREEING TO PVP. Stop acting like a victim, because you aren't.


These are PvP quests with PvE objectives -- kind-of like the warzones we currently have. They ARE PvP quests -- hence the [PvP] tag, and the placement in a PvP area. That is how BW intended them to work -- and they are working properly.


I don't grief anyone. I don't take a group of 4 people and demolish an individual. I don't follow anyone around and kill them continuously. I don't chase them if they try their best to get away from me.


Why don't you grow up and realize that you ARE SAYING you are a likeminded player by entering a PvP area. You aren't special -- and the game has no requirement to cater to you. Stop forcing your gameplay on other people -- we are merely following the intent of BioWares developers.


There are only 2 PvP quests. They give out WZ Comms as rewards (as well as rep tokens). There are significantly more quests that don't require you to enter a PvP area. Why can't you accept that they are attempting to give something to every play style? Why do you think you deserve to have everything?


Talk about selfish.

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Actually, that's not true. The Grey Secant is there to study the combat abilities of honored bipeds and especially the black bisectors who moved everything to red parallel on Coruscant. The area in question is a place where full on conflict is allowed so that all can flow to blue nonagon for scientific purposes. There is no reason that allied black bisectors cannot engage each other because this allows the Gree to move to green parallel.


I hope this explanation brings you to fuchsia perpendicular. :jawa_cool:


Best post in the thread.

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My Favorite is when 4 guys try to kill me, i manage to kill 2 then i cloak out and wait for them to res their buddies then pop Reklessness and BOOM kill'em again before their health regens, got 20 kills towards titles in 5 minutes lol, the pubs were MADDDDD i can say that much XD Edited by WillHolmes
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Then why did you step into a PvE server expecting to PvP?


These are PvE quests. You are required to kill mobs and click a pylon, not other players. You want to force others to play PvP with you cause you can, but you will only force them to stop their quests and make them leave. They dont want nor will bother to play with you. You are wasting their time and yours. Tell me, how is that any fun to either of you? Play with PvP players, i dont get the fixation on ganking the innocent. Great values you got there.

When i want to PvP i go play with likeminded players, i dont try to grief others out of their fun. Especially when they are minorities. It does sound alot like bullying doesnt it? Why dont you outgrow that and play with players that actually want to play with you? Then theres no flaming and everyone is happy.


They are not pve quests because clearly when you pick them up they say PVP. if you go into the contested area. You should be prepared to fight people. You can't have your cake and eat it two. If you want to rep grind. Then don't do the pvp quests. you can easily max out your rep without doing them.

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My Favorite is when 4 guys try to kill me, i manage to kill 2 then i cloak out and wait for them to res their buddies then pop Reklessness and BOOM kill'em again before their health regens, got 20 kills towards titles in 5 minutes lol, the pubs were MADDDDD i can say that much XD


^THIS!! this is the fun thing about OWPvP (by the way I am a primary RP-PvEer rarely do I tap into pvp) but its the randomness of being attacked. Fight for survival using your instincts to escape, come back and seek revenge. Its Uncontrolled, its organic and its unpredictable. That's whats fun about it even if your not that big into pvp. When someone attacks me I fight back or escape when i am outnumber quietly recover gather my streangth and one by one kill them off


-The Furry Thing It's Coming for Us Again



Edited by MisterBlackJack
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There is titles now, you need to kill pubs, imps, ball carrier, and get kills with the ball explosion ... so its all justifyied


Negative. There is only a title for killing orb carrier and killing people with an orb. In order to get the title for killing imps or reps you need to be on an opposite faction char. So if its imps killing imps, or the opposite, all they're doing is keeping their faction from completing it; they're not getting achievement credit for it.


Problem is people seem to think in a factioned game PvP means free for all. It doesn't, it means faction versus faction. Least that's the way DAoC did it and it's PvP system, even though nearly a decade older than SWTOR's, is far far far superior.

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Negative. There is only a title for killing orb carrier and killing people with an orb. In order to get the title for killing imps or reps you need to be on an opposite faction char. So if its imps killing imps, or the opposite, all they're doing is keeping their faction from completing it; they're not getting achievement credit for it.


Problem is people seem to think in a factioned game PvP means free for all. It doesn't, it means faction versus faction. Least that's the way DAoC did it and it's PvP system, even though nearly a decade older than SWTOR's, is far far far superior.


1. They can't really do faction v faction cause of imbalances on servers


2. the limits of their modified hero engine won't have large scale pvp fights happen properly because it freezes the game anytime more than 50 ppl are in one concentrated area. Bioware has stated many times if your expecting DAoC style OWPvP, then you going to be dissapointed cause that won't happen for a while at least until they have the technology to do it.

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Seriously, i need to grow up because i respect other people's wishes. That is a very skewed perception of what beeing an adult actually entails.


Also do you think PvE players go there because of the pvp commendations? Actually a better design would be for people not to get the commendation unless they engage in pvp combat and they stay neutral otherwise.

See the thing here is i am trying to have everyone be happy, and you just care that yourself are happy and honestly dont give a second thought to people who are doing PvE quests just to get rep with the gree and couldnt care less about your little PvP game.


And by the way, i believe you if you say you dont gank and grief and only fight other teams of 4, but the fact is most of your PvP friends dont.

Again i say, your "Its a PvP area" argument doesnt hold if you're in a "PvE server". You agreed to get into a PvE server didnt you, then stop acting like you didnt agree to it. So, maybe you should drop that weak argument and focus on whats at hand here: Ability to grief players that are doing PvE quests and arent interested in PvP.


See here is the problem with all of you guys' arguments. Your under the impression that simply being on a pve server means you agree to not have pvp areas. That is not the case. Being on a PvE server simply means you won't be flagged automatically when you log into the game and are outside of the main hub areas. So lets clear that up first.


The point the OP and others like myself (which btw I am on the Ebon Hawk and RP-PvE server and I am primarily a RP-PvE player I dont' dabble in pvp much) is that if there is a quest that clearly says pvp, and there is a contested area which gives you 10 secs to leave the area before you are flagged. You can't come to the forums and QQ about being flagged when there are clear signs that says IF YOU DO THIS QUEST PREPARE TO FIGHT.


People here like you want their cake and eat it too. Well sorry TOO BAD. If you want to complete the quest in the pvp area you better be ready to be flagged and fight. Its called common sense.

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