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Please make PvE actually PvE-only


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Please - stop being vague.

Which AOE's currently flag you for PvP when you are not targeting the flagged player in question?

You say they "didn't fix all AOE's".

Now I've run a couple of classes around the event yesterday and nothing as of yet. So which class and which ability still causes you to become PvP flagged if a flagged player intentionally runs through your AOE?


I'd just like to know so that I can try it out later and if it does indeed still flag you I can raise a bug report.


not sure if its been fixed but it happened to me on my guardian when the gree event first came out by usings force sweep.

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The description of a PVE realm reads like this:


"This is the standard environment where players compete against computer-controlled opponents. However, if you want a chance to fight other players (PVP), fights must be consensual and in designated areas of the world."


Now, I don't think anyone has an issue if fights took place out of those designated areas. They do, however, take issue with fights not being consensual. Its understandable that people would be unhappy with being baited and auto-flagged, BW told them that its supposed to be consensual. Its not a L2play issue. BW does not state that "Be aware on PVE realms you can be baited into PVP unless you L2play".


Players who enter PVP zones, should get flagged for PVP.

Players should not be able to heal or attacked flagged players until they manually flag themselves.

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I came back to SWTOR last winter and discovered most of my characters ended up on Ebon Howke. Not my choice, server merges I think. After discovering that a RP server has quite a few justifiable reasons to allow PvP I started playing on a PvE only Server (after a certain forum thread conversation). Years ago I PvP'd quite a bit. My first MMO was DAoC and I loved it. My second was EnB and that too was PvP in some areas. Now years later I find myself too old and too slow for PvP as well as too cranky to put up with the young kids and their obnoxious behavior during PvP. You see I am so "old school" that I consider jumping on your opponents corpse to be unacceptable behavior in a MMO. Better for all concerned for me to avoid PvP. THAT is why I chose a PvE server and I shouldn't have to skip over half of end game (45level +) content because of "potential" PvP. I have had my low level characters get thier PvP flags "tripped" quite a few times even in so called "rest" areas, so I know there is a trick to it or an exploit on how to force a Player into PvP against their will (so to speak). I doubt BioWare is smart enough or dedicated enough to ever fix this so below is what I want to see happen if at all possible....




I would like to see one of the following two things done on PvE servers:


EITHER.... make it so the PvP flag can not be toggled without manual key entry by the Player... even if the Player enters a so called PvP area... PvE Players don't keep track of what areas are and are not PvP, too many PvP areas.... in other words no accidental or non-consensual PvP EVER.... and BAN any Player that finds a way to abuse this.....


*** Players are still getting accidentally flagged / Baited / Tricked into PvP on Pve Servers with exploits and bugs.... actions taken by BioWare and us PvE Players up to this point are NOT working. My characters have been *somehow* flagged for PvP on Tython, Dromand Kaas, Balmora.... these aren't even PvP worlds!***


OR... completely remove the PvE server designation from SWTOR entirely. No more PvE servers. Make a choice once and for all which group of Players you are going with BioWare and EA, and let the rest of us go find another MMO. Make a CHOICE. You can't make both groups happy and you're already failing by trying to do just that. That's obvious.


OR... another OR.... Make an Official Announcement that you INTEND all Players to PvP at some point and that Players like myself that never want to PvP should look for another MMO. Make it Official. Put it on the Website on front page.


I already took action and made a sacrifice on my part... I have "abandoned" several characters on Ebon Hawke because of Potential and justifiable PvP there.... I went to a new PvE server and started over again creating new characters just to AVOID all possible PvP. Now it's your turn to take action BioWare.


I am not trying to be anti-social or a jerk. I just want to see this issue FINALLY resolved one way or the other, even if I lose out. It's been a problem since Release, I know I was here then and THIS Issue is why I quite SWTOR back then.

Edited by Kyrmius
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Learn to control your targeting + Don't AoE when d-bags are in range = Thrive.


You can also just change instances too.


That doesn't help as much though when those guys are stealthed sadly.

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That doesn't help as much though when those guys are stealthed sadly.


Yeah, actually it does.


Just assume there is a stealther lurking unless you know for a fact there is not. So don't AoE, unless you know for a fact your AoE skill(s) won't flag you.


I's not like this is an MMO where you are basically leveling your PvE in PvP areas much. You kind of have to go out of your way to do it for most of this game. And if you are going out of your way to do PvE in a PvP area, suck it up IMO.. because you made the choice. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Yeah, actually it does.


Just assume there is a stealther lurking unless you know for a fact there is not. So don't AoE, unless you know for a fact your AoE skill(s) won't flag you.


