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*** why sentinels are so weak class.


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What lvl are you? Cuz if you are lvl 17 no one really cares.


Assuming you are not a troll, are you talking from PvE or PvP perspective? In lower lvls sentinels are not effective. You will not feel the class being powerful till mid late 30s. Class is one of the top parsers PvE wise and PvP wise focus sentinel is the strongest dps class.


Lol tell that to my Mara, who has been running solo since his birth...

True I have a Guardian, and well aware of the common skills, but yeah, I have yet to run across content where I have needed a companion at levels below 30. Its one of the perks of having alts... They can solo content with proper setup, and legacy unlocks.

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Logically one of the most powerful class is made one of the weakest. and sages are clearly overpowered. Does anyone going to do something with this or it is ridiculous to play the game like this.


And this is the part where competent players tell you how incompetent you must be.

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I leveled watchman all the way and i did hit a wall late 20s early 30s, probably because of gear and it was early days of the game, but once i got doc there were no problems.


Sents are all about damage and speed. Use your burns, stay geared kill small to big but keep killing and go fast keep the focus up and keep sabers charged.


in city of heroes we had a thing called scrapperlock were that class just moved quick and killed everything in fron of it. its the same thing with sents and mara. I know when i play on my tank in fps i like to go slow and measure the fights and make sure all details are covered and the sents and maras want to kill them, kill them all and kill them now

Edited by Fergz
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I admit, I have never played a sentinel...but I do have a 55 marauder (its mirror class). While levelling up I had to use my healing comp for...oh wait, I ran with a melee dps comp the whole time. >.> if silvers are nail-biters, you're doing something wrong. Golds take a bit more strategy, sometimes, without heals.


I have a level 52 combat sent, and on Makeb there seems to be an overabundance of gold mobs. Like around every corner it seems. I solo them just fine with HK companion. And my gear is terrible. Seriously, I'm still running around in PvP battlemaster gear because I haven't played my sentinel in quite some time.


If I'm not careful, yeah, my HP can get pretty low, and if I'm careless, I'll die. But gold and silver mobs aren't a problem for my undergeared sentinel.


I honestly think the OP is just trolling.

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90% chance of troll BUT...


Cloak of pain, saber ward, obfuscate, force camo + short interrupt and choke and undying rage for last-ditch gasp moments. Are you kidding me? Marauder and Sentinel have the most insane survivability in the whole game. I laugh when I see peeps claim that they are "too weak" or "squishy." Obviously, it's a L2P thing. :-/

Edited by Eitetsu
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90% chance of troll BUT...


Cloak of pain, saber ward, obfuscate, force camo + short interrupt and choke and undying rage for last-ditch gasp moments. Are you kidding me? Marauder and Sentinel have the most insane survivability in the whole game. I laugh when I see peeps claim that they are "too weak" or "squishy." Obviously, it's a L2P thing. :-/


Yeah but once you've hit all those keys in that order, they're all on cooldown for the rest of the fight and that's when it goes wrong......ahem


L2P is right :D

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Logically one of the most powerful class is made one of the weakest. and sages are clearly overpowered. Does anyone going to do something with this or it is ridiculous to play the game like this.



sentinels are one of the most powerful classes :|

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Actually to be honest the OP might have a point if he's talking about leveling and not endgame. I've noticed sentinels/marauders are one of the weaker leveling classes, while sages are easier (as he says). For endgame of course marauder/sentinel is amazing but in truth for leveling they do seem a bit underpowered. Am I concerned? No. But he does have a point, if that is indeed his point.
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Actually to be honest the OP might have a point if he's talking about leveling and not endgame. I've noticed sentinels/marauders are one of the weaker leveling classes, while sages are easier (as he says). For endgame of course marauder/sentinel is amazing but in truth for leveling they do seem a bit underpowered. Am I concerned? No. But he does have a point, if that is indeed his point.


I can kind of see if he's talking about leveling. I also have a 50 sorc and leveling up was a breeze. Playing a sentinel reminded me of playing a fury warrior in WoW. Can be weak, squishy and expensive until you you level up and get gear.


But the notion that the sentinels are overall weak is just absurd.

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If you are talking about pure lvling and solo pve, yea maybe something could be done. The problem is any balancing act has to be done VERY carefully as sentinels are already incredible in PVP and don't need any sort of PVP help what so ever.
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If I was Community Manager, you could pay me 75% of whatever it is you pay your current employees, and I'd make sure retarded posts like the OP didn't last longer than a few minutes on the forums.


Also, only undergeared/new players choose to use a healing Companion (I am, however, aware that probably encompasses a large number of players). If you and your Companion are decent to well geared, it is more effective to use a dps (or tank class if you insist on playing a positional spec while grinding/leveling).


You can tell you're a new player/undergeared, if you even need a Companion in the first place at all in order to kill a silver/gold.

Edited by revial
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They are the most difficult class to play, they rely on using defensive cooldowns, interupts, and always burning enemies in the right order. Melee + Medium armor means low survivability without defensive abilities. While their Centering abilities (Transcendence and Presence) can really help turn the tide when I heal I find the class to be a hindrance in flashpoints. They tend to take the most damage because of splash damage from area attacks and when the jump is on cooldown they loose time while trying to run to enemies.


