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Another tier of gear, already?


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Is this true? I'll be damned if I have to grind another set of Min/Max gear for this game .. Its already been countless sets .. I'll be out if they introduce another tier so soon .. would that make Partisan obsolete then? It would have too or else the gear gap would be too great .. or wait, would bolster fix that ..
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Is this true? I'll be damned if I have to grind another set of Min/Max gear for this game .. Its already been countless sets .. I'll be out if they introduce another tier so soon .. would that make Partisan obsolete then? It would have too or else the gear gap would be too great .. or wait, would bolster fix that ..


There is always going to be a gear grind accept it and its not until October. Plus we barely get any updates in Pvp at all. Quit moaning about something which is a positive.

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There is always going to be a gear grind accept it and its not until October. Plus we barely get any updates in Pvp at all. Quit moaning about something which is a positive.


Clearly you haven't been here for awhile.


Nothing about the upcoming patch is positive. There is a 99.9999% chance bioware will break something completely. They'll probably rebreak something like the Warzone backfill, or warzones starting imbalanced 5 vs 8.


When you hear the two words "PvP", and "Patch" you should be cringing. Bioware hasn't done anything right since January 2012.

Edited by Yeochins
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Clearly you haven't been here for awhile.


Nothing about the upcoming patch is positive. There is a 99.9999% chance bioware will break something completely. They'll probably rebreak something like the Warzone backfill, or warzones starting imbalanced 5 vs 8.


When you hear the two words "PvP", and "Patch" you should be cringing. Bioware hasn't done anything right since January 2012.


You might as well unsub now save yourself the pain of it all.

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There is always going to be a gear grind accept it and its not until October. Plus we barely get any updates in Pvp at all. Quit moaning about something which is a positive.


Why do you think another tier of gear is a positive? What does another tier add to your performance in PvP? They will most likely get rid of Partisan gear .. or conqueror and partisan? I dont get why you need a new tier? What is wrong with this tier? Im just confused i guess ..


anyone have logical insight other than the carrott?

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To be honest, I don't really understand the need for a new tier as well. I was starting to think we were finally moving towards balanced pvp with bolster and some gear set in stone, but now it's yet another tier. It's not the gear grind that keeps players in pvp, not at all.
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Why do you think another tier of gear is a positive? What does another tier add to your performance in PvP? They will most likely get rid of Partisan gear .. or conqueror and partisan? I dont get why you need a new tier? What is wrong with this tier? Im just confused i guess ..


anyone have logical insight other than the carrott?

Indeed. New tiers of gear further increase gaps between players in warzones. Not saying that there shouldn't be new gear tiers - character progression is important. They should be implemented carefully.

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new gear tier is absolutely necessary as new operations are released else pvpers will be crying FOR bolster just to compete with top end pve gear. do you remember rakata being better in WZs than champion? I do.
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new gear tier is absolutely necessary as new operations are released else pvpers will be crying FOR bolster just to compete with top end pve gear. do you remember rakata being better in WZs than champion? I do.


But why is it even necessary in PvE? Its just a cycle that repeats itself, but really serves no purpose. Why not keep the gear where its currently at and just work on releasing more content? I just dont see the need for new tiers of gear when you basically just end up in the same place .. do you get what Im saying or no?

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But why is it even necessary in PvE? Its just a cycle that repeats itself, but really serves no purpose. Why not keep the gear where its currently at and just work on releasing more content? I just dont see the need for new tiers of gear when you basically just end up in the same place .. do you get what Im saying or no?


you realize this is the mmo equivalent of asking why water's wet, right? That's the way it is. That's the carrot. that's how people who aren't good enough to down new content, which is harder than previous content, overcome their deficiency. and this isn't an elitist criticism. it's howjust about everyone downs new and more difficult co tent. only pvp doesn't get more difficult because the player pool is the only arbiter, and that doesn't change with new maps.

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if its anything like the difference between partisan and conqueror, It will give us about 9 end. 6 main stat, 0-10 force/tech power (depending on whether its main/off hand or not), and maybe 5 power/surge/crit per piece. woooooooo......


what MY hopes are on is a new level cap. cause why a new planet with new quests if your not going to even get any exp from them, unless you just REALLY need more story? because a whole 'nother planet is definitely not needed to hit 55. i mean i didnt even finish makeb nd i still easily hit 55 on my toons. unless this planet's gonna give some sort of comms with every quest, i just don't see the point of it without new levels to go with it.