I's not like this is an MMO where you are basically leveling your PvE in PvP areas much. You kind of have to go out of your way to do it for most of this game. And if you are going out of your way to do PvE in a PvP area, crab cupcake and suck it up IMO.. because you made the choice. :)


Meh I agree with the others. If you want to dabble in PVP on a PVE server, there are warzones for that, if you want open world PVP, it should be limited to PVP servers. This keeps the "griefers" out and the carebears happy.


I myself don't fall for and have never been forced into PVP in any open world situation because I do keep my eyes open, but I do agree that if you're going to have two kinds of servers, one for PVE and one for PVP, they should be just that and any PVP on the PVE server should be limited to warzones.

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You do realise this topic has been about doing PVE in a PVE area and getting flagged for PVP, right?


Oh please. :)


By definition... if the opposing faction can be legally present in the same space as you... that is open world PvP real estate (by consent, on a PvE server). ;)


As long as you are aware of your surroundings and don't indiscriminately click-target or spew AoE effects, it's virtually impossible to get yourself flagged.


You can PvE your little heart out in SWTOR and never go near open world content that the other faction has access to. It is in fact been an ongoing complaint by players since launch that the two factions are far too isolated from one another.

Edited by Andryah
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Oh.. look at you.. all snarky and ad hominem. :D How cute. :p


I aim to please dear! :jawa_angel:


Also, by adding snarky, you were responding to tone. We can all use Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement chart, you only managed one step up on me. :D


I'll defer to Doug Walton, Canadian academic and author, who has argued that ad hominem reasoning is not always fallacious, and that in some instances, questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue...


I'll get you next time! :p Isn't Wikipedia fun?

Edited by Elfa
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Personally I think extremes are needed. On a PVE server (Harbinger for me) it should not be possible to ever flag yourself, or interact with the other faction in a pvp manner outside of warzones. The cross-playstyle contamination leads only to issues like these in addition to "pvp" heroes whose only experience is safely queing or griefing during the unfortunately designed gree event.


That said I've been reduced to ignoring the pvp quests and taking extreme care not to group with, or heal any flagged player out in the rest of ilum.

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The fact is, the entire issue could be resolved peacefully if you were required to manually flag yourself before you could fire on another flagged player.


This would not apply to areas that auto flag you upon entrance like warzones or like PVP areas in the Gree Event but still, no fuss, no muss.

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You do realize you're talking about the Baghdad Bob of the SWTOR forums, right?


This had me rolling.

I needed to look this up to realize that "Baghdad Bob" was also "Comical Ali."


To the point, though:


Three level 55 stealthed players with max Expertise tricking a lone level 50 player on

a PVE server, doing PVE dailies IS NOT PVP. It is called "griefing." It is called "ganking."

Notice that I said "on a PVE server, doing PVE dailies." People don't pay EA to experience paranoia.

And why should anyone move to a different area (away from possible stealthed players) to enjoy the game ?

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Ah, miss the old days of early closed beta before pvp was even implemented into the game. Long before the WoW people hit the forums whining the game was not what they are used to and forced a reconsideration. Beta had bugs, but it was a better game.
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Three level 55 stealthed players with max Expertise tricking a lone level 50 player on

a PVE server, doing PVE dailies IS NOT PVP. It is called "griefing." It is called "ganking."

Notice that I said "on a PVE server, doing PVE dailies." People don't pay EA to experience paranoia.

And why should anyone move to a different area (away from possible stealthed players) to enjoy the game ?


AND.. it's reportable and a banable offense on a PvE server.


/report and move on.

Edited by Andryah
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players who exploit this on pve servers are just scum and cowards who don't have the guts and skill to roll on a pvp server and play aganist the big boys.


And bioware should have done something about this LONG AGO. Now being the harbinger the most populated server, they can expect more people complaining about this.

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Learn to control your targeting + Don't AoE when d-bags are in range = Thrive.


You can also just change instances too.


Yea unbelievable above an example of some of the 100 hoop's you need to jump through so you don't get flagged for PVP on a PVE server. The usual rubbish arguments you hear over and over again. Don't the makers of this game or people who post this kind of utter garbage above not understand that the majority of people who chose to play on a PVE server don't want to PVP? - That's why they picked a PVE server. Incredible.


If you want to PVP go to a PVP server it's really that simple but hey guess what most people tell me no one PVP'S on a PVP server.

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Don't the makers of this game or people who post this kind of utter garbage above not understand that the majority of people who chose to play on a PVE server don't want to PVP? - That's why they picked a PVE server. Incredible..
Yeah that is like getting PvE players to understand that many players love to both PvE and PvP and playing on a PvE server with friends is just as important to them as your game playing experience.... They just never will understand...