People on these forums will tell you that you just need to learn to play because they have potential to be powerful when played right. But IMO when the other classes are powerful when mistakes are made it means the class has some flaws.

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They are the most difficult class to play, they rely on using defensive cooldowns, interupts, and always burning enemies in the right order. Melee + Medium armor means low survivability without defensive abilities. While their Centering abilities (Transcendence and Presence) can really help turn the tide when I heal I find the class to be a hindrance in flashpoints. They tend to take the most damage because of splash damage from area attacks and when the jump is on cooldown they loose time while trying to run to enemies.


People on these forums will tell you that you just need to learn to play because they have potential to be powerful when played right. But IMO when the other classes are powerful when mistakes are made it means the class has some flaws.


um, no, Sages are harder to play, just as many cooldowns (plus a countdown to use the best abilities), and they wear light armour, and do less damage, much harder to play right. My Sage was horrible to finish on, my marauder was dead easy, although my Sage looks cooler.

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For PvE purposes, unless you run your Sentinel with Doc, every silver or gold mob fight is a nail biter with the chance of death.


at some points in the leveling process every class is "weak". a few levels more with some new powers and wadda ya know, they are strong compared to what you were calling op just a few days ago. all classes cant power up in a completely linear fashion. there will be dips and plateaus along the way.


of course it could be that you just dont know how to play that character properly.

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  • 1 month later...
I believe this tread has a point about sent/muard. I started with a muard when the game 1st released, and made battle-master. The class back then was very tough to play, but that is also why I enjoy playing this class. It takes skill in my opinion, but don't get me wrong. I do not think focus tree takes skill. I actually cannot stand it, and refuse to be another no skilled player smashing non-stop. I run a 55 sent now, and I do feel somethings can be tweaked. I like to think I know the class very well, and I handle my sent very well. I know people complain about cd's, damage, etc.. I'm not here to complain about that. I have a few suggestions for BW, and maybe some of you who play the class as much as me can agree? The biggest weakness I feel sent/muard face is knock backs, ranged class, and pulls. All I'm suggesting is couple of tweaks. (1st tweak) I don't mind getting knocked back, I get it, it's other classes defense, so a good sent/ muard will save leap to close the distance after knock back. However, I feel that when I'm using master strike, and I speccd it in combat tree to run full duration on a person I'm hitting, it should not be interruptible. That will help with the class remaining a rush down class. (2nd tweak) I feel with all the holds, slows, and knock backs sent/muard face BW should make saber throw a ranged interrupt. Here is an example. A mercenary can place a hold on a sent so you can't leap at them to close distance, than use rockets an annilate you as you run up to him. You can stealth for 4's, but now your either using your pvp heal, or trying your hardest to do as much damage to the merc. Same goes with snipers and sorc's. Just make saber throw an interrupt, which gives you a chance to not get annihilated before you can pressure. (Last tweak) This is for all classes. When you are fight a sorc or counselor, and they use their bubble shield, and they put their drain on you as they sit in the bubble. I feel that the other class who is attacking them should be able to heal while their shield is up. In group pvp chances are you'll get attacked, so your not really going to be able and use your heal up, but 1v1, this would help balance the pressure a sent/muard were ment to be in their class. Just 3 tweaks to the class.
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My Marauder was my second character, started not long after my Sorc hit 50. As I was still new to this game and was out of practice (its been ~2 years since I played WoW with very little gaming in between) I'll admit I had some difficulty. Leveling my Sorc was not easier by any stretch, just different. Both were "difficult" in stretches but the Sorc definitely moreso simply due to having 0 legacy, 0 gear, and 0 clue about how the mechanics in this game worked. Sents/Maras have a lot of problems mid-20s and they do feel a bit underpowered until you hit Gore/PS in Combat/Carnage. Then after a few levels you are still in a bit of trouble because you don't have Brooding, or Massacre. Comparatively, my Merc (3rd toon) felt much better. At that point though, I had much better legacy perks, I had more credits to throw at him, and I had a better understanding of the trees.


Honestly, in terms of leveling you can make an argument that the dry spell up to Gore in Combat/Carnage is a bit odd and the fact that Anni isn't all that great without the linchpin of Annihilate but both are definitely overcome-able. Its just a matter of L2P.

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For PvE purposes, unless you run your Sentinel with Doc, every silver or gold mob fight is a nail biter with the chance of death.


Lol. Are you popping guarded by the force for your opener and then spamming the strike key or something? Work on your rotation and you should be able to take down silvers in less than 10 moves with golds not giving you any nail biting problems.

Edited by Lord_Garrex
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Are you being serious? What are your findings that make you believe that Sentinels are weak?


If the other person is better geared, than yeah, your going to be weak. The key to Sentinels even if you are doing everything skillfully right is to get geared just like Guardians and Juggs.


An under geared Sentinel is a dead Sentinel most of the time.

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