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Speaking of gear I compared my level 32 PVE gear and it was better than level 40 PVP gear. I was wondering if I missed something because it should be the other way around, especially since this would give PVE players and unfair advantage over PVP players where it matters because who cares if you are overpowered in PVE.
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Clearly you haven't been here for awhile.


Nothing about the upcoming patch is positive. There is a 99.9999% chance bioware will break something completely. They'll probably rebreak something like the Warzone backfill, or warzones starting imbalanced 5 vs 8.


When you hear the two words "PvP", and "Patch" you should be cringing. Bioware hasn't done anything right since January 2012.


First off been here since beta, secondly if its so bad why do you play and post here? giving a company money which hasn't done anything right since well over a year a go is a bit dumb no?. I am not saying they will break stuff. I am just stating this is one of the few measly patches we get as pvp players and theres always people who moan about the next set of gear. It introduces more character progression if done correctly. People who hate grinds I seriously wonder why they play Mmo 95% of the mmo genre have some form of grind in them mainly grinding gear.

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Let's start giving the reasons. You asked why a new tier of pvp gear?

Easy because there will be another pve gear! So what? Well some of us do only pvp some do pve, but the universal way to make money is pve dailies, you will need better gear to do daillies or flashpoint, and every bit of content at least at story mode, and because of your current pvp gear it would be hard. But why do the pve need new gear? Esy new operations are comming, you wouldn't expect the rewards were the same as current operations if so why doing them at all? BTW flash news prepare because it may or may not be just one new tier, because if the SM HM and drops a kind of gear, probably nightmare when it comes will drop another new one.

And finally what influence has that on pvp? Easy again if the pvp tier didn't raise the pve gear would surpass the pvp gear like 50k of life in a assassin. and in pvp gear you have like 35 tops. would be pretty.

Besides they are increasingly lowering the difficulty to have top gear on pvp, 100 ranked coms per daily really? 300 per weekly plus 300 normal? and a second daily. If you go back, not way back to battelmaster that was excruciating but to war hero times, you will see that this gear his givven. And besides they let you purshase mods an enhancement separatly.

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But why is it even necessary in PvE? Its just a cycle that repeats itself, but really serves no purpose. Why not keep the gear where its currently at and just work on releasing more content? I just dont see the need for new tiers of gear when you basically just end up in the same place .. do you get what Im saying or no?


Tradition/the norm.

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Let's start giving the reasons. You asked why a new tier of pvp gear? Easy because there will be another pve gear!


So what? Well some of us do only pvp some do pve, but the universal way to make money is pve dailies, you will need better gear to do daillies or flashpoint, and every bit of content at least at story mode, and because of your current pvp gear it would be hard.


But why do the pve need new gear? Esy new operations are comming, you wouldn't expect the rewards were the same as current operations if so why doing them at all? BTW flash news prepare because it may or may not be just one new tier, because if the SM HM and drops a kind of gear, probably nightmare when it comes will drop another new one.


And finally what influence has that on pvp? Easy again if the pvp tier didn't raise the pve gear would surpass the pvp gear like 50k of life in a assassin. and in pvp gear you have like 35 tops. would be pretty.


Besides they are increasingly lowering the difficulty to have top gear on pvp, 100 ranked coms per daily really? 300 per weekly plus 300 normal? and a second daily. If you go back, not way back to battelmaster that was excruciating but to war hero times, you will see that this gear his givven. And besides they let you purshase mods an enhancement separatly.


^ You made a decent post. I used the enter key to make it more palatable.

Edited by Technohic
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im not happy with new patch on way entirely since it was supose to be a mainly pvp patch which it isnt.... BUT i am happy with the arenas idea if done correctly,


BUT wth they doing bringing new gear again, im all for new gears in mmo's but it really seems in this mmo they dishing out new sets to grind far quicker than i ever remember mmo's doing.


Just want to enjoy my gear now for a bit and 2 months time isnt far away.


Main thing we need is more new warzones and reskins of existing ones NOT GEAR.

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i would guess that it will be conqueror gear with different skins only purchasable by doing arenas.

you will get arena coms that are 1:1 tradebale to wz-coms(the other way is impossible), you now can purchase partisan gear as a starting set. for the arena set you´ll have to save your arena coms to purchase it at a cost equal to conq equip (with wz-comms).

Edited by Tankqull
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hmm i don't think there will be a new set of comms because I think BW really tried to reduce the number of different types of comms in 2.0


Wouldn't it be more logical to make the Conqueror set purchasable with WZ comms while the new set is purchased with Ranked comms? And then maybe make the Partisan set available at reduced WZ comms prices?

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