I don't PvP never have never will, but I do play with many friends that do both, of course they also don't grief players either, but that is completely unimportant because all PvP players are evil and should be removed from the server at once, lets don't punish the guilty, lets punish everyone.

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Pardon my ignorance, I'm a relatively new player, but how do you change instances? I've only ever done it when prompted in order to join a group of guildies. Thanks.


Btw, I have no interest in PvPing but don't think it should be removed. I have some guildies who do it occasionally. However, I would love to have a complete toggle off switch that could not be changed, unless I go into an actual PvP area. You should have seen how fast I backed up when I discovered the Outlaw's Den! I had no idea what was going on, but big red flashing text seemed like something to avoid!! After that I read up on it so I would know what was going on. That should be the only way to get flagged IMHO. Just a newbie perspective. :cool:

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The reason I asked is because, as far as I am aware, a dev indicated in the forum that running into an AoE to flag the person casting it was considered griefing and the player could be reported for it. It was not PVP the way the devs had intended it.


I was also under the impression that they had fixed it so that a PVP flagged player could no longer do that. It was a serious problem on Tatooine it seems, but now has been fixed...if I am correct.

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Yeah that is like getting PvE players to understand that many players love to both PvE and PvP and playing on a PvE server with friends is just as important to them as your game playing experience.... They just never will understand...


Actually on that score there is nothing to understand and that point is quite irrelevant..


It doesn't matter how many people want to do both.. What matters is that some people that love PVP are tricking other folks and forcing them to PVP when they don't want to.. Forcing someone to do something against their will is wrong.. Not to mention in some cases, against the law.. See Rape.. Only mentioned because some people want to debate whether or not it is wrong.. Forcing someone to PVP or into a PVP situation is wrong.. There is no argument..


What PVP players need to realize that on a PVE server, they have no rights to force PVP on anyone and they should have their accounts permanently banned if they do.. I for one will not tolerate it and will report anyone that does.. On a PVP server it is a little different in that at least there is the understanding that they are on a PVP server.. It is still wrong to grief others and prevent someone from playing the game.. Being killed over an over is not playing the game..


What the OP mentions is underhanded and not his fault.. The person that ran in is at fault and him and his friends should be banned from the game.. I have had similar things happen to me.. PVP'ers have attempted to find many different ways to find a way around the PVP toggle.. People shouldn't have to do special things or jump through hoops to prevent a PVP from acting like a loser.. The losers should be the one to pay the price..


Bioware really should take notice here and not mix PVE with PVP...


As for who like to both PVP and PVE?? Who cares and why should anyone else?? Everyone should have the same respect for their fellow players and not attempt to trick the system into forcing someone to PVP.. We PVE'ers don't try to trick you into PVE.. I have yet to see a single thread about a person taken into a Flash point or Op against there will.. Perhaps PVP'ers should show other players the same respect they are shown.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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The reason I asked is because, as far as I am aware, a dev indicated in the forum that running into an AoE to flag the person casting it was considered griefing and the player could be reported for it. It was not PVP the way the devs had intended it.


I was also under the impression that they had fixed it so that a PVP flagged player could no longer do that. It was a serious problem on Tatooine it seems, but now has been fixed...if I am correct.


You are correct.. Any method to get someone to flag for PVP against their will is considered griefing..


Especially on a PVE server.. :)

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Yeah, actually it does.


Just assume there is a stealther lurking unless you know for a fact there is not. So don't AoE, unless you know for a fact your AoE skill(s) won't flag you.


I's not like this is an MMO where you are basically leveling your PvE in PvP areas much. You kind of have to go out of your way to do it for most of this game. And if you are going out of your way to do PvE in a PvP area, suck it up IMO.. because you made the choice. :)


That is bull **** excuses. I shouldn't have to completely alter my rotation and play because people are so disrespectful to others playing so they can feed their petulant childish ego forcing others into PvP. Stop making excuses for that kind of behavior.

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Oh please. :)


By definition... if the opposing faction can be legally present in the same space as you... that is open world PvP real estate (by consent, on a PvE server). ;)


As long as you are aware of your surroundings and don't indiscriminately click-target or spew AoE effects, it's virtually impossible to get yourself flagged.


You can PvE your little heart out in SWTOR and never go near open world content that the other faction has access to. It is in fact been an ongoing complaint by players since launch that the two factions are far too isolated from one another.


Oh please, stop making excuses. There are 2 different types of servers for this reason. Don't be so daft. If someone wants to PvP like that then go play on a PvP server unless you're to scared of being handed your *** by the real PvPers.